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<br /> 4 :'�- '��, �m 5j,'}x x'�?F� ' -� '1 '�lx `"'� - — — —.� -- — --
<br /> ;i_f_ ..�'•�.—+.�"� — _ — — _ -- — — -- -- ---
<br />�;-�' _� � ---- -- --
<br /> y�_ - ' . a, . . �� . . � . . , . � � ` . , '�.. . ( . � .. . - ... .
<br /> --e.�wo�..a�a� , .. � . � - � • , � , .. � �. �< �� 4,��� �`_°�<`' n£�
<br /> �t_ _ , • li� � • . .��4Il��y��i-ilY�Qr fR1GRYi�C��46��s��.��s��� A . ..
<br />� ----- -- . ' '�T��,�4Pta f�ia��c��ferded tQ��t�y I4usiumen3�t�Ptc�esty." ������r�S��; -
<br />°L— ---- - �ORROW�t�CdV�NA1�TS�Bars�we�i�I�wfi�lly c�cissd b�ehc est�turebY canveye8 aac�h�s ttte dgtu tcr grant� .
<br /> _ _ ` `�a d c o m�e y t�e Pr o p e�R y aa�t t�t the Pto p c t t y�is�laencumben�l.easeps fa�cncu�s of cecac�� Ba1�u�rer w#iaants�, _ ` . �
<br /> -- --- � . � wt11 dGfGIIdgRIe�BJ�jt th�title CA i1lC P4�rEy 8�St5i aJl�'Ealms�6'ttC�bgi 6ltbj�tp i�y����a Q f�� :, �
<br /> = , • _ TH��SF�URITY�IlvST[�UMBN°t'�offi6ines tmif�asm cove�ants fai�li'soct�l use and noit-nnlfcsrm ca�eaa�tts wiab :� - .
<br />- '�.�;*�?�u3 , Umise�va�ons by jaavsdicttun to camstitu��uaifar�se�rity instrts�acnt sdi;erit��pmpeis�.� ` , . ._ ,
<br />�� ' ��i ..t'�4Y�IAr�T�:-S�►�an�flleA�'c�vc�taadagu�asfolIa�rs: , �" . _�
<br /> : • .,r��:�.,:�;, - � //
<br /> rr+6i.• �_ _ . . �. ��QlPC�d�8�IQt[3GSt'a Y18p�IIt��.9lLL� �tri�u6�2f fiTIS1�QfoIDP1i�Y lYdY i�Eit dIIe I�,r, .,
<br /> _ � pri�tcip�of na�iat�rest on�1se dr,b��videnc�d by tDe Note t�nd an3►prePaY�nt attd Tnte r"�*gsa dv�nnsSer ttre Nate. s .. ,
<br />= Z �lt�tos 11�us sad L�uranc� �ubj�ct(a►aPglicabl�Y�w crto a ceritten waiver by t,eader►��'G�511�.1 p2�j�0��
<br /> _,;
<br />-_ � Lmo�es aa the day�nflilg payments are�e under tfi,F Note.�tII the Na�e is paid in fu1l.a sUm("F�'l f�t��1�Y�,
<br />_. , �an���a�wt��y�_g� ' ' ` a'�..+ns't�P�y;t(s�;��srase�xsid:,,_--- .., .
<br />�'� paymems o�gr��en�s o��a�roperty,•i�aay;tc)yea�y�rd or�pzaper�y insur�nce pxa�aiutns;,.ta�y�yr�.00a
<br />-�: �� . ms�sce g�uums,if any;<e)Year1'���s�P'n�'�•��J';arsd(Ey anY.sm�l�ay:afict�'bY B,�+aweR to,•
<br />� Lende�ia a�aoar�aace witii tf��provistnms of DaraBra�pb S.m lieu af t�e gaymeat of morsgage ias�aaoe�renuums. '��st.: .
<br /> Le
<br /> ;"• �� ite�ss are calte�'Escmw Items.° Lead,ac u�y,at any cime.coIIect aad�0�3�Fi�s m aa amctmf aat to exoee�l tIu t�drnwn_�. . , .
<br /> a�rmt a lea�der for a fede�aliy relared martga,,,e laaa may tequiie far Barrow�r's e..�cm�aoc�nt actd�r�e Fc�a1.�xl . :
<br /> � �
<br />_� Fst�2 Seulemeat Pl�ce�es Act uf 1974 as amcnde3 frera time to timt�12:U.S.G�§7.6t12 et atq.(°ItESg�►"?,mxTe�s�ot6Gr •
<br />- 1aw @ixt appHes m tise�ads setg a tesser amaumt If so►Y•ec�:�..�may,as m,,V tim�collect and hotd�ds in ana�uii�tnt not to�<;,
<br />���---2.��•.�:..-Ty- exr�d t�.I�as�nuni I�m�estanaoe tHe amnuai of.�,'�ds du.an the b2isis Qf cucr+�t data a�ce�asaoa�ula ..
