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<br /> -�..-� -±�_�.._ws_ewps- . _ , . ._ .., .. . _...._ _..r -_— . . . . - c ' ` .� ' __
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<br /> -- - - , h • . -� . a . . � . < . '. � � �. , � `,��. �. . - - c< :.h - `��,,.
<br /> _��ad!�i - _ 1 '4 c . � • - . , f 1 . • . .. `���\,��i���``. ,.' 4 < � ..` ,. .. .
<br /> \
<br /> —. � ' .p�i�ad�tket I..e�ds�. 'I��. .�iei'Provi4li�g t�e ia�e'ahal4 De��s�a b�t.E�ri+a�r�euts,�ct ta t.�iides� � . � .. `.
<br /> ; ��+hist�stiatil��a�dy!wa�s1�.,ff B�aawar,fa�to m.qintaia cnv�r�ge(�se�c'bec��vc..l.e�'�triay;at
<br /> w-
<br /> -- - ---= I.e�+�i�n,o�souaragb ta�t i�4er's ri�is.ia t&�F�xsp�ry'iu�osd�oe ari:h q4 . ., . � . ,
<br /> • �� �
<br /> --- "� AL!�po�icias�iui renea�s shalli5�ecxEpt�2s ta.t,endet aad s�IY iaclu8��Stu�m�tg�g��1wse: t.�rxk� .
<br /> soc
<br />- -- , si�all 6ava ti�e ti�Eit to�old t�e gfl9isies and�e�tvals.If L�esnquues,Sa�t�ee sh�t!pj6ml�Y Bn'�iv laadcr'sit ttceipta:`. ., ..
<br />- -- ---- . a�f,�aid pt�ai�s.���al'notise.s. Tn t€ze e�ont af inss.�ua�w�t sba�t Biv4,�t��e t�tht i�na�r carrief s�d .
<br /> •. 'i'.eader. i.ender�€tay ffiake p.�of of td�s if t�ta�ade prom�gtty by�airatv�r: '� � � .' � "� � . r
<br /> -- �� � LTr$ess�.endl�r anc�Ba�raw�r atlnerwi;e agna m wruin8�iosurfface pr�s�be�pplied W.aestataiia�o'r iep�of�� .
<br /> w
<br />,� _ , .
<br />- . � die Ympprty dam.aged.if the zestoiazion or n��ir is er�n�cai�r feas�ie.a�d Lendr�2�s:fiarit�s is rot Swss,°,t�. _Ff th. . .
<br />___ _ •
<br /> ----- ---- �-.a!!�_---= - - _
<br /> -:, tr�ar�uoa ar�rair is uat�arc�3iy.'&oasi�`+����at����,'�:tt:����_�-g ,
<br />-- , a�slied to th�sams secured 6y dqs�t��•�heth�r or.urt th�n da�vvit�any.esce�s paid tv B�avv�. if
<br /> _ - ' Baara�sbaudcros ti�P�agaxy,.or daes�riot':�c vraFh�s 30 days a aotice.from ft.estd�rthsi�s�iusn�oe e��s�is �
<br /> 6f�ere8 to seffie a claim,thea Iar�i�uiay c.�lte�t ti��r'�p�ds, rLend�s�uaY a�s�the prao�:eds to iepaa or r� ,
<br />" __ < e��pe`�ty ortQ p�r smns saruted 6y @us Sae�i.T,t?�im�wt�tt�esot aot th�du�_TTtsee 3Q�day ocL�vill:�wlim
<br /> � - - ,-- ��oe---- -. . :. � . . .
<br /> " . QN$ss�and Sarmwet ottx�wise a�ee in;w�ifmg,any�aggiic�sion�of procxeds to ptimeipat shali aat extrnd ta �
<br />= pustppne the due itare uf tt�x monthlY PaYm$nts�ta's��7�s 2 aud 2 ar ct�ange ti�e�t of B�pay,�eats..If
<br /> uader para�h 21.ti�Pto�eny fs ao�u�bY I.e 'ncrer.�BaRaa�ver's rig?�t to anq instiranse pcttieies.and pmce�re�lhng -
<br /> . �ra�daasage to the pmge�tsr prior oo che a�n shaIl+p�to Lenda to the exteatt af I�suas serur�d isy this�ecuatY
<br /> -- ' , 'Isso�ent immedi�p�i'to the aoqtrisioi� � � `
<br /> _ _ �. Q�a�cy.P�,Ma�e aad �rat�r�ion�bt td�e Prape�t�Borrovrrer's I:o�a A�PI�tOtoni
<br /> ---- Leasthp�d�. �mmwer shall pocapy.establish.and nse tt�Pmperty as 8ffimwer�s"principa.t resid�aoe`ivitI�i����afG.? �T_
<br /> -_ '� tta exec�iion of ti�is Sesaaity'.tasutuneat aad shar oonsinue w accapy the�y as Snrrower"s pri�tci�s2 r �c�at �.
