- -:;��� ^i-��;x ' -� .�v cs..�-k � ��. . �w,a. ..ua.`
<br /> .,� u.z����- . . . ���`s�� `m�fr�t'�-- �, u �.. _- ---
<br /> : � -�-- t'- - — �T `
<br /> " 4.::yz�'.�w.r•�+�..» _
<br /> �`�-�4y� ` __ _ -. . . _ - - ------ -- �- ---
<br /> :��.�• -°5.��. � _ � •-�-—, . , :
<br /> :
<br />���� -. _- �____. _.. _ . . _ - -- -- -- _ - ---__�,¢.�..�`��.s�i.°�'� _ . __�� _ -:- _ �
<br /> :�.
<br /> �
<br /> - �.,- —— - -- -- - . --- — . t _
<br /> ;. �. , . � . , � . � � �:- ` ... . t .
<br /> � .�b��- - : • .. .. � � � � i • .
<br /> - r�}:. `�=:�;"'3,.'` � .• ` 17.�ensferolP We�'i+n �r a B�ef'�!i�te�im 13arro�s�.d,f i�il o:ai�ygart of tti4 Prak�ty or ai�y�s�st in it -
<br /> : .,�'`-_� pr_:•�,}~;�. . z : . is soId or trar�sferc�d tpr if a�fciai intere�t ire Bornower is sotd or cransfe�a�Bdrra�er is aoi a aam.ra}p�s�n)withoe�t � . --
<br /> _�� �`•' .t.,�t-�i:t_.3 . . .
<br />- � � �.ender's p�{�r�vnitun consen� I.ecder m3y.ei�ifs updon., requir� iamiediate payruent in�ult of all:sum�seeurat4 by th�s'
<br /> ;�'' � �eairity;lnstrua�tlt.Hnwever.tlus opuon sha!luot b�eAer�ised Ity:L�d�r.if axercise.is�irnlu'lsite�by fedcial Iav�as of thc date • .
<br /> �� `�" � Qf 1�Il9�4'CU71tSf TIL4L[[1[RCFtt. . , •,: • , .� . .
<br /> _`.. --�..�-�".-:�:. � ' If Leader ezer¢ises tiiis apiia�.Lead�r sh�ll give�Bpr►`+otver aatice of aoaeIerateaa.'[�e•aotice shatt provide a p�riod ofnoi
<br /> — - - � ��s tts�30 d2,ys�from th�data tlzee anai�is deiive�d i+=tnailet�witflin cvhirb Bormtf+er mvst p�y ali sum�s�by t�s . _�� - _
<br /> i: � '�` ' ti�e sums �r.to tlie e �ration of this os1,l�nd�'ma�►�nvok��ry r�i� ,...
<br /> . �uity Guuument:If&�rnnw�,�ails tQ Y pri xD 1� . . k
<br /> �=� ��''';��' Fermitted 6y thjs Se.�eiirity�t ACi�i��'urther t��nse or demand on B�rrower.
<br /> �::r�=+�,- :;��;�<<��� , 18. Borro�er's`Rdghi,t�t$�t�.�f�orrower �aeriain coudirions. Bamdwe�t shat��Qae�.tk�.si�ht_�io hav�� . —
<br /> - �=_.�=�-- <�'�`:`';::',= enforceaiem af thi�Security�t�,•,*-�„A*n dis�ht6nugd at a�+tiaie prior to th�earlier a.f:.(a)5 dnys (o`r susTi ot6er pertpd_as ,
<br /> _ .• , � � , • - o saTe cantaahed it� this
<br /> . sppficatrle !aw a�Y s,�f5' fur Tansta�@mens)�fore sade of the�aopeaty�us�,nt• anY:P�ve�
<br /> 4_, �
<br /> ,`� �.. .- :T-' ge�ityr Y�sti�t;�}�trY uf a juBg�tent e�.forc�du��ecu�t�Iss�it'uu�xat.'£�En�tia�•afe if�ai Essrm��-fa�t�Y� -- - -
<br /> � ���*,,�::�!�n: ;:;�4_Y 3xnd�r�Jl sucns�v6ich then aroutd bs due under t6is Secnrity�tnstrument aad the Note•s�s if na scce�eaa2in�daa�o'twrted:�(b} .
<br /> � �aa3+.defauii of any ather covenamis or 8gr�ecazn'ts;(�?paps ai�exp°..ases incur'red ir�enfoicing t�is Seciuity.instrdmenf,
<br />" .�'i�.'.:;;.�,` �,t::�=:^:�� incI�ding,but noi dimited tn.rrasonab2e attomeys'fce5;aa�(d)taT�es sndi ac�ioa as�cnder may reascma�ly ceqwr�to assure .
