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<br /> „a.A.4M�1 � . . ,. . .. . . �. . , . . - . , . ' . � . • � ' .. ' � �. ".: . � ,� • '. .. , ' -
<br />��:2�?,�c��. t , . ' ',7. .. . . , . . �,� . .. . , , . . . . ; � --_—_- -..-
<br /> Zita�7tRJitSY.Y��� � • �' �� . . �, tl. . ��� ������ r . ' � . i
<br /> - ------------= . ° g�i��tlist I�der requi�`s. �imsvssn�a canier pmv�diag�};e insurnn�sh3U b�rTtas�a by�wez s cq�.en��r's .
<br /> -- ---_- ------ ' , ap�lOV�i�vhicli s�a3t aoi be un�eas�iy�rishheld if$anrow�fa�ils to maintaIu c�re�age s�cribed a��.L�eIIder ma�!,�x, . _
<br /> � �� • L,e�rh a�uian,otit�in covefag�:ca�proi�ct Lenderb rig�ts iii'i�ta.�'mpZrtY in ssc�ondaa�e wi�h p�ragc�pb.7: .
<br /> �- � . � . _ ___.__ ..__
<br /> � -All:nsut�ce p�hdea�ud rEn�vals spa�t b�sooep��eto I:`ead��shalE iucit�8 e•�miri a�tntga�et�.-u,� . , .
<br /> _ � . .sfz�11 i�av�the rigLt tv ha2�tfie poticies and.i+enewat�r If l.�a�ier mqui�,�inrcawer shall pmmPUY 83ve w Y:endsr ut�n�eipts . . .
<br /> �.� Q.
<br /> � of pa£��s�Qad reAeural notic�es. [n the evta�t of Iass,lBurr.qwer steali give paamptnotice ta tt�t insumace�canisr aad ,
<br /> � - ,- " Lert�:r. t.4�er maXmaice proo�of luss if adt ru�cie�amP�tlY by E�on+ativer. � , . . � < . --_-
<br /> _- - '�.� �,'`; � , lJniess Ixndes��omower otfi€�e+is$ugree in�+riting„i�ss�ar�s:e gaQCee�s sl►$1!b�applie9 w xestocatiar�ds r�palr o� . --
<br /> a�ti`�Y�;'�'',�' , ' 'tpt��t'u�ttyx dam�Sed, if t��iestosat�un dr re�aiz is ecanamtsnUy f�csnh!e�nd I.�zder's s�ecuriry is aot Yesseaetf. IP th� _ _
<br /> - _ }-�—r-z , sesi�.3�esa a�^fepair is sutt�co�asr�ta!!y�'c�ibL or L��r�.ses�rit�►wmnW he 1e.tseae�t1�ia�anse.prt�eds&ttall be . - --
<br /> ' ;��r:^4 y ';t� � QOPlicd ta,ttt��unas cecured�y this Security Instncmenb �h�ther as aot sdicit da�.wYt�i aay excess paicf to l�es�wrcr.�IB --- � --
<br /> ._� - Bemmver airattdons tttss Fropecty,ur�es not an�siver w[tisin 3a d�ys a noti�froin t,eader that the instii��cBrtFer.d�s - _
<br />- .'�`�:`" ;;�F`'�` ` . offered ta seffie a clalm..themLende f�ay collecc dt�insusautce pabce�ds. Lender m3y`use the�noceeds to air or teswu�e , .' ------
<br /> re� os ,
<br />_ ��`' � the�'ro�e�y or Yo pxy st�s secured by this S4xurity Instntm�i.whether or aot then du�. T6e 30day Qerind w�l begit3 wRen
<br /> tttt notIce is given. . . ' . . �
<br /> ' . -f�_ ' � Untess l�euQei aad Bmrower o�herwise-agee in wri�ing.am3►aFPt�c�tfoh of pmceeds Yo prindpal ehal!nat eate�sl or . � ' _
<br /> �'�' isefem�dtn in 1 and 2 oi chan e P Ym - -_
<br /> _ k, postpone tfte dite daze of the iaanthlY FaS!�e� P�'�P�;. g ttt�amaun�of the a enis. If . — _
<br />- uader paragraph 21 the Property is acqnued by Iaader.Bnrmwer�s nght��any insmm�ce policies aad pra�s�suIiin� __-
<br /> � �;'��i�'.��. z"� ftom ttama�e ta the Praperty priar ta the acqaisitian shall pass to ixader td die extetit of�he sums sectared by dvs S�uiity �___-
<br /> _ �r�_'`'�,��. �« jtLS[t1lIIISII��IDffiCdJ3LCly j1Il0I UY t$C 2CQUISi1t011.�. . ' ° ,, • ---==—