<br /> �� �_�,t,�,�s�� 1east aue yeai a8er the dat� of occ�xpaai.y. unless LeIIder oihe�rise agcges � �writing, wHict� caonscrt shati nai he , .
<br />-- -�-..�.�ti����.,�.� �sanably witittield.ar unIessexteauatmg cis�vmscances exist whic�aze be}rand Boaawer's contraL Ea�rowea s�all aot .
<br /> -_ _=.��.,� �Y,�8�Qr�P���Y•allnw ti�Ymm�erty tv deteriaiate.or oumrmit wasse on ti�e Ptngerty. Borm�v�r aliaU .
<br /> -=_-_`;�"� . - b�in defaWt if any forfeiwre acdon or pior�ding,�whettt�r civ�ar cmmmal;is�t�iat i�Leadc�?s gaod f�ith}udgraent . .
<br /> --�'_���,-.�`� could resnit in fa�rfeitu�of the P.copeny oi otheiwise ma2esially i�pair tlie lien czeated bq this 5ecuuity Insnvinent or . �_;
<br /> -----�'"-_� Leuder's secacity interest Botmwermay c9me snch a defan[t and reinstate,as provided in paiagiapb 18,4�y�g the action ;,M1�`
<br />�_=�.�N '` � . • m pmoe�ding to be dismissed with a m l i ng t�in I.ender�s good fauh de�ina�an.Px'ecludes forfeit�x vf the Barrowa's ��-:;:,
<br /> .P-��,;, .. .;::; � - of c�e lier,creaced 6y�hss sec�ty+rnstnnmeac or I.eader�s suanicy �,;,;< �_
<br /> ::1_.,_..�i.>.��...: i�etest in tt�Praperty or oth�.�aterial�nneat .,.
<br /> <;:4-.i;,s_<
<br /> �"'�z=r�s mte�est Boimwer shaIl also �;`•ius defpi�lt if Barmwer, during the Ioa� agplica�i'plvicess.ga�+e waterialty fatse or . �
<br />��x��'a.�t";�•,��. ;r`�i:: -
<br />��:��� inacauat�e infolma6on or state�,fo.�cor fas7ed to giavide I.ea�ec:�vith any'mateiial uiformation)i�connearion.with �
<br /> �+� ;iii'.i?:':Y�' � .L ' . �::r..
<br /> ��;.�_�:;�: .. the loan�evi¢eaced by the Note, �aclud�,�ut abt iimited to, �ons cottcem�g Borrowers occupaacy of the� :,j:"
<br /> ',:•�i•::.r'. " �+�
<br /> '`.,� ,}'�.'_`'. '�:�,.�: � Ptopert�'as a principal�r+esidence. Tf this S .. Instrument is aa a leasc�w�ormwer shalt comply_witb all the provisions �� -- - -- . _
<br /> ��•, , :=�� �=*;. -. _��Iease:If Somnwet acqumKmr fee�tte�v��:Pioperty;�te2.setioI¢e�ute�tiit�' -��-T` .�,,.
<br /> :,;:-:.::�'�...-:�
<br /> ts:ffie merger in writcng. . ---
<br />_ r ::•:•.,.:':: ��,: .�•� � 7. �emtedion of Lend��s�Righ�s �'7dte Propertg. If Bormwer faits to gerfoim the covenants and ag�eements
<br /> em
<br /> 'Y',:+.;:r;T.` � contained in this Sec�ttity 1nstTnment, or�.is a legal proceeGing that may signifrcantl� affect Lender's rig6Ls in the ' � � a�_:�-.=---
<br />- ',;;r,�•a�,��-' ;:;.� .. phope�ty(sach as a proceeding in bankrnPtr'�;�obate-for condemnation or forfeinire or to ea�forre laws or regutations).there .',:. _
<br /> . : ,..�: .
<br /> ^,,',:',� �`,,,� Lender may do and pay far whatever is a�sazy to pmt�t the vaWe of the Froperty and I.eader�•ri�ht�in the Pmpetty:. ;:,:: --
<br /> �!���:i.Y{:�"tl3t.)'�j.`
<br /> 4'.'.i�,i�^ S:.,��f'-�' - _ l.eader's attiang tnay ineletde paYu�g any s+ims secured by�a lien'which das priarity over this SecuritY.Inshnmea�aFP� ?;':%�:` - _
<br /> �.}`. • . . .r. ----
<br /> _. _- -- -- in court,paying'reasonabIs atto:aeys'fees and entering oa the Pmperty to malce regaus.Alihou g h l.ender may take acdon _-__ ---
<br /> •-� ;<��T� �.:� under this p�azagraph 7,Lender da°s not have w do so. • ..:�, , ---_____- ,--
<br /> =:',.�.'�.*-�::�:, •� .=�,c Any amo�ts disbuised by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additior;U i�x:pf Borrower secured by this . �. �.��.:__.
