�,,.v. 1�4� . 'ya ±qyr u t��� 7�s'�('`[�'�iC_� T r ���~ � ����-_3.s4,:� T�, r �� _��. � -�_
<br /> , .
<br /> � �. _ _ _
<br /> _ _. »
<br /> . .r � :. .. � . _
<br /> — _� ��S� _ _..��:.'!�i`:L�rv� ^' � �P+�I"rrl�Ifi�Q+'/sli'�Ft�di�a'�'.�i:+7 ._.:��__ �,.
<br /> —_— G�������o— _ —_—
<br /> - ` , . . . . . � . ��� �il���� � . , � �. . ' —
<br /> !� �.. . " , payat�►ts may av tanger[se.re�,nired,at the opiio�of Le�der,if murtga�e in'suraase.�vera.�e.�n t�e a�uuuIIt a�d for th�jwriaai ' _ --___
<br /> -- °T°�—,- , , tfiaz L�end�a m�uir+�)pruvided 67r an ins�uer a�iroved by Lcader�in.becomes avail�sle and is ah�un�.BoYrow�t shalf p�aY . �-_ —.—
<br />- - -- - the Pre�iums required.to ma}atam r�ortgage�a e�fect.or tp provide e tass reserve,ur�!the r�tiire�at far atottg&ge _----
<br /> � ' '�Snsut�ace eads in aacar�t�+ith any written a�re�meui befv�ean Borro��er and Landeror�applicab3e taw. _ _—
<br /> =�a•�:,E��" , , , �Iaspe��.i.�adei or its a�,ens m�y�ne r�asonabla�e�ri�u�ase aad s�cros of ihe Prog€rty.L,enBer s�ait give • - - ---_
<br />; �alrower aotiae at t6e t�e af or prior m aa insgection spe�fyitsg rzasorraYs2e c�se for itie inspeziioa. , _ — �_ --
<br /> '� � .. ' 30.Condemaat�sou. T�pzoceeds of azry a�+a�k.or cla�m for�damages.diiect or canseqnent;al,ia.connectina with a�y -
<br /> �F
<br /> ;, a `� }y�-: coaderrmxtio�m otiier taking of any part of the Propat�r,ar for aam�yaae�►In lieu of oon¢eannaffon.at�hereby assigt�att� . � v =_
<br /> •
<br /> �-�r�`'..����. , sball�paid w I�nder. � �. ° . ���
<br /> n
<br /> � �s ��'`� In the event of a total taking of the Pra�serty.1$4 p�Ceeds sh�1i 66 3ppl[e6 io the stlms SeCUted Vy this SEivtlty T��*+��^P*�t � -�",�'" ,-"��
<br /> ������' � � x k� <<
<br /> , �r�z u:t7,;+�b�-
<br /> � ,. � ti 7! = wTc,tl�r'or nnt then due,with any excess pra�ta.Boamver.frn t�e eveat a�a par�t ta�g of tlte Psog°..tsy�in wlueh th�fair . .
<br /> -, � � y -�:' market value of the PmpertY imm�elY befo�the taking is equal w or greater than the amount of the sums seasred by this r t s '`i�
<br /> _ ...�. rs� • , � •
<br /> - , Securi ty I n s t�u m e n t i�!��+s?y b e f a r e t h e t a k i n g.u n l e s s�o r m w e r a n d L e nder ath e r q+i se a g c e e in wri a a g,td�su�s secured by _ . ' , ��'�:r�.�
<br /> this gewriry I�meat shall be}�edaca�d iry the amount of the p r o o e E�.s a m ltip li e d 6y i he fo l towing f t a c t io n: (a)t h e t o t a l ' �;�fi`����,
<br /> amoa�nt af the sums secar�d iimnediateiy before the taking.divided by lb3 t6e fair�artcet vatue of the FroF�Y��Y ;.�.�Y:.t•:�i.'�;�h�r a►r�:�;=
<br />�= 6efore the tal�ng- AuY balanre s6alt 6e paid to Borrower. In the eveat of a partial taking of.ths Praperty in which the fair '�" _" ' -,�.,-
<br /> � r::
<br /> �....t�
<br /> �. markel vatnc of the Ptoperty im�ediately befoPe the ta�ng is less than 6�e amount of tke sams�secured immediateiy 6efote the -: �-_�.;;.,�,,,;,;:.:r:
<br /> =�.:�.,. �_.+• � � ra�.unless$orrower and i.ender otherwisa agiee in writing or unless'aAFIicable taw otheswisc pmvides,d�e praceeds sh3i1 .,,;�:;� -:;_
<br /> �� : Inshvment whether or not the sams ace then dree. . �•.:, '.'�,'^'�u':
<br />- '�r-'� - . 6e apptied w the sa�s s�arad by this Security
<br /> If the Progerty'6s abandoned by Borrower.oi if,after nntic�by I.cnder w Borrower.thai the condemaor off�s to malce aa �,��i;:�.�°'"�'"�'�'�``-`_
<br /> '.;;.:r<.,___���_s--
<br /> � awatd or seule a daim Faz dama8es.Boriower fai�ts to,respond to LEnder cvithin 3Q d.�►.!s after the date the natice is given„ - ____: __
<br /> a = _
<br /> �r�','�� r `.l:euaer is autt+�z�d ta collecx attd apply t�e praceeds,at its aption,either to reswratiaa�i�rre�air of the Preperty or w the sums �, r „� -
<br /> '��. � ;. • •�. � 6y tius S Instrum�nt.whethet or not the�dne. • e , �T�.