<br />��-.=" � . estima�of e�'inues of funu�e Escmtiv�sems orath�wise in�ccuadarr.�e cvith agpIirable luvr. .
<br />��� ��4 ��=;_.>:��' �cc . .
<br /> �� �;:i.:.'-f;.;z.,;• � , 11te F3�nds shall b�Ireid in an institnrian wLose deOOSits are insune�by_a federal ageacy►.insuanaentatitgr,aa ea�t9.,_
<br /> � _ � fmcIuding�Le�der,i�I,eadet is snch xn ins6dutian)os im any Fe�rdl Home I.oad Baa1t. Iender s1La11 apgly tbe��tt�pay ." ,
<br />= _ � �- : . t��;Escnaw It�ma. E�:�y uot charge Bormwes foi hoIding a�appIying the Ft�ads.ananallY�aty.imS'tt�ascnra�
<br /> uo
<br />- •.��:�_���, � axaim�.or veri�ing th��row Iceir•s:�amless Leader pays.Baaovrer iatecest on tLe FuQ$s aad appliaqble Iaw�pemtits •
<br />_ � Lender to matce snch a c�e HnwevEr�;L;�nder maY m�luiie Ba�rua�er�o pay a oae-time chacge for�n�reaE
<br /> u�ie
<br /> 4,�...:- "`: es�tie tm�tep�ing seivice t�!iy i.cr�6f.�ia oonaectian arith ttis Io�i,:ttaRa9s applic�ble law provides oihexarise. Unless am,,."...
<br />- '.-';�{'.r....31�'Fr:1 ' .
<br /> ., . : -� �..., S�Rt i3 DffidC QI 8�11i�p61�tCQ11IIBS lII�EIfSt��[)3ia.L.CIIt�S�IIOt�I�lltI$d t0 jf3jf BOIII'OWEt�11Y IAIefeSt Of
<br /> • ..y..;��,-.,r;-�.,.. � �snings on ti�Am+ds.But�ui��and L e n d e r may agre��cz wdting,haa�ever�ttm�intenst shai!he pai�un tT�F�nGs.;L�det
<br /> '�+�'•i;�''k'.y;`,:�;. ' *;�aII give w Bomawer.,�itini�Y chargc.aa annual accer�ng af the�Fands.showiag c�edits aad de6its w the Fiutds aa�the .
<br /> ?��'�`-''�,".`�: .�''�.�� , far x+f�C#eat��"4o the Funds was made. 3gte�nds ac+�gIadged as additioaal se�vrIiy for all smas secuted hy
<br /> r �{�(��'p� 3 ie
<br /> - �!: C"�i""'� .J, t �. . . . . ' , ' ' �
<br /> .--� • <'; . �S�.tY�,�y� ..s�..,i�. Ai1i1}iC1�110f8{AT. ��
<br /> -�}� Y l.. '."',-. � -f•.S,— �'llnc.'r.�aaa�.l" T����C4Rlt�_iIP.[IIIItf�IA_ZIC-�}11l -�.5�.$t�QlTi� ____.
<br />-�' „��!.�•.��:: . .x;�ti . .�,:. .
<br /> r ... �,,,. : .:• �,.� . wer far t�e excxss F�".s in acco�ce with the ' of apglirable law. If t�e ammmt of t�e�9 i� �
<br /> E .:.�`•.tp�..� �, .c�i� f;:.�::. .
<br /> .".:� � �
<br />_� ,.;_��•".,�;�r,., ;J}tL �4 �ader at any�time is not sufficient to paq the Fscrow Items when dae,Lender may so notify Bormwei in w�ii�.aad.in�. .
<br /> - � �?5:a; �i�•�;:;..<<ti; snch cass Boirmver s�all pay to I.ender the amount necessary to make ap the defrciency. Borrower sfiall�tia�e ap th�
<br /> hall �t
<br /> �';f `�f���' `�+,,.,�� deficiency,in ao mo�e than tweive monthty��ayments,at Lend�r's sole diucetion.
<br /> _':�� .•'' '�`s: � ` Ugan PaYmEnt in fuli of all s�s seiassed by tlris Sestiuity InstnmieaG Leader shall pmmp�r�gfim�l.W Bamawes an}►�-.
