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<br /> _��a�'�''°�; ,. ----r-----�:- -•., - -= =--- -
<br /> _�-.�.;�.=�=e� . . , . : _
<br /> �eo�s,���—�;�• � —
<br /> �:a�:� •���. . � � _ , .. . , �� ��� �����, '� _- _
<br /> w�?��_ < . . , ` v .. . ---
<br /> -�-�- �`- .' � ' . ' ' ' . ' ' -
<br /> � • .. ' � • . . � -
<br /> a�� <t . . -
<br /> Y� �" � . '. � ` �er�,rds that.;,eudsr r�qi�iris. 'I3ta ia�ce ca�rier lmovidin8 atie insuisrcoe sha2t bs dwsai►by Bo7eatvet subj�ct w i�;tder's � , _. - --=.._.
<br />_s�t,�� . � ap�ovat whic�,sha13 not be umeaspa�Dty,withheld. If�arao�er.fa`�Ss to�ain covecug�descn"be�nbovc.Lender may.t�d •. . `
<br />-_ < � ` . Lendes'�ogtian,o�atain caversge tn pmtect Len�fer s ri�ts i�t�e Ptogeity in szccordaaEe�vitli�uny�aPt►7. , ----
<br /> - ,- " . . ,All insnr�po3i�ies ea�7 reaewals shalt 6er,cceptable to l.ea.der and shafl inci�rde a sturtdard martguge.cluu�. l.cndcr,' , • ��-----
<br />``-� ' sYiatl bave ttce right co held the palicies and reaev�als. IIf�.endsr.cequires,Borrower sltall gmmptly giue to Lcnder nll�ecei�t� --
<br /> J<� � � g pmd�and ienewal uaaices.�Iu the event of toss,Bo�roaer sbu11 give prnmpt nattcQ w th�insurnnse cat�cr pr.d
<br /> . r
<br /> - t;��r�� ,. I.eade�.-tender may ma�e proaf qf lass if aot�ade pr�impily by�m�rflwee. � � '
<br /> z,. . - -
<br /> — . .��. ,���:• � Unless Lendet and Sorrower atherwise agree in writing,insurance pmseeds aha1)i�e ajtpil�d to iessomtton at�e�pair ot �
<br />=�'� . '�:� -� �r� ` �hh��pe�y da�geci.�the r�to�a�o�or repau is �anomk�ily feasib2e.and l.�n�e�'s secuti�es aot te�sencd. If tfie _ ` . _ - ----
<br /> � � ._u ``� � , ieswraxiou ur repa}�:is aot e¢onamicatiy feasibte or L.eac�er�s securiry wautd bs tessened,the insurance pm�ecds ai�ail�c' ' �,�c�
<br /> � - � a�p�ie�to tiie saQU.v�se�iu�ed 6y this Secatity fistrnment.whether or not t�'ten due.�itEt�aay etc�}s�t tt�&��eaa�s. U °�`�"�'�`°`� -
<br /> � �_ � .�� a�.
<br /> Borrowrer.ahaa¢oas 4he Fmp�rty,ox does aot answer.wit6in 30 days a aotise fror�n Lendef tbat Ehe Insur�c cuni�t has �, � - -
<br /> � ����-��r y�: . of€em�to settFe a ciaira.dxen Leuder�ay collea the+�+�*a�p p�ds. LEader may use the psocecds to cepair aa rrswrn �°}�.�*_ _ --
<br />=r� � � ',,. � dte�toperty qr to pay sums secw�d by this Securit}�Jt�atrumwn.whettter Ar twt then due..The 3�day pariod wii!t��tn when ' -
<br /> ,: y�,,r,�'�'a�-���i,� • thena*1Ceisgc�±�s.+J. . - __
<br /> °' .� ��t,;�fi (Tt�y�ss:��d Baamy�o�twis�i agr�e�in;writing,any appiii�aion of groceeds to principal shall nat ex�cnd or - _
<br /> �� +�'��t�s;�� ` the��ilate of the,monthty.paymenis�cefe�ced to ip ParagraPPis 1 aa�2 or chan�e the amount of the payments. 1� :
<br />� � "���tia �,� � ��P2t 21 d1e•�.is acqtuted$p��,end,�'�Bomawer's rip,ht ta aby insurnnce polistes aud pmceed�resutting � - -_--- =
<br /> ., s�,; �<< �n'daatage ta t&e Pr�c,"�� ,�.:;i�r,iQS�to thei acq�aigit�o.��t�af2.pass ta Leuder to the extent of ttre sums se�d 6y this Security' � {.� � _
<br /> `'� `� F�� F �ilStittiIICfltiIT1 �Yl7t�d'�I'L$CqKL4it[tJp�ai. . �'��,�'- -
