-t ����� �,�� `,+- � I I i ''Y -._ ,- - ` ' .•. ;; s �; ., i,`: •-�r 4 ,.,•�Tfi�t de�.__�—--�' — r_—�__
<br /> -. � r- � x�na,M^�
<br /> ��ir -'"S ..:�... �~ r11't�t.i�x.�" n` '�"'. i.�'� e rt��"" � �s y •. t..:�-- - '__ —_
<br /> � � . - c.�.". "?1°."��'� �e.��':'�-r� 4�.�r��_; t. .{ .�it.^t-,E �a.sc` „`
<br /> �:
<br /> �(. �5��� ,+�4 J` �"'•,��` 'Py.� ' _ _ __ -"_'_ _—
<br /> ^ .i-� . . . , .., �� :�,�.� .=--.�...� . _ �..
<br /> �' 'x� .-a:`�d��, � . , � . � , ' .. ' c . . .tr �'_ .j \� • � ^ � , -
<br /> 'S '��1"�i��rS�t���.l. - ., . . • � � . �,n- �/�y�)LLAi!r�: ' ,��� '� . • -- -
<br /> ' ... �'. �: :y'i�� �� .. � . , ` trc . .',1�'`'Ya� � � � --
<br />- t:, _;�y�.�;,: , ,k. ' . , , , "t. _ �.'�:; ==--'°--_------
<br /> SS n. i:;c�t r.�`.3: . � . �. •. �i. ? , � •:�''t'��:.:. r� .,^-� . —' '_"`"
<br />_ ";�� ` ' cat�eeimatiurt os athex taking sf uny yan of tlte P�opecty,o:fer c�aveyanc�e�-��o�;��n;ac��yassi�edattd ` ---
<br /> * shati L+e p�d to Lend�t. `: . ' �` `�` . � . :, .
<br /> ��.u_'`� t�. _ ` , ta dt.. cvent of a toza! c a K ing Q f�h��petty,%he p r a c e z d s s h a t l€���a t#�e`.sur�s���t b y t i i;s s e c�u i i Y -
<br /> ��`���, � `� Instni�xens.wbgther oe.aot 1�ten due.wiih.oaY excess paid td Bornower. ��1s��+e��.t��Pa�aia�-..�rit�uf the Pmperty in =---
<br />_ ��� � � which th�fai�masfKet valu..��t$e Pta�trty ithme8iatety before the taking is e;i�i 3;sa'u�:�r t l�`�amovnt of tl�ee sums . ` "`--
<br /> . �' - .>�.; secured�y tl�L�.Secttrity Instruateni immediatet�r before the taking,unless Bcti3?c�i�v�t`�;�udec ot#ierW,se agee ur wrideg, , - -
<br /> �` x' -` � � . `the siuns secured 0�tttls Sectuity Insttument shall 6e cedticed bp tha amau'��=o��ic..�s imtl��'�s5ed by the follavring � . . '" ,-�— __
<br /> � r � _ - 4 ` , L . fracaon:.(a)the totnl amo,uu of the sums secured immediatcIy�efare the rat�n,g:,�x�e3 6y(b�.ta's.�maric,�t vatue of the �� �"` _ —
<br /> • .�' ; Pto�,rty.imm�..e l y b e foro t f te t n k i ng. A ny 6 a t s u►ce s h a l l b e pai d to B o r 3� fi n�i s e e v��:o-�a p a r t i a t t a�n g of the. "' � _-
<br /> ' • Propeny in wluch tRe fnir mvket vuluo of the Fmpert�r iffinediately Irefore��:r��',��;I,�.s�a�amaunt of the sums � ' ; -
<br /> - -- �' secured immediatety before the faktng.unIess Bo�tawet.and Lender othei�`�agres����+oi� $PPlicab2e Iaw � _ �.z��,
<br /> I�r � �• o.`therivise provides,the proc�ds sRa�il be appfI�d to t�e sums secmEd by this�er��»��h�rer ar mot t�e snu�s are M,,-+-.,��..�.d
<br />.. . M '_ .4 L , U[V+���ir . .- - '. '.. ...'��' c. �fc2Tl'l,.:t�? -
<br /> � �'`.`; � r '.: < �If the Pro�crty is abardoned by Bornswcr,or iF.after notice by Lender���ex t?�a����nor offeis to make . ��'` -
<br /> . *'...i....r•__ '_ �.;..� :�. an award ar settf�a cfaim for damn es.Bmmwer fails to respond to Le�der�3Ga�a�s.&���i�the nasace is giveu. �'� ;�.-- �
<br />- �"?,•��... s or to tbe -
<br />_`� ' c< � � l.ender is autfiotize�to coHeet and apply the pmceeds,at its option,either t�;t��ua���rey�'��e��coPerty - ___�- --- -_
<br /> � � "�. s�mts secuned 6y tt�is Security Insicuntent,witetheror not ttten due. . ' ' , , . .