<br />_ . �.'.�. >.:x=-�`'��.`. that the lie�of this Secu�itY Ia�taumeuk Lcnder's r�hts in ttse Peoperty aad.�orsowet's obligaiiun m$ay the sums s�ttte�by
<br /> - ��= `�:i:;�„''°- this SeCttr[ty Ens�iment sti211 Coritinue imCh�nged.;�JpoII �2inct�rPmant by► Bo71+DVJer. thiS SEGUr�ty'InsM11�Ilt S�id the., . .
<br />-�"� -�;;.'�� �:ra;�.�-� . obligations s�cu�d hereby sfiaU reamin fir1IY e�octive as if tio ac�etetatiun had oocused:Hnweeer.t3�js right tb teinstate s�ail..:
<br /> �'...� '.,;;r{:..=:�' Aot apply in the case af ar�cetecaiion under paragraph 17. . . . �
<br /> •�trr-...> '�•: ,= 19. 8ate of Nnte; Cisaa�e of I.aan Se►�v�cer.The Note or a par[ial intcresE in the Note ttogethcr wit6�this Secvrit��,
<br /> �,;x:.���:�_.�. `,: �'._- Iastrum�nt)�ay IsE sold one or ffiore times without prior ao�ce to Borro�xer.A sale may.result in a c�tan�e in the entity(Imavnt _
<br />_ :,r;;. . . -.�- as.ttt�"Loan Servicer°)tba4 wl�eds mouthlY PaYmeais dus under the Nate and this�ritY Instmment.`There'aJso na�y.be oae
<br /> ::��s�%�,:-.::``�,'�:`'
<br /> '�3 U`"��'.'���.:::'l or atore changes of the Ivan Servioer unrelated to a sate af t4e Note.If�is a d�aage of 4he Loan Sen7cer.BPrcrntteir.wi13 be - � ,
<br /> • �.,",.;:`,:::�--: give�wsitten uotioe af the c6ange in aoc8sdamoe�vith patagraph 14 abave and applica6te Iaw.T�notice wiil state the n�e aad
<br /> , an
<br /> ., . , .t,` °`� add�s of the new Loan Secvi�r and ihe a�s w cvhicb payments shontd be made:.T6e uatiee wili�alsa.cantaia`aay other .
<br />_ _ . �` informatian required by agplicab2e lavv. . . ' •
<br /> r`. � ' � . Z0. �a7aMou�SpBsla�ces.8orrower shall not cause or pernnt the presenoe,use, disPosal; storage.or.teiease of any .
<br /> ::.�.: ��:.. .: �. -
<br /> ''�� , Hazardaus Substances on ur in the Property. Bormwer sl�all not do, aor allow arryoAe eise W do..aaYthinS affe�g ttte :
<br /> -- ��..:..:. �:. --------�--pro�erty.tF�at is in violatioa-of any-Edvirnum�ntal Iaw.The pm.ceding mro,sentences shal!ant apply to the pre.sence.use..or
<br /> '.:<.,.: � � storage on the Property of small quaatities ogP�i'azac�ous Substanc�s tt�at are gen�rall��eoogni�d to be appmpriase to uorn�al. :.
<br /> .%s. -. .•-'-":- �. iE5idEIItial uses 3ID�to maintenarrc�Of t11C A(�tEy. .� � . . , ' i ::
<br />- •• °, �; .�`� `•, ` Bam�wer shall promptly give Leader�itfea aotioe of any inves��on,c1as�4.dentand.Iawsuit ar oiher.action bY ama;:�?�'
<br />- � �'` goti�ertmn�ntal ar r�latorya�ensy or private parc}Y ieivolvia�the Property and am*�us Substa�uce or Eavimr�ntat�aw . ;
<br /> _ .:.:.,.�.:_•:� � _ .of ahici�Bomower lias.iictual knowledge.If_Bosro�ver ts�;or ts notifred�bY aaY�rremmeatal or n�n►atory�tartty�t6at _ —
<br />_-.'�; , . , any remnval or other remediaation of any Ha�ddus Su��,*rfa:affecting the Pmperty is necessary,Bormwer sha}l piomptly taY+� -
<br />- � all n�ssa�y remedial aetions in accordance ni�t.Envirnntnental Law. '
<br /> ��f� ,,.�' � As ased in this paragraph 20. "H��� Substances"are those substances defined as toaic ar hazardous substagces�yr.
