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<br />_ . . �pa,y.menfs ma�r no t�ssger be re�pircd.�d tha op�iun�nf Lec�riei;i�ranstp,�e�cisuraa�.spveiaj c��'�tf�t��sm}�ns a��or s3te�p��t�d �,, . ` -
<br /> � t3�t�let te�itsit�s�,pxa$�'���'sy�ihsu�r spgmved 6y �L�a.►cr�gaus ber�mes a�a��ble��uP�i�c�d:�rrm����;.�t�� ��---
<br />= — -__ , �l�e pr�miums requircd t�mainzaint�or�age tusurans�i�Qife�t:or ta pmvt4�s��tos�'r�seave.uncitt�'re.s�uisea�x f.o��rtga��° . .
<br /> - ' itisarguz�ends i�nscords�ce arish imy as�a a�tu L+etivecn Sorcow�r c�xi t�nder'o�applic�bt�law. . , . ' .
<br />-_ 9;L�s��sa:l�r�its�nt c��ap a�rca,caz�ab8�eu.rie�upna�,itlsp�.rtiama af thc Paope:ty.Lec�.r sl�atl�ivg� - — _-_- -
<br /> `' t�ta fi�r�ins�efiti�. .. ,
<br /> : ' ,��tvric��-n��sth2�aa:��r:s:io� � �-��� �. �� _- ,._ - _ _
<br /> - ` ` x0.Co�idtmnatlote.Th�p�acieds o�aay���r�d or claim for��amag�s: dircce or oo�st�ucndaE.in aunuc�tia�anih��d M.`
<br />� aondesnaziion or other tatd�8 af�r g�t o�i ttss Pruperty.oF fqr canveyaa�a'�lieu of conder�atifl�,ur he�bjr�si�d aud ':
<br /> -_, .
<br /> , � .
<br /> ' : �hal1�ec¢�:dd w 1.et�der. "'.. ` : , : ' ' ' . ` '
<br /> . � �r` . , Ia�the�vent af a tofal takiag of ttse P�aastzy,thd pma�s s1�aa116e fi�w,tPre s�s�ya+ed b�th�s�e�si 1nsFnsment. ---
<br /> 11 app - , �Y
<br /> . - � �-r-^�,T; . wheihet`or nat tften dQe.�9ttb 3I1��iCfSS�1di�[{4 SOfItKi?d: I�th=�'o€a pasti�#-t�a�ssf;t�t°�3r 3n�?�,�.�, . . .. _. _
<br /> `r����,,G��`�'�� martcet value of the.P�o�erty imme,�ia�tety:bef�ase t'he.iaking gs eguaD•to or gr�ter,than t�e ss�u�vnt of tI�Q suin,s seetut�xl E�y tl�is. . . 'y�
<br /> ��. S�curity instra�etat imme�iatety bePore the.taiang,natess Ba�tauer av�I.end�r othemiise�ree in writi�g,ttte sui'�secp�+sd�
<br />- tlus Secu�ity.taStn,�ment sbal[.be red�ced by dse amouat of,the:groceeds mnit'sPlied.by the fouowing fracti�l�,�Ea}t�tosal. .
<br /> umQUntof tp�;SVm&.secured iarmedi�t+ely befosa the sekin��divided B�@?t?ce faia macket vatue af stie Pto�it, "��, .'►atdy�; .,
<br /> - 6efore the taki�g„Aay balance sl�a3I be�ai�,to.�rowes.In¢he:event af.a paxtial taYina of'tbe propeety ia��ivitfeli tfte Fair,;;.�.", .
<br />= m3r4cei vatae uf the Property munediately;�efoze ti�e.t�kItig is tess t�at1.�;4�!�of tHe sams sacured immediately 6efa�t14tt;�:.
<br />-- talcing.unless Eomntver aad=lxnder aiberw3s4��in c�-ritiag ar�s�'txi6te taw atherwise pzpvi�ies,the p�s sflali..' -
<br />= :v�����:Y.:,�9�"'• beappligd ta the s�mss sy^c�u�by this Secut'ity Instnsmeai Ml�ther or Bot.the�swns are the�dua � .. � . . . ---- --
<br /> if the Fiopeny�s abandoned b�r Barmwer.or if.aiDer Qotioe by t.ender tQ Bnitawcr that.ths candecng�r o�`ers to make an
<br /> I award or settie a clalm for damnges, Borrower fails m r�ao Lead�r wit6in 30 days af�u�e datie che mtice is&ive�,. � :
<br />�'�^d`"�L�� 1.��►d$r is aut�korized ta co3l�e;t and apply the prooeeds,at its option.either t�o restor�tion or re.pai;of tt�u ProQeag►nr to the sams .
<br /> ,.
<br />-�F y;��;;�r::.��;���y ��ued bY this$ectuit3+Iasirument•whether az not thea cYue. ,_ ., _-
<br />��;��:�:�.,�,::i3 �' `[Jntess L�eadei and Borra�vei otbenvise•ag�in writing. anY application of pruo�a to privaipal sha,ll s�nt exicad,or. ,
<br /> ,�-----��� ._postpone the dn�daie of the moacl�iiY PaYments cefem�tn in p�ragraphs 1 and 2 oz change the amaunt of sus3i pa . .
<br /> Y�,
<br />�''„, �-�;a,�;f��:. 11.Bonower Not Rei�a.sed:ForDeaiaace BY I.�der l�Iot e Wafiver.F..xtensian�of ti�e time fot payr►�nt ar modi�catio#� '
<br /> of ama�uation of the sums se�cured by t6is.Se�urity Instrament�rant�l by.3.ender ta any sucoessot in inte�st of�orrower sbaU
<br /> x ` ��` ' not tate�w retease the liabili of the oYi Borronrer or Bomotver's successox�in interest. Lender sl�all not be requii�ed to . .