<br /> .. u�z.��.
<br /> � ' �;x� ` `- Unless l,euder and�oirawer othecwise agcee in writing,any application�{�ut�s ta'�q,:�g?1.shal�Qu�e�uend or ��� �
<br /> ;�� ;� ;>; � ' � postpnne the due d�of the�no�thly¢aymenis reFerred to in paragrsphs t and 2�im��e��siz��ef sun:i pa1?�ents. ��-
<br />�, .a ��,«.�.:��r , 1L_Borro�ver 1Vot.Retcsised; Forbeatance By l.ender Nat a Waivert;, a�r£..�v�ae.€e�r �yment or t y%,F"'- _—
<br /> '1'` madificatiQn of ac�►att�tion of tAe sums secured by this Sectaity Instrument�a���i����r sa iatecest � �`" ..� �
<br />_ :��4�;:.,.,. : �` of Homotuer shal!nos op�ate to rete.�e the Gability of the original Borrower c���+rt�s• .����.m�zer�t Lender r r'* ---
<br /> shall not be uimd to comrrlence rac din a ainst an saccessor in intem,�t oi��:�.�'�i.tuna�ar pay�nt or .:�.`.`----
<br /> ` ��,. � .. `..,.: re9 p �, � 8 Y �i ° ,,..��_,�;°,::
<br /> � �s.... , �-.-
<br /> �,�;,�� � othervuise mo aa;orti7atian of the sums secured b thi�Securi Instrament b r�*s'rt' d��ar�vnade 6 the ori al
<br /> difY Y LY Y � ,- �'... Y S� °r �s�:
<br />_ ;�i; �'` ..`::� �`�`: ��_ ' Borrower or Borrvwer's successars in ineerest: Any forbeasaitce by Lender ia exei�s�„tta���.�rz�aedy shatl noi be a ' �'�"""""�'=
<br /> :� � . waiver of or pbeclude the exercise of any right or remedy. • - ��;� '• �
<br /> : ` •-~-;'=--�::. � IZ. 5uocessors and AssIgns Baaadt.tofe�t and Severef LiabN •Casfigaers.�i'e.�i� of this � _ -
<br /> , , . . ,
<br /> . _ .
<br /> a t, � " _.
<br /> ;�``'•• i' . t�� •-- ---. --_-�ec�rity Instriiuient s1ia71bind-aad-t�enefifttie successois-a�1d�g��f ixndcr�ntt���t+er;�'t��ct to th�ons of- ..---.._._._ � ,
<br /> y „ . a -- �...:�
<br /> �,y�•� , ' paragraph'I7.Bmtower�s eovenants nnd agr�eements shall be,�oint and severa}. An}�xer;wh�'F.o-sig�ss t�s Sec�uity '-.:�•.u�� •, �`��:---
<br /> �: (:'''. f i:::
<br /> v�: "� '�' ' �� Inmument but daes not execute the Notes(u)is casigning this Security Insuument o�.:t�i���rz�,�nt and canvey thaz ••r•�:�='�Y='"`�'
<br /> I "� . Borrower's interest in ihe PcopeKy under the ttm►s of this Securiry instrumen� (b)is not;s�so�p:c���d to pay the sums �T
<br /> -• „��,:�, ,<<,..