<br />�.,�,,-,� ` seiured ��Y
<br />��r,y, ti� , . Unless�ear and Banower o t heiwise agm,e in w-riting, aaY aPP li c a t ion o f p,r�s t a p r i n c i p a l s i t a l l a o t e x t e n d o F� '�"�'�"
<br /> ' , wi ¢ �.,��...`
<br />�. ��,,.,;�.��T � past�tone dte due date af tiie mu►rthlY Paymatts referred to.ai�t�6s 1 and 2 or e�iijyt ti�e amount o such pay�s• _
<br /> C� f ` ` � �
<br />�°'�r" � Z • -------- � . 14.Bono�s�Nafltereas¢3:For6ea�ance�Byle��'t'hbt��-W�iaes�:�;�'�-th�vme for-paymem-oru�rdifrcaaon---- -�---- � �;-�',;�..
<br /> �:'-'�.'�'�"� `�'• of arn�rtiratioa a€dse sums secared!ry this�ecuriry Inswmeat r� "�, . � � �� .�
<br />-_�.g_ ,�.�< n� Branted�lxndeg€��' ' suacessor%.} terest of Bormwer sh�.
<br /> ��,. a `''',
<br /> - �;;�,�:��:,.,, not aperate w mI�se the liabiliry of the osigmal•Boaower or�or�ower's su�rs in istezest.i�t shall not be cequired ta�•`` � „ <�•.' '��'�—
<br /> ,:%=.;'�'''',`":.. .4,•i�`• oommence pmceedings against anl+successer in interest or n:fase to eaueitd time far paymerrt or odienvise modify amortization -?�' _ ,_
<br /> ,._-^�`- . �� ��• � - of tt�e sums���.by this Secarity.Inss►vment..6y.masan of any.demand made i�}t she.original Bormwer.or.Borrower's •:�°.�`...:.�. :+ -
<br /> ti' Y 5:^�,�..�..;� '.�., .
<br /> �,��;�6:��.;•=-:.�'�-" succ�ssois in imerest.Any forbearanqe by I.ender in eaercising anY q�or remedy shall rtot 6e a waiver of or pmlude the �..,s ' i
<br /> , , ... ":
<br /> �. .,.,��, •� eaercise of an}r rigbt or seme+dy. •: , �� .: :',
<br /> � ?Y� i. . : .t '+ 12. SuaeessQis�d Assigr�s Buand;ac�ini and Se�eral I.�a6il5ty; Co-�ners:Tlte covenants and ageemenis of ttus;, :• c.,, r
<br /> 7i 'pY.+.'::" ..�i. � �;
<br /> `� :��;e,?Y"�•,�'�:_�:s:�F��.`p S�u�ity Ins�ament shail 6i�d aad benefit tbe successor�and aSSigns of Lender and,Borrower. subjest to the �rOVisions o��i;: :?,;'.`;: n...
<br /> '.� par��}aph�17. Borrower's voveaaau and ageements �.t+,wl�d be joint and several. A►sy Borrower who co-si�.::;:�is Securfty . � 1�. ��`, `
<br /> - :.�=_, ,,.: �; . : . • 't�.�� ,
<br /> �� . .,;���r`�.a��,`
<br /> w�,�_,_.4.^, ",.r; ,',; I�nt but does not-execute the Note:.(�)is oo-s:��%'i��t his Security I nstrument o n ly to mo rt g a ge, g r a n r�i i';�o n v e y t h a t • .:.f��+.,'�°_{,�•;: ;
<br /> ��{y a..4� '^ . Bo�iaa�er's interzst in the Property nnder t�'r i�c7ns of this Seauity Instrument:@)is not personaily ab33gated ti:�pay the sutng='�,�..: �: ;;
<br /> ,�d�,;,�,�a�#.i� . secat�d iry this Seauity Instrumen�aad fc�a�es that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to e�end,modify.forbear e� ;:,• �J �
<br /> °�-:�4��°=�.:; mat�e any accommodatioas with regard tn ti�e tems of this Securiry U�scrnmem or the Note without that Borrower s corisent. , , �:�:. '` . . .
