_. __ , . _.
<br /> _.- .. , . . .
<br /> - ---- - � . . , �:. r. . , , , ,
<br />_ -- —v + ,t . . � � ..4. . , , � . . . . . : ,s ` . ���� ' c �
<br /> - - • +�-` ' _ C. �� � "`` ` . t � � . . � � '�� ( - ' . . . � __--_ -.
<br />- ---- ° ° �S t�1S.l.esS�Ct te�Ti14ri�9. �C�ttRl�C3iTie3`�1ldV�t�ttlg t�'itt941f81��i bM�'C1794.."Yi bJt"BCisOVYSt:SLt�+jCCi it!LeII�li�-. . ` ..
<br /> ---- , ,s�rov�l wAtt�t st�t 44ot be�thte�so�abFy withheld: �t�mvt�c fa�{�,ta n�aint�in cov�ra�a�escrilxd�bo�t,Ex.�der nuy,at..
<br /> --� ' I.en�f� `�o�.abt�Sn cove�agc tu�.mtect l.enckr's ri�in the tsy.i��cc�ad�+c�wtth pstagr�€r�a 7: . " . . ��___. ..
<br /> -_- � <. IC t0 Ler�nnc! �tel�e��ra�slu�tsu�rtg�L slans2,.�,st�t3C! . ,
<br /> - -- _---- < 1!!t y�Q�tc�QplfCihs�ais s8a13 tx.�C� � - '
<br />- _ • ` ��ll tuve tfse.�dg'�t fia ho&l phe poitcies�ud r�new�ls,.I�Let�er seqtzlt�s.8�►cmv►Pr�fi�p�ptly give.�a E��ds:����s� --- --�_----
<br /> • .� , u -- . . -
<br />_ — �,of psid�crniitms��ip�ewu�l ceoti�..�ice thc event,of Ioss�Ho�a�ret sA��!gtv,s "_ _ , 'ins-i►�-�r��rricr:.c�
<br />� - -- ' ° L.enskr. i.s�ermay mak�pto��af tass`if aof�nad�Piamptly��y�u`rt�swer�. � � � - --
<br /> " toct
<br />-= --- U�Icss.�ender atu!�ocruwer otheiwise ag�ee in wrltiag;mQ,nra�tce prace�shaU be agplied�restarssion�r r�epair of .
<br /> - .�te pCa�d�rta�gpd..�if the re..�torsiio�•or�ga�is r�eonomically.f�asa'ble an�Letiticr's secu�iry is not 2essezt2d. If tAe .
<br /> 4 °�e- �- -r�t�sr..�.�crs-�Is�*.�rnn��i�}�f��ie ar L�ns3er's seciuity w_ould t��_��•tL�ans!+�.,�ca�eds s�tat3 t�e _ ---.- --
<br />--�� - -_ , s
<br />" s�rpli�d do tt� swns sscured 6y this Seeuriay Instcument,whgtiier�o�nat.theai due.with�r►y exccss paid to St�sc�wc�t-tE- -- -
<br /> . Borrower aba�@ans ti�Froperty,or cloes not anssarer witAifs�3a d.�ys.�notic�from�.eattes th�t t�e mst�uce ca�er has --
<br /> - offered m sztt�e a c?anm.t�,en L`ender may colleertt tfl�insurnace proc�ds. Lead�r sn��u�e tke Pra�eeds to repair oz Yes�re —
<br />- • t2►�Flrapyrty.or ta gf:►y sums secured try this Seca►ity instrument;whether or not then dite. Thz 3�day pEdod wi116egia wAen .
<br />° t�e nnticeys given. � .
<br /> -_ �InIess l.entter and'Bomnwer offie�wise sg�ee in wri�nS+��Y�F��on af p�u�s m g�iucipat s�alt aot extend or
<br />_ . . postpone the due date af tl�mont�tY Payments tefeaed tn in p�taStaPhs 3 and 2 oa cflange the amount of the payments. Tf _
<br />_ • uader por.�gruph 21 ehe"�rapertg is acq��c3 by Leader.Eortower's right�to aay insuiauae Policiie.4 etul pivc,xeds reyultu�g
<br />- �p dama�e to the Piope�ty piiar to the scq�Yisition shaD pass to Lender to t}ie ex�ecst of th�sicros secured by tdt'ss 5ecutIty
<br />� ' ��i�em iwmediatety prior to the acqrpsitraa. • , �
<br /> 6: oost�paaey, rreseervafibua,.M�in�n�nse aaa Ps�stten of mR Prap��tY; surrower's la�n Apvli�+xi!
