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<br /> �' �o..��,- . ... .., :
<br /> -.�ne+: -r� . �y'.`�'.A - — ,-.—. __ ._ . _ ._ _-.._�._ .• I _�,.... .. .... .... — — —' --. . ._�"_.' ,_.. ��.r-l:."�i.�..__:.__.- ---- .. -- -- --�... ...
<br /> � �,-' �a� y- � s�istant�.�equiv�testt mG�age��e cavpraga is n��svar�abl�,Bo�rns�er sn.�E�PsY t�i.eixt�r aa�h uFOnth a svm c:4�.sr�ti�� .
<br />_s. � - ` Y Y���'��,� �II� °` ��S �ort�rer w�ierz aE�insuranse savEta�e iapsrd.or�a�ii tq
<br /> ` ���� � vt�+3w�iftls of ui� e�l P �U 1� Y LQSS r.,st�e� :
<br /> .'�,'.'`.` �ifl effr�z.Iv.asT�er rWilt�egt,.�anst retai�t�es�gay�nts��i:s a loss re��ne ia► lien of t�rt�� insut�se. ..
<br /> �: -"t.:,e..nS�ti-Y'-"`y?r` T� �
<br /> _ , p �ayrue�ais may ncs louge.r�e tc�,�ired;.si.th�o��p of�.c�er.:if martg�e�ns�ioe cov�e t'in�.�he a�at�ne•?��or al�e ps�co� '� � . t__
<br /> Y t�at l.en�er requiresD P�qf�hY sa iii'�dzei apptrova�by`L�nder again bc�s av-aiIa�rIe aad ts a&t�r�.�orraw�sisatf pay. ;. ; - ;
<br /> ati
<br /> � �' .�-E � � � thc pie�ium�r��s'ir�d to�etaItt`ry�rtgag�-i�u�ne���n effect*or W�xov�,dc;a iqss�e�'e,tu��t&I��?u far.innrtg2ge_.;� s _
<br /> �'�'��`� insuiaccce e ffi�is�n�s+d a n s e w i t�s s�Y wrl itent s�t EFe�een$orroarEr an$L�der vi�ppHcable laav. �
<br /> _ - '�� p a�;T�gec�3on..L�nctee�its��ma��r�e s�.`���-�EmQ c�f t�e 1Pr�rty.2�r�r s5ai!gEvg, - -.-,-- _ -
<br /> ' ..•�;' . �orrower aut�at the�of or priar to an ie�oa sg�cifyins reasotrabtc c�us.�_fos t1�Insp�tidn.. . . - ` . ,
<br />_ ._�:.,5:�;.,;�:; 'i�i.`Can¢emna�iug:The� race�ds of a�r awurct or c1alm for dama�es:drs�ect or ooi�,t�eeabal, in con�tion�ith�. ..
<br /> : � a'a
<br /> � x'- '-- ,'4;�'::� _ , condemnation or other ta�siag a�any part af,tfie PruF�3'*Pr f�r r�onvc,y�xnae m.�€�.af cemdemna3toap are h:r�t3g+:assig�.
<br /> �,,-� � �` r . ' 51731!be p�did t0 fi�[lder. , � , ' � � - •
<br /> 4 ? In ti�e eve�st af a tata!taTc�g o�the Pmperry,tIie proceeds shaYl 8a applied to th�su�ns szcured.bj�t63s 5ecu�zty Im�t: .
<br /> ,� ta in wbicft t3'.e:fair _
<br /> �� -- .�.-. �..�e4her ar aat i�du;,.�ith�up�Faid:t�i BQrruu�er.Iathe event of a patt�l taking of ti��AP�Y .
<br /> ., '� ` m�et valne of the Pmpasty,irnnaediately befiore the tat�ng is equal to or.greeat!zr t�ran ttie�imt of t1�.suins secpi�ct fi��is _ -
<br /> � h � '- SeCUrity i�tsW[►teut imm�+ate3y befb�tlte t�l�g.unl�+s�ortowet amd Lendec o�lwiSe ageB[n w�i�,the snms ssaued bg � _-
<br /> �,�'s;.,•-�``•. .' 4a.,:�� � this�S�curity Iusteument shs1I bs reduced 6p tha amonnt of the gmceeds mnitiplie�by the fallocvi�g f�sxion:•{a)ttie tatal
<br /> '' �`"=• amoust of th�sums secuied immediatety before the taldng,divided�y N)tt�e fai�s m�arke4 vatue af t6�Propemj:,*+�;�t;�tpt� .
