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<br /> ___ _ _ ___... ,����T� . r —
<br /> �L..'^�`pu"}l _ —__;_ _" ' -- . . . .' _—._ ~. _ . ' . . , —.�._�_� _—
<br /> —_--_.e,-*_.:�'�aulfisie � � . . c � . . . .. . `. . ' , . —_—_-- -
<br />-c...��an3.�F.zR�Y�+r�.�.� , � . , _ . . . . � �- - ---
<br />=��nRry3�*1+.- �� . ~ ' . ,. . . . ,Y ` - .: �� '�����. .. . _. "'__'-
<br /> �' `
<br /> , ` . ag�lica'�2e tasv.mzy sp�i�r far reiastateinert}befar�s�le o4.ths Pk+aP°�Y P�tYa anY.�wer of sole�ouiained�t.tt�is,. .. -
<br /> �.�..-,,� ., 'S�rlty Insmungat:a�c(b)ent�+of a jas$p�at eafoneia�tnis.S�rity Iastiume�t. �ase wi�uans are th�t B�i�uer. (a) �
<br /> — -- • FaYs L�z�der atl suirs which then wou��i 6�dux,uader titis Securiay Insts�m�nt and tha Nate ns i�no'asceiaatiQn:P�1
<br />= -- — _ � . ��ed%(bl ca�re4 atiy d`efanIt af any other Govea�ttts nr s�sememas:tc)Bay,s all exgen..�es i�cumed in eAfarci�s�this Sscu�itgr ------
<br /> �� • Ias�cumens,irciuding�Out not tImit�t�.c�as�aaable nttomeys'fees:and(d�mkcs,sncb s�tti�a as'I.ender may t�sonabIp
<br />- � . �uire�o�su�ttiat the Uen of tbis Securiry Qnsirur�emt.LehQer s ri�hts in t�e Praperty�1o�d 8a�rower's ohligation ta•F.�Y`!�"�� • _—
<br /> s;�.�- .:�E::};;�u. , sums�s� 8�tbis SQCUrity.insuuterat ehatt continue un�saa�d.' Upon nelas►ar�,,,ent bjr Boisavrer, tflis.Sec�tY —_-_______-_-
<br /> -,:• ��' z.,. ---
<br /> n �.�,,,:�;;�s� . � • tasuvment�the obli�oas secunad hez2by s�a11 c�dtmin fu11Y�¢ifec6ve as if,no axeteratias had uocurred.,H4wever,this . =;=m=_---
<br />- �"Y;-�-"` rig�t w�Urstaie sl�lta Iy��n the case of�ccetsuffiiun anQer para�h 1?. ` ' -
<br /> � ��� '��' ��- � _ . :�:St�����!�oY Laa�a S�cer.. Tf�e Iv'ote ar a parasil incec�:st ia t3�e Note(rogether vrittn thig Se�ity �����-
<br /> � ' � � Inso�u�}a��sold oae ar mas+e t3mes�ri�o�t Priar."aodce to B�rower, a saIe may resalt in a�c�ang�in�e e�+ ��,.YC� ,.p�,.
<br /> ����'~- � � ([a¢own�t�l,�Lo�t�€�vicer")that co}le�monsttty pay�u.enis due under the Nooe�nd..ttais Security Insaumen�. 'Fhete sIso `
<br /> iu n .
<br /> ,�,:�` ��� may be one ox aiore cha�ges of the Loan Servi�r ua�eia�to a sale of the NQte If tha+�is a chaag.e a£d�e Loau Se�vit�r � t:i =��-
<br /> e�r��s-�
<br /> Boaovrer an71 be givea writi2u notice of the change in�idaace with garaga�14 above aad applica?�Ia taw. �he notioe �r�:�
<br /> .. <._. ,`�'..= w�l stare the nasne aad addiess of ths new L,Qau Sen►Ic�r ead�e aiidress[o whzcfl gaym�nts shmuld be mad�. The aotisc will � _ _.- _.
<br /> t
<br /> �t"�:� aL�oontain any other lnformatioa mquined bY apPlicabl�1�a+. � , ' _--- -_-----
<br /> '"'` ,�`�'� Z(i H�rde�us Snbstauoe�. Boaawes sl�alt not s�se�or perffit the presettce.nse.disposat.stcsiag�ornlease of any -_-- ---- ------
<br />-- ��: :,: es - --
<br /> .rt- �.:- • _
<br />_ �`, { Hazardnus Substaaces on or in ti�Pcoperty. Buaow�sltall not d�.nor altow aayane eJ�s.w�o.anydiia&aSeciIng the -
<br /> , .•
<br /> '� � � � Ptoperty thai is in violation of any Envimnmeatal Law. The preceding two seqtences sHall not apply to the presence.ase.or < <i 1 - -
<br />- '- storage oa tS�Ptopercg af smatl quantides of Hazazdnus Substarises t6at are generally rPCOgnized tQ i�appmpriaoe W normal ����� _ __
<br /> � - '-.Y ' �/-. .
