� . - -�` ...i: �` ' . -- � c�,` c — n..c. - - `T. .� ._Y _ -----�.—�_.' ---—°- ---_.
<br /> ��r.�.J�{�� � �, �`�t lr t� .c..—K-L _
<br /> .r � c ..
<br />.�� t.r 11-� ��� _:e..� ��
<br /> —._- _a__.e�����-•."_ -__ — _—_--_— _— --
<br /> - --__-_ _ . � .��. e _ , i � . , . .
<br />-��.,�..Q�e.�.��sa.�. � . . .t � � ' �������� . , ��. ' � ' . —-
<br /> _� "_ 2�. ` .� • .
<br /> �����: � i . ,� . i ' ' . . . __ -
<br /> _ � ` � t9.Tczns��ai(I�F,'ia�or a�Y�a1 f�r`t�f�Rc��n�s�er:�3�4F tlLL'j23Yt O�F i5,:P�.�u.az►y ir�cz�si ia ie.,
<br /> �_�--� � is`sati!ar tc��err€�Yas if ubcnc�ci�.3.,:inteccst in�izro�xer�s_aafsfq�2�nsf�d�Ear[aR��is�n natwa��e�son}wi�ssu�..
<br />-,�.����� i.�s�,e�'�prios wrttten +eo�e�t. E..cuQer.enay. at its apti�.�L�i�iL�.�1� �jT3}�£Rf iR CUEI O�Fil�5[lttls•SCCnI�.IS}t-tI1LS . ,.
<br /> _-- - � �6€cu�Ir.strua�ent:Hau�evet.this agtian shalE��exercised L+y f.e�d2II i�er.��i�,:gs gro�ib:�i 6y fed:r�Iaw as'Q�t�cl.�T•;
<br /> — � � of 1tRus Seeurity Insi�att�ent. . � , � _ r___ ' _---
<br />- - � . � .�G�Sier+e�fen!�ses th3s optiaa;Lee�si�all g�va Bouower natica af�lera�ioa.'t'�e isotice s��av�dru�icn's�,�.:�. ----
<br />__ -- � tcsc t�a�3U daq-s fc+om tt�Qate t�he rcotire is de�tuered ar�iaiisA within.�5i�h�arr��er�st�y-att��-�'tiu��f,t3�:=- -
<br />��=�- - , &e�irity Ynsstuu�nt.V�ort+��+r�r fai�s to�ay�e su�s grior to 2he expirs�€osx o€4�Fe��,Lender�y invok�e aag n:z�i��, --
<br /> _ � ,'P�it�d by this Sc�uri Insacut�ent wit�ut fur�her uotic�:o�de�nand a�n Eo�a�er.
<br /> l�. 8tirro��'.���:d�.�aie. 16 Horiotiti� m�is cert�sa aiIIditi�ns, Bormwer sflal} have tlte ri�;ht to..hav� . ---
<br /> -_ � �'��-�t�is��Y`I��;�t d,icon�n!��1_az�ny.ti�ce pticaF tv:tFze eartier of: (a)5 days{oi suth at€t�t��ti��,s -- _ -
<br /> ��:., � ' a}�ii�8ie iaw t�ayr �tifY�'o��ins�tcsl��m) 6efore s^,,,de of Ute Ptoperdy�pursr�nt Eo.zuy power of Sa�e oeatriued�n�i�::.. __
<br /> ' Sec�uity Lnsirtit�e�st:v�4b)�t�y't�€s�i.t8�t.t�+ �!e�ifo�ing this S�uitY'In �,ne�..7[�ose�ons�ue tDat.Bc�rio�;er:te)�33+s,
<br /> Eaett�ler all sums whict� th:n wo�.b�d¢e ut�Q�c this�ecuairy i€�tr�tua�nt an�i tt�e�PIa�c as if ag zflcel�tiaa Itad oc�curae�:t�3+ ..
<br /> c�s�ay defani�af uny at�er covenants ot a�reentents:��c)[mYs alt e�irtwrrc�ia enfvrtiag this Sawrity Insuum�c2,.., �
<br /> a
<br /> axiuding,bnt Qot timitr,�co.rea��IIua�rs•f�:aad cd�1�Yes s�ch�uoa�te�der�y c�aaabty mqmre m�ss+xr,�:
<br />= ihat the iicn of ttii�Se�►uity inure�mem.1�nder's rig}�ts za ciiee Pmpecty ar�Serrower's oblig�ion to gay t�svms sr�accd CN..