<br /> .;�'Y;''���s�''�`�':`� �� hefore ths ta8ing. Aay balsnce shall.6e paid co Banower. In the evem uf a partiat taidng of the•Froperty ia wtur���r . ._
<br /> � � `� ' market value of t6e Pt'ogerty im�zdia€e1Y before the taking is�eas ttian the amount of the sutns seaued i�at�EY befare.itkr.: .. .
<br /> . • .:>:��. �; � c .,..>_::,
<br /> - ;`: '<.��';%';t-� tatdng,unle�s�orrower and Laade=otherwise agree in w:iting oruntess agpiirahle Iaw othe�ise provides.the proceeds"si�alt, °:.';a:;
<br /> T'�.. ''� �`- � be$PFJi�to the sums secared 6y this SecarrtY Insuum•:at whetfler or not the sums ans.th�due. � �_ -�=-R�- � ,,.
<br /> uu=
<br /> , _ ., � If i��°rtY is abarcdoned Iry Horrower.or if,aRer no8ce iry I.en�r to�BorroNer.t6�t dt�condemnnr offeis to,��t ---- ..y___- ---
<br /> � ' award or seuIe a elaim fur damages. Harrower faals to respond w Le�d�r witi�n:�Q days nfter the daze ttce�ntice��-���e4;. ° +>c,� _
<br /> _ •`�' ° "':r Lender is authorized to ooriect and apply the prnceeds:at its op�inn,.eis�er w.�fatiou,or�,egasc of the Pmpe�ty er ta t����mc
<br /> - � �� . sewred by this Secarit��ns�t�t,whether.or.nat�tben due. :;;;``• . . . `.• �� �`''.;:�
<br /> UnIess x.euder asx!�Borro�rer nthernise agree in writing, anY aPP1i�t`�'of praceecls to prinsipat sball twt e�ttend.or
<br /> .eud
<br /> - � • pastpr�ae the dae date of the a�nnthIy. ts refemed to inp 1�2.br change t�amouac of such pa �:` ' , . ,�_ _
<br /> - � 11.Borrower Not 1�leased:F�i���ra�ce By i�der Not�S W�81VC�F�fLStOII O�.tiYe�tiuse far paymemt or euc�sattaa - -
<br /> '�:;.,'• ; '`•<`� �,. to st:c or in' of Borto'ai�ei sh�ilt� -
<br /> '�.:`.�:..�. .: ' � of.aa�iti�adon of the sums secured by tlris Secaiity lnstnwnent gr�ued bY L� an}� �S
<br /> �"'"�! __hot og�ate to release the liabiDitY of We original Borrower or Borrawer's su:��in inter�t.'Lead���aot be�r�qnired to ��•`
<br /> ::. �:''� :
<br /> . ,������' ... �. _ . . ' com�rLence Pmce�din&5 a�i���nY successor in inteiest or ipfuse to-e�ctend ti�'`�'r'PaY�ent or othe��amd�EY amQrti�on •: ;
<br /> ,'. � � ri �at�+�wer or Batrowet's .::,
<br /> -- `.�,. _,. �: ,. .�:,'` 08 the swns secare� by this Secu�rtry Insanunent bgi reason of any demand•�tsde.by�t(?e"•�o Siaal
<br /> ',:. . .":.••� ;�::.:` �''. successoss in inierest. A�forheatance by Lender in exercising any right or�terit.9dy s..�:t�ot be a ivaiver of or p�eiude dte
<br /> � • •.- exercise of any tight or remedy. . .: �::'' � .
