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<br /> �- r--- - , ., . �- -�--- �.- -
<br /> -- - -- ` � � � ,. ` . r�'�'f�i��,UN{� � ' _ ` ` ' `c ��!• , Y 2 L �C •( . . L -- � - .
<br /> -.r _ = c� . _ � ` d �y,� . . _� .. . � . ; ..
<br /> —_--. .. ' . . ��" .•��� .: �
<br /> _ - _ ' < � '�E�18t�+�d43'i�OQuuC�. �'kt lQS�C�4f�'E1F�$iI1C Q}SiT�.-"CF S�bC C�aSGil$ji.$QTtp� •. �
<br /> - � agpmv3l wfiiCh sh��t t1e nrsts�c:nna�IY wi2hh�Id�IP$o7mw8t fa�W mairitain�e�,*e d�st'�a��vC.L�3zra�y.sst � .
<br /> ---_-_-_ . . . L�nBer's ag�ion,�btaiu co,ve�a8€w grc�t�E:eaderis ri�t�in tL�Ft�eaty ii�a�rdnnoe w+ith p�re�ta7. .
<br /> - -- - -_ _, Ayi iusncanct p��isies a�+d renew�ts 5fta1!i�e acceptaUie to�eadcr mn�?sirali i�Ii;�a sta�Eac� .• -e cl�«��Lw.�.�s . , - -- -
<br /> _ .� A t���S��^ �..�, ;
<br /> -�_ — - ' .�` �stt�ti�ave t�s rigf�to hofd�hhe po7,ici�s and r�r�, If Le�s t��ur�,Bc.-�s�:�s�li `- `etss eA r�; .
<br /> ---- ,�:: -- ' af pairt gresunimg and e�c�wai riati�s. fre tihe esr�nt af loss.B�agrer s'i�l[giv�promg!natice to eL�ins�rsans�a�rriear enc} .
<br /> _ - - -= L�n�e�r. Le�sr magr tnaTce groof of l�ss if nut made psomg�3y'6y Bomotiver. - ' :
<br /> - ---����'r� • � ` - Untess L�tder uiod 8arrower othetaiiise a�in�viitia�,�astn�aacx ptaoaQs st�seil be app'lL@ to ceston..tion cr�epafir o� ., -
<br /> � , �' .ihe Prop�¢y damaged�if t�rzsto�iaQ or tepair is eca�onurally fe�iMe�d LendetSi s�arity is nnt les5easd. Y�ths
<br /> _ �� restutatian ai�epair is aot eGOnoratcatiy.feas�'t►I�os tx�ei's secu.rity vaonfa i�i�,t�i�s�t:'�x p���a�s�l� : -- - -- - __
<br /> . ���� . � . agplied`to tl�suaQS s�n.'d by this Secuuty Insuumeas.whe4he#or not then du�wllb any exce�s gaid - -
<br /> �_---_-- . Boaa'vver abaadoms[he Fcopemy,.ar daes naa aaswer witflio 30.days s noti�se.frosa I:eadei th�t t�e i�tsv�re cairier has .
<br /> --_--- offe.r�du seute a claim.tfce4�ad�s map coliECt dse ins�ae piaceeds-� Iacder�y i�se the praaeeds rb repair flr restore _
<br /> - tAe Rroperty ar to gay sroms secvred 6p ihis Sec�ity Instruraent,aheth�r or aat then duc. 7he 3(Way petiod will be�in a�en �
<br /> -__ ------_° � the natic�isg�ve�. � . ` • � ' .
<br /> -�_w--� Un2css�der and T3orrdv�er atiieswise ag�ee'sn writing.anY aPPt{�x►fian of prac�ds'to piiacigal shaq aot extend ar`
<br /> _"�°'�"°-�- p�stgone the dt�e dats o€tt�e taordhlY PaYm�►u referred to i�paragr�hs I aad 2 ar chaage the ammtme af tht�tyme�ts H
<br /> ___=y�� uader paragragFi ZI the Pm3�Y���1+��T IIroaovier's aght to anp ins�aance policie5 ar,d Draceeds eesulaa� -3,-----
<br /> --_-_ - - fmta damnge m the-Ft+ag�g�ar to the asx�aisirion s�ti€pass to.�.eader to the e#�at of tfie st�s s�ued by this Sec�ity --
<br /> -- -'�= �nec�nme�,c imtaediatcly p��i��he acquisition. .
