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<br />_ ���:":�'��--'..,�'- 't��s"itiER wV['F�t ali the as�roF�tnen3�cFOC�ar i�r cr�cte�'o��pnsp�ty,.aad uf!easc�t�y�Ssc �$'-. ` � '
<br />-- �`�F��`;:¢�� � . .�4'u�,tuns naw�i hcr�a.ftrr a p;ut a�f B��prt3�erty.�:t�I't�plaee�ease and�diHc�s�also De savtred 6 urity °
<br /> - - _ .�.�.,,_�._ .�. , ,
<br /> " , r;,*. .':�;u�;;�:�a�. �ttum�mt. AU of th�farcgotdg is;efcrrcd tQ ia this aecuri�y 1f�sti�.�nent�s thc"Pc�sgr a , � � . -
<br />�_��,�x�,,s r�,.. � ��flFtR6W�R C�VF.I4iM}T$that Bortdwa�r is I�wf��Ity�s�slseal aj'r ttac csmte[sereb�cony8ycd uat4 t�t�e�t�t�gsct . - -
<br /> _. , ru�#t�,r.�r ��---;�;.�i.�at:�s'�°.o �i� .�;t f��.��°oF 3YC,�'m �:.."':,:�aa��-., . �.
<br /> .'.•"F7�`Y..T� r_y`.�. . �f � � �)uk��.eal�ic `__ .
<br /> � ,t.• _,.�;�" �. . virifl dafcnA geacial�y th�ttde to tt�e P�opcny egai�.ss ai!clatinA�s!tIemaads.sub,�ect to a�y en�umt�ranses af reca�rtt.. � . -----
<br /> =�..._.t.,`: :.�:�� ti -- -
<br />- .��, • .. .' �. _ ����:' ,. ., . 'rYIIS SECtittiT'il i�FS'i�tUA�1�i'P com46�tcs ur�ifs�a Qu��na�ts far n�lateal,i�sae9 nors-iu�Surrn cave�..nt�with�-�
<br />_ � °� � < liatited�rarintfon�Dy jtra�tsdEct�on eo ct�titutc a uaifmm ctcu�E¢y iast�nnuaent car,rc�ing�ssl pr�ty.' ..--
<br /> . .: . ,
<br /> ` ' c �� U1V�RM�YENMP�'S: Bamn`cirer cucA�e�er c4ivmont IIrA agre�as faflovrs: . ----
<br /> � - „�'t . 1. Fayateatik oib�rlus�a�ad Iut�rec��S�at�at���G�gr� Bosratecir s�tt promp�r�ray wh�a;a��` • � . -� ---
<br /> , � ` Prutctpai of ta�st on t�e debt evid�tse,$by t�s i�aie und any pnnpay�nt and ittie t�at�es du�urdt�.'r tL�t+dot�. . -
<br /> a� te
<br /> -;�:�„ s,;'- ,F•,.;,;:. ,�. 2. Fnnds fos�s sad I�us� Subject to ap�ticafsSe�lQw as to a wr3uea araiver by Le�sler.�$an+ower Fhali gay tn �` � .-
<br /> .��.:. ,�°.�,r,`:.. .u Leader on We daY mvatHlY Fay�ent��'e dne wccler th�P1o��,�ti��Na�e�s paisl ia�t�1;a suffi("�lrn�°}fmf fa3 y�IY �
<br /> _ . •�"• ;'s f ..:�,,`',`� teae,s aad asses�aents which may�uain gaoiity avet this Seauiry tnstttm�it as a lien on tDe PtapEny:(b)Ye�tly tea.ehuld
<br /> '. """ ' :.: ' payments or gro�d cents on the Froperty, if any;(c) Ye�1Y I�d qr�p�g�esty iasuret,be p�ms�: (�.yesrlY fiflod �
<br /> � �i�:� "'. ,� �s��P�•��Y%(e)Y�Y��5�ins�e greatiums.if aay:a�Ef}uflp sWns PaYable by Bare+�wtr tn .
<br /> :,� �J�.�.`�: I�nder,ia zrc�nlanoe with the prnvissvns of paragraph 8;in tieu af tt�ep�yraeai.q of�utt��in�na�e p�niau�s. 'I'�se .
<br /> t;� ..i��'�';�``'� items are ca]Ied�"Fscmw I��' Leadet may.at any ti�ooIIect and hold Ria�.s an aa�cn�ant nnt ta eac�ed.�e��sm .
<br /> - �'ST��{�''�`''s amr�i a lea�for a fed�.y t°.,L�!�ta�fgage Ioau aray zeqa+se for,Bomot=re�s.ess¢un�aaa�t u�r tl�.€etl�ral EtC�3 �
<br /> •.;.:.�.. <...E... �' . �--- -
<br /> ---�v.`�.._,l;�':�;.{"� F.state SettIe�at Pcooed�es Act of i974 as at�aende�fmmf�ta tm�.12 U.S.C.§26�I•�t seq.{°EtFSP�i'�,auies�a�oth+es '
<br /> - '•��`•`i:� ' taw tIlat appl�es to the Fa�dg sets a Ies�a�rmt: If so.#.��g,a4 a�ap tim�eali�3 and$oFd Fim�d�iia an amnant t�ot to .
