°-`t F •�.. ` S :�. �. _ __-__— - .
<br /> _ , ... .. � � .
<br /> p `. _°: .:-�;: � =� � - -- — _
<br /> . .. , Y
<br /> � � . __._ —
<br /> .. ;�,� �m>._�>
<br /> . .. .... ��° _—�.�y�—
<br /> xC•`...r �., .r ���ti.V�L-Ct�'�f..�'�_ �..._>._, . �� m_ — __—._...
<br />—_--__ `''C�. ' ` . c . . . . . . p t_ .L � �. . .. ( � . __-- �—�'_• __._ .
<br /> —'_'. - �. . , � `F ' � � ` ��43 ��OI���' . . �` �.. ` -_-��'_v-__�_-___'_
<br /> ---�- � `, ss�urf�y .for the per8os,manae �o£: ttae i�de�tedxie�a aad�yabligatioz�s �ecured. • _--__
<br /> _-_--_, , , bereby, all pr�paid rents aad .�1�:r��iteyv which may have been o� ueay`herea�ter. -------- - _ --
<br /> � � be• .�depos�ted with Trel.etor by. aa�,,,�Ieseee, of the Property, to° �ecure the � .
<br /> - � � gay�eat of any rent or @amageg« attc�.;a�pan default i.n the- perfqrmazace af ��of ., -
<br /> ��� � the provi�"sions hereof, Trustor agx��s to delivex euah rents axid d�pasi�e. tc , � =_ _-___
<br /> B�ne�iciary. De2ivery og �rrrit�ea...r:otice af Beaeficiary'.a exerc3se of �th�; ' �'���� _
<br /> � ,�;� r�ghts gra�ted by this paragraph ,TkfIRD to any tenant oacuQ�ing .the Prop�r�y, ��"s'����-�-�--_
<br /> ���" ` o�; aay partioai thereaf� shal� be ��£�cieat to Feqr:ire said teaan�-� ga� s�d ��
<br /> �„� � 'r�nt ta 9eneffciaay uAti]. fu:cthes.r�otice.� . . ��;�u3��'�=
<br /> �- . • . � - - -
<br /> . � ` �OtJRTK. ` If there ahal� be _fi]:ed b�t +ar against the Trustor any petition ' ���� ==
<br /> � ar pz�eei�.ng se�ng �ny arra�ag�iaent ar composition or..extenaioh of any _ � �- -_ :
<br /> -- other relief uader or:pu�eua�tt to�:the `Federal Bankruptcy Cede• er.any other �_A
<br /> - ==- s�.milar staltute as is now c�r ge�ea�ter ia effect, or if the .Trustor ahall be �_�__=
<br /> �� � ad�udicated bank�vpt or iasalvent or ang of �rustor's proper�ty shall have ,� - _
<br /> � p�-k _.
<br /> ___-__.;� � been� sequestered and suc� decree� aha.11 have coati.nued undischarged and ��,.�__ _ _
<br /> _ . unstay�d for 90 days afte�.the. enz�y,thereof, then the whole of �hhe Note. aad _
<br /> -_ iradebtedness hereby secwcsd shal�, without natic�. at, t he op tion o f �t h e . __
<br /> E��e;T'
<br /> ��v �Beneficiary, loecome due and pa�rab�e. � �:f
<br />-�.��-� • � 'a.�� __.
<br /> -`� � � . FIFTH. IIpon default by Tru�tor in the paytnent af or performance o£ the "�","� _ -
<br />���-� terms and conclitions of the Note, or aay xeaewals, modifications or . _'=�"�-'`-`` T --
<br /> �z,. , �
<br /> ..
<br /> �- - ...._..- ----�-- -�-
<br /> `� , executions thereof, �Yie�ga:y�eii�---o��-�ny a�he�r. .indebtednees--aecur�d -hereby ar - - .. �;`-'�T° -
<br /> ��` —
<br /> _�. �', � fn the perf orcnance o� any agreem�ur, aavenant.or cvarranty herein contained or ,�t �F p _
<br /> �J=� �, set Eorth in. any, agreemex►t or is��,trum�nt executed by Tnas�or i.n conne�tion r� �, -
<br /> -`�<�_� witl� the i.ndebtedaeas hereby. se;cured, Beneficiary may declare all suias , �'�'�
<br /> � -� ' gecured hereby immediately du� .�nd_.payable.. and__the._saiae sha3.1:. _ther�upan t �;��*�-;
<br /> � � becot�e due and payable without.p��sentment, demand, protest or n�tice of any �fr ""
<br /> �.r�i�` `._,�,!
