i�?i�'-, }�S` Y • . y &� . <r� :t� :.tt51`111F�B188�BIdS3fiF. r:2 ' -_ _
<br /> - . ��, ��v� _ _
<br /> ru.��-"�'" _
<br /> �,�� , � p i•_�•����_ =--'�:- — ` __ _
<br /> �_ �— _— --- -----___�.- --- - — - ._
<br /> , -- - - __ - . ---- — -- _ — .
<br /> . . . • ? _
<br /> �- . .. . - . ` - •��-'
<br /> --_--- -- . , � . , . � , , � - �t_ '
<br /> � — � '• , , . �s�����r' '� ..
<br /> - � , . -��9�.�}'�'�IIl�tPb,'.$mgtt)v'°.�eii3'Cp9V�?i��Ori t�,�t,83`�P�l�i�'A'•&�8�¢P1��?18T,�85. ' .
<br /> aIIiL S�lIIG4�UUR�i$CI'C�P3��33�OF t�°�f�. E�T2'�lf8C�IIE3 8�$t�E�ILIt{�S�FA�.ti�54 ISC t707��t t�:3$�ItJt' F. . r.
<br /> - • �msttQment- t!U of tfie feuegai�,n is cefe�ect w in tbis.Secncit��ns�v�ent as the�. : ' , , •�,
<br /> ------ - � �._.. : . _--- �--- .. -- -
<br /> , _ .r_. ` � � _
<br /> � BORAi�VEK�Y�At�'C5�@��3a�co��[aovfa�q set�ed of f�e,�rr�e i�ieisy�cor��ey�di�1�tt�rigH�io�ss '�.. -�:=- - -
<br /> -- -- an�c�vey t�.E�cpetty aad t�i t$e�mp�rty is�me�ease�4 t�u enc�unbrances a�cera�..•,�ea�ar,er wamam�`ar�
<br /> --_-_....� � c,rixt defend gentyalljksht due wttie Fropeaty�against atl clatms aud derar�aub�ect to any e�atirr�42s af raoas� � .
<br /> �.�� T�,S SE�:tJRITY IN3TRiJPV�T c.ambines �m�;fams�vea�s fas�i�nal iu� �d untt-nruY�coveaass3 cuIfli • � _--_
<br /> .,,,,�� � Eimized var�a�imss isy jerisd��tion ta�anstItute a tmifcsm�securiry ins�entco�reaing real gmgerty. � , .
<br />�r�#� ,r''� ' • • _
<br /> ,��_. . _t�t1�113QOVF1�tANTS..Bort+�w�r�dLet�er�vvenanta�da�c*.�,asfoll4ws: ' :: -- _
<br /> � _ :
<br /> � i�: � __. a. P�ymerri a�Y Prtncipal and d��yn�nt���i3s C`naag��armwer shaII p�r�.+3r3y Pay w�en�ue ia�e : - -
<br /> ����� piiacipa3 of�intemst on tt��t evtct�uced�t�e Note m�any p�mp�yateat andlat•ch�es d�e�-�fis�Nat�. . --
<br /> ���„u� i c�. Fmids fas R�es a�!II� Sub�ect taapplicabie iaw or to s writte�waiver by Lsndes,���rawet sh�l!paq ta ,
<br /> �___--_ [.�nder on t�e day anomtAty p�ymeats are dua u�dcr thc Note.untIt t8s�Nat��paid in tiull.a sum�t"Fciads")farc(��Y�"�3' .
<br /> - -�°"`�""' tnxsss and assess�ent�vldic�may avnin priurlry nvc�this Sccuriry[nstt�:nt�s n 1€a�o�t2r�Pmpei�ay:(b)Y�ariy leuso€�oid �
<br /> -�'._=_-_ p�ymtcats os Btmut�d rents on the.l�roperiy. it,any: (c)Yeurly hazard ar 0���nsuruace preanu�ns:(d)yearty ftond. ,
<br /> - = iasurdnce�R►Ium9.if ru�y:tc)y�a�ty mongqge ie�sacance pcc�iums.lf nny:and!fl�y'sums pnyabie dy Batrewtr to .
<br /> - - Lea�et�ta accacdance with tt�.pravisians ot parngrupt�$.io tieu oY dtep�y�ment nf mortga�e#as�ua�preYnIuana. T�ese . -
<br /> ---�:`=�:,� ' iictats atu calied``Esscow items" Lent;er a�q,nt aay dttuu�coQe�f and kold Flinds in un amuunt rtot to ex�ed the m�tum . _-_._.