<br />_ , t,. . �..,
<br /> s;.f ��'..3�.."��..a, :'_�i�4rk. ! Fl1IIJS�IP.�II�/LCIIdC[ If,�er paragra��-21,Lendez shall acqnire or seD ths Froperty.Lead��w.t tn the acquisi�on or�.�; '
<br /> - _�'.:,'' _ sate of the Prvperty.shall apply any Fuads held by Lender at the 6me af acqnisidon or sale as a credit ag�:op�the s� • :r
<br /> _ `'':''; . , securecl by t6is Sec�uity Instrumeat . .
<br /> '' �.�::•.,:_• .;:: ,� . 3. AppTication ad Prayments. Unless applicablc Iaw provides otherarise.all payments reaetved 6y iF::.ent2er under
<br />�s, . ..•: • . � ' pazapa�hs 1 aa8 2 shall be applied:first,to anY P�Y�t cLarges dna und,r the Nate;�econd,to�ammmts payable aader
<br />_�;� .-_�.;�:;;.�:',�`,:,�.;' .`:-'� Pazagtaph Z;.third.W iatenst due;fourth.W princiPal due;and Iast,to amp late charges due imder ihe Noteu •�'
<br /> - ,�`..j�:,;, ., . 4. ��haegs; Lteav. Borrower shaU pay all taxes.assessmeai�.cl�arges.fines aad impasitions attributab2e to the�;"
<br /> �::..a,;,;.•:,,`; •:.•'•. ` PtaPonY wlricb may attain priaiity over this Sec�tity Insuumenb aad te�teho2d payments or grouad rents,if any. Borrower
<br /> ,-•-•..• �.•.:-,
<br /> •����:.,_...:� sball PaY the�e obligations in the manner provid�in paiag�ap�2,or if uoi paid in Wat manaer.Bonawer shal!gay em on
<br /> ��`��.,.,: .:-��:�T time diYecdY to the Person owed ayment Bomnwer shall P • .
<br /> , :,, P Pro�Y�h w Lender all notices of amou�to be atd under
<br />. -�°yr" � `•.;,yi; this paiag�aph. If Bomnwer makes thess�ts ditectty.Borma�s�hall promptly fnmish to Lenderieceipts�evideaciag -
<br /> - �., . ,':I r;,'' the paya[ents. .. • . .
<br /> '�:ii�,. Baimtiver shaII psomptiy ctiscY�arge amj�lien which has � ry . .
<br /> ' ; ;:;�tr;.�ha P��IY�:,�t�is Secari Insuumentunless•Boaow�:(a)agr�es �
<br /> - :' ;,��y'.. , in writin�to the payment of the obligaaon secured by the lien in a rr.�.^z..-�er acceptab2e w I.ender:(b)contests i��d faith the
<br /> � �.�•... • .' � lieu by.or defends agaiast enforcement of We lien in.Iegal ptocee�ngs ahich in�e Lender's opinion opera�:�}�vent the
<br /> . � G�" •�'�� '''' '' enforceme�of the lien;m(c)sec�ues from the holder o€the lies�z�s��eemeat satisfactory to lxttder su6or'��stag the tien
<br /> : .: .. •
<br /> � �.,. ;: ' . . .�� ..
<br />-�.� ;;�-J�. .' ;'. ��: , to this Secwin,�tnstiument If Leader deteraiines that any pait of�..1'ro�eity is subject to a lien whiclr may attain priority..
<br />_�j . ,:r.,
<br />;_{:• T i��y�.�. over this Se�afty Instrumen�,Leuder may Sive IIorrower a aadce icdr.u&fying the Ilea Bo:rower shall satisfy the lien or
<br /> t . ' one us ffiore of the actions set forth above witbin 10 days of the giving of no�ce. ,
<br /> ac
<br /> . . 5. eaaa�or Pmpert�r Insn�anc� Boaower sha11 ke�p the improvement�now existing or hezeafter cr.�ted on the _
<br /> ' Froperty iasared against Inss by fire,hazards inciuded within the teim"extended ra���iage"aad any other bar�da,mcluding�
<br /> � floods or flooding,for w�c6 I.ender teqwres insuraace. This insurance shaf2.tti;maintaiaed in the amo�and for the -
<br /> . � , , � . . . e� re .. � _.
<br /> •��G;y;
<br /> „+��"�iy. Famy3tlZl1 9/4U f;.o8e2oJ6pa8ui
<br />- •� . .,
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<br /> :};:.�,�*�1;, .
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