. . ..
<br /> i '{ ' ':i 4. . . : i , , h �. � �4f�'lf.7'�S�F�.�'�i+4E•iYdr..n_ - -- —
<br /> i , . . .i_. _ _
<br /> i.: '
<br />�_ �- ._ v^_-__, ':.T^ " �_^L.L 1 t G t k���.-.�K. ll���'R!4'bi.�t"'Y'S}'A_ —
<br /> �J "_' "- '-- ' ___ '_ — _. -- — —'—".__-_—
<br /> � rt -s. ��4' t- _
<br /> ���:.. :':'i,� 's..._' ' ykCit�9fr£� _ _— — - _
<br /> 'S._. ...r.... Sfc"`° —
<br /> `T45'' .9' . �'� -----�----
<br /> �j � :` . . .,� `, . . . ,. .�. _ . _ _ . � -- -----
<br /> � � .��i�ic4� �y��y� }� 'e -c' ; d.
<br /> �T _ — V '—� � �'r'���IH+oEi�L> _' _' — -��_— , — . __ _ . . _—. . _ ._ _._.
<br />_ �h �'� _ ,i�'i 4: ' ` . . . ' . a ' ' . . - . ���� .. ��� ����Qd ' .
<br />- •:'J�' . ..l r,�'`"f`c�, • . ` . � ( ��� . � � I• � , . _--__—.—
<br />- :�:�--:F-�---:�;.:� , pertuc�s�a1t L�r,des reqnI�. "fqte_Insurar.ce ca�riea pm�idi�g tfic laswr�ahall t3c ct��cn b}���lumnccr snbac�i_c�F,�r`.�e��
<br /> •�}:�. �:rs..::� �
<br /> :.�.� agpr�vai wh(s0 shall nmt.Uc uttc��.son�bl�r wishAcfa. I8 B�qwcr faiPs tn m�Patain coxer�ge 6fscnfse�4 nbmvo.L�rttkr cna�+.c�t� �
<br /> �P
<br /> ."`�.....�--"` ` LsndErb u tton.o cavcm e ta tcct Lendrb�ei s�,fho�rap m arresrctance wit?� �tag�p�h F. , �.. . � .
<br /> n.�,� ;k. ,:..'',,: � � �! , � 1�° ght � criY� i� , .
<br /> , ; � :� , � i�(�IISilfatiL'@ ptlliClL�s Gild[EACW�3 S��C ACCCpt�!e t�I.�dtr a�d shali u�eiuQs a st�+ttasd mart�gc'�laase. E�r!�kr , .
<br /> —., . �� ` �t�al2��a��w tu�3d e3�cy go2icies und cet�evrst�. T1 L�t�uit�s,�olra�v�r s?�ali�rcragtiY..givo ta�i.e�€r a�t�eipts
<br /> �-.-y t�a , _,_�,- ._ --
<br /> ,.���L����i��';:_' . of(�d p�erniwns nnef c�e�wel at�1#cxs. [n thp eveni nf tass.�orr�ver sftalf give pK►m�no�e co�e iiisara��cali�cr uttd
<br /> ;��-.�,..Y�`i.�.,`�. �s�:�.x ' l.cug�r. Le�tder ti��r make p�iof af lo�s if rtnt tm�pmmPtlY t�y l�ottmvu. � . - —
<br /> ' '°- Un2ess Lce�der n��arrower o��erwisr�c iskw�ttng,insurauce procseds s1igll E�c apgticd t�+cestcratlon_nr r�i�s+f =------ -
<br /> �:," "; .,.`��_�- tP:e Fmperry dam.�ed, if iiEe r�torarion or�pair�ecoiwmically feas�bSa And L�u�r�se�urhy is t�ot tesseue�. if thc
<br /> .� �'"�x�' : , cestar.rttsn or cepair is rtat ecanomicatly feasib4a o,Lend�s�s secwlty wo�d 6e lessea�cf.A�s tnsrrsnnsa�proc�dg shall De .