<br /> -----�____ • . G p��Y� Fr+�ah�, Niafutenamce� Proiectian o3 the PropeRy; Bwm�s i.nan App�om;
<br /> _ =- •. II.e�seholds. Boaow�t shall�ccupy.esta6'Tr=b,and�the R�ope�tyt as Bormwer's principai�eside�e witbiu sixty days.aft�r
<br /> _����;.y�, �execution of t6is Sea:ris�.Instmmsnt and shalt continue w occuPY the Pcoperty as Bnmawer�s princi�l�esid.tttce far at ;� -:_
<br /> ��-%::`:� �, "
<br /> ,�.:u.�.,n. ' . :�^�ast on.e year afrer the da�:::of occup�aney..untess Leader otheiwis$ agiees � wriring, whieh amse.at si�D ant be - --
<br /> ---=_=�::':`. � unreasm�ably arithheI�,ar ccr�Y�ss euemiating cu�snsiaQCes exist which are 6eyond�orniwer�s gaat�o�. Boaower s�mllIISSt
<br /> _ � desaay�damage or.i�npair the Aropetty.altow the P�ugerty to deteriorat�or commit waste aa Ste Property. Hoauvver shaU� . �
<br /> - �...s�n�,Q :'.. . _. _ .. __ . .. . •
<br /> -- � ;,..: , , be in defanIt.if any forfeit�tte acttan ar proceedmg,iv�ethei�civil�a�F cr�miaal,�is 6egun do�m lx�uder�goad faith�tgmeui•-: _ .
<br /> -= �° -�� ¢oatd result in farfeitm�e of the Pmgerty ar othe�arise materia.lEyr ia�sair the lien created by tbis Serivity i� TM„ n{or `- --
<br /> - m
<br /> - _ -�r�`�,. . I.eatd�r's sew�ty interest,Bo7mwer may cure such a default�m�ssr.at�as Provided in Pa*dgrSPb 18.b5+c�ing tI�actioa _
<br /> --' •� �" or Pm�ing t�ae dism�•witb a ruling that,in Lende�'s.gu{id faifia de.teiminatioa,pseclades fozfeitace of the�4aowet� -
<br /> � �1:��'��
<br /> - � z-
<br /> ititecest ia'the�•mc�er material impaiimeat a£�e li�c�reated iry this:Secusity tnsumnemt or Lend.�r's secucity
<br /> _.� " _��s- �L Hm�cci�er'shall�a'�"su.be iai defauit jf Hormwer.diuin the toan IIratian e materiaU fals�or
<br /> � ,��;. , . g ,� P�� �' Y_ . ` �-9�,_�:.�
<br /> - ,. - imscca�ate infat�tion or sr�►se�ents w Lender(or failed to•ptav�de LecNier v✓n�any material information)in wnnection mth �����_--�—
<br /> ` �`��"', x ` . the laan evid�d bY ihe Note, incl"�%++.�;but aot limitefl w�ceprc.sentations conceming BaQrawers accapaticy of d�e , - -
<br /> �:��.,.,.J t.. °�. .
<br /> =.�w-:;�,s_;:�;;�a � ��'�Y�a P��Pal,tesidEnce. If this S�uiitY 1n.s�nAtent is on a leas�hotd,Borrower shaU cosnply with all ihe provisions
<br /> ESI
<br /> �°�����.� .,.;��e lease.If BomowYr as,�{tit�§fee title co tke Prn�;:t�e leasehold and the fee titte shall nat merge untess Leader agre�
<br /> ���.. . .,. `� :
<br /> ,,,7 .�.. .. '.' . . .��a�s�3�e�inwriting. :.;. : � . ;:,
<br /> -r�c�•� ' ''� '�t� i��:. � ^
<br /> :��°r::y�.;�,t:,::". ; . 7. Protectlon of.fi;��ers RIghts in the.�its�!�� If BoTSUwer fails to perform the covenanu and�nents . ..
<br /> ��,{�t�'.t ;:; ::� eontaia�d 'm,�s;S�curity Inswment,or theie 'u a � "�proceeding_thai may significandy affect l.ender?s R�ts in the i�;�Y�" .
<br /> ��Y r^�?, 5'� " Pmperty(s�,�.�',� iticeeding in baniccugtey,.Prabai�,f���demna�ea or forfeinue or to eaforoe taws or regaIations),then y.. '.,;;
<br /> .����`� -,� r` Lender,may db�,�pay for whatever is aeccssary to'�3�t the valu�o f t he P r operty a n d l.e n der's ri g hts in the Pm p e r t}r. �_ .
<br /> -,,��`�`", Lettder's actiaas may inct�rP�Yin$any sums secured lr�i��ken wtuch has priority ov�tins SECUrity Ins�rumank apFearing• �,1� �..