<br /> �'�y'�`l�Fy,__'„ ' Ie3ideIIti81 oSQS SAd t0 maiat.�nanoe Of th8 PCOperty. . ��. �' ` . - , � .-_ r�.
<br />��;���. � . Eorrawer shall I��FU3+&ve Leuder wriueu natice of auy iavestigation,claiat.demand,lawsait or other actiam hy aay . , �. -
<br /> - 4,.r-, � � � �t -
<br /> - { ,,yY �. . �airemme�al or.ngutaiorY a�Qency or private party mvotviag the Ptvpe[ty and aay Hazaidous Sub4tance at Eav�isnm�aeatal
<br /> s- . Law af which Boaa�ver laas acmal Imowiedge. If Bo�ower leams,or is notified by arry govemmental or.t+egu122ury � � , � _ --
<br />�_"-'^ " `� °" - authority,that any remo�ral ar other iem$diation of any Ha�azdous Substance affecw�g the Progem►is u�ary,Bomosver '
<br /> 44. i . , � -, — -
<br />��:} _'.',r^ �, � S�gIOIII�t�}/f81CC 2n�[St TCID£a1�dCOdn5171 SCCdId3IiCC Wl['�t�IN1T0I1ffiII1��W. Er�$� '� -
<br />-- , H� ._..--_ --.-.-----._As osed in tbis F.ar'�aph?�.°EI_a�rdoas Substaaces°aze�e_s�sstances defined as toxic o�Ir�7:trd�s sabstanaes by � '
<br /> ��`,; r " ��'-`• ' Fmvirti�nial Iaw�tfle foltoiving substaaces: gasoliae,J:,eivse�.atfie�1Tarmn��li2e ai toxsc p�tiroleum�pioducts:to�ar"-�----- �y,� 1 —
<br /> � ,k4•��•,irn;tSS . . -..
<br /> w �'�,. �;�;, v; pesticid2s�rtd.h�bicides,volau'le solvents,matecia3s containing asbestvs or fotmatdehyde.and iadioartive materiaLc. As � ,, _
<br /> �r,". �;: �m��P�2a."Envimmnental Law"meaas fedeial laas�d Inws af the jurisdiaron�vbe:e the Pmperty is located . -
<br /> `�u^�,h. � . ' �J,$ `� -
<br /> .tHatc�t�tt��,saf�orenviroamentalpmtectioa. ' �. �>�
<br /> --� ' ` .�1�'�2�-�N1�aRN�.f�VENAN3'S. Botrower�nd LRnder fizcther coveaant and as foAows: � ..-----_
<br /> 2 a�
<br /> �,�� , `' a', ' � 2Y. �c�eteraLta�;Iiemed#e9. Y.ender s�alf give n6lioe-to Borrawer pTtor to ascrletatfon foi�owing Box�vwes's •>y..�"•��
<br /> 7-�"'�� ` S �`y,, bt�ach�sup cavenant or ag�mement in t6fs S�ecurity In�s�euit(D�a�rt prfor to aooeleratYan�Ier Parag:aPh 17 'x��
<br /> �M . } {}y: �� "_
<br />_ � �a�tcable Iaw prnvIde��erw�). 19�e aot�ce sl�all sp�iq: (a)t�e defant��)the ac�n ceq�+�ta a�e t�e a�..:;:..
<br /> • ` M1 • L'�'6 r.: .<
<br /> "� `' '�� ,•,,'�`` '°'defavIt;(cy.s dat��#t�9 than 30 da�s&orn We.c�the nottoe is given bo Borenwe�by wLf�L the.deE2ult mast De ��=��:� ,
<br /> `�'��� �� 8 d 2u!
<br /> t;�f%'��'.,:�"`�, • �;and(d)t�t��2�a to car�the dePaWt oa or 6�nrE We date sp�t�n We nottce map resatt ia asc�er.+tton uf �";s_
<br /> ��:�.� . ��Yt:r��
<br /> �y�� . �, �f_,. , . WQ soms s�6p t�Se�ity I�br�nent aad�¢Qf th�Properiy Z�e rantfce s�a�further i�o�a l�rrower oY � +._.._
<br /> �� y`'���. the rtg�at to reinssate alter accelerattoa an�the rIght m�rFn.��ee�rt actinn to ass�rt We aoa�stenoe of a d�'amtt or -�`-�;�:: .�. .