<br /> � ;�'*.r r'°. '��.` �� _ Seruriry Inst�ument Unless Bom�wer and Leader agree tA other tetms of payment,these ait:c�xts shs;.�.C�ear interest fmm the `�.�i;;-'`�;� .-___�
<br /> "+�=-•�,��,���::':%� �ate of dis6utsemeat at the Note rate and shall 6e payable.with interest.upon nobce from l.endert��Barcower requesting : -
<br /> l.�Y�U�!•'.v_ i�._.: . . . -i...� .. �-
<br /> ,..;. :.�:,�y;; �:���' ��„°�Mortg�ge Insaremae. Yf I.euder reynired mortgage insurance as a conditioa of.making the loan securxd by ttus � ��''��
<br /> ����;:..��r � ---_--
<br />� �=�;'-'-•r.'::_ ` � SecaricY Instr�en�Borrower shafl pay th�premiumv requi:ed to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. L�;:;�ai,*:�Y
<br /> ��'-` " `_; ". �easan,the mo+�a�? insurance covetage required by Lendet lapses or ceas�s to be in effett; Hotmwer shal�,��iiy the
<br />- �_�=f��i��''�'��;�`'-�•'x r�:� prepniums requi�to obtain coverage substanrially equivaleut to the rttortgage insurance pnwiausly fi effect;'at.a cost � .
<br /> - -`''��' •• . � substantiafly eqa��alent to the cost to Barrower of tate mortgage instuance previovsly in effect,from an altemate mortgage . ---
<br /> .r .•• , ;. . : _�
<br /> � �•.;��.r. . in�urer appmved by Lender. If substanw�Uy equivalent moagage insurance wverage is ao!availab2e.Bonower s[td�E�,pay ta
<br /> - r �~,��°:>�y� : •��° ' Lendereac6 mon�a sum equal to one-twe➢hh of the yearly mortgage}��+*a�ce premium being paid by Borcovr�W�en the �'-
<br /> . ��:':•��' � `'! insurance coverage lapsed or ceatsed to be in effect. Lender will accep�use and mtain these payme.�ts as a loss t�ess!P in lieu ���."=:�,.;�,��-
<br />_ :r.; ,� . . ,:. � c 5;.'�-��j:�:o
<br /> - '.'�+• •• � of ettortgage insur�nce. Loss zeserve payments may no longer be requi�.at the option of Ixnder,if mortgage i�surance �. ;,„,,._,_
<br /> �1�``' "': • . coverage(in the r�2ttpunt and���d►e period tbat Lender:equires)provided by an ins�uer approved by t,snder agau�becomes `'�i � t� ,.,
<br /> - �-. •- . . �.';:� . . ,�L��}.,.�
<br /> ,3: _�.. , ,• . avaiiable and is rsliti�ned.��(:�tr±eY shaU g�ay,•a�e premiums mquimd to main�ain mortg,age insuraace in effect.or to paovide a . ��,�`a� �z�,,,`,:.�;�.
<br /> ��rn;}; loss reserve.�'i�e�ieg�si�m�fi.for mon�:;.e insurance ends in accordance arith any.written age�eement between Bbrrower `'�l� � ,; ;::
<br /> `�,s•�1,tF�t�}'.� � � aad Lender or lic�ble taw. `,�, r, +
<br /> 'P..; � ��t�,�.s:. � ��' � ,. .
<br /> '•.,:iY,3� 9. ta��t.,Lertdec nr�ts agent m�y make masonabie entriss upon and inspe�.�tions of the Propeity. L.ender sriall ,�;�� ��, .
<br /> � '•"�• � ' give Borrnwer rtii�'We at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying�easonable cause for the mspecuon. . ,
<br />--4 10. �Cii�d�nmi�tioa The proceeds of anl award or claim for¢zmnge's,dicect or consequential.in comuction with any , .:,:;
<br /> ' , � . ' . . ' Singie F�mity—Eanaie MulittdEie Mae UNIF7UIt�'{FIN�'�U11tIIVY—Uniimm Covrnants 9J50 fP4�e3 oJ6 paget) .',;':.�_
<br /> _ :�..::;`al';�: �.•� :. , Or�ttete+�+wmFat�Me.■ ,.., :��.. . .
<br /> _ Li��,,{'( ' i . , fo Qrda l�R t�P.a653693�G VA1l(itB�781di�t ?j'��f,',
<br /> ;��� '� � „'• . .� . �,.�,�k��'
<br /> '� 1�;ft i�_ i . .. . �
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<br /> '`i''�ri��u ,.',��:' .. . , , . . . , , ,
<br /> �'�. �! . . :. . .. , .. .
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