<br /> thi��se�rity tasc�nr�at shall continue �r�changed.. u�m cei�s4�cem� 6g Eoavwer, t2�is ses�uity Insunrm�t aisa rh�.:
<br />- oDligatFas�s s�cur�d.hec�by shall iemafrn fully ef�¢ive as�f,na ao�eeation 6ad orcu*red.Howevei.ttus rig9t w reiastaze s}�i�.��
<br /> aoi appdy in the c�se o�aocztets�oa Uuder para�ap�!7. ��_. r
<br /> n9 Sgie oY Note;ChanBe of Loan Servtcec 'i4� Note or�partial izdecest :si the Note(togethes with this�r;
<br /> �,se.� ' Insuu�ntD may 6e soid on�or mme tiYaes withont�►rior,�atice co Bo�wer_A saie maX resuit i�a cirang�in the enritlr(i�anwa ,
<br />� _� `as tDe'tAaa�cer°)that ooH�ts arnnth�X Paymeats dtte��t�e Nate aad this�S�curity�nstrtttcen�T@ec�alsu may.6a nu�,
<br /> ----v oa�mone bhanges of th+e loan Ser�'icer�anrel�ed to a sale of tBe l�iote.�f theie is a change of the Loan Se�vicet.Bomuwea wi}k Pre _
<br /> _ �` ' �'":.-x- . given ca�ictea nntice of ah��ge in as�rdaIIee arith p��aph t4 a6av�and applisabN law.The nntice will state the n�.�cn�and _
<br /> .,,,..Ma,���� addc�ss of ahe aew la�n 5ervice�and the aadress ta tivhirh paymaits shuuist Ce mad�.'Ih�.aotice wil!utso eoatain aay�athec� �-__—
<br /> -.---..-�--, iafomaation reqnired�3r$FAlicats�e law. � -
<br /> __ 3�
<br /> -� ..ZO.Hua�offi So�s.Borno�rer shail not cause or•pemut the pres�se, vs�disgosal.storage.or xe1�.a€r��.� --
<br /> -.�.�"•:°"�,• . .H�dnus Subst�moes�an�or�in=t�e Prope�t�i--�Borro�+rt�``sA�11 uot 8o,"nar afio�v anyone ets� m do:anything affectin� t�e. ._ .
<br /> �.��.�.�.
<br /> __,-.��_._�� _- p�y�is in vinlation of any Gnvironnsental iaN. T6e preaediug two seni�ses shall nuE agply.m the pres�ure.us�.oz. _-
<br /> -_- ---_° sto:age on the Property,of smatl.quantities of Haza�idaus'Sq�bstaac�s that are geRerallY recog�zed to be approDriat�to�onc�aal • ,
<br />- -:� -'-v==�-= resideatia!uses and tu maintenance of the Pm�erty. �
<br />�����._�'*� Borrawer sf�ll PmacptlY Sive Le4der wr'stten notice�f any investigation.claim,demand,lawsuit or.othea astinn fn+an;r,.
<br />��� gevemmental or tegutatory agency or private patty involeing tt�e Pmperty aad aay Hardrdavs S�xbstartce or�nviranmestta[�.aw� . �-
<br /> of�vhich Bornawer has actual Ec�owledge.16 Bon+uwer le�ms..os is nntifi�bY uay govemmental ar regulacory autharaty.thtu :
<br />- ,� -� • 2ny temoval or othec remediation of aay Harardnus Subssance affepting thc Property is iteoessazy.Ea�wer shall Pmmpity taka -
<br /> °��.:��'r`; all nenessasy remedial ac{ions ia acoordance cvith Environmental Iaw. —_
<br /> w'`"' As used in tiris pazagrapis Z0,"Hazardans Substances°at+e those substancr�defined as toxia or Tzarardaus su6seanv�tiy.•
<br /> .�.r:�;,.,=.,'°,};';:.,.•. Environmenta! Law and the foltoiving substaaces: gasoline. kemsene. other flammabte or toxic petmteum pmducts, tosic. . __ _,
<br /> }3:t;s,+�e�;�+��`.`.'-:,; , pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents.materials containN�g asbestos or fo:maldehyde.an�radioactive materials.As used in -.
