���.� . . .
<br /> - -- -- --�.T,—�, . ,
<br /> _ . ` ` , , . . . . � ,r'�' � ------
<br /> -- S� . ` . � .. � , c � -� . . . . ` " - . � - - - +� ; f� . `}. , .
<br /> .. _ _ . -�- i�..� � . . . � . . .. � `' , � , - __—
<br /> _r���,-��vsr��� �lV < , ` ` � . . . , . \ • . ' ����'��:I���� <. `
<br /> `_ __-___--�'. , ��E*.11�3 at Ot4�CS�1$U�$.Ry Q$t�Ot Eh���CtLji.OS.�QT C6IiV8jI�2Ce IO.1�CB Q�fA*Y�E3�]it�41�.F;BSC�Et�i�t i�i �$�Sfld . _ —
<br /> - " v ��������� of t�e �irapen,y,tfae�sra�s siasli be appt�ed to the sums�'s�d by"'t3�s'�uitY . .
<br /> — ;�' ,, tb tve,:evemt t�f�total caking ,
<br /> k �
<br /> -- __— I�,tmment„w�rha az�ttoos than du�wit?�su�y�cess p�d tQ.Borrower.' In t�eve,ut Qf e pa�a2 t�Iciug����i�,`'. .
<br /> t±�k tltr:fa�r�vaIue of tI�e Pmpe�Eq immediateI�t i�efarG the raking is�tal co or gt�ter tha�so� . .
<br /> --- -�- �by i#sis 5e�urity.Issst�ent immediateIy,befbre ihe taking,imiess B�ower aad llender ag�e iti�ing, '�.` . .
<br /> e uri
<br /> ;�'he snms se�d 1sy ti�is�ecuri�y Ifts4sa�xnr shaZt 6e szdusa3 by t�e amotmt of tfie p�nceeds muit�Plied bf.th��u��w� . __--
<br /> u
<br /> -= r ?k� - :fi�ctzaa: (a�t the total�taus�t of tfie Sti�s s�imme�d{ateIy t�efote t3�takiag,dividrd by(b)tfle fait market vatu�a�`.th�' •
<br /> "�'��s .,,�`� *- " Pi��rty irtmediately defnre she takipg: Any baLuue s6alI b�paid to 8oaawEr. I n t ft e event o f a�g�ti a�t a k i�g o f�e _ _-
<br /> -•— ,--��'-'� ` - `. S'r��rty-i�:�:Aich-tk�€uir�ei valc:$ct€sP�e Ptc�ty immediately 6efp�the�ng ns less thaa tY:e amou,ut af tdtz sums
<br /> � ���` , � secuced ita�n e�'i a t ely b�faie.Uae taking,tunlle.ss Bcnravier a a s i L e�d e r o t h e n v�se a�ee in w ri ti n$o r u u l e s s a F P,l'i G i bTe Lav� ; - _ ----
<br /> � � .�r �.���. ._� _
<br /> «•°`�.=:�_': � ot�er�vise pmridcs:`he.pmceeds s�al1 De agplied ta the sums sectued by this Sacuriry InsuQment whet�er,aruot t�e s�ns zze < __�-
<br /> -:,• the��:e, � : ., - -
<br />'�' " If ti�a Ftoperty is abaadaaed by Borroiw.r.=as if,af4er notise 6y Lettder to So�rower that the ca�emnur o�'e�s to make. : ---- -
<br /> _ ays award or setde'a clafm for damag�.���er faits m�esgornf w Lender cvitt�30 days ai�tthe dat$the aatce is given,' .. ---- _
<br /> Leuder is autlsariaed ta col�ect aud,appty she pmce�ds.�its optian.eithe�r to.c�storahon or�gaff of 8te P�ogerty or,ta the ::r..
<br /> J 'sun�n.c secuied by this 6e�uitg�wkcther or nnt then dn� t ' • _v�._�__-
<br />_�, .,: .�, Untess L�eudet and Soiimwer atherwise agee iu writing,azsy applisauan of prooeeds�ua IIridcigat sliaii.na�excead or --
<br />_- � Pastpaae t�e due�De of th�monthY�paymEnts cefeaed w in pacagraphs 1�d 2 or change[tce�monnt of�8ch payuients.. � .�.�.__
<br /> ` lg. Bc�reower Nnt Rei�sed; F�arbearaas�:� Leader Not a Waiver. Extensioa of the.ti�:fa;,�ayrme�t ar =-
<br />-_' :: x .' mqdificatian of amartization of the simos s�R�y`.tius Seearity Ynsaumcnt g�anted hy Lertder w any.su�ssat m inter�st . _
<br /> of Boamwer slsaIl rmt operase w retease the C:s��ty of the lr�nal Bomower or Bonawet�s successars.iu irfteress.L�nder.