<br /> • Environmental I�w and the following sub�oes: gasoJine, kemsene, other flamm�able or toxic pem�leum�*m¢ucts. toxic
<br /> - .•�i'�,�. ':'.`•"`'""' . pesticides and hetbicides.volatile solvenu,materials co�i;,"ang asbestos or forn�a! y '.ancl radioactive matc�s�,As use�i in
<br /> � . . - = - • this.paragraph 20. "En�iranmental Law" means fedeia!'t�s and laws of the jur�sc£:�ion where the Praperty csducated that
<br />-:�.� ' ' ' .`•�;�'.� relate to healtb,safety or environmental pmtecaon. `���=;.
<br />_�#;.� . _ NON-UIVIFdRM eOVENANTS.Sorc�wer and Lender further rncear�nt and agree as follows: • • •
<br />_y:�,, . , - ZL AcceteratIan;4ieffiedics.Lead��mtl gtve aat�ce to Borrn�rr;�rior to aa�leratton foIlowing Borrow'er'g k�i� :
<br /> . of any covenant or agreeme�t in t�s�rity Instrument (6nt uc�pr�flr to�aceelerat�on under parag�ap6 E�'r,��; :
<br /> �- . applica6le law provides otherwtse).T!►e i�c�Ice shali specify: (a)the defau[t;.(iti�.t�e acUon required to eiu�e t�e.i��w.; � -
<br /> • � . (cl a date,aoi tess than 30 days frniai the date the noitce is given to Borrower,[s�.svhich the defaWt must�'�reQ;an�i = -- -
<br /> • . .'" (�82at faIlure to cure thc defaalt on or�ore the date specified in the aot�ce may result in acoeleraWis���i'the sem�,s _
<br /> • �;:�. ' sec�n�ed by thFs SmcarIty Iactn�ment and�re�f the Property.The aottce st�all further in�ome Borrower of the'rig�te Gra::•. _
<br /> � •� retastate after a�terat�on and tE�e righ3 m;l�ring a court actEon to a�sert the non�dstence�a defanit os any a�:; _
<br /> ' ' '� ' defense of Borrower to acceteiadan and sale. If the default�s not cured oa or before the da'te spec�f'�ecl is�the aot�ir�,;' _ _�-
<br /> • � . Leuder,at its optfon, anay reqaire immed�ate p�ym�in full of al!sums secrored by thia Security��I�►'n�t•wtti�out `
<br /> : fiather demand aad may i�r.air�r�the power of sa[e an�r rrmy otBer seaiedies peraii��#:ed by applicabie law.Le�s�s st�t3 4e
<br /> . � . entitled W eollect affi es�esss�'�cnrred in pnrsning the remedies provtded in thLs�graph 21.inclading,D'a��tit tImi�sd =
<br />_� ; � � . � W,reasonable a�e�e�s'fee�and costs of title evIdence. .. , � � " °.
<br /> ; , .. ; �. . [f t6e poffea a'f saEe is invoked,�'rustee shal!record a nonre�L?�de�'ault in each oounty in whic1�any part of tG�;,'.:., !-
<br /> •��� . 'Properry 1s lorated,and s'�,7 maif copies of such aotice in the m�t?m�prescribed by appiicab3e law to Borrower and ta�`.; F,__
<br /> � the other pe�sons prescri6�by applicable law.After We time requiied by apatEc�ef5le law,Trustee sLall give pnblic notice :;-:::-�._ _.
<br />-�`'•; ' „ ,.. : of sate to the persons an�Im the manner prescribed by apptIpble lavy.Trustee,withoat detuaad on Boreo�c4r,shall�ell ►�::_;���Hs.�,�_-
<br /> � � • ' the Prapepty at pablic auciton to the highest 63dder at t►se iime and place and under the terms designated C�ahe nottce of �'��� '� , _ _
<br /> • � sale in one or�dre parcels�and in any order Trustee�termines. Trustee may postpone sate of all or a� g�arcel af the .� �' j' r.�.;:�a,,�
<br /> , •� '� • -. Property 6y �Tir.annonncement at the time and p uP uny greviously sc6ed�led sale.6.+ender or Its desi ma �'•`���:`'�r��`�''''r
<br /> .�:�; t:,, . 12es � Y .<<:,� ,,..
<br />--;� , pnrcbase the�gerty at aap sale. . . ;,,r,�. :', ���,,9'�,
<br /> • ,',f{.'�`..
<br />-. _ �_�.'�L. .� � + . . ,!rl.;�;f� ,
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