<br /> s�
<br /> �,r ; ehis paragiaph Z0. "Environmec�2n1 taw" means federa! laws and laivs of the jcuisdiction where tlie Praperty is located thrst . ,�.�. `'"'f
<br /> �r-� retate to health.saf ar environmentai p�atection. • - - _
<br /> '� �"q'�' '�:"` ety . . - -
<br /> .'•-�-'"`; "` ��':. NmN-UN1FORh+�COVENANFS.Horrower end Ixnder f�u�ther coven�t acid agree as foltows: �`� -.�_
<br /> ���.�}: . � . --
<br /> -. ��rv;.,�;�^�2-:' � 21.A�ete�+in:R�Qmedf�s.I.ender sb�!give.aoEice 4a Bnrro�v�prFar to aaoeteratIo�foIlowiag Borro�car's Dr,e.�cit.:. �==��o�.a
<br />- ".` `.�,,%;;'�,...,�, of �coveu��d or ° in t�is Secarity Inst�eat (hoi not prior to a�eration uader part�ra�T�•�9 rsatle3s� �._ ^"�'--�i
<br /> .... 3aY ��
<br /> ��`:� ;:'*�.i: applicaEle law pro`idcs oWerwi�e).The notfsr SmU spedfy: (a)t6e defuuit,(b) the sictIon req�sed ta au'�t6a deii[uPt� ;;, �� �i -,:�f-
<br /> L�'. ��, '� (c)�.date,uot lPSS than 30 days('ram the date the uotice is given to Borrower.by�vhish the defan[t mus!he c�erl:s�s�,�. �" � .- ?�t t
<br /> �<<� f ,
<br /> x���r.�::��t�;,sk;:;�.,�: (�t[�at faiim�+e fo cure the defautt ofl or before the date specifced in th$nQtFce m�y result in acceteratEo��f t��r.• '�"`��`;. �.�:
<br /> J,r, ':-'�::;``
<br /> s�by.this�eCarit,q U�hwmeat and sate of the Propersy.The uofEce shall further infosai Bozrower of tits�igh�ta•. ' -�-z
<br /> - i.,",. ; reiast�te after saceleration aad the rfght to briag a caurt actfon to asse�t the noa�cxisience ai.�.�efault,ar uny otdar:r ``;'��•;�"� . .'-
<br /> , ..�. ., ,r...: . �.- :_
<br /> ,z ;, defense of Borsoaer to aaaelesadon mW sa[e•1f the d�au�E is not cared oa or befoze the daLe�i"ced fn.ti�eotf��, � ' ��-- �',�_
<br /> ,� I,ea�,at its optlon.may'eqaine immediate pay�meaR ia guU of all s�s srcnsed by tAis Sec�ity IustncmenL witEnat,: iyA'�r.���. .��
<br /> � i_s� fu�demand aa�may invoke We power of saie aad any Qther r��dics pe�mitted by appl3.adrLe Iaw.Lendr.r sHalt.lt�a, =:%'r-�-- -
<br /> _ � �s Pa�P . � �_�;,.-,:�!����,_-
<br /> �. en1ltE�,�to cnIIect all expea�es intvr�A in pmsui�We r�medies psovEdr:d;tae this b 21 imida ,bvt�aot t'xsu�tmtl�. -
<br />-; xn;n:.:�^ to,�sonabie aitnc�ys'Pces and casts of tltde evldeace. .`:;="'',.'��%"`" -
<br />-• ' r.� .: ._,;..- � �.
<br /> -i ���6��'.�:���`:,
<br /> �r .,};:a,�. �f 1he pu��tr�.n�"sale u�nvoYed, Trustee shaU reoord a nottce oi dtfuutl in eacb wwoty €n �vhich a�r part.of.tP�,. ' ,'1- • �
<br />_ (� �p�y is.tacaY�aad shall�xafl copies of siu�notice in the tnanner prescrihed by applicabGe taw to Borrowc�swd,�o� `�°'�°��"` AT
<br /> V?,�:.,s''.�_ �fi�e r7�`t:�'i��-`
<br /> ��• <:�.�--.. tt�pth�r p�tsaas presc'ibed b��-u,g�llcable taw.After t�e time re4u#red by apPUcab[e[a�v, nrstee shall�iv� ab1Ic nott�a ',. . �;_r ''�"." -s
<br /> � � -i�•�r::�`= ..;r�tr. - ;_.._�
<br />.w;. J;:s � ';. . � of+sut�Ui the pe�sons and fn t!'te tnanaer prescri6ed by appliphte ta�v.Truste� �rit[s�ut demaad on Sorr�wcr,shalt r,etl � ,,,�ti;�; .,k-�='���'`--,.
<br /> - the�'�rtyaetty at pabLic aaction 4u tge hig6est blQdsr ut the t[me and p tace an d uad er tite terms de�fgnated in the notfca a�C.• ' ��S`��`'` �'�"��"'
<br /> ;r �_:• a:s,:: e � •�.:..t.::�r��;,-.
<br /> �,�'•�� ; ":, : , s�En,oite or more @ar�aad ta a�ordr.r Treastce determines.Tnistee may postpnne sale of aD or�ny panr�of tPtr�„• :' ,�.' ,:,;;�,.,.,,.•
<br /> ���.1t;,;.. :
<br /> ., ,�� � •p�n►�dy by pn6ltc annanncemeot at the tiaca and ptuce of any previoasly scheduted sale. Lemd�r or its desi;tteg rmn;� {,K;
<br /> �`��_ ' , pcu�clisise ttte Hnperty at any sate. "itiF.'?,�.
<br /> ,.
<br /> . ��V' •,t � . . .. -
<br /> . .' {..�..ti 1 ' � . � ' ' .
<br /> `L11f'!.' I.i. . � r . , . � .
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<br /> _ t ,�� ;; . .,;•.
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