<br /> cc
<br /> �`a.��F' ammy a t h 2 r d�x a s e u f S o r rower t o acc�e l e r a t fon a n d s A t�� 1 f t�e�a m t t i s m n t c.a r e d a n a g fl t�fe a+e t�e date s g e d f c e d i� � � �'
<br /> � . . ���.... .c:,��.ts sged ,� .
<br /> '.�::...�, . .,;•::,,...>F:• +x:. .. . ,.�
<br /> , : t8e IIutEc�.�at tts opttoa may reqair�immiediate paym�at in iht!of atl s�ss secured L��t6Ls Secarity Imstcemra�
<br /> r�; -��•._.�:���`.`;.' witgont����za�rB-ead�,ay mvo�e tl�pa�r of sa[e and any other reme�es PPrmitce�l 6Y a�pl3suble law. � r:: � ." � ,
<br /> `.�::.'. ;�:. :,�:_: :s'r
<br /> eend�r sl�al�1�e�3E!'�Ii.ta.�o�Lece av expe�i�rszred In pwsuZng ene remedte4 provtaea in thfs�a8rap�h al, 9f#;�a," ,;.;`,,�-'.
<br /> - .` fndttdiu�, r}�bi '�to,seasoaabie attorneys'C�es and oosls of tItle evideac� .;�� •`'�:,. :
<br /> � , ' . • Yf tit�.I�. ��:r�er of s�is invoked,�ee shall eeoord a notice oY defaalt in e�tch coaaty in w6ffth any past of the •' �*�� -.. :
<br /> -=; ��' �� �-,�;;• PropeaOg•�i�atzd aud shall mail cop3es of sncL notl�e in the manner prescn"6ed by app�cnbte taw to Borrawer und to .��.:: :'� ;,�:,�'t. �
<br /> � .�... • .
<br /> :;.�`*�,r�:. ,``'"�� . the otha+c: as rescr�bed b hcable law. , . ��'
<br /> . L�► P Y a?PP� After the¢ime reqatred 6y applicabie law,llrastee s�aD give pnbfic •:�.;','.;s�;...,4;;;:;, •.�' -
<br /> �; ar.. �.•. :.. � ' � ... . 4Y� ..
<br /> .. notI�af sa&e to the pezsass and Ia the�anner p�cribed by apgiicahte taw. 'Y�aste�wFthaut demaa�on�orrawe� , i,;�,r,�.:,;�;::�'+""��`�
<br />- .:::� �`:.=: .". ':_ • �r,' ' ��f..� _
<br /> •a� r ��,:1;.' , sha91 s�!tt���roperis s��nablIc aadfun to t6e�I�t}'rc�btdder at We time sud piace and under the term.s d�ignated in '. ��:�. G.. . .r ::.:.:�
<br /> 4� .r��'�1?;,;;�_s . s
<br /> '� �:._:,_:�. the uuttae otsa(e In on�i�r�tom paraels and in aay i�der 7lrastee determines 11vst¢e msy post�o�e sai2 ot al!or eiry �'.�':�:;, >:., x��h•w,°';:t,`;
<br /> e
<br /> . ►Y
<br /> . 1�'���•__:'�" !oPt�Ym b azblic eaaaancement at the time and 1�e olan revto scltt#�ed�a1a� Lradca or itg '�4'�`�.+,
<br /> �� �r�- � P'arce Peri9 Y g�j P Y p �Y .c ��.
<br /> °,. `:i���,.��,`` . - 'L'� . desl�ee al�►q put+diiase the Pmpert�r�#snq sa[e ,. .� . : .� _'-�''` .
<br /> . , IIi�d . ;' .
<br /> '1:
<br /> ' ;�;'�:fi.::. '� � ",. � , lJpon eece[gt oY payment of tAe prIce 6id,'IYast�st�dt�aver to ttte pnre6�aser 1Ya�tee's deed oomeyjng the '� +•,�,�::: ?� �
<br /> s,;� 2�•' ,.
<br /> '#��....`i.� ��' ..'�.;:�: �PertY• Tite nedta.�t'm�ahe 1leastee s deed s6aU be prima fsc�e evideniQ-oi the tratb of the statemens��ade thereln. � • �; � .
<br /> . �!�,; ' ... ; 1lrustee s5all appty t�ue�evc�eds of the s�ale in th�fclAa�ving order: (r�)to ah easts aud espenses oiegerif�the power `. �. � •'�:
<br /> � A3 v . #f�F::_.�:.`'",
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