<br /> ����,�� ''�� f' ' b. �y,�����'�o a, �t a�a e�:a a d II'r o t e c t ion ef the Pco p e r t y: Borrawcr•s Lo� A p pllcatton; � � = -- ---
<br /> "��;(�%'r �� v� ' •t:;
<br /> ~ •": �-.'��`i` r:,:� `,'a�::• �qca�'<����� esrab'i�:'�nd use the erty as Bomnwer's princi �l residratce withln sixty days aftcr =
<br /> �,,. -;`: ` t . � ,�tpy. �P p �,.�- �
<br />_ „x:� , �jr-, ` : ;:�;t�igr'p� ..ud��this Secu��'�astn�ment and s8all cunrinue w occupy ttte Pmperty as Borrowerfi printipal cesIden¢e for at ��_
<br /> • ';•"�;� year after the �;�f.accupaacy. vniess�i..endcr ottaen+vise ag�ees in miring, whicis consent shall not be v`°F.h -�. -
<br /> - , "�:`� �:�i�asonabiy wi?Bhelsi.�or L�'�exte�auaiing circ��*�ces exist wluch are b�yond Horrowes�eontcol. Borrower shnll not „�, � _
<br /> ���, , �. �toy,dama e ot impair tli�Fr+ngerEy,atlow!he Property to deteriarat�or commit vraste on the Pruperty. Borrower shall � �� �„s =
<br /> *�1 .- `:., • i�e in c2efaa1t��Y forFeitu�e acUian ar�lin8,whether civit or criQninai.is begua t�at in Ixader�good fuiih judgment _
<br /> _..._.�_c6uld�i�vit i�i`.?;orfeiA�ie"of�tli��Pr��.y rsr oth�rwis�materiaUy-impair�the lien-c[eated-by-this'Security-Instsutnent ar= - ------ .,�'�.-,II-i,
<br /> �} ' ..�der's securiry in[eiest.Borrower may cu�sucL a defautt aad teinstate.as provided in paragraph 18.by causing the action � • a= o=
<br /> ' •��nceeding to be dismissed with a rulm$that,in Lender's good faith det�rmination,pr�studes forfexture�of the Bonower� ��,
<br /> ,r:.,�
<br /> �ti . .� • '�rest in the Fniperty ar other material impainnent of the tien et�atvA by this Security Insuument or Lendtr's security �� ;.�
<br /> ::' , :';:•r.�,.:,-`,'•:.;.-�:' .�:. .i�itaest Hormwer sball aLso be in default if Bamower.during the toan u ]icntion pracess.gave rt�aterially folse or � =r �'�
<br /> : •,, � _
<br /> inaccirrate information or statements to l.ender(or failed to provide l,ender witb�iy material information)in connectios�with - . - .. . �"° . �, -.• `,��
<br /> ,• ;s:;.,;.�:::... ��.,' '`
<br /> . ,: - �.�•„� �,•, ; :•.�'?;�` ��`''' t h e loaa evi d en c e d by t he No te. inc l�d i ng, bu t no t li m i t e d t o, r e p r e s e a t a t i o n s c o n c e r a i n g B o r r o w e r`s o c c u p a n c y o f t h e ;.,;;%`:,4�;
<br /> - i. °�'%;?;:;• .=�", ': -': '. .�:sperty as a grinci�a].�esidence. If this Security Instrurnent is on a leasehotd,Borrower shall cAmpiy witli all ti�c provisio�s :ir.t o.��,,: '
<br /> ��.
<br /> �:r?i3;�; � . ' . �;;.c��he Iease. If Borrowei acg*.�f�e titie to the Progerty,the IeasehoId and the fee title siiall not merge untess Lender ngrees ,;•;�a••s;•_:,� -
<br />- � �,� �•si,. . , . � :�a�he merger in writidg. . �� .' . • • : �. :���
<br /> .it,r .: '.;,',, ;'': ° ' � 7. Protectlon of Y.cn�3er's Rights�in the Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements = r'.
<br /> =x,� ;.' ;,�� : � . contained in�us Secarity Inswment,cr the,�is a legal praceeding that may sig�ificantly affect l.ender's righs.g in the '�;'�':�' -�,''
<br />-_ #�r+�eity(suda�a proceeJing in bankrugscu,probate.far condemnation or forfeirore or to enforce laws or reguladons).then •� ;.��
<br />_:,+� . . ,.�r:�.