<br /> ---�.��`�"�`� � amnuni n Icndes for o te�rally reinted m�irtga�o loam m�y�quiro for Bopruwers essmw axount undet ttte fede�il I�eat ,
<br /> __�--�.� �statii Scitlement R+�ceQures Act nf 19'I4 ns amended froai tIme to time,!2 U.S.0$2601 er seq.("RFSPA"h���
<br /> ---___.- .- � taw ti�t applIes to ttte F�s sets a ies5er nmoun� If sn.I.ender a�y.at any tiut�collect audhol�fiu�4ds in an amou�it aot to ,• �:
<br />_.�r:::pat�`-��- . exc�ed tl�leaser waouat. LeQder may estimate tne mnouat of Paads due on the 6asis of nuzr.nc data an�3 masonable
<br /> � ,� estimates of expenditutes of futut�Escracv Items or otfierwfse in uccardance with a�s.,ltutt�Ie law. ��
<br /> F�"`."'`°:''�.' 77te Rmds shall be held in an iastitution whose de sits acc insnred b :a federaZ ' _-----
<br /> r„",. P� Y g$��Ys 1nSfiiID2Af81tL}�,OT P.tl�[S►
<br />_,'T.._;���`- (inciudi�g Lender.if Lender is sucU an institntton)ar in any F�ederal Hame Loan Bank I.e�der sl�ai[aPPiY the k�a�ds to pay
<br /> .�=.�•u;r�... ... ... . ... tbe Fscmw items...�.ender may nat.�h n r ge.Bnmower.for.hol d i a g aad.applyiag.the F�rt d s,_.annuak t g'.a n a l Y i mg the esc�w . -
<br />-.3�--.-v.�r.v.�-..-.,. . ..... ...
<br /> -_�_�!=�'•:�.,. accowtt,or verit�ring the Escmw Items.unlesa Lender pays Bamnwer interest on ttt� �niis au��agplicabls law pe�its . _
<br /> '`-"''_�;r�:�-' Lender to maka�such a c6arge. Hawever.Lender may requite Bonower tn pay.a one-time c�aarge�an an independent ceal �
<br /> .�" + �' esuste tax reporting service used by Leuder.in cormection witb this loan,untess applicabte law pravidss ntiie�se. UnIess an =
<br /> "`.._.��'�`,..:; ment is m�de or Lcable taw s intemst to be azd,Lender shall nnt 6e eo a Bomower aa utte�st nr
<br /> .__�.;_.. ���
<br /> .r._,re_._,: .� � aPP� � P � � P Y. Y . =_.�r�=_..�
<br />, e.zmmgs on the Paads. Bmmwer aad Leuder may agres In wiidng>how�w-ees,that iateiest shalt isepa�d oa the�unds. l.eader �
<br />�� -; �r,.: ; shall give to Boirower,�vithout clrarge,an annuat accouating of the Funds..showing cnzdits and drbits w the�mds aad the _ _
<br />:.�,.;,-,;:'.,•,.:.;, ,�, gurpose for whicb each debit to the�nds was made. 'ihe Funds are p2edged a�addiuonal secudty fa3 all sutns sec�ed by
<br /> . . fi if� �f':'^e - �S���ent. . � .. . "- - � ,
<br /> -�'3k'�,��t'f`:"?„','' If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts pemutted[o He held hy applicab2e taw,Lender shaR accottnt to
<br /> li�f'YA : tyf
<br /> �':'�"'' BotroWer for tt�excess Funsls in asco�daQce with the tequuements of applicab2e taw_ €f the amouat of the�nds tteId bq
<br /> 91rt•••r...,r.4:'
<br />:�r�`;`���:'.<�;�";"'%z5?�' Lender ai anq tims is.uot sufficient to gay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Basmwes in writing.aad,in :
<br /> ::.f,..,`�., .�.v
<br /> , ':... :... :::.:. :.. snch case Bonower shall pay to Ixnder the arnount necessary to ros�ke up d�e deficteucy. Boaower shall make up tke � -
<br /> � � • deficiency ia no mo�thaa twelve monthly.�ments.at I.r�de�s sole diseietion. � ` �
<br /> _ �: ,. `,. :;%s; ;�` . :�--
<br /> -,';`,-:'''•';�,:.�' . � UPun Paynaeni iu full of all sums s�.:s.�d by this Secarity Insuumen�Lender sHall pramptly iefuad to Burrowet aay - :.%�.:�"
<br />�..:.Y.; �..• � Faads hetd 6y Lender. ff;under pazaga�a Zl,Leuder shall acquire or sell We Pmpecty,Lender,gciar to the acqaisition or °
<br /> �.� "�`�j�"''` saIe of the Pmperty,shall apply any Fim�s I�eId by I.ender at d�e time of acquisitioa or sale as a c�dit against tAe s�ms .•��$�,
<br /> _ .�� ;.;� secured by this Sec.urityr Instrament . ,:.�``.