<br /> r� � as Boma�resx iesidence within si�y d�ys af't�r
<br />� _ ' �Hoaawer sha11 oocuQy.establisF.,and ase dte Pro¢etty� F��
<br /> the executia�.af t4is Sec�iry In�uunnent aQd shall a�ntinue.to aecapy tf�Pm�rty as Boa�owerk primci�al residence for at
<br />��w� ' teast ans year a8er the date vf ocxagaucY. �sn�ess I.e� otherwue agrees in writina, which consent sha11 not be �.3�::,_-
<br />���:�;.'� unteasaaabig tviihheM.or unless e�ct�°n+Lng circumstanees exist wiiidt are 6eyond Borrower�s onntroL Bmmarer shall noi �_ �.___.__
<br /> "" • , destroY.damage oi impair the F�itip�rty.allow tlze Proper►y to deterioiate.or commit was��an the Property. Barrower shall
<br />_�...+.�.�.a:�� ' ., be in dcfauit if any fdcfeitvre acpna os psoceeamg.wbether ci�+il or cri�inal,is began 8r�in Leader�s good faitL,jadgment _ _ _ -
<br />���sr�+� • caa2d.�ult in farfeitute of the Pmpeny or ot�^�vise matecialiy im�a'ir the lien cceafed by this Secu�ity Insuument ar . . !—_—
<br /> — - . . � . l�udet�s secarity intrae,st Hom�wer may cuie�uch a defauit and.n�instare.as pmvidad'w patagra�h 18.by causing tl�e action -
<br /> -- s --� �. or piocee�ng w�dismissed witb a niling that,in l.ender�s good faith det�rmination,P�ct�des forfeiture of the Basmwer�s
<br />` • �� inteiest in the Pioperty os athez maffirial impairinent of the lien created by this Ses�ttiry Instnuuent ar Lender� security ----- _
<br />-�'� = intenESt Bosower sl�al� also be,in defauIt if flaimwer. dmu�g ttie luan applicarion process.gave materiaUy faIse or �_
<br /> �ina�te mfott�ian ar stateaients to Lender(orfaited to pmvtde Lertder ait�aay rnazerial infom�anon)in coanecti.an with _ -
<br /> �- � �� dte Io� evidenced by�the Note. irtetuding,tiut nnt limited to�.n.Tmsentatinns conceming Bmmwec�s occupancy. of the -__
<br />_'� � r ' pmperty as a priacipal�sidence. If this Security Instmment.is oa a teasehold.Barrower shall comply witfs all the provisioas __
<br /> ; . agth�1C�e. If Barrawer acq�uces fee cisle to the Y�perty..itt�I�sehqld and the fee dtle shall not merge unless Lender agees ---- -
<br /> as in.wririttg. -
<br /> r . tothe�tectEan oi I.ender's iiiehts.in the.E'iog°.�t� :6f Borrower fa�s co perfasna die cavenants and agreements t,----__ .—
<br /> '� . , ,�. � � eantained.in tuis Secusity Insuumerit,or,thec�i��:�,�r.��ing that may sigtifre��^affeet Lertder�s sights in the �,� - __ _
<br /> 9s
<br /> - , ` Pmgerty{sacL as a proce�ding in 6a�ruPnY,PT��'�'condemna�os�or forfeitute or ta eaforce taws or regulations),then ��m ""'� -
<br /> . -��i,e��rer
<br /> Lender may.do a�pay foi whatevea�s,necxss�r ta��sntect t#te value of the P�aperty and Lender's ri�in the�P[operty. F�- _—•
<br /> .. � �'
<br /> , .. I.eader�s actioa4 may include payia�•�y sums secured by a fier�which has priority over tP�:�Sec�ity Insnnnnen�appeannS �� -
<br /> - �,� ,t,�,; -:;�;,,,: in caurt,paying reasonable attameys'fe�s and enteting on the �perty to make repairs..Rdthough l.ender may take action �G;�'�
<br /> ^ under this paragrap2i?.Leadec does not have to do so. . � '"`-"�--
<br /> � :��+� :�..��'�. ...,.•��---
<br /> ' '�"�•� ' Mp amounts disbused by Lender under t}tis paragrapb 7 shall become�iriona2 debt of Baso�ves seculed by this ,,�. . • '._��_�rir�::
<br />_ - • • Securtty lnsuumer►�. EtQT.+�s Borrower and Lender agree to othe:terms of pa�r�^,.;.�t�e'se amaunts sha116ear interest fram ttte . ;�,,. `,.'Y =
<br />- ° ` • da2e of dis6utsement ut�e'Note ra�and shaU be payable.with interest,upott�dtise from Lender to Borrower re�uesting •:.�...:•..'' ', • x;:;�_
<br /> ' P��- • . ,':4`�+ ��
<br /> . . t'.`:.� ;`''�•.
