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<br /> �— , � taacs at�asse�st�which may e�in p� ovrs dris Sec�uity Ins�a's a[Zen on tl�Property;N2 Y�Y��7�
<br /> t ich � e� bazazd ar pmpezty Insuraarx pscn1ituns: (�y.Ye�tY fl�
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<br /> Esta�SeG2e�antl�ttx�u�es Act of 1�T4 es anaeaded fmm ume taume.l2 U.S.�§2541 et seg(°RESFA"?.unless anotFier
<br /> ' iaw t�A.�pli�s ta tha i�tnds sets a lesset amounL If so.LendPr rtraY.�t aup time,coIteci at�3 floi�ISmds in an ammmi aot ta
<br /> _-__"'-'�`�.•��'�� . �exce�d t�e lesses umouaE. I endec imay estimate the amo�mt af�ads dae an the basis of caaent data an�r�senah�a _--
<br /> -_- ---= , � estimasesuf e�nfitutos a�firture Bcca�nw Itc�nsar nthe�vvise in aooaid�oe with applicab2e Iuw.
<br /> -- -- _ ����s�t�l.;b,�fleTd ia an instiAUian wltoss depos�ts sie snsmed by!a federal agency,iasua�nta]i4�!•ar emit�r .
<br /> _—__ ('mclnding Leuder.if&,ender is sach zn msi�tio�}or ia any Fedecal Hame l�n Banl� Lendet s6aU.apq�l�i the Farids ta PaY
<br /> = t��Fsccow Ite�s. Leader may aot ct�-srge Bor�awer f�hoIdiug aad appiymg t�i�ands.�m�aliy,�g th��w . .
<br /> ------ �t�.ar vet'sfying tbe Es�envs inem.q,amless I.ender pays Edaower iatetest aa the Fua�s�appii�2e!aw peimits . �
<br /> ------ Lasde�i m maYe�L a cl�uga Hawever,Lend�sr maY re9wre 8omnwer w pay a on�-timE cftar�e far an iad�peddeat�1 . .
<br /> - estate tas.c!epaning s�cvice ased by Leadea m connec�oa with this laan.anles.s appliatDIe law provtdes u�e. Qnless an
<br /> �.-��= •. a�is made ar applicable taw re4uires intere.st W be paid.i.eader shall aot be��F�Y Soa�owa any inteiesc or
<br /> ----- Camings an the�imds.B�uaceer and Lender maF agee in_amting hawevet:that intetest shatl bepazd oi�t&o�mds.�L4ader
<br /> --------- sba11 give w Bormwer,.arithout cbarg�.an aaaual acoounbng of d�e Rmds.showing credits and detiits to the Fimtds and the �..
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