�,-` _ ,,��.:��: . �:c. z-r ;-�: .�c -i', >`� �1:' 't:._��`��.-{s � - - Yf`��4�f �$.�.,�;?F'S'"'� . ��S * ---- �� °— ---
<br /> .+ � �� s: v k r.
<br /> ,e ..�t ?nG.� �+�. �r '��
<br /> �-!m-._ .. ey,- •�-�:r��'�f�'sRi'1�l�Yi.fd"1'�s.�'t Z-- .
<br /> __°.B'R".l.A:�Wt�Ts�. �':"Aj}2i•7r.•.:.is.. S _ - . ..-.
<br /> �.�.�._ -=•__� . �-.
<br />-a�'��i:_-a�?�_-'- ` '----—--_ `------- -- _
<br /> �'�`�t ���� . _ . ,: � < . � ' , '
<br /> �.� ��� �� . . ..
<br /> _
<br /> .:�--°.-r�vr x.��RS .,..:'� ' � .� ----
<br /> � � _ '_,.��. . —_.— —
<br /> �- -=� � S. �ad oP I'ro�e38y Ics� Bonawer sltalt k�ep the impnavements r►up� e�g ar herea��er�u�d on th�,
<br /> j ___ _
<br /> _ �� ProP��!►�a�Io�s by�ue,�ins�d��it�a tfre�m'eateaded a�vera�e'aa�any other h�s�,ii�3�cding � -- - -
<br />- �'--"-- - tTnnds or.ftbc�diag.for�rhich Leudez require�s.iustua�ce..Tbi,s in�,����hall 6�ma�ssrained i�tPte attt�unts and for the periads - -
<br />�'�"-'�"�'�a.`��: t�at L.eed�r t�eqaims.�imsuraace c.�lrier providing the iasurance sh�i16$cha�ea by�Barrawer sutrject to I�er`s approv�! . ---
<br /> _:.���� � °==--
<br />-_ --=— — � ., which skaZi nbt bs un�rasonabiy eiitLheld. If Bormwe� fails to maia�n cuverage descri�ithm+e. �.eus�:er-may,at tett4ier's;
<br />� _ 'o�ttion.obtain ooverage to prot�t Lender'a-ri�1s in tfie Froperty in�cantdansc witb paragraph 7. : . -_ �"- _l---
<br />--�` F�vry� ,AI�ir.surauce pa�Caes a�td reae�vaLs shall be acx�eptaWe to I.eteder aKd�shali ir.cittd�a standard rnorE�ge daus�. Letsder ---
<br /> -- �'�� ��• � shall have t(�dght fo Dsid the pofieies and renecvats:df(�euder requires,Bomu�vec shatl pmmpdy�ive ro l,ertder s�t reseipts af =�- - _
<br /> .�'�=�'�Y�'? �` paid premia�s aad reaQara�nntices:ln th�evem of loss:Sm�+awer sh�l1 giue pmu�st notiee to the insumuoe sazrier and Lende�. � --
<br /> ; -
<br /> ' �'4" ,�.�<, � Ixnd�r may make piaof of toss if not made ^
<br /> - p ' Pm�Y_DY Borrovrer. , "�.� -- -
<br /> �j tl ' .E; � Un[ess L�ttder aad�u:xocver othertvise a�in cvriting,in�uarzse prviceeds shail'6e appli�to restomtion or n�ir.of the � ��4=; t����..-..;.