<br /> --- - -'�... • • �2.sa«�o�s�a �rg�Bouna;aotwr�a�vcrat iwab�r�y,Co-sigRers*�.�covenamts and ag�eem�ats af this ----
<br /> , � . Seeurity lnsuument shaA biud aad 6enefit the successors aad�ssigns of I�nder aacl Barroarer, subject to the provisioas of�. • : . -
<br /> a
<br />- . •' ' paragcaph i7. Boriower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Anp�Bomn�ver wha`:co-signs tbis Security - -
<br /> � r��e*n 6�daes not execute the Note:(a)is co-signiag this Security Insorument os�t�.,to mortga$e;geant and c�i.vey that =_
<br /> m
<br /> ' Borrower's interest in tHe Pcoperty under the oeims of fhis Security Instrument;(b)is nat�sonally olilig�ted W�`�ie sams =----_
<br /> . . secured by this$ecutity rnstumens:aad(c)agrees that Leoder and any other Bonower ma:r.��ree to e�end.rtt�di�j;.�bear or --
<br /> ma$e any accommodations with tegard w the tera�S,of ttus Security Inst�ument or the Notr�:��ithout that gsrrtawer's�t. __
<br /> _ .. : • 13.Loan Cbatges.If the loan secured hy'cSz�Security Instmment is 5ubject to a!aw which sets�ximuro loan charges,
<br /> ' ."�� ' � � and that law is finally inte�preted so that the intezest or other loan c6arges collected or to be collected in connectron wi,th,the �;�,��,--:�.
<br /> ��; `:"• •. .. loan exceed the pemntted limits,di�n:(a)any such loan charge s�sa11 be reduced by the amount necessazy to reduce tJze�f�arge -_
<br /> mi
<br /> to the pemritted limi�and(b)any.sums already coAected frorm�i�orrower which exceeded permitted limits will be�Ed.to _ __
<br /> . . _ �: '..• .: Borcocirer. Lender may chbose to make this refu�d by reficc'i»g the principal awe� under the Ploie or by makiag.�a direct s�--
<br /> :.1 ,� � paytnent to $orrower. If a refuad reduces priacipal, the reduction will be ueated as a partial prepayment withbut aay n�___ .--.
<br /> • prepayment charge uader the Note. __—
<br /> ` 14.Not�ces.My notice tv Borrower provided for in this Secuiity Insuvment shatl be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> • � it by first class mail unless applicahle law cequires ase of anothei method.The notice shall be directed to the Property.Address
<br /> „?;�r;r: - • or any other address Borrower de�igaates hy notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to -
<br /> � '. ?�i±:•?:•`'•:',� Lender's address stated herein or si�g other address Lender designates by natice to Bonower. My notice pmvided for in tfus ` �="
<br /> ' . Sesurity Instrument shall be deem�ri to have 6een given to Borrower or I.6nder when given as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> � :,:',.;.'��' .. '�;` , � 15.Governing Law; Sevee��ity. This Security Instrument shall 6e govemed by federal law and the law of the
<br /> _ �' ' • �••�� I jurisdiction in which the Pcoperty i:.s�ocated. In ilze event that any provision ar clause of this Securiry InstnuQent or the Npte
<br /> ,� � � ��, � conflicts with applicable law, sudx c�lYict shalj not affect othei provis�ons of this Securiry lnstnunent or tt�e Nate which can be
<br /> , . . . - � � given effect.without the wntlic�ic�pt'�vision.To this end the,��'u�sians of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared
<br /> to be severabte. � •
<br /> � � 16..Borrowee's Copy.Borrower shall be�iven oae conformed wpy nf the IVote and of this Secvrity Insttutttent. _
<br /> �. , , : � 17.Traasfer of the Property or a BeneSicial Inierest in Borro�cec Tr'all or any part of the Property or any interest in it �_-
<br /> • � ; is sold or transferred(or if a 6enefic�al interest in Borrower is sold or tr:ic..yt"�rred and Borrower is not a natural person)without ••Lf":�;ym__-
<br /> � '�� • - I,.ender's prior written consent.'Lender may. at its option. require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this � �y��
<br /> '' '`'' '': ' 'Security Instntn:nt.However.this.e�tion shall not be exercised by L.eader if exerc�se is pzohibited by federal law as of the date -�� � _""- =-
<br /> } r '"�;'.'i:.'` i•' . . �.` �1. ..�- .
<br /> � .;..'r,y:r:s. r . ofthisSecurity Instrument. . ��' ,•: :� .z�-•,.
<br /> ' � .�g{,�,:.;:, � `;5��;.._ • : ..