<br /> �;, �;'.. : �: . ��S..may�o and pay for whatever is necessary to pmtect the valae of the Ptoperty and Lender's rights in the Properry. '�, .,�:�:: ;�. -
<br />- � ° &.c�'er's acaons.may include pay�g any snms secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Security Insuument,appearing • �
<br />-. . � .' ''':'`' � in�our�paying reasonab2e attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.AI[haugh I.�nder may take action : �. . �` rt, -�
<br /> " � � � nades this paragrapli 7,I.ender dces not have to do so. � ' � �� '.' +.��
<br /> ;�,.: _,. . .r�;::,
<br /> - Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Qaragruph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this ,. ��t
<br /> • `��<��, � Security Instrumen� Unless Bomnwer and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amoun�g sfiall beaz inte�st from thc � � `;a .�
<br /> • •� date of disbutsement at the Note rate and shall be payabte,with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower rcyuexiing • , • .���r
<br /> ",.:��,:..
<br /> '` a t ..� ., :
<br /> .. . . .. p Y�• . ` f' .•.:
<br /> , .: ..:�,;�.;`�,..: '�,' S. Mortpage Insurane� If Lender requued mortgage insurance as a condition of making the toan secuted by this . . ••. `�1::f;`..,.
<br /> ., �,,,.'•; ,,5ecuriry Insttument,Borrower shall pay the premiums requiied to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. lf.for any. ,. . ::'�.,x�,,�Y4°:;
<br />=':,:�, - • - .. season, the t�r.et g� insurancc covetage.�quired hy.Lender lapses or ceasas to be in effect, Sormwer shall pay the . '"' -� •
<br /> $a �...�._x„;,
<br /> J%�;�` , ' , � ",��,' � . _' �miums re�i�d to obtain coverage �u!*�antially .equivalent to the mortgage insutance previously in effecK.at.n cost , .
<br /> � ' sabstantially equivalent to the cost ta Bor.awer of t,�ie inortgage ins�rrarice pmviousty in effect.from an attern�te mangage ,� „ � ' .
<br /> � ''�:: �r approved by Londer. ,If substanuatly equiva,2eat mortgage insurance coverage is not av�ilable.Borrower shal!�pay to �'�': �� ''�'��'�..�:�`
<br /> '''`• �`�• , � � t:ender each moath a sum eqnal to one-twelfth of the yearly rt:ortgage insurance premium being paid by Borruwer when the _ .. ��'; ,�.%
<br /> �i: f� • �insurance covehtge lapsed or ceased to 6e in effect. Lender wiA accep�use and retain�hese payments as a lotis�eserve io licu �� . :,_;;�.. r "
<br /> � •,•�; � of mcertgage insurance. Loss reserve paye�ts may no longer be requ�red.at the option of Lendes.if mortgage insurnnce • • ��:>�'
<br /> � �`�;° ' • coverage(in ttte amount and for the pereo3!e�at l.ender requires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender asAin becomes , �•
<br /> -. .� a�ailable and is obtained.Borrower shalt pay the pcemiums requiced to maintau�mortgage insurance in effect.or to provide a � .
<br /> . ' ' • Tvss reserve.until the requiiement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any written a�ceement between Borrower . .�.�9,1• . • .
<br /> �. • . �d Lender or applicable lavr. �. ' � � .' ..: . . '•
<br /> _._. . . .
<br /> ,•.• � �,' •:` 9. Errs�Ction. Lender or its agea¢r�ay make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Ptopeny. Lcnder shal! . . .
<br /> =�`s; ; �. �• • �' give Boirowecwa�ice.at the time of or prcca:o an inspection speeifying reasonable caase for the inspection. '. . �_
<br /> s� �;"�• : • • ' . 10. Cu�ai�atton.The proceeiis o�.nny award or claim for damages.direct or consequential.in connection�vith any , .
<br />- �f. �r,.
<br /> - �j.�,��;�;��•'�'.. , ' . Si��r:Famiiy-Fmmte Mae(FYeddte Mac 11NIBORM IN37'ItUMEIV'P--Uniform Covenanb 9190 1 pa,ee J oI h PuR�.�J . •
<br /> ,i.:; i.
<br />. �1;���. . awt 6oss�rorms mc.• .. : ..
<br /> fi OCdo Cp�fE�,i3aIX193 O FAA 0167Bt4171
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