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<br /> , .i.. ',.. 4 1 (` �':* 5� �.� � � .}; y .Y. ti`lYii . .4.� _ -- ���._ —.
<br /> �• ' _ � Ti ..'�+ . Y;s �� —
<br /> t,�`'t 4�� �` �d' I ' � f'3E��.,�.i.'��` . ..;�_.-.- _ — — _— _ _— - . _
<br /> .�� � i - - — .- . — - -
<br /> __— . __;—__--_ .... .._ —__.T._ _"'. _. . ._._._-� . . — --> -- . —_ _- ._,_ -
<br /> �-. . .. ....,_.,. .
<br /> Y_���. . � � �,'i �• .. . , _ 4� ,` `�`T� �W i•fif�'�IV ' . Y' . ` ��t,..
<br /> -.,
<br /> _---. ----- , " m��'.ts. l np t�n�e��.�ettnLT2tl:�2 the apii�:o��r.'s��art�?ge tnr�u'����d�'s L���tu,i[t c,�f�s t�;s�xir� `., �. �•: --
<br /> ---- . t�Y °�. « �
<br /> .. titag�c�r,x�qpirr�?F�'ii�d'by cg insvrer�zov�.�y.t�ag�$ec�tt�s ao,ailabt`�aa$cs dst�Er�ed.�arro�r.r sfiall P�y.`� . �� .�
<br /> ttte pr�rau�s rtsqui�tat,��sut�ir�mfl�t�age i�su�a:�."+���e4fcct.�ai ta��sYl�e st loss arscri+e,a}�til she i�w,tzit��nt L�pr tit�rta�g� <. -
<br /> - - --T- - ia_cn_tame�nd�3nt��G'.c��ii�,as�l!�•5�'ettC�.���'•,i���octctyt'Eraz�l:en�r6�&gpliCablel.tiw. . � �
<br /> ` !
<br /> �•,'.�i.Y�1�.dI�.�q�i33 E��i��F�SflDd�?�CILIIICS 1J�0�nd,in�pectioas of'tls��y.T.cnd�r stsaiE�give, `_
<br /> __ _ ,. . . • �y L_ , , �
<br /> T .- .
<br /> — } Borr�wer,�iii�at t3te i�cif as pdaz to n[z iat�pe��•ageci�u8 Fr�+ e rsuse for the i�na:. � . : � � . �<'
<br /> --=----_ • t�.;�nd�3�'i�s,'L�te p�oc�."ds of an}aevaz�'qr ciaim for d�atages.,d'arec4 vT ca�s$�#i-ql��n can.�vn Evit�r:�ny ;
<br /> ---_= mindem�iati0a:as et�ec.t��of angr�srt of.the Pxu�s�y,or fdr eoavepance ih tieu of ooas�emnatia�,at'e 8crebY��d nhd
<br /> _ = • shalt d���i�to Lcr.�e�': �y�,� �t,� � . --
<br /> . . .. � . "� ..' u�����1�Y{'r��d�a`L�F.�''uu'ta Qf�'r�s�°i F�S�Cd}I�'8�IIZQ I$Utr4 SSII�-52CiII��,7��s�i �'J'..or..�mnnf�`•_�- � .. .
<br /> —_ _'_-_--° • tNIT�1It�1+�T:A41 t(EEA.�l�i3ti C�I�!��RC�CSS�fIIT�.tfl B�1t3�14P,i I�t�e eveut of a pafial hakin&of dte Prngerty in�a�iicFa th�fair - _ _
<br /> --- __=-- m�t2��Yatue of t3te�ezt�,r•ir�ediately b�fa�tt�tz�g is'equai to or�aE�r t}tan Ehe amaant of t�e suuts s�res��6y t�. .
<br /> = . _ :����.Tnctrnmertt'fJ�r'T�i�Y B2fQI8 t�l@ tR�lII$,uai�.�Borrqwei aa�d i.end�oihernie agree in,v�riting,tke swsa�s�!by <
<br /> �------�-� . . ''�.''.4hi��arit�► Insbuerr�a s�be c�uoed by t�anba���of the p�s umI�ipfie�l tiy ti�e fallowin�frasann:. (a� the`tatal �� .
