_--__�—_ —_°__ , e.+�--s—'---.r��. ..«�..�_.__�—_____ __._.._ _ , .. _ t < - . . _ t L r .
<br />_____— _ V . . . . . ...(• - Y' " � . . � .
<br /> _���.--- _ _—_ ' . . . . . _ ' . . � . - ' 1, �
<br /> +��v� . . . .. , � • ' � � ` . �(` ,�������� t . , . `• ' ' �����.—
<br />�)�� ". ' e a` c . � Y ._
<br /> - - __ — — " T�j�W�'I'[�II�I t�°.1Tff�1T(3'it�iEALS tI0W;O2I2�Oi C!�fffi l�BC�[�1tg►,SAf�8��SCI�AtB�B��Y'E�AG�9� . -, -
<br />_ _---m=_- m�d.figau�,s now or ficreaRara gart af the property: All repl�e�$i[ts anti seidii�ans shali�Nso be covene6'bg'�is�eCUCity. , —
<br /> _.__
<br /> .�_..__.o -- .
<br /> � � Iasunm�nL Ail af ths foragoing ia r�fer�d m in this5eauity instcament ss the aPtope�Yy.° , � � , --
<br /> ��. _ -. �
<br /> ------ . .,` ��i�d'UVER C�'iV�t3A,`'�'S tS�at Ecx�u���is 1:.�'r€�'i.seised nf the estat�e kenebq c�mreygd.u�d Ptas tti�r�g�t to�tt __ ---
<br /> - - -- - - �d canvcy d�a Prope:ty muF�thc Pcop�rty 3�uaea�i�b�d,except far encumbrancca of recosd. 9armWr.�wamtmts uad -,-- - -----
<br /> a ,
<br /> = — w�11 defend gen¢rally t�e tid�to the PRSpertp against.al!etaims aad demand�,suY�ect to�auy encu�ntsrranc�es of nxorQ_, - ,
<br /> _ ------= 7'H13 SECURfTY IrIS'fYLUMES�tT co�bia..°s�ttif�m c�vcnanu fm nad9nal us�c�nd nan u�fomt cavenmsts�wit� ��� � ,, __�
<br /> _��. _6.,�. ti�ited vurletlons bq jcrrisdicdon to canstltute a unifarrn ses�ty iasuument covecing�eat P�pertS!. � • . . . � '
<br /> "���'4� Ui�"IFORI�i COVENAI�PfS. Borrowersnxdl.endErc�enont cad c�s follows: . ' . • _. _
<br /> ""'u���r��� - !. ?ta�Ceat ag Frt�ctpzl autt tn€�rts�'P�a����� �a�t�shsll�gt1Y Pag c�n d�ths - - _
<br /> a
<br /> ��� , , princlpal of aucl'snterest on the debt evideasc�hv t�e Note and anF P�Y�t aad lare cGarges�due under the Note. . .. =--_- _
<br /> b �far 7��end Eas3sra�ce. Su6je�t ta�apglieabie taw nr t�a written a'raiver by Lea�r,BozmwershaU pay to
<br /> �der oa t$e day monthIY Paymeais are dus audea the 1�Iote,until ahe Note is paid fn L�1.a sum("F�mds")for.(a)yearly . • ----
<br /> ,r tsxe�aQd ass�ssments wtiis6 awy attain p�c+rity over t�s Sec�ty.ins�ment as a�iea on the P�aperty:(b3 Y�TYY Seaseh�td• �� _
<br /> a
<br /> � �i � �� �� �ayments ar graund teats on tlte Praperiy, if fmy: (c) Y�arly ha�ard or pruperty insurance prcmiums;(d�.Y�F fl� ,
<br /> insurnnse premiums; if any:(e?Y�Y�b'�'-'�`n,��,ce p�miva�s,if any,and(�anY su�s PaYabl�by Bprcawer`tu'
<br /> LendErR in accordaace wlth the.provisions of paragaph 8,ia!iw of th°.,payinent of ffiartgage insnrr�ce premiams. "ITiese . --
<br /> n
<br /> - itcros�e calIed"Hscraw Items." Lender raay,at an`y time.coIIect aad hold L�ads in an amount not to�acRed t1�'ma�ci� � --
<br /> amm�m a lender for a fedstally rtlated mort�age loan no�y ce�aire for Bomower's escrosv asxount uader the fedr�a]P.eat• �`'° -
<br /> �_�� Fstate Setttement Pmcedmes Act of 1974 as amended frum d�ae m ti�e.I2 U.S.0$260i er seq.(°RESFA°),�s anurher
<br /> -�� law diai appties w ti��cuds sets a tesser amamu. 1f so.[.eader may,a�aaY time.c�IIect aad hold Fam�s in aa aaRount not to ---
<br /> .���,.:. exceed the lesse.r�unauut. Lender may estimate the affiauat af Funds dae on the basis of cime�t data and reasanable . _.