<br /> :{�,�;.�., ;,� T�� Pco�Cty dama�qed,if the restardtioa or repair is econoaacally fc�si6le and iender's securiry is not tessened.if the restar.ition or ��� � � _
<br /> -;�'��v;�� repair is aot eooanmically feasi~ale or I�aBer's secyrity�woutd be lesscned,the insncauoe pmeeeds shall be applird tn the snms ��'.� `���
<br /> � � : � 6y��3ecurity L�stcument,ai�er or not then due. witI�any excess paid to BorrmvRr.If Borrawer a6audons the = -°-°� -
<br /> ` Fr+ipert�r..or d�ies aoi ams�ver wit6in 30 days a notice from Leuder titat rhe insatanre canier has offect�w s�e a etaim.then = _- _
<br /> _ °<< � Leads�r may mllect th�ins►uanoe pmoeeds. l.ettder may use the proceeds,to rc�pair or resto� the Property or tu pay suats - -- - = _�_
<br /> �'�'' � h secaced by this S = ` °"`
<br />_ ,�;' x,"�', ecaritY Iast�umeat•a+hether or aot then due.The 30�day p�riod will tr�gin�vtren t6e antlae is given. �-
<br /> t { _ �". •� iTntess'Lender and Bormwer othecwis�agrce in writing, aaY SPPnc�tion of procaeds w priaeipal shall not eatend or �, s =
<br /> `���._ �- �::-•, postgane the duc date o€the amnthly paymca�s referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amrnmt Qf the paymeuts. If t�e___-=..___���_-°
<br /> :� R_�:�:'�': under pazagrapA 2i tha.Froperty is acquited by Lender.Borrower's right to any insuianee policies and praceeds resulting from `_
<br /> .•;, .� " •. daima�a to the Pmpexty prior to the acqtusition sball pass to Lender to t6e exterrt of the sums secured by thi�Security[nstrument ��t,��_�_-
<br /> t` �',fr' ^r !II]III8�.13tCIif iSiTdT t�I�LC 30(jt11S1tI0I1. ��'�" --:�,•-��--
<br /> �'�«:�`�,�.;,..:;,� ' 6.tDc�a;iancy,�svatian,Maiuteaaaece and�tnEecttod of t6e Property;Eorraw¢P's Losw Appikati�n;trea.�6ntds. '�-=`
<br /> - '"' Sorm�versRiall � T _
<br /> '�;�"•�<t-� 4:a, , oocnpy.establish,and use the Property as Eorrawer's psincipal�sidr�ce within sixty dajrs after the ex�ation of � *�'�' -_
<br /> ' • • • • • • -�'--
<br /> �Xt�`��'�'- �----�--�'thlsSe�unt5i_I!�.4htw4gut;and_&I�.11.�ontitlue�..�xuPY-�..�pei'ty..a�.�ar.4w�3'.s.Prtnc�P�I-s�.�o.[.at_[�t..aaeYear_..aRer.___.....---�=;_,.,.�-:.�-zr-=�--
<br /> ��:�:'_:�': �t.`."•"�'='r'.: '" �the d�e df occapaucy.�unless Lender otherwise agrees ia writing.wfuch consent shati aot be unreasonabty withhetd.or unIess � >.. ��•`'�___-
<br /> '�•*'w ��; eatenuating cicr�unstarsces exist whieh are beyo�d Eoriawet's wnt�al. Borrower shaii nat desuuy, damage or iacpair the - �`
<br /> X{)� fl> ' '.. Pmpetty,alIow the Pruperty to detetiatate, or commit waste on the Pto�erty. Borrov�rer shall be in default if any fer6eitare . .1 ,Y �
<br />- P.t•i f,, �.4.� ' . .
<br /> - . artion os p r a c e e d i ng,w h e t h e c civ i l or c i i m i n a l.is b e g u n t t�at in L e n der's g o o d fai t h j u d g ment co u l d�s u lt in fo r feiture�:k`�:e -- ---
<br /> . .•.:r....., ,:.. . :_ -- - _—
<br /> �:,;...�:'-, , `� :•• ; Properry or othernrise materially-impair the ties cresfe�by this S�ity Inswment ar Len�ter's se�rity int�t�st� Boma�vt�:`.m�,� . - , — _ -
<br /> - `;f�'-1 _ , . cure such a def�lt aad reiastats.as provided in paragraph 18.by cansing the acaon or prcceeding to be dismissed with aibi�� : '�'
<br /> �,.``�, .:�'• that. in,t,�ndei s gooci faith detemrination. prectudes forfeitare of the Borrower s interest irt the Property or other ma�;rial " � �� --
<br /> . :. . ' �`: �: :. >•..,:_:-.�
<br /> �;r, .."..;,.�•` ?:.:::�• �:ii?f tHe lien crrated[ry this S�curity Ir�mument or Ixtrder's security interest. Borrower shall alsp be in defr�tttrif • ' !:'��
<br /> . :-i:_ ,;+,:.�w. .......,,.� .. ,r•+�:,--
<br /> �y�•.•� , • ; Bortuv�e�'ii4:tring thelaan application pmcess,gave materially false or inac�u�ate information or statemeats to Lender(or failed .."•.�:<
<br /> �`<"''� , �.`.:��. to,provide Leuder r��lir-uny material information�in connection with the toan evid.�nced by the Note,including, 6ut rtot limited � ' ^ ���'
<br /> Le ��`�:.