<br /> '�� �-�.�.�.�j„�„=:,r�'•�-��+
<br /> �f ;•. '
<br /> •.':��..;�� -' � . , 83.Loan Charges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maicimum inan chargesa . ;f'.,•.:�•��� • ..,: . ,
<br /> ~.�'��.-*:�'���s:.;..,._.,. , ,;f;.
<br /> 1 IA.:..- i•.: ' .
<br /> � •,��• and ti�at law is finally inierpneted so that the interest or other loan c�arges cotlectad or to be collected in conneci`'s�a�with the :..,���,���. � • • #��
<br /> ,,t� ��'r,:iM1V"R'iry '...I.' .5. .,.,.'._ ,
<br /> .�.�ei�,:.:,y,��;i toan eao�..�r.e permitted liauts,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be recluced Byr the amount necessary to reduce the c6arge ;,;;,,;•'�=%�_
<br /> ��{''"''' to the perfttittal.limit;and(b)az►Y sums atreadY co l lect e d f r om Borrower w hic h ex c e e d e d permi tt e A l i m i u w i ll b e r e f u n d e d r,� ' •- �
<br /> �,w.. . ����'��.
<br />' .'�•,�;• �gurrpwer. Lender may choose[� make this refand by reducing the principal owed under [he Note or by making a dir,'� • : ��""�. ;
<br /> paymem w Borrower. If a refuM mduces princiaal. the reduction will be treated as a partiat prepayment,without any '_��`'�.; '";
<br />- P�Y�charge ander the Note. � ,; . `:�_ '•
<br />- .�::.��.�::3 .•�4.Notis�es.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Securit}�.Ln`s.wment shall be�iven by deliv�ring it:�:.�liy mailing � :'!: �'" `•:
<br />=��; �"�•=-��• " it 6 y•first cl�s mail unless a p plicable law n�aires use of another metEuul::�'h�notice shal!6e direcsai to the Property Addr�s . : .'-:'.:_.;:'Yt;��s;:
<br /> "-S�::.,�,; .
<br /> �N r-.;R.:;;;=, ar�y other zddress Sorrower designates b�,not�ce to Lender. Any n��tf!:�fu Lender shalF 6��;�by'ftrst class mail to:� � 3 2�},�.
<br /> '''` L�der s address stat�d hc7ein or an other address I.ender designates B� e.nt:ce.tn�'�strower. Any nosice provided for in this ••_ .;�'�'-���:;•;
<br /> --,3 .+E,��.-':�:.'� y • -
<br /> - t �;;;;�:;.' : Securiry Insmiment shall be deeaned to haye bcea given ta Borrawer or Les�er when�isti..�as provided in this paragaph. - -- -=•-::�;;-;`
<br /> - ��y;}��-�-'. 15.Gav�,ing Law; Severabiltty. This Security lnsavinent slrallc be go�en-s�d by feQeral law and the !aw ofthe . .
<br /> !3r..d'i'i,'.ri '�r� `
<br /> �---�_:,�;:��. jnris�iction iu�fai�h the Propecty is located. In the event thai any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note ,
<br /> � t,.�.,. �5,� ..
<br /> ,,.�.,,;�:�`.:,� ooaflices with app4icable law.such conflict shall nat affect other provisions of this Security In �m�+t or the Note which can be • :
<br /> ��`�"'.�:•. ::':'. ;.; .r_ , given effetK�vithout the conflicqng provisioa. To this ertd the provisions of t6is S�uity Instnuuent and the Nose are declared • •�•
<br /> � : � , ,,: .• w be severable. �
<br /> � ,..� ��, � .
<br />-.,,• ���,���r 16.Boreower''s Co�ry,Bomuwer shall lte given one oonformed capy af the Note and of this Saauity Insuument. , '
<br /> 3�'`� '
<br />__�.. �t „k Farm 3�28 9/90 "
<br />-- t ' vcgeao�6 . . . . . .
<br /> � ,;. .
<br /> •=�^e. '
<br /> �.�'_i. ' . � �1��: . .
<br /> �' . .
<br />_ � , .
<br /> �y .ri x}�.q.z�pr�;ix.!i'
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<br /> �' u� . .. . .. ,•�:�Y,i.�'- .� ^t'-.. . _ , .
<br /> _�� : - - . , �, ,�xa�,r .x �i"^��^ ,
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