<br /> �"°"r�,* eytimazes of exgenditures of fuUue Fscroa�Items or otheswri�e in accordance arith appHcabie law. • _ _-
<br /> ���.�,, ,��.� • ' ' : '
<br /> �«�;".,�.�;:° '17ie Funds sha11 be he2d"m an iastinuion w�ose ds��FS ate mstued by a fe�cal ageacy.mstr�meatalrty,or eahtY ��;
<br /> �t,�.°�.��t�l�i��f' (iacluding Lende�if I.ender is sach aa insa�uaon�or in�y Fe�eral Home Loan�aaF� Lender s&all appip che Funds�a pay t ��=r._---
<br /> _ -�,��+p � _. _..__ cbe Escsow.Items._L.ei►aer ma�►aot charge Bornower_far tsotd'mg ana apQiying c�e�as aattaat�y ana1Y�8 , "� �
<br /> ,
<br /> the es�xaw �
<br /> - � 1�,�'�S�: acconnt,or verifying ihe Escrow Items,-imless..I:eadea g�_�ormweri�rest-on-the-Fuads-aad�plisabt��law ' --- ._ �'a --
<br /> P��
<br /> �-��'�%z L.eader.to mslce such a charge. However,L,ea�der u�ay re9au�Boaower t�PaY a one-dme char=�for�n mdepe�ent real Yr�� __
<br /> .�;��,��� estate tax neporting seivice used by Lender in connectiaa�viih ttsis�oan,nnless apglicable law provide's otherwlse. UnIess a� � � :_ — _
<br /> ��t,uc-������.'�'j`��
<br /> d,�,� • Y : �.., agc�cme�is made or applIrable law r��ires interest to tr�paid.Lender.shall noi be r�quiied w pay Hmmwer any inr�t or }�; � �
<br /> :.:,.;:,..,�..;; .rY,:4. . �taings on the Fands. Bor�awsr and Leader may agree in n�riting,however,thSt in[CiBSt 311811 be peld OA tI1B l�m�..$,.�t�Ct ��.�'""-.• _
<br /> H:l ,;::;�::��>�°' - shaU give to Hoirogrer,arithbut charge�an annual accountmg of the Firnds,showmg credits and debits to the Fa¢d��s�'the , , r zy-
<br /> �".� ry �s• pvrpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Fvnds are pledged as additional security for all sums ss�ed�bY � t x
<br /> '� '' " ''�' this SeQUity 1t�suvmeDl. ; _ -,
<br /> :�;:� : '° .�!a�•�«'x If the Pbnds held by Lender ex c e e d t h e ammmts �s�niu e d t o 6 e h e l d�bg a p plicable law. Leadei s�all�uat'to 'w
<br /> - •<`�T,T�',.-,''r.j'G`�'�; ff the amount of the���Id by '�°'� ��,,�.�'.�
<br /> �`*�:�.�t.,,r.;� . Hmmwer for the excess F�ds in accordance with the�ents of applicable•t���.. �
<br /> ` " I.euder at any time is not sufficient to pay the Fscrow I�s'wh�d�:�+.Lender'cisv,�so notify Bomnwer in�;�nd,in . �',,..,�<'. .
<br /> 3= .�r: .
<br /> � ��' •�, ' such case Borrov�er s9a11 pay.to L.ender We armoum aecessary to m�.qp thB d�ciency. Borrower shall circ�a:-�P ttte .: ?�,.�.. :;
<br /> ,�:r"'�„'� ,: :;: deficieney in no more tUan twelve montlily payment's,at Lender's s�e'`�di�on. , '.�'• �' ... � . �� .
<br /> •;;�;'. ::r,;i,,. .-: ..:.,,r,;.-, Upon payment in fu1l of aIl sums secuted[ry this S�uitlf �� �. Lender shall promptly cefand to B'a�ru-.��er aa�y;•� -:::°:'' `-'F,.,°
<br /> ,a.i.:,. .,� •, �c'•r: . Fuuds hetd by L.eI1dL� If,imder paragraph 21.L.ender shall acquir�or sell the Property.L.ender.prior to the ac,c�i�o�af" ~'�' • ,-f
<br /> .A�l� _ �•f�, ,��• 1.'��
<br /> ; ' " ��� I an Funds heid by Leu.d�ai the time of aoqnisi6on or saie as a credit again.sz_q�smas .�;
<br /> ,`",.-,=: � ,:' :;' salc of the Property,sha11 aPP Y Y gal . ' , ;;,`',,�.
<br /> ;t;. . .. . .
<br /> ';if-i;;rf;>, ,, " ;:ir;. s�d by this Secuiity Instrument. _ • .
<br /> ' 3. App1�atton a�8b�pments. LTnIess applicable Law provjdes otherwise,a11 AaYments received by Lei�,°i�under �;-,�
<br /> ''9.`'r'`' �``'� !`"? P�B�phs 1 aad 2 shall be applied:first, c charges due under the Note;second,to amounts payable under . .. . � _
<br /> r� � ';,+�• to anY Prepaymen ;�,:y�'��
<br /> ;��k='r.'''•?�. :_.'"` F�ragraph 2:third.to intecest duE:faurW,to 4rincipal due:and las�t�sry late chatges due under t�e Note. �,. `��'°
<br /> . .' nt. •�'���S�ii��y:..