<br /> � _. �: '-. , :�, shali nat be requinjd m commencx pr�fi:�am.tt anY ucstessor in inter�st ar iefuse to exo�at@ tiiae fa..paytaent or --
<br /> -:• ••, . • oth�r�vise�odifY amo�on of the�nms s�b}i this Secarity fnstrurcient by ceason of any demar�d�nade by.the.smSraal k -3��-__--
<br /> �z::-�.�-.•,�;:..
<br /> Bosmwer or Bosiowds success�ts in int�rest, �ilY forbeaianse bS+Lender in extieisin�any right or remedy shall aor be a. . ,�r
<br /> '�•�%'_:z�-��-{:�• execcise of any right orcemedg. � _ .�' --
<br /> waiver of or prectade thz -
<br /> ����=��;-":�- �� -��- -- 13. �ucoessors and Asslg�ss$flaad;]amt aad Several�eaBiGiy:C�stgu?rs.�'i'he cave�ts aad ag�mems of tfiis .................. - ---_
<br /> ,��,:�-
<br /> t:..�''��!;;- . ;�.="'" -- -.----Se�nry tnsu�t shall 6iad and benefit the sucxessors and assigns of Lxnder and orrnttrer subject to the pruVisions�of` • �-r�`- A
<br /> '`""�=x�'" °�`~ p�ragtzph 17.Banower's cgvenanis and�ag�ments shali be jomt and several.My Borm�ver who co-si�ns du�,Sectuity k'�
<br /> .�.: ��-?��-�.•,..
<br /> -''a-��"'-::"i,::';;-. I�nt but dnes uot ex�cute the Note: (a)is co-sigaina this Secutiry Luyrument onty w mo�tgage,�ant and rnavey.that ►..�_--. •°-
<br /> ,.,,.; -;.;�.� , zsonaliy ol�li fed �.� .;s.fi�
<br /> :. .•' Bo�ra+xers interest in the Ptoperry under the telms of this Sec�rity L�swmen� Nj is nat . ga. ta pa� -_.
<br /> • �: ,,,.._; .:-= ±- �s�um� � � � to` : :[o�r . .. �����'�
<br /> �:'�; . .� :•:>`� ., ns �vith mgar�d�terms�of�t�s Secanty�shu�nt�o�the�I�ote����awer� -- _ :Y,._��
<br /> secme�by 4bis Security d(c az►9. ::�-�.
<br /> - _ ar make any accamiuodatio . '�:�
<br /> �::�-� �`' tanseaL . -
<br /> �-�-;�=
<br /> . ,'��'�.:��, `.'!�"� . ' 13.I.aaa Cha�gea If the[oan secut�ed by this Secauity Instrument is subject to a law�vhittt�is.�timua�toan , • :�.:',;___ -
<br /> �'r f:" ��- . : . chalges,aad t6at 1�s�r is fmalty inter�teted so tLat the inierest or other loan charges coitected ot w be wllected in connection .,.;`:;u:��,
<br />- �,��;::: ,,�•_`:,'.�-- ° wit�t8e laan exoeed t�[e pecmitted timits.then: ta)any such Ioan charge shaU be ceduced by'the atr�aunt neaessary w seduce :;��_���
<br /> }��#�. : ..�x�;, n
<br /> ;� .. ,�% the chaige to the p�itted timi�and(b)aay�ums atrea�y colIected fmm Bormwer which excee�d petmitted l�its will be ••�.a'�.,
<br /> • ,;:?' refaaded to�orrowt�:,l.eacder ma choose to make this refund D reducin;tite princi al owed under thc Note ar by mat:ing a y� �::--��
<br /> y . :�;��=_
<br /> '+,=:i``.' . diract paymeat w Bmmwer. If a�efund reduces priacipal.the�e uction�vill be o��d as a partial prepaym�nt�vithout anY :,' i.':`.- ,
<br />_. ,. � . P�Y�t��under the Note. �_.•�'_ ,:..•-��. _
<br /> :. ��o-y;�:;- . : �rl .ar��e
<br /> `�•` ' 14. Nattees. My ctati�e to Borrower provided for in this Sec�uity insnvmeffit shalt be given by detivering it or by ,�'"��-
<br /> ,,c�bf_�. � ,�•'., . -
<br /> .s �
<br /> ,- - -.: ;; - � maiting it by first cf.�ma�imless applicable!aw requIms u�e of anothes methnd.:T1v;�•�atic�e s$�1 be directed to the Propetty � �;��=��^_;
<br /> - . - . Addcess or any ott�address Banower designates by notice to Lertder. Any noticeZo Lencicr shal!be given by first ciass . �_�,
<br /> .,�„•,-,.,',., � ma�1 W i.ender's ad�ness stated herein or any other addiess Lender d�ignates by notice ta Bomnwer. .1ny notice provided for , `����-°-
<br /> 3.:%,.•. • tf._.
<br /> ,{._- in this 5ecurity Insuument s,hall be deemed to have been givea to Bomower or L.ender when given as provided in this •_ . . •�;�c;';;-�_�
<br /> .,,. .; �• -x� �;�
<br /> ,�„u. ?_ :,' 'i ` Para�,'�raPh. � • w :��
<br /> •:_.:� _. � . � , • �.