<br /> . -�--_�ri=�,�.; � � - - _
<br /> - � . r�.�,' .'�.�,;" ugp�ed to t�e sums s�ett by t,�s S�st�i�3►,bs-�se��t�t3s�s+sr n�ikas due:ii#th as�eace�_(t:id i4�er-�- ----
<br /> ` 6oasrtewe�a�aadrnas the Pragerty._er dnes Qat apswer vritt�»30 days a nottoe from Lender�t ti�ir�rrmase cassler f�as ----
<br /> . , � . e
<br /> ` .`. (� � .:-' offered oo sate a claim..th�I.ender may aslte�t the insurattce groc�ds. l.endri.may use the pm�xeds to�pair o:nasto� �
<br /> � .e
<br /> .:'�f• .,::;c, the p'rnpeety�to pay sums sec�uad by this�ocunty Lasuu�en�wflether�not then due. 1f�e 3�day ger,ia!widl6e�whe�t -
<br /> - `,�� �'�"`'�,,��5 the aotiae�given. � . -
<br /> Y�,L.,...`r_« Zintess I.e�der and�o�mnrer oth�rwiso a�in writing,amy applicstioa af pnocesds t�s:prin��pat sl�ati�ot extend ai.
<br /> , ;:`:� n
<br /> _ ;; . ,.�.Y..;,�.•_.� po�{tpne the due date of the montitly paymeas�fe�ed to in paragrap�s 1 and 2 or�ange the sAtount oF the paynQents. If
<br /> •;�:x�,`,- .� ; �` . aa�der�aiugcaph 2t the Fmperty is aequire�by I.end�.Bstrmwer's rig8t to any insar3nce policIes and p�o�eeds resuiting
<br /> -� . . �',r`•• �� `:� fmm�dumu$e ta the Fraperiy gaor to the acquisitiar�s6a��ss to IBnder to the e�t�f thr sums secured by this 5ecurit}t
<br /> _r:•' ... .; _ ---
<br /> '-�'�:.�� :`, .�.:,,:` :" Iasaumemttmmadiateiyp:iar.00theacquisitnna. �-- -y— --
<br /> -�-�`' :., -�`� �,.�;=�� 6, O�ps�ncp, Pres�vaft�tr, Mr�ateaaaee aad �ateMton of the Yroprrty� Hara�mse�r's L�n Apglieat�On; _
<br />__ ;'�.. ..::.::. ...:.�. '
<br /> , I.�oYdf�. 8orrocr•er sha11 occupy,es�btish,aad use t�Pia�ty as�auo�er�grmcipal cesideACe witbin s►xty days after
<br /> -- • ••��''�F:� s�:�.
<br /> _ ''� ' _�'..' " the executian af this Secarity�„�r�nmene aad sl�aU contu►us bo ocarpy the Ptaperty as�anovvea�s priacigal resiaeuce far at
<br /> -_ ,,.�.,:. , pra a
<br /> 3�'�.;, .:,``'�� (east o�e yeat afier the date of ao�aacy. anlesq Le�er ati�Erw'se ag�es ia waiti.�aa� w�&evnsen�t s,ha11.aat 6e
<br />-- - . , m,+��,a�+tp witl�hetd,er anless exter�uating c�mostauces exist whic�are beycm8�zr's canlroL Bm�wer�all.aot ---
<br />-�4�' . d��droy,daraage or impait the Ptapetty,allmv t�e Peoperty eo�os camm�ar�e on.the Pfoperty. Sarrov�ca sh�ll
<br />��:' --__ .- be in def�nit if airy farfeitace�or pmc�diag.wtt�ter dve7 or c�i�iQa1,-is begm�iat in�gaod��.dg�nt . �_
<br /> .:,.., . .� �,,,:...
<br /> � . , ..------ - ��ntd cesult in�farfcitme of the Fio�try or o�evis���y i�u:�r t1�e lien c�sa�.t►y�.�i Ins�meut os
<br /> - .'�. ,`,�:._ ' • Lender�sec�ity i��aesL Bormwer may aue sach a ddaQli aad c+einsta�,as pravid�d i�a Parag�P$����'•�',�,"�cHe action
<br />-��-: . -.`" oi Pru�eding to be di�issed witb a niGng�hat,in l.ender�good faith detenminavian,�rlud�i forf�'rx��t�se��+awer�s
<br /> •�', '.,'.. inrErest in tlie Ptoperty or ather malerial impairment of the lic�creaned by this S�t.ias�e�ar laende�s�p�ritY
<br /> ,. ,
<br /> �,:�� ----- intaest. Bosmwer shall also 6e u� defauIt if Bom�wer. du�g the toan applicat�;�mcess,Save mater�al�Y fatse ar ..