<br /> ,�.,_
<br /> . a�.� ` . . .,�.:-,
<br /> r,f...,: ; � to.nepresentations at��nung Boaoaer's accupancy'of the Property as a priacs,p�residence.Lf this Security Inswment h on a :- �_.a--
<br /> . ' -,,.;;r`�: '. Ieasehotd; Borrower sB�11 comply avh all the provisions of the lease. If Borrawer acquires fee Litle to the Property. the .. ',''��=
<br /> ,� .'`" teasehold and the fe�ritte sdail not m�e unless I.ender agrees to the merger in writing. �f�
<br /> .f;':._•�.:;�tx41;�.'i�' , �: ,.8i'/��
<br /> _ ._3<:.. ,.,,;;:,..:,.. = 7.Qtotect�an of I.ende�s m the If Borrower fails to erform the covenantsand . �` ' ``�2.'ii""..:_.
<br /> ;,:. ,. ,� Y�ights� Pro,��' P ugmements oontained in
<br /> :� • �• ":.'�{ , this Seauity instruace�t.or.there is a legal pmoeeding thnt may signifcanity�affect Lender's rights in tha,P�apmty�(such as a • ` . �':'
<br /> ,�^:�,..�,:�,. . , ;,-
<br /> •,•s;�;.,.:.,:;. . .. .� • prooeeding iq bankrupuy;probate,for condemnation or forfeiNre or to enforce laws or reg�r';tions). then Lendat•muy�do and •, ,�� '. •���,_'
<br /> °.ry,..,�•.;-.; ,: .;� pay for•ni�tever is necessary to prat�t the value af the Froperty and Lender.'s rights in ihe Property. L.ender's actions may ��. '' ^r`
<br /> �.����'��t'-�;���'<;+t��.;.: �. � � swr�s seeured b a lien which has rcorit over this Securi Instnrment, a earin in court, a in � "•>�%ifl`
<br /> inclua:.�y;ipS �Y Y P � Y tY PP g P Y �
<br /> . ���y^f'"i��f S''f'"i"�:i � �'_. ..�.
<br /> �..;,���-��s..f �',i�:. •, reasan�,�aitomeys ,t�s and entering orr the Propesty to make repairs.Although l.ender may take action ondeT this paragraph ;�,�.,. ',�_�r: :��- .
<br /> ' t'��i'�rn: ''�;� 7.Lender does not haY�.t�do so. � ,
<br /> � '':��?�,y��_ _ � .�.. . Any a�.,m,nt��iy�� by l.ender under this paragraph 7 shall b�a��dditidnal debt of,Borcower secured by this �� " • " : '
<br /> _ :;�,;��;;�.r'� :.;_'��;�;' Secarity Iastratr��"t:'Lt'r.�ss Bomower aad Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the � _�`,:.' �..•°•
<br /> •�'�'''�'� `"`•�•�• date of d"cs6e�rsemeas et the Nofe r.�►:and shall 6e payabte. with�intarest. upon notice fr�,m:L,cmdes to Bnrrowet requesling _ , . -
<br /> y.z,'ew�r.r° ..-.•.• jf3yiBCIIC.' . . • .,. •: . ,- .�
<br /> , ��_,.,::
<br /> . �-.»--_-.
<br />