<br /> '�'��1+�i�: �� � � � . .
<br /> t ••, �,�,,.-�,; . . Procae�dinP� �t Y ��' FaYmeat
<br /> :::,, .,.�_,, : ., oammence a an successor in or refi�se�to extend tune for or athemriss mndify amQStitatiom
<br />- ' • �'°:. ,'��1-'�<�,,:,• of the sums secui+ed b}r this Seauity Insuument �y�re�aspn of any dcmaad made,6y th�ori,ginat&frrower or�orrawac's,. .
<br /> s;�=,��;�r'��°��';��,`x��`, successors in imerest.Any for6ea�ance by I�nder in exercising any right or remedy sha!!aot 6e a wsuver of ai preclude the � -
<br /> ;,�;...���:�r,:.;.�,a„�; �
<br />- ;;; ;�a„� � eaercise of any right or;emedY• , ,
<br /> : ..:.:..::' , :�:':: 12. Sao�ssors anc!Asslga4 Bound..lo�nt and Several LiabUity: Ca-siguers. '£he covenanis anti agreea�enits of this
<br /> _ ��' . Securiry�ument shaU,b�t and benef�t ttte succ�'soss and assigac of Leader and Boriower, su6}�t to the provisions of
<br /> `.;,f_�- ,;.:�="�-` .
<br /> - � � ,, r.� ,-' paragrapl� 17. $arrower's cavenants and agszemcnts shaU be joinE aad seve.sal. Any Borxower who casigns thia S�curity.
<br /> :� .�•• •�.'���� Instcument but does aot execate the.Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument anty to�mortgage, grant aad•eonvey thai • •
<br />- '` ` ' "�' ' Borrower's int�re&t in the Peoperty under.the:�erms.of this Se�curity TpSttiuuant;(b)is not personally,obligated to pay the sums
<br /> .i . tJ1��..�:..
<br /> . .'� � • .� securad by thiR,$e�vriry.I�stiumenc;ami,(ca agrees that Lender and any.pthCt�8orrower may agiee to exteud.�madify.forbcar or -
<br /> '�."�`-:�:';.',' '_. :. - make ar►y accommadations�viti�regard to�tiie�terms of this Security lnsfrumeat or the Note wit�aut that Borrower's wasent.• •
<br /> 13.Loau Cdarge�.If the loan secured by this Secutiry Insdvmeni is subject W a!aw which sets maximum loan charges, �
<br /> � ` � '�'�, and ti�at taw is finally interpreted so that the interest or oth�r loan charges cullected or to be coliected in cannection with the '
<br /> � • ' �.".f.`�:i loan exceed ihe;pertnitted limits.then:�aJr any such loan charge shall be.reduced by the amauat necessary to�reduce t�e charge. __
<br /> - ;�;:r��;. : ,'� _;v:;� to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums,�➢ready wllected fcom Borro�re�i,which ea�ceeded permitted limits will be refunded ta _ __
<br /> - �`'`���' Horrower. Lender may choose to malce this refund by reducing the�principal owed under the Note or by matcing a direct --_—_
<br /> :,; , ma
<br /> �':�+�.:��.;ei:�:` payment to Borrower. If a refund red�ces principal. the teduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> , � . ,.�`.'�'',�.; P�AaYtnent charge under the Noce. � .
<br /> <,��.,
<br />_:_� ;+,���,��c;, 14.Notices.Any norice to Borrower provided for in this Securiry lnsuument shafl be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> �'" '����"�;�;%� it by first class mail unless applicable l�u�.r,9quires use of another mct�od.The norice shall be direrted to the P'raperty Addtess _
<br /> � �'`���'t� or any other address Bor�swer designates by notice to Lender. Any nodce to I.cnder shall ba given by first class mail 40
<br /> :'.' '. , _:�. �;�:f.• _- �..a
<br /> - >;;�;.�' . . Lender s address stated h.e��ir�or any other address Lerder designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this _
<br />� � . • `• ,: Security Instrument shail h�;�eemed to have been given to Borrower or Lerider when�iven ac provided in this paragraph. ,:_�-:.-�_�
<br /> ..`;y5�i.,�, ,..5•:a.::-.,.�.._----
<br /> � , , ; ���;,; _ 15.Govex�it� Laa, Sevesabllity. This 5ecurity Insmiment shall 6e govemed by federal law and the law of the ,v� =:--
<br /> • � �f�� jurisdiction in whici�the Property is laated. ln the event that any provision or clnuse of this Securiry 1n +n+- t or the Note �'��
<br /> �'. . �'��i`' conflicts with applicable Is-w,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instmment or the Note which can be `� +�'��'`.'
<br /> �:��,.
<br /> ' . � given effect without the ao��licting provision.To this end the provisions of thi�S�curity Instrument and the Note are deetared ''"� � �;'���''
<br /> �:.a''� ' • .�: .
<br /> . . �.. ' . . t=� .:;.;;-i. _ ......�.
<br /> •.' t,r be severable. . :�,.�. , .,`:.�� •'�
<br /> .. , i ...r r.•..�. ,
<br /> � - � .':,;;.. lb.Bat��s�er's Copy.Horrower shall be given one conformed rnpy of the Note and of this Securiry Instr�irneht. , .::..;::�.':�Y a��'a',-
<br />' _ '.� • , t�. .�; ,k,,.,tii�
<br /> ,ikN. �:
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