<br /> , �<<-, .:, ,.� .
<br />_ .. �t=;•>',':;` � exoeed the tes�r a[aoant I.ender maY �are the a�w�nt of��uds dne on t�8asis�f��eu¢.dz�ea�.reasanahk .
<br /> " - ' -;� _ � estimates of e�Uuss of fimue Fssraw Itams or o�e�in acoo�au�vnth•agg�*sable�er..., '=.:: . '� , ,
<br /> �'i':�'..��` �eF�ds sl�all be.heLd in aa inst�utiun whose ds�osits ace imsiu�ed by.a�1 age�*::`• ����� �y,.�r e�titl► -
<br /> -- . ,`..,�,�';, '.;,;:�,:: (iaciuciiag I�ad�x,if.Leuder i's sar�an i�tian)or in aay�at Hnse L�Hank. I.egder�.�ulE�?IY th�'Fi�ds tfl pay .
<br />�-�• �'--�=�'•-�'� � tbc Esemw Items. L�nder ma ,mat c $oaawer f�•itoIdia a�d 1 ' the Rtods,•aau�it an� &�esctaw , _
<br />��. .,. ,
<br />�':.+. , :• ` � :ir�°� - ... . tLe I[ems.� o�rm��L on�d�e �§mds acrr��lt�
<br /> n,�:• ; ;�- �unt.ar veriff��ng Fscrnw Ixader pays� P�
<br />- ;:�;,J�� _
<br /> '"�� ' `�,�s::> Lender ta a�s�a cha�e. Howeve�r.I.�nder may teq�ue Boaov+resr m pay a ana-tame cb,a�f�r aa iu�dt� . . .
<br />-=`'"'�``:: `l> .�:>,•.�?`;f%`; estate tax teporting�ivioe�d by L,eaderin connection wIth tfis taaa.�mIcss epptica�le law prqvi�s otheawis� Uai�s aa '
<br />_� • �` `: r���..,: ��- ���,.. �,�, L,. ��,,,�,y,,���,,t1p� p,,�.,, .�y , -
<br /> �- '� � :,r� .'r;.r�.. IS lllOSGr�QT `1���II��g m��Vc�4L11YG1 J11sul Q�YV���y IIVia�7��g/��il`�sa� .
<br /> --�k-"�-:'°j;;-'�,P:�3g�3�yF��'' . eamings on the���c�:r�i I�eu�maY..agcee in w�ng,hnwe�er.thaz�E s9all�be��id on the Faads: Lende� .
<br />��' :: . .' '��r?;:i�` shaU give to H�w-�sritCm�;►���n�nual accounting af the Y�ands.showia�ece�its aad debits to�e Fuacts�aitd ttie� ' --
<br />-�"'� " ;�:: .�., „";>�f�•'` :' Purpose for�ezch d�i��p t3�e�.,.�as made. The�ads are plsdged as additivaal secar��for�1!svms secaied by �
<br /> =: :,.,�.;• :-.,; �{;�, � . �. . -;;;,:t�,., ..
<br />��� �'t' t•,�:Y,:";���Iln�'�!•;, HIISSCCIIIItj1�SflL ��`�l' .. .... ; .. . • . �. . ' .
<br /> ;;,fF',;'��r�.:�{c�`��v�• ' If the Fimds lL��'.6y�exce�!'ibe aatounr.s g�mittecl to be hetd by a.�'�ble taw.Lende�shaU axo�mt W
<br /> ,�r'r�
<br /> c}�l:jf4f�n. �.'}:.. . .. . .
<br /> ;;- '',<r.f����{<ft�';'�'s%`�� Borrowet for t�e excess F¢ari�`:��witb she�guuements of apglicable ta�r'.°.,�f.ds��e�u.us of the R�nda held iry . -
<br /> ' '%�..,k':..,r�`�,1�;�;,�•Z I.ender at anY ti�e is not to�.�W�.Fscmw Items when dae,Lender baay so tiobfy H+��eria writing,and.in
<br /> �;n • . :f_,l,f�,,,?.
<br />.�, �•<.:�..:,�, ;. suc5 case Ba�ai,ies�r shall pay to L�';d�:am�uat�necessar�+to m�ee ap the deficiency. B�rei�rer sliall maks ap tLe ,
<br /> - � . . ', deficiency in a�tai�are than twelve monthiy�xyrn�u�s.az Lender's sotedistietion.
<br /> - - Upon-Pa}ri�ent in fiill of all sums secured by Bds Secanity Insu�nL dxader sliatl pmmptty Tefmrc!w Batmwer aay. �
<br /> -� � , Ivmds hpla by Leader. If.under parag�aph 21.I.cnder s6aU acquire or seU We Property,Lender.Pnor w the acquisitian oz .