<br />- � -:.,�.,� ::_., :.:,• ,,.� . • 1S. Goverattrg Law;Sevcra6ilitq. This Seruriry L�strument shall be gavemed by federst iaw and.the law of We '..}�` ' ; �,,r`'�'
<br /> ,�;;;-'•,,. _ ,t� ' jurisdiction in wS��i'rl�o Fmperty is located In the event tha�t any provision or clause of tfns Securiry Instrument or the Note - •. `�P� ��
<br /> , �.x:S-c�.;,v;•.;-' .;
<br /> i._ :-... .cont]iicts wiW agplicabie law.sush conflict shall aot affact other provisiaas af this Se�:..riry Insocument or the Note witich cun .. :`�*:`;`�'.
<br /> -t-=-=-�'l��- ]
<br /> �'� be giy�n effect witi�out the caaftIcting pruvision. To this end the provesions of this Sec�uity lnswcnent and the Note ace ... `"
<br /> �'ftf•-,. � � R '�•`�4% �•
<br /> . " � r.:, a -.
<br /> ��. .:L�.' . . _. -
<br /> ' j?';���;;���Z��ta<•. ' dectbtrxl.ro besavprable. . � � : .
<br /> ':ri `t�3..�'.�•.�z;��.G;'.:si� . ..... ' . �'".
<br /> -•,.:• ,�;-. � ,.14r;Borroaer's Cupy. Baimwer shal!be pvea one conformad mpy of the Note and of this Secuaty[nsttumen� ,�. �.
<br /> - t ,�� _, ':`.,:.� .-'L� 7 l r a a s f e r o f t h e P r o a e rt y o r a B e n e t l c i a l I n t e r e s t t a Q o r r o w e r. If all or an y p a r t of she Pro p e t t y ar an y intecest in ..� ,. ":'�.�`�;;: :�
<br /> .i.: �.i,��.�. ,. .
<br /> ;!�; '�:�,-._ . : �:., it i's sold or dansfemd(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transfec�ed and Boaovrer is not.a aatura!person) ���=�, ,,::,��;• '-', �=�>��-
<br /> : 5:-, ,..�• .�: . �pa L c n ders or written consent.L e n der ma .a t i t s t ion,r e q u i r e i m m e d i a t e 3 m i n f u&a f a l l s u m s s e c u c e d b �:`�:�..�
<br /> .�:� �� Pn Y QP P 3'r[�? Y ' • •r,,,.. ..
<br />- .;.:Y,_`.,',•'. • t h s,z•�e s,�u r i ty Instrument However.this o p t ion shall not be eaereised by Lender if eaercise�s pmhi6ited by federal taw as of �� ,
<br /> tr�e�of this Seciuity Instrumenk' � -
<br /> , - • � � (f Lender exeseises this optidn,l.ender shall give�oirower natioe o f acceleration. The notice shall provide a periad af , ..;:;, '' ,
<br /> , , , not tess than 30 days fmm the date the notice is delivered or mailed�vitt�in whicb Bo7rower must pay all ssms secuied by tiiis . .
<br /> �:.1�; .`�,���: � `�., � ` Security Insnumenf. If Bomnwer fails to Qay these sums.prior to the expiration of this period.Lendet may,invoke any .
<br />-_ nemsdies pemritted by this Sesurity Inswment without further notice ordemand on Boira�ver. � ' , �y
<br /> • :,� �.'.,...,,-.-:�.' � . 1r3. BorroR¢r's RIght to,�f� if B+orrower meets cenain conditions.Barrower shall l�ave the right to have .,
<br /> , ;'��' ;1.�;,; _; enfqtrement,of this 5ecurity Ins{�nment discontiaued.at any time prior to th:eadier of: (a)5 days(or such other period as �, '•:. . ,
<br /> �::.�� .,
<br /> .•� ,;:., ;'�;•.-.4"�.� . � SingleFdmilyr–Famti�61ae1F+eddle�lacU�'ffOBSfI.'�iSPRiI!1fEai?••UaifmmCovrnsa� 9190 tpa,ee4of��ea,eerl • . �n.", �'
<br /> . �-r=::i�t,��; . . ., . . .. :
<br /> � �;5.,. � , • . � � � .
<br /> . �.�, .. . . � . + . . , � .
<br />" . `i�%i:a�"a.. _ .."�' . ... , .
<br />. ���ii, `.r.n� 1.� . � . �� 1 � . . ' . .
<br /> . �%ir'S,��•ys+�c���A?' 3i54'..:i.n..! .. , _ ,,9J�lo: °:1,� , '
<br />_-^.i9� `t1:� ♦ '��rZ . , . . _ . L �.0 . � ..i, .. . . _, .
<br /> �i�+., i�yal�i�f.: L . � ...� . .. . "..� :+Y':t�� .1.�, yr- .. . . . ... . . . . .
<br /> � ` 4��� r 3..: . . . , � .�� . . -F:.�.S L�i�-as a - , � � . ,
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