<br /> ! .,,.;� ,. I f L e n d e r e a e r c i s e s t h i s op t i c�.I.e n d e r s h a l l g i v e B o r r o w e r n a t i c e o f a c c e l e r a t i o n.'i'f:�n o ti ce shall provide a period of not �3
<br /> r �. . � " . less than 30 days from tlie date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay a�t sums secured by this . ,. .
<br /> " --�`�- � • � Security Instrument.If IIorrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period.l.ender irL,y invoke any remedies ..?:� •
<br /> ;S# ,� . ;,;F�; "�.� '•.. permitted by this Secnrity�.instrument•without further notice or demarid on Borrower. °,�•::�r� : ••' :'
<br /> � ,,�1:;`;.,,�:r 18. Bomnwe�s.t2ight. !tx E�Ginstete. If Honower meets certaim m�ditions. Borrower shall have the right to have :;y;-.tr . .. �:�, ;
<br /> � • .�rf,�, enforcement of this Sc:cariry ln�ttvanent disrnntinue�at any time priot[o the eartier of: (a)S days (or such other period as :;?;�`�.�;. � .'
<br /> �= '���'�''' � applicuble law may s;seeify for reinstatement) before sale of the Propetty pursuant to any po�ver of sale containeQ in this
<br /> +';: • � Security Instniment;ov ib)entry of a judgmeat enforcing this Security Instnunr.,nt.Those conditions are that Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> . ���' � • . " Lendei all,sums wllicfix d�en would be due under this Security instrument and the Note as if no accelerarion had occurred:(b) , _ . • . -- .
<br /> -� •,�:�,i•.; • - � cure�any�default o�any other covenants or agreements; (c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument. _,,`.
<br /> .`�'���'• � ' iddisdjrsg.but not limited to.reasonable attomeys'fees:and Gif takes snch action as Len�ier may reasonably require to assure •f;;• � �
<br /> �:r,.;.
<br /> ' that tt�e lien of this Securiry lnsuument.Lender's rights in the Property and Boaower's obligation to pay the surr�s secured by '''�t:�� �• '
<br /> :�•� �'•�... �.,•� '' _ � this Security Inswment shall continue unehanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrowe�. this Security Instwnent and the ,: .
<br /> `',� �� � , • obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as�f no acceleration had occurred. Howe�er. this nght to reinstate shall
<br /> - • - - � not apply in the case of acceleration under pazagaph 17. •
<br /> ... .
<br /> , .. � � . . .: • .
<br /> ' . 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer:The Nate or a partial intcrest in the Note(together�vith this 5ecurity �
<br /> - Instrument)may be sold one�r more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity(known ' .
<br /> -'x" . as the"Laan Servicer")that collects monthly payment�due under the Note and this 5e�.unty Instrument.There also may be one
<br /> � u, �_ _-. __. '__ • or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sate of the Note.lf there is a change of the Lnan Servicer.Borrower will be .
<br /> t � given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and appiicable I�w.The notice will state the name and • . •
<br /> i � � address of the necv Loan Servicer and the actdress to which paymenu should be made.'i'he notice will�Iso contain any ut6er •
<br /> `# • ,. •information required by applicable law. � '
<br /> ,_i -. .` . �, � Z0. Hardrdo��s Su6st9�1ces. Bnrro�ver shalt nat cause or permit the presence. use, disposa}. storage.or release of any �
<br /> t, . • Haza�dous 5ubstances on or in the Pn�perty. Borrower shsill not do. nar altow anyane else to do, anything affecting the .
<br /> ., ,
<br /> � ?:. _._.•�'�s__.'. .�_`_�._ Prapert�r that is in violation of any Environmental l.aw. 'fhe preceding two sentences shatl not apply to the presence. use.or
<br /> ' • - • storage on the Property af smat)quantittes of Hardrduus Substances that are gencrafty recagnized to be appropnate m�normat -=_-°---=--
<br /> '' •'� • ... : . �. residensial usss and to maintenanee of the Property. . .
<br /> .t . ,
<br /> . . . Pa�3 of 4 �o►m aoa.a 9190 .. : �
<br /> . ` n' .'.
<br /> .
<br /> 1 . . :
<br />