<br /> - ; � 8' .:n1�Ibrtg�$e InsuPane� iF'Lratn�er required rnortgage insuraace ps a condition Qf tmaking the toan secuced by cTiis ,-r�.� ��'-
<br /> • Secwity t��!�+P^t,$�moarer slta'�1�sy the preiniums mquired to maintain the monga�insurance in effec� If, fau aIiy " ''� . ; ` _.,;
<br /> , . tea�on, the mortgage insw'ance ca'rerage t�qs� i�y,.i.en�lez'lapses or ceases to be in effec� Borrower shail pay the ��' .. ;.',
<br /> - p��s�qu�red w o'btaia cmrerage suia��y eq�fvalent to the mort�e insuraatce pc�viously in effecA at a wst `�,�.,��"`.-.-q��_-
<br /> .. tre
<br /> ' ' :,�•• : substanti�lty equivatent ta the cost to Bortoaer e�tiie mortgage insnrance��nously in effe�t.from an altemate mortgage . i;;.�;_�,��� "���;;.
<br /> � '�"'�'`� ' insuQer appmved b Lender. If sut�t�:iaW�ll equ9valent moRgage insurmice cuVerage is aaa available.Borrower shail pay w '`'' '"'�• '� �`�;
<br /> wM 7_a � �i..:...�.a2�'
<br /> � "„�'`��" ` Len¢er each moath a s�un equal to arte-xwelftb of.thc yearty mortgage insu�ance piemium b�ing puid�y Borrower whea the '��''•�``��_'°;... `a''•:"�-'.
<br />_�F.� __.::-�.�:_�= f . insw�nce covecage lapsed qr ceasc�tc��sP in effect. I.ender wil!accep�'use and retain�payments s�a toss reserve in lieu _'_`;,�, . ;�;',:�:��
<br /> -'+ :'�';���- • of mostgage,inswance. Loss r�ea�i�Ymen.ts caay no lpnger be required.at the op6on of Lender.if mortgage insutance � �,,r,.,.
<br /> i � J.t..p yy.: � p ,
<br /> t���r'?,� : coverage pn the am�a�nd far�,�etiad tha�l.r�der requires)Provided by an insurer appmved by Lender flgain becomes . . „; :'. �._ '•,
<br /> - _;;�;+ • � nvailabie aad is obtaume�.Bomsv��r';t.ai}p3y�t*��emiums requiced to maini�in mortgage msurance in effect,os to pmvide a . , ,
<br /> `^ :'�" loss r�e,until the nquiremearia�r•lortgage insurance ends in accondance with any v��is:a agreement between Borrower ,.,•;:;,
<br /> , .. �'
<br />- -,:'�;:�, - and 1.eQder or epplicabte law. ' �,,�,1:;;,,; .', ,�:
<br /> � ���:-?:.t�z ;.
<br /> '~.�'`:',` ,-. 9 Inspecitom Lender or its a;�r.t cnay m:�e reasonab:e entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shull ' �'�'`'"�'` ��1������
<br /> -•,, :,;,•;.:�i:�,�:.,�.
<br /> reasanrble causa for the ins tion. ��������� ` ��' " . '
<br /> give Bomowerrsotice at the time of or pria;to�n i�specaon spectfying ' P�. � } .�";:'�:`"'�•.
<br /> �n
<br /> 10 CondemaatIoa. 'fhe prateeafis af�y award or claim for damag�es.d�ect or cansequential,in connection with any �.- "� �� � ,�:".��•
<br /> h :�� •
<br /> •:��,^�.•
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<br /> • QiWtlutaBUSIDmPafns�■ ���,;':,; .
<br />--�� . Q tAt � ,i;;i�,Att:•� ..
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