<br /> " ,� • 6. Oc�pasrcy, Preservation, Maintenance an�l 8ralect�un oY the�Property, Bore��er�.l�nan Applk�oa;
<br /> o , .� L4asehoids. Borruwer sbalt nccapy,esta6lish,arcd use the Propercy as Bwmnrer�s prinsipal rimsidence arithin sixty days atter --
<br /> ,�:;1x ''•.:T�,.. ' . the ea�ecntioa of tbis Secarity Insb�imient and shall continue to ovcupy the Pmperty as Bormwer�pri8cipai sesideace for at, ��.�.-.-,
<br /> -;.y,Y;�-,;.:Y';°-;;;-'r; , kast o� year after the dare of occupancy, unless Lxndez athetwise a$cees ia wciting, wJueh consenE s6a11 not 6e . ��c�=_�=--
<br /> •:::f•,-,... , .-.;:�;. �mreasonably witt�el�,or unless extenuatmg circamstauces exist wbich a:e 6eyond Barrower's controL Bosawer s6a1!not �:���..�•
<br /> '��`���t�r'`:�ti�, _ d�+y,d�e or fimpair ths Ptagerty.allow the Property to deterimate,ar cammdt waste on the Pmperty_ Harrower stmll . -_ _-----_ -- ,
<br /> :.�� -•--�:..,:�.r;,�. . __.__..--be ia defa�lt if�y forfeidue actian or y�ooeediag,wheth�r civ�.or crimina4 is begun thai iia LeusIe�Ts.goad faith' . -
<br /> : `'�,ar `"���.`?��;�; , wutd�esvTt m fa�lfeiture of the Ptopeny or ot�erwise materiaUY imp5ir the tien created by tizis Secitpity Inson�un�or --�- -- -- �_- _ ._
<br /> �-•;3`:f.)J_.: 5... v y"�`�_
<br /> �_�
<br /> 5 ._. `c��''�'�`�' . . Lend�r�s secwi�}r i�est Eoaower may cm�srcch a defar�Et aad teenst�.as providecD in patagrapl�1$.'liy,'causing the a�tion `�"'�,.� —
<br /> . ��''' ��>��.:'�`.. . or proceedin��be di�missed with a rnling that.in I.e�d�¢�'s good faith de�a,P�+ecludes forfeuure of the Bor�wer� .. `---:-_�
<br />_t, N�'� ''`; ��. _� . intenest in the Ft�geaty ar os�material impairmeat of[he liea created by this��canity Insbument or Leader's sea�rity L ' r:�----�-_
<br />_ 4, r.�_ : _ interest ,Borm�shail aLso be in.defaWt if.Borrow�es. ducing.the.Ioaa app�ea�aa pmcrs�,gave mate.rially. fafse o�.:: i�T�,.�
<br /> ,� �n��,+�*�•infmYn�tian or statements to Le�der(or failed to pmvide LeIIder wiih any material information}iri coAnec�an w�tli.•`'
<br /> � %4 � f � � � the loan evide by the Note. inctu Q �but not limited to te �tations coasemin •Bormwer�s oF. �� ,t;�-
<br /> a�, � � Pc�.s g �P�Y �;;;
<br /> . `. Praperty as a g�t�galresidence. If this S�ity G�rument is on a leass�old,Bo�v.-er shall comply with all di@ AzP��A�;�_•,...�=,�; . ` :
<br /> • ,': _ . .•° � .; of tl�leas�. If.Sormaer acqui�s fee tide m the Propesty.,�leaselto2d and the fee est&e st�all aot e�mless I.e'�it ,":. X�'��.,�,.,.,�•
<br /> .�,•��. � „�����:';,
<br /> 'r w the merger m writing. . r::,. , ,.: : , �
<br /> , ' 7. Protectlon of I.ender's Rights in the Proper2y If Bomaa�r fails to gerform.t�te:�:a�ie�ntints and agit�einents',, " ' 'i��+r:•��,-.-��
<br /> - �_:- - ' wntained in this Sectnrity Instrumeni. or da�ce is a tegal proceedi�g t�e�t may s�gnifica�ily.at�;e'c��,ettder's rigfits in tt�e::.r,��, ` `'=',, .:
<br /> `:r.: '• � � �P�Y(sucb as a pmcee�g in bank:upuy pro -r -� -
<br /> . �ate.for condemnatioa�ar forfeiture or to�nfaro:3:i:als oc regWations),theii�;;;:�t;':�: ,,::=;�-,,, _
<br />