<br /> ��`�� '�_ � Y- secuced by this Seeuriry(ostrumen�And(c)agcee.v that l.ender artd any ather Bomower�.ay��d.�id,�odify,frnfiear _ ,>
<br /> �`''�: ' .. . -or make any accommodations with-�gsud to the terms uf this Security lnstiument ar�n Ns�v�.*s�i�at.sl�aa IS�snwer's -
<br /> :�:, r<, .; .'� ,�
<br /> :,�;�E'� t s consent. nn � � � � � �>
<br /> S�F�t�:?S�� �yS4� . � �C�ST�HT If ttie lo:u►secumd by this Security tnstrnment is subject r��laiv�c��ir.�s�s.��...�^s loan _ , ,.
<br /> ?;.;, ��� ��,;;"�t � charges.and tAat taw is fmally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collec�3 cs��m be'�i�:3�,��.s�sfl�;�ecxian a'. ��,
<br /> ::,.f;�t'',y°����s�. .:• witb the loan exceed the permitted lim3ts.th�n:,tn)any s�ch loan charge shuU be reduced b�r�;s�imi��e����tb redace .r `•"��t;
<br /> A:
<br /> ; r�� • , �� the charge to the permitted limit:artd(b)any.sums al�eady.calteeted from Borrower which exce�zle��•`ci��-its will 6� _ . �;,�;
<br /> `���+ .;,r.,�:y%��`..:``t �': refunded to Borrower. Lender ma choose to make this refund b tcducin the nrtci al owed uct�? a6�i��.�cw es tc���3kin a •
<br />='�'i :.i'',��j:{%'`��>;,'•;�)�;'�;/.�;5,1„ T
<br /> :1 r r� ^rr�, d'�nect payment to Borrower. lf a yrefund reduces principal,the reduction will bc treated as a para�.�i��.}��t��°�ttt any , �.,,�
<br /> s;, ;���'r•.';��:;;;i;' ; . ,' t..
<br />_ ,",;ri,;::, : .;;�.;:;x�;f{<;;y;�, : . pnpaymentChargeundertheNete. . �. ��,: -
<br />��;' ;�:'�',�<�;<�r;'.',a:r_a%r,��;:rp� ' . . 14. Notices. Any notice to Boaower provided for in this Security instrument shaA be giver G�3��3a..ti��'i�a:�is:or by ,:,� '_
<br />-;4 ;;,;i:;�:._'�'�y�''�l;•`;;��,;.,:. � : . mailing it by first ctass mail unl�ss applicable taw mquims use af tsnather method.The nottce shall b����:�•r��rctpem� . ` ��:.�
<br /> _ `�. • • �. '''� Add�ss or an other addtess Bortower desi tes b notice ta Lender. An norice to Lender sh�� �c�i 5rst class • 't• `
<br /> �; • Y � Y Y � �',
<br /> i�•E�:� : . '_�:.�t�` ';��. ma�7 to Lender's address stated herein or an other address l.ender desi nates b notice to BorroweP�,,�u��s�o::ce ��uted fa� ''• �f'`7�
<br /> . ,,.,_,::, ;, . . , Y � Y H? ,.s,, ..,
<br /> ' �°"��''''• '�'�-��j:• ' in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrawer or Lendet when gn��s as'���7�in.this �• .. .;t-;:,;'�� _
<br /> :�, .,, `.1711��IV,t I . P��P� • . : • ' . , .�,s
<br /> ': ` •}�;4'n'�jT,=-
<br /> . ' ' � -15. Governing Law; Severa631ity. This Securiry lnsUumcnt shall be govemed by fede►al�i'z�w•i�'me 9aH of the �`',;:�'� ��,���•���
<br /> � `�+�•',;,r� '� ��� � nris�iction in which the Pro is located. In tUe event thnt any ptovision or ciause of this Secari �..�'•r�::��s��e�Ita;e ' ` ��'��'�•-� =