<br /> `;�{�t�'�,�,,„;,, in conrt.paying reasonabI���rasys•fees and entering��9`the Property to make repairs:Althougfi Lender may�,�e action `',�� �' �„ , , ,
<br /> •c'��`:`;,4•'.';�'.:�;`;`.`. under this h 7,Len�es does not have to do so. , < •; ,•:.'�'�-:.'� . �'�' 1
<br /> :'�ro"�:��'�:'.'`"*'�. pnp mri��.disb�rrsed iry Lender under this paragraph 7 sha116ecome addition�l debt of Horrower sec d i�e�3 by t h i s "� � �-`
<br /> :v.�nasY.i�N'1)w , ' _��� - -s�.�''•'t-
<br /> ���•�,>;.�. Secu{ity Insuument Untess Borto�ves and l.ender ag�ec to odier tenns of paymen�these amounts shall bear interest from the ;
<br /> date of disbutsemem at the Plote rate and shall be payable.with interest.upon notice fmm Lender to Borrower uestin �.'.,��yi �����-
<br /> ��: th , ,�9 S ,. �..:�
<br /> Qayment
<br /> - • '` }��; , 8 Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mat�tage insurance as a con d ition o f m a k i ng t he loan s e c i u�d by t h is �+ ' "���"�.y-
<br /> � � "a� ;Seciuiry L�stnmten�Bommver sfiail pay the premium's�c�quired to maintain the rnortgage insurance in efFecc'.:�for any � •, '' }
<br /> ,a� : �i�'.�.�. reason, the,qiprtgage insurance coverage required by Leader lagses or ceases ta be in effect, Boaower shas� pay the '1 : :�-" ��-_
<br /> Q substantiall equivaleni ta•t�3�e•.mort a e insurance viousi in et�ec� at a ca�t.' • �� ''-��'� 'a ��!
<br /> ��+'�� :.� : �emiums��.d to o6tain coveia„e Y g 8 Pre Y f .� . .�� �,�-
<br /> �xi ,r,
<br /> x f�'`� �':',ec<._ .' .•;.s�5ssantiati� }�s��,i�+alent w the cost to Borrower of the m4��gage�;.v*�Ee pieviously in effect.from an altemate•.f�a,�:aab�e�.� ; �
<br /> _ �:��,,x :, y Y g g g !�9 � ,rf v,ti � ������"'�,:
<br /> = t . �. ,.;.:is*r,�rer aatjiipro'v e d b L e n d�:,I f su bstanti a l l equiv a leo t•r���i t a e i n s u r a n c e c a v e�a e�s n o i a v a i l a b 2 e,B o r r o�v e t��i r a i l. t o 4 t �,.� .,�� .
<br /> �� ��...: . . , p
<br /> i t�?=•.�� .�.�... ' ' �:e n d e r e a c h m on t l�a simn�a t'�al ta one-twelftb of the a��irl: mon a e ins�uance premium be9n aid b Boma�Cr�r'i�r+hen the � 'n`�j��• �. �✓'�='
<br /> ��, . •... , :i`, �• insurance coverage la�sed ar cease�to be in effeci. l.enuas wiU acgcept,use and retain these Qayments as a lass c�xyrve in lieu ���•, r.�_•'i`+ i,�r �r
<br /> h:.,*.r.. r ' ' r t p �
<br /> - ':�..�•`tS. '�;� of in e insurance. Loss c+eserve a ts ma no lon r be uired.at the o tion of Lender if mort e in$urance • � . ;,..,�w�;...._----
<br /> �.��: � -�'� ,. °rtgag P Y� Y 8� re9 P � S�, �,,
<br /> - ,:;. '�.n caverage(in tke amount and for the periai�.�ift�t l.ender iequues)provided by an insurer appmved by Lender agau�6ecomes :,�,��r�f2
<br /> _ ...'��:iV 5 � . I.� ''Y"�
<br /> ' �. :.F:� ,:'. :.' ,,avaitable and is obtained.Borrower shall p����,'�e premiums mquire�to maintau�mortgage iasurance in effect,or to provide a , or�i��(,.,,� •;•
<br /> ��.-,�� '�',�`, �:����`;:.' . • :_;. G'oss ceserve,undl the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance witb any wntten agoeement betweeza Borrower . , .:'�; • �u�
<br /> ���.r�.,:r..'`.;';.''•'• ..;�dLenderorapplicablelaw. 'S .. � ,;;.`.: . =-
<br /> —�,� ,t" ��;s ; , � 9 Ias�gtection. Lender or its agent may make ce�onable entries upon and inspecrions of the Ptoperty. Lender shall . ,•,, ��,;
<br /> �*'��..�.;,,��� , give Bmrower notice at the time of or p�rnr to an inspecdon specifying reasonable canse for the in.�ectian. • .
<br /> � ,.. �... S�i+��•' .
<br /> '��r�3,�i'.t��3 ,' � 10 Caztdemnatton 71te praceeds.±�Gany awazd or claim for dsmages,direct.or consequ�nuut�in connection with any . . �. . �
<br /> .�,,,���.�''�;��,� ` Single Family�Fs�u`e�larJilreddie Mat 11NQ�ORM IIVST[tU111ENT-.UnitainiL'"ci�rxann 91iiD Ipaqe 3 aJb pag�l ' ,.!.,." • -
<br /> i{t :,•"r-. � � ' , � � �r.�late��atati'utms.ma■ ` .
<br /> _,. g �y{� •:{'.'
<br /> '�S�r.: -:,.t . . • .,'io�src��$oo�osa�oov,�xo�s�v�a�at ';.'�'r'`'"'„��'' . .
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