<br /> — ` - ---- inacceuat�infomtation or statr�at�Ls to Lender(or failed ta pt�lvtde tieader witb anyi m2i�tial infoim�¢,z)in onnnecaan witb -; —
<br /> .. .. � ths toan evideaced by the Plote,inclading.brit aot limiied t� rep�ese�ians conoerhing Borcucres�s aectxpancy of tlae .�.
<br /> �•�.. ;�
<br /> � Piopetty as a pcarsipalgesidenoe. If this Security 1nst�ument is on a Ieasehold,Bmtower sh�lf comply ivcth aIt tit;�navisions , t..i;.:;;r� �
<br /> SSt O]D
<br />_ ' � of the tease. If ff�s+nu�ier acqui�s fee titte to tlte Pmpecty.the leaseluold.and the fee at(r stiall aot mesge�mCe.sg�i�t a�+es:;;;�•t'': �
<br /> - ., � cottrem��im;l�ang. .. ,�:.:, ,,.;� �,,::. ;.( ;;:��`� .
<br /> ::;:�:if.: }'r:�_. ,
<br /> r'r�•
<br /> � ,;'• 7, Pr+u#�ri�of Lender's'�hts in the P'ropettst If Bomower fa7s to�SL'�rtm ti�e cove��'�:�'a�adts��,�.:�;,v�;:,�.. ._
<br /> � coalained in Gzis �1�urity Insnume�,or there is a tagal prooeeding d�at may sig�andy affeck t�:n8cr�s rigt�in the�%i,;°�:;,�;;'•'
<br /> . . '� .1. ..
<br /> ' Ptoperry(sucls as s proeeeding in ban�tey.p�buts.for coademnation or forfeiture vr to enforce I�cus or negulations),th�n ' �':,":%'.,
<br /> , Ler.der may do and pay far Nta�tever is neressaty to pmtect the vatue of the Hnperty and L.ender's ri�hts in the Ruperty.
<br /> .o � . Laeder's actions may mclude p5ying�any sums secuced by a liea iuhich Las priority over ttus Secarity Insn�ent,appearing
<br /> . _ in coun.PaYing re�smiabte attomeys fees and entering on the Ptoperty to rt�ake repaus.Although Leader may take astioa
<br /> . underthis paragaph 7.Lendet does wt have to do so. _______
<br /> ' . My amaunu disbv�ed Dy L.eader under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Bortawer secured by this _
<br /> Srr�uity Instiuminu. Untess Boaowei mid Lxnder agme to other tcm�s of payment,these amoums shalt bear intecest frnm tite =----
<br /> . . . : dute of disb�userteent at the Note rate and shaU be payabte.witt►inteies�upon natice from I.ender w Somower requesting _
<br /> • ' , paymeni, • . •.
<br /> � ' • 8. 14iottgdge Iasurune�.li Lender requued mongage insurance as a candition of making the toan secuied by this �'-
<br /> ' Secauiry Ilutr�unem.Bmim�er shall pary the pmmiums�equi�d to mainmin the mortgage uuwance in effect Lf.for any
<br />- teasc�n. the mortg�;ge insurani+e�aoveaage required by Lendec tapses or ceases to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the -
<br /> - pn�miums a:qaiied tv obtain cwveruge substantially eqoivalent to the monguge insur�nce previously in effect, at a cost
<br /> � ' �. � substantialiy eqnivalent[o the wst to Borrou•es of the martgage insurance previousty in effect.fram an ahematc mortgage
<br /> � insurer apgmved by L.ender. tf sUbstantially equivalent mongage inswance coverage is nat available.Bmmwer shalt pay ta --
<br /> . � . Lender earh momh a sum equal to one-nvelfth of the yeariy mortgage insur.uice premium being paid by Borrower when tIae
<br />