<br /> '':�itnt,of,the su�s s�c�ia�edia3eIy.befare the t�9i�g,divide�l by(b)the f�ir taaricex<vatue of ehe PtoPe!tY i�a�1�i�Y <
<br /> 6sfore tha mknaB. R����a{.�shall ba pai�!ta Su�rcnc�. [n tite event of a paitial,u�Ciag of the P�pe�tp in afii�t�e�fais
<br /> - - -- ..:;.r• in�ce3 vatt�e af the&tr�eaty.imzr,edit�tety hefo�ihe t�it.��r is less than,ttte amoant of tIt$sums secared imm�diatety before the
<br /> ----_-�,�,��, uttcit�g..unless Bt�rroa�e�ar�l,eaa�dee atPteiwiss a�ee izs c��itFnn or untes�s applicab[e la.ar ot3ienvise�Smvid�s.tI�e pmoeeds sbatl '
<br /> ��::;. t�appliod to t1p`svtais s:ca�e3 by this Sec�uity It�strund°n:�whether or not the sums are th�dae_, , ' � . .
<br /> ,,,,
<br /> If the Ptoperty i�.a��du�by Bormwst.ar if.at�uatiae by l.ender to Bo�tower t�at the condemuor offess to make au
<br /> --°_.;z�>��,�.;';�;� aa�azd or settie a eL�itnt fr�r d;m�ages. Somower faiLs to rtspaad w I ender nz�Jun 30 days after tt�e date tha ndaice is�;,;.. — - --- - -
<br /> =_�"."�� .�, L•cnQ�r is aatdzoti,�edi��i�3oct a�ct i th+e ceeds.:�t its an.eithcr w t�esstor�oa o off ths or to duC�s -
<br /> - .. ------�, apF Y P� � �' �°P�Y . ,
<br />_-,�,._�,��,, . . . .. . � .
<br /> --_-u.-..'—�;; soeusec3 by this Sccu�.�iqc iustrument.wliether or notth�ac2i�_ .
<br /> � " UaJess i.egdet•au+�;�er athe�wise agree in wmting. aaY aPPli�tiaa a€ptuoeeds w Prin�iPa4 shaU aat extead �
<br /> - ----,} . or
<br /> .�
<br /> . . _ .
<br /> _..�._—.,. . .. . _ _....---- --
<br /> -----_= postpone the due daDi�Bt�e mnrrthiy payinenis ieferre�to.iu para�iap6s 1 aad 2 ar d�ange the amount of svch pay+�ts. =�;
<br /> ---�-----_= tl.Borrow��tutf�t�eas�:For�asece By l�tder Not a Waiver:Extension of the time for payment or �dodif�tion
<br /> -- _=-_— af amorti7atioa af dae s�s saured.b�r this Secuaity Insuu�c►t granted by Leuderto aay successmr in iriterat of�mawc�strall
<br /> W.-.--��`� , not opetate to r�lease tAe Liabilisy of tP�e originni Bnrroaer or Borrower'e saccess�ors in interest,Lender shalI not be requCts�to -
<br />.-:_-����j.�• oo�r�metioe Pmce�dint�aB�i�t any suec�sor irt i.�terzsi or refuse to.exten+�time for pay�ment or othenvise mi�dify amaitia�un
<br /> -_-_——" of the sums s �E1����kis Securi�3� fn;purttent:hy r�son of any demand made by.tlie original Eorca+uer�-.�armwer s �__—
<br /> �s������� ;i.:, sttoo�ssors in inter+esk. Auy forbeacar�= ��+L.ender in eaercising arry right or remedy shall not be a waiveF.�f or prtslud�.Bte. ,
<br /> :�,�.�:-,; exercise af an}+rigRG on�r�c�dy. • . .
<br /> �' ""'�,,. 12.S�amd AssE�s B�asin�d►doi�t an��veral E,iabitity;CA-st�¢��'s. Tfs�ee rnvenants and agre.ements gf 31us � -
<br /> =�-,� ,
<br /> '--,�a;�::'..�,�,� Searity Instmm�t s8atb E+ird and benefit the su�oces.sors and ass'sgns of Lender and Bomower. subject to tiiee p�p��i.s�nrs of ' _
<br /> _�F,�,�..,.�..