<br /> ��+ ;,;,` ` . q, Ghatge,q; Lfens. Bormwer sT�all pay a11 ca�'s,asssss�-+'._.s:charges, fines and imposidans amiEal�'ars w the „ .�^�t��,►��,:'''
<br /> '�3` ��!'-'- `''� .PtoPertS+which.azay attaia grEority over this Seauiry I�.-�ent,2�.�i�asehold pay��:�s or ground�ents,i at�r.�orrower . • :.;,:`: �' , :#,''•��,�;�'.
<br /> ' � �' �'$?�N,�,. shatl pay th�cESiga:fo�iaa d�.,°.manner pmvided in p`.*-�.��aph 2.oa if not paid in t��anner,Borrower shal! them og �[�;.;.';�;.�,,. �,� ;�,: _:�.�
<br /> � ,-.�,�,,,.c � .. time dim,ctiy i�i#ie persom oi�ed pay�aeat @a;cower s�4t+-cm�tl�fm�.'sh Eo Lecder�:l noflces of amounts to,be p d undet . '"�1;'���;'t�q n'�¢�'� .
<br /> i�4 .. .:,rSS}::..;i,. ,
<br /> �.;�:;;: � �--'�°, this paragtapll. If Borrowermakes these�a�ents dir�y.�arc�c�s�":ai?11 prompdY fumish to I�cr reseipts evidencing. � ;��i>'�i,a,
<br /> . .... u i,u .
<br /> "y ; . : tAe payments. , . . , � t:.;�',;,,�.��<,
<br /> . �`•?,.,: ..` • � '.'' Borrower shall pmmptly disci�e ais�r lien whic5�s priority over this Securiry Insbnunent unte$s Bom�v�ea:(a)agrees . . :..•�:. ��,�,�:
<br /> �'.!�''��`����-.�� ` ' '°.��;xtz svriting to the payment of the obligation sec�red tsy tt.`:iien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in_g�d faitb the ;�,�•.:,.,:,;;,
<br /> ` •• 3 ' , li�n by,m defends against enforcement of t�te lien in,legal proceedings whicb in the L.eaderS opinion bpente C:,�event the f!''�` •
<br /> ��' , �� .�� ; .-; � � i�oraement of the lien;o:(c)secures fia�i s�'�e holder of�the lien an ap+eement satisfactory to Lender subo�g the lien _ .�.--� .
<br /> '�':��'�+�','.:�" , r:r �tp this Security Instiument If L�ender d�es that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which maX�•.nain priority , : , : .,., .
<br /> ��''` ` •, 'aver tbis Securlty Instr�ent,Lender may give Boirower a notice identifying tlie lien. Boirower shall satisfy the'+izrn or take t�';'�•
<br /> n, ,'r�. �..�f'r" .
<br /> ,r f;,�: ot�or morc of the acdons set forth above within 10 da5s a�tha giving of aotice. . •,!';:•:•. '
<br /> � ,1�:�rr,:,,.�i.� ,,�:�...
<br /> ,.,._1..,.,. . � . 5. Ha7ard or Peoperty lnsmauc� Bmrowr.n�i*�Ll keep the innprovements now existing or hereafter e�s��on the •.
<br /> �1 ��'� `� �• 1'roPertY lnsured against toss by fire.hazards inelud�c;ilriTr the term"exteaded coverage"and any other hazarc�:.i��td�*� .
<br /> T
<br /> _��;�: �°•°;�;:,:�,.:;:,' ` '�'` flaods or floodin for whicb Leader s insta��. 7'his i�..:ce.shaU be maintained in the amoants�ic�faz tiu: , .. . .. .
<br /> ..a�� •;fi g• �1� . �
<br /> _ %°.i'r'�•:,$��'��,:;, . • ' :.
<br /> �s';*r'``i� 'r , . , ni�_ 6 O CI .
<br /> eiit�r FCl�3028 A90 (Da�- � G 8 )
<br /> -`'t%i�r:��;.�6
<br /> t 1i i,��k:c::- • . • ' � � - . . . � .
<br /> � '?C :X+:^r;ti- . .
<br /> ;!'� :��;.'•.t;i��.,,�tt.'' ,.
<br /> �� •�qt�����Y�Y. , , diQP ier,a .T'�`+."`': :'' . _ .
<br /> E��"e'.t -?X7tsY! .. . . .. . , �. . . _ . � ' '. . . . - . � .
<br /> ��:��i't;�_��i�a. :�_,�, ,. 'I.. . ., - _`� . . ' .� "` .5" yn��`ASiv ' ..��'L 1}. . . . � .. , . . ,.. .
<br /> t� — rS T t� i *ie�- �t� . y, �
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