<br /> ,U,�.,�� ; kiad.. `�.�'hereafte�, Beneficiary.�m��► deliver �to Trustee a writter� dec1�ration .F �.t�-�=
<br />.-.:;H���b;��:r-; �g",;�q,.'�
<br /> . -;.Q€.def�italt and demand for aale. 'Fxustee ehall have the pnwer of-eale of the . , .��x�.
<br /> �;`-" . ^`�:�pe�k.�` aud i� Beneficiary decides tl� Property is tio be �sold, ix shall- � _
<br /> ��"` �t ���"�';'i3eposi� .with Trustee thi.s Deed. of, Trust� and the Note.or, notes and any other . � ,;; ,
<br />.:.._,�� ��`"•� � �'�-�`doc�tne�tt;� evid�ncing expendituxes secured hereby, and shall deliver to • �•� .
<br />:���:_��•, , .
<br />__=__=:'T�. Trust��a writtea �otzce,-of default and electiom .to ca�� the Property,to be •.;�:Y�` � ''
<br /> .��'a`l �� sold, aiid Trustee, i.x� Curn, shall prepaze a simil� notice ia the , form �,.;.4 .
<br /> - _--� required by law, which shall be duly filed for.recor��'#�y Tiustee. � - ''• .
<br /> �.:�,���_- .� , . , -y.-.. ,
<br /> ���:� .� . . t � " .
<br /> , ,,
<br /> .�,,_ �.�� (a� After the lapse of auch time as may be required b��_��w �ollowing �� ,�-�
<br /> f �...�;.
<br /> =�.`�'r�� �� t� recordation o� l�otice o� Default, and notice.of Default and Notice . , - m,vr�;.�
<br />==��.��� ' . '���::--
<br /> . a��Sale ha�ing beeie given.a�:required by law, Truatee, without demand on r =-
<br /> ...,..�..��• � �.�:
<br /> �,-�-�•��.�] . T�storr �ha.].1 sell the. Praperty hereinbefore described� and any and. . ��i.,..`�;
<br /> --- � � v� azt thereof, ia sepa�ate parcels or en masse as the Trust�e a�ay '����'�=
<br /> •:. ��t.. ,..�._,
<br /> ��`--� e�ect �c� in sucb. ort�er as �rustee may determine.on the date and at the � _. `��`_�`-�� '`
<br /> __=�,_=��?:� �i u x e a a d p l a c e d�s��g nated �:i a,said�Notice o� Sale, at public auctivn to -�'��Tl-_
<br /> ��:.
<br /> �.,_r tY� .ha.ghest bidd"er, ;the pu�chase p=ice payabl� in cash in lawful money ��� �� `�;
<br />�5���;� . o� the IIni.ted States at the time of sale. The per�on conducting tche' . ' ... �'1��� ��•'
<br />�.'�.�1.�,y�.�1'. . � . .
<br />�! :,�_;,>:� eale may, for any cause .h�r.,or she deeme expedient, .postpone the sale - � -°`
<br /> _ ~~'�': f�on time to time until itrshall be completed and, in every such case, - ___ .�,•`���
<br /> _.. _.._: ..,
<br />_°'F:.};y,,_.- � . uc�tice of postponemeant �ha�l be� given by public declaration thereot by ' . - � '
<br />-- r-•: •�h person at the t�me aud;place, laet appoiAted for tfle sale; provided, �_.. .
<br />���`�"'�` i�' the sale is postpon�d.+�or lor+ger thau one (1) day beyon d t he day . �' ��'��� , ,
<br />;•��::.. .
<br /> � �� . designated in the Notice o� Sale, notice thereof shall be given in th�e
<br /> ''�����'" �ame manu.er as the origiaia� Notice of eal.���. Trustee ahaTl execute and `. � •
<br /> = _ _ � deli.ver to tY�e purch�eer its Deed corsvey�.ng the pxoperty so sold, but , .:
<br /> .,�,.;� without any covenant or warranty, express or implied. The recitals in , ;'�
<br />-- =—'� the Deed of an.y matters or facts �ha11 be conelusive proof of the ' :.:�:�;?y�:•�
<br />__�„� � ' • � truthful.ness thereof. . Any psreon, i.nc].uding� wither�t limi.tation. , � .
<br /> =- - - Benefici.aa�'y or �ruatea may purchase at the sale. Said..�ale �shal�. be
<br /> - -=- �� conducted at the real estate forming a paxt of the Proper�y or at the'. •'
<br /> _ _�_ � � aaurt house in tbe county in which the Property to be scld, or �aom� paxt '`��'� � -
<br />