<br /> - . ' sale of ths•Pcoperty,shall appIy any Funds held by Leader at the time of acguisiIIOn or sate as a credit�t�e s�s ._ _—
<br /> ,.• ` secured by this Securiry InsuumenL � �
<br /> . 3. Applicatton of Puymenls. Onless applicable law provides otherwise, all paymenu recEived by�.eader under .
<br /> . .. paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be spplied:ti�st,to any prepayment charges due ander the Nate;secoaa.to�mq�ts;rsYable under ---
<br /> •� ,, . .. . Para$raPh Z;thirQ.to interest due:fourth,to principai due:�d las�to any late charges due�mder the Note. -_
<br /> . ..,.= � 4. Cdarges;id�. Borrower shaU pay all taxes.assessmeats. charges, fiaes a� impositions autibutab2e to the _,_-
<br /> • , , Ft�apertg atuch may attain priority ov�er this Security Insttument�and leasehold Payinents or gronad mnts�if any. Bormwer _ -
<br /> �•':� ; • shaU pay these obligations in the manner p�vided in paragtaph 2.or if not paid'm that mazmer.Bomnwer stiall pay tI�m on =
<br /> j �' . time directty to the pason owed paymen�. Bormwer shall promptty fwaisb to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid aader
<br />-.`� • ' ttris pasag�aph:.tf Borrower makes these payments directly.Horrower shall PiomptlY fumish ta Lender receIpts evidenc[ng _
<br /> e�-`
<br />-'.*�,- . .. the payments. . • . F:'-___-
<br /> �;i. �� Borrower sfi.aU pinm�dy discharge any lien which has priotity ovei this SeQaity[maument�aless Bormwer:(a)ag� -
<br /> m
<br /> . _ - in ariting to the payment of d1e obligation secured 6y the lien in a manner accepta6Ie rm Leader,�)coat�ests in good faith the •
<br /> Ie roceedin which in,rf�H.e�r's o zaian w ent the ����+��'�m
<br /> ��;,; ' .. Gen by,or defea�ls against eaEoicement af rhe lien in, gal P gs p' opezate piev � ';`��.--
<br />- °' � enfo�ement of dr,:[ien:or(c}secures 4�nitt.t�e ho2der of the lien an ag�ernem s3IIisf�ory co L+auier subordinating fhe lien , �._;,�,.,�,--- -e
<br /> �'„ ;• �; -•r;�;fY; m tlus Secu�it�itt��ea� If Lender dr��uines that any part of the Frogerty is�st�f��nct to a[is��vI�ich may auain priority . ,�;,`-._;����,:�4
<br /> �r�i�,. �``�'i`.:•. over this Sectuity Insuvmet�i,euder may give Bormwer a notice ideaafyiag the Ji+�. Bacrow,�e d4�ll�satisfy 1he lien or take ;:����;.:
<br /> ��fi���'�•vy , . :' one or mote of the.actions s�forth abovp within 10 days of the giving of notice. ' �': ;` , � • - �{,...�;
<br /> ' •'�c'��;y,�';� ��,"�;• . S. Hazard or Property dnsnrnno� Borrower shall keep the improvem��u�v existing ua heieaf�r e�ctcd on the . . • . �,
<br /> '' .". . `,,,:�:f ' Propeny ins�ined against loss by fue.ti3zaud.'s incfuded wifhin the term°estended covertage"and aa�vther ha7a:ds.iacluding ;.. ' ;; iy:�.�
<br /> ,.
<br /> ��;�;�;+��..
<br /> . :,:;.;;3�1,�' flaods or tloAdirg.for which Lender r�uit�s ins�uaace...Tdis insttrauce shall be maini3iaed.in�h�amounts aad for the.'::• , t?;;��4x�;:
<br /> •.� ''.;..: . ,s:�•a , . , , , , y ;�.:: -':�^,�:r<<.
<br /> ,;; �.i. . .,. 9 . , .;�}�;�i��•�
<br /> ,,,ti;.y'��.�iti , . • ' Forkr�078 /90 (Fnsr.2!rl6F�?t1.'. �`•�;S'��5�� . .
<br /> -,,{���Z,k� ,. , '�.. . `�'
<br /> �:� �,-�., . . . , , �. .
<br /> • . . �. ' ;"tit=�'.
<br /> . . . � • • . .•'r.;y{t:
<br /> . •. , � , •'.'•,}•
<br /> i. .. . . . ' : • . . . . . . .�.....—�..,—..............-...,..._... � . , .._
<br /> t♦ �,' . . • • ' - ; ' , : .•, . � ' . , .. , . .. ` ; .. ... . .. . .
<br /> :'r � , . . . , • • ;,f,t�';�is:,,
<br /> j� � ', . . .: . ' . . •- .. . .,, . . ;' . ' .. - . . .. . - .. . . . .: ... . , 't'r--
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