<br /> '��=;-• ,, " 3. AppIIa�tEon of Paymeats. �;�applicabie law provides atheiwise,all payments�ecxived�by Lender under; :• �
<br /> «..
<br />*f,�s�,.:. t'� ' Paragraphs 1 an�2 shaU be applied:firsa,t�s any prepayment charges di�e uadec the Note;second.ai amannts payab2e ander � �,' �----- _
<br /> `''` ara h 2;
<br /> �" r t s�.,.i;���, P 8�F. third.to interasa,due:fourtb,to principal due:and last,to a-.y Iate charges due under the Note. ,. ��"��;.
<br /> .���,� :,rd, 4. Cbsuges; Lfens. Bosmwer shall pay all ta�ces. assessments,charges. frnes aad 'ungositions attributab2e to the � �, ,� �•:', ��
<br /> ,y,r,� •'�, .{, pmperty which riay auain prioritq over tbis Secarity Instrumen�and leasehold payra�CS or g�uIId rents,if any. Borrower y�'a'( :, :��:
<br />:-^.::g�z,,��"'�'•" ,r� shall pay these obligaHons in the manner�uvided in paragraph Z.or nt�Qot paid in ttra?s�t�;�i�s^ower shall pay them on �;,t r:�Y,_�;' � , "
<br /> ,.:.-.�?..:,.;._.
<br />�;=�.-.,;;°; .�•��; time di�ectty to tlte person owed paymear�.l�ormwer shall prampdy fr.�:s:�.to Lender t,�.���ce�cf'z*!*ounts to be paid under :;�,:r`:',,� ��;,. i�r�,�;
<br /> '��•�--;:� ' f�.%; �g P�S�Pb. If Borrower makes the��raymeats directty.Bormwer�promptty,�sF�`i�:;��eer receipts evideu�iug 4 �:.� :i �� t�.�.l�;..
<br /> r �,�.
<br />._,,:-.�. . thepayments. - � , • f;;r:,.'. .,.`'.� ';`,:,si, '
<br /> _ • Homower shaU prompily discharge��tien ahich has priority over this Security InsuumentµnIess Borrawes:(a)agre�s • 1k�":�
<br /> - :'�`�r:.';.;e IL..-
<br /> -- • • • in writing to thc payment of the obliga8a°n secuied by We lien in a manues,acceptable to Lender.(b)Contests in good faith the . '� ,.,�
<br /> ,,.� f„ lien by,or de,�ends a,g inci enforcemen¢ay;�e lien in,legal proceediag�e�3ficd in the Lender's o�;�zaon ogerate to psievent the ,� �•�'��„i��1�»•-�'
<br /> , ��� 'enforcement of 4he lien;or(c)sec�ues�the holder of the Gen an a�eement satisfaMOry to i..�u,tker subordinating the Gen � ''. ' •{';,�.��r��f'"�'
<br /> �;', ',/,?�.,, �
<br />.�_�.;;..,r, ;�„�u: to ihis Sesutiry InsUVment ff Lsn�t���es that any part of the PmpeRy i�subjeCt to���i,.�wtuc6 u�ay att2iD ptiosity � ���k�r.�t .
<br /> =- _ over thi�Sec�ty Instnmteas.LQadea s�.give BorrBwer a aafice identifyuig the liter3. �onvw�r shall satisfy the lien w take . °'''!.t�`
<br /> one or wore of the actions s�t fort����c within 10 da s of the vin of notice. . � y
<br /> Y � g ' •.`,.' �. .
<br /> ` . .'.4,�,;., . � S. Ha�r�or . •.� r.�a;.. � ,
<br />,•.,.',� PropertY Yns��a�, Borrower sha11 keep the improvements aaw eans�^.;2 es heieaftet erected on tfte �_;;:`';����.;: �
<br /> ;`„''�, �'mperty insured against loss by fire,���s included within the term"extended wveiage"aad�j other tiaazards.incladiag � .. . ,.,ti St;;�;`
<br /> :,.; � � ,,,,�+ zar ��; �,. �
<br /> :,. ��r <i;�: . , :,,isp>�:11.
<br />°;.�:�:,� �:��' ftonds or flooding,for which Lender r.equi�s insurance. 79ris insurance shall be maintained�.the amounts aad for the ;� : .:;��N,'-•�at>�,•.
<br /> ,•,�r�, . . • . , ,,i�,...y��i��:s:;
<br /> , , � >� y ��� � �
<br /> ' .� t ,
<br />.S;:n•i:.; ., ', ,.. F�m3019 4l90 /poBeZof6page.rl 1:YJi''n ��:;t,f,�,,:,; ,
<br /> -•.k,,:�:`�;.�.; .+:;l.t' •_ .
<br /> _�.: , ��i:r5 �.:., ;'�i�y�e�,.
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