<br /> J P�Y �` :r.�• .. :•,-.s ,
<br /> • conflicis n�ith applicable law.such coMict shall not affect other provisions of this Securiry Instru�.��..1:�rx a:M'ti�cz.� , . ' :�:,:'�•;,�. ��
<br /> - • be giv�effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instru��d r�;4�:e ase. . � �
<br /> . ..:';r;_'•�;:``, declared to be severable. . � ".'��.. '.,, '��4',•"'•`=;�
<br /> _';;:�,�.;;�R;::,/� � 16. Bonower's Copy. Boaower shall be givea onc conforntcd copy uf the Note and of this Secc,��t�r_��uc���. • . �• ,:�:;,,::��'�;':;_
<br /> ;� '�i jA i 17. 7fansPer of the Property ar a Seneffcial tnterest!n Borrowec li'stll or nny part of the Ptrs,��y a�s�.:iy�[,;.Est cn . . . •�` � s..
<br /> ��' ' " it is sold or uansfezred(os if a henefrciai interest in Borrowcr is sotd or transferted and Hoirower is�tr��:F�z�!��st�a:, ` -�
<br /> ,: { ;.r},��� � . .. .
<br /> `�` ��f:'4�;��<';;4;?�;;i;:,�`:�! witi�out Lender's prior written consent,I.ender may.at itx option.require immediate payment in fu114f��s sec��P�� ; '���. ��'�.' :"
<br />���r': °'� `; ''�"�r�' �- . this Securiry Inswmen� However,this aption shall not be exereised by L.cndcr if eacreise is prohibited��'e��ad 1:_�v as� . ,• .' ?'+k''�>
<br /> ..t ...�,. �,,,.,d.. , . . .
<br /> ; ,.;��'%�;: :.. : . . the date of this Security InsWmen� ' � ' :' _, .:
<br /> �,,,,�I:...,';% . . : If Lender exereises this opiion,Lender shall give 8orrower notice oi ucccleration. 'R�e notice shall prov�:dz a.gi�si�d�c�'. .
<br /> '�'Y'•' �� , nat less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered ur mailed witbin which Botrawer must pay all sums sec�a`3�(z<<�*�w:;�•• • '• . '"
<br /> ��� _�� ' �Security Instnunen� If Borrower fails to pay these sums priot ta Ihe expi�ati�n of thls period.l.ender may��ke:�y � • �
<br />- �i��:•�� � .�'� ��" remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without funher natice ar demaad oa Borrawcr. � : ' �:��'�•
<br /> �ti"` •� � t:',� ',�• �� 18. Borrawec's Right to l�einstate. If Horrower mcets certoir►canditlons.6orrower shail have the rcg�*:¢G� ha�•� � �;;,t,� �: � .
<br /> °�`���'``r��•f�'� sctforcement of this Securi tnstrument discontinued at an timc• riar te�thc carlier of: (a)5 days(or such oth�z�er"ss�d.2s '��i,i�.;, �� ��
<br /> ;�,� ;;ri�,•',',:.,,i:,r;,.,, �Y Y P ,, , �::::,�.,;. : . '" •
<br /> - � +i'/h�'��` , • 5ingie Family••Eannio MaelFlreddte Mae UNIFOAM IN9'f'BUIIIF.NT Unifoim Covenantv 4/90 (pageC y',,�cpr.ss , �r�;��' � , ,, .
<br /> , ��.. ,', A'�.: �'`�`��lA� _ . � ' ' � . . . .
<br /> `:: •.
<br /> �vj;' �. . ' . ., � . • . ., , ' . . � '..:',ti4�:'•'��: ' �• .
<br /> �� ,,,� �1�. t�'� .
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