<br />-;;�_�,•: p�agsaph 17. Barrvviec's oovenants and agreements s�«!1 ba jotnt and several. Any Borrower�who ca-si�s tliis S.�c7tiiity __ _-�
<br /> -`-=�.��• InStiunteai but does ar�execut,e the Note: (a)is co-signit�g this Security Instniment only ta mrattgage,graaa and camey;:Ihat -�
<br />__F��-,V�.�� -- -
<br /> ,,,��`���'-'�• Borro�r•ei s interest i,�t3e Progerty under the terms of this Security Insuun�ent:(b) �s not�ecsESqaUy dbiigat�d tb pay tbe sums _
<br /> -:�;:,t.;�;;•;;;�'' secured by this Securicyr to3�uu�ent:and(e)agrees tt�at Lsnder and azry othtr Borrower maY�'to e.�ueuii,snodify.farbeaz or �� -
<br /> r.,� ::�:,.••�.' make aay aocommodur�usm3 witl�resazd to the terms of this Security Iastrument or tfie�Note without'that Boctuwer's consent. ,•-� .�_
<br /> i� 'M� �' �
<br /> _s�_ •-�� 13.Loas CD.�zgas.If the loan secured by this S�urity I�trament is subJect to a law which sets maximum loan charges. * �,
<br /> _-z�:�u and thst law is f�maL:'�C iaterpreted so thut the interest or olher loan charges co l lect e d or to be w llected in conc�ection with tf�e , � �,�k;��_-
<br /> - ���" laan excead the perrr.i�d limiu.then:(a)any such ta�n ct�arge sh�ll be redaced by the amount necessary to reduce t�e cttarge �
<br /> _ _'`. - �� �
<br /> -°�"��� � ta the emutu�lim¢;acd(b)any sums already colt�:tad from Borrower which ezceeded pet�mitted timits wiU be refuntlt:tl.to r�
<br /> .�.�_�". P - ����� ���;
<br /> - - Bortower. Lender u�a} c�oose to make thia refurid by noducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a i��tect • .,,„�_. _�__
<br /> --- � j�. PaYment to Borrovre�. If a refnnd reduces primipal. tt�e reducaion will tre � a� a partia3 a t without an .�:�":`�":f4��--=
<br /> e� PreP Y� Y ta� _
<br /> �r;,`���,� PiC�3yt�I Ch2I$e uffiCI 1.P:C AIQtC. = •••awp -�"��
<br /> •,�-�,-,..��.��-
<br /> � �� _
<br /> * ,� ,�^,�„�� , t4.NotEc�.AII��crotice to Borrower provided fnr in triis Secu�ity Inswment shall be�iuen by delivering it or by mailing � a _
<br /> :�y`si;�'f��,. � it by first ciass m�iL�tess aypiirabte law requires use of another method.The notice shall he direeted to the Property Address . ,: ��=r� ��
<br /> m
<br /> �' �� � or any other addcess IIurrower designutes by notice to Lender. An notice to Lender shall be iven b first�class mail to �" �F�L
<br /> Y fi Y . {.r� '-�,�. �..__
<br /> ` . Lendet's address st��c#Lerein or any oiher address l.en��er desi�rrates by rtotice to Borrower_ Any notice pnrvided for in,this . . �:;�r.-'y T-__!_-_-
<br /> `' -:` S�urity Instnunent sfcrilb 6e dee�d to hnve heen given ta Borrower or Lender when given as provided in dtir,.paragraph. . � �� _
<br />•-' ..�': �•,=: � 15.Gover��in� I.a�s; Severabiliry. This Security iastrumcae shall be govemed•by federat !aw and the �aw�of the ' . • .. . . "�'�
<br /> -= . • �'� ` !; jurisdiction in whic�t�te Property is located. ir�the event triat�ng provision or clause of this Securiry Ins[rument or tfic Note ' • ,, � �
<br /> '. .�* "� .�;;' j�"` conflicts with applicabt�tavv,s�sch conflict slu�!!not affc�t other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be . • �. ''¢_
<br /> '�� �'+` ` � given.effect withaun t3ce conflicting provision.To this cnd the provisions of this Security Inswment and d►e Note are declared � • -
<br />.'!r�y N . ' . ., . ' ..e. . . _
<br /> ,.�-°;=�':,':..;:; ' to be sevemble. . . '„
<br /> r °.y'��»�� ar�e,. . '� .
<br /> +� #kd{,_ :+ �; 16.Bormwer's Co�.Bosrower shull be given ort�oanfotmed copy of the Note and o£tlnLs Security lnsttument. -
<br /> fr-.�4��1c�1 < ��� � . - � .ii��5�ll���� � -
<br /> ".a.'4;,+_.��A.�. ± ' ' Forrn 3028 9/90 ..•;F�;�,�i , .
<br /> '; a`s _a.L�k�y . Page6 018 . . . .' ,r.,,
<br /> I�' � � , t,'.,+li'.'
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