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<br /> � , , �� ..
<br /> k ' .. .. _`. ' . _ '—_ < . .. , . .. c ` ' , ' . . ' - .. ' _ ' .—._.
<br /> . . ' ' ,` � ` : • ' ' � . e �� . . . � � . �. .� • .',���j � y - —
<br /> � • . , < < � . , � . . � � ��� �.����:�.t . =-
<br /> � , — _ , . . , t , f , . . . . , . . ... ' ::k — . . .
<br /> . fxater�s� at �he�sa�e�I�e�ce�aaft�r p�oeridec� .s�a�.l cauat£�uutet�a,:3.�.c�,up�a ehhe� . ,
<br /> P�opel�C�f '�$�11 b8 St4Cit2^�d b� t�tf� Ilsec� O�,:Trt7t�3te. c�l1$ oP�l�• �e;: l:,t�ttti�a�E31y,�, ---
<br /> . du� and �xegaya�le �p the Beaefi�i�r (h1• nat� to�+�.a2� t�e,Pra����,y or ariy� `�
<br /> perCfan��the`regi �ai.t�c,ut the appzo�•�]. o��;Che �Benefiaiarg i.n�aa�ci�r�aag�; aaa�. fn.
<br /> t$e eve�x of a� sale here� �tohil�ite�. then t&e e���re �ad�.tat��s�;secured . ____.-
<br /> b� this.,II�:ed o� Treiet� sha1.1', at the o�iaa o� th� B��r�fici�y, be�sar�� due.aRtd, -_
<br /> .��alra�s�e: f�.) that if th� P�apercty or �ay� par� ar�� parc�l�� ther�f� akal.� �e. .,___
<br /> _- '
<br /> �.ke� o� daaia� ur�3�r �he� paw�r af �inent �dcxna i�.� t�e�:a��d: ��� azx�:.__. _ .i=;_;-
<br /> P�aperty �c� taken or damaged (including severan� d�xnage� to.�xe rem�aist3a�; • -_
<br /> �p�emi�ses) sha�l� be paid to. t�ie �eae�iciary aad.`ap�glxe� �,£u�.l.:ox� ia gart at �-
<br /> tPze option o£ ` the Heae£iciary� ia redu�tion af; the iud�b�adness hereby� ---
<br /> s�cured: f j} • that .tTae �e£i�fazy �sh�i ha•v�= .Y�=-sxght_. tc�;_ ine�ect -the..-,---_--
<br /> F��pe�ct� at anch reasonabl�e times as th� 8enefici.aiy,.m�y,de�i�:e�ta detera�isie _ _
<br /> T�ustor'e�co�plian�e witPi the covenrants cont�in�&�i#��tki.s.Dee�,of� T�ust; (k)� _
<br /> tlnat�.the Hen�ficiary may �elease from the 2�.en,���� ariY �ax�; ar Patael o€ _
<br /> the Prope�Cy witho�t requfring any con�idera��.t��:;th�r�for,;:, aad t1} tha� ___ -
<br /> �Trustor is lawfully seiaed of eaid premises �uci tP�`apes-z.y, i.n fr�a sim�Ze, that -
<br /> the same are free €rom aII liens and encumbranaes:.:except� a� m�y:othexvri.se be __—
<br /> sgecif£cally aoted herein or waivEe�d, i.n writixi''��:� b�y• the Be�zeficia.ry; that ;�.-_
<br /> T�ustior will execute or.pro�ure a��:,;��isrther nECe��a�y:assuran�e� of: title and: ���;%��.
<br /> �o<<_-
<br /> . do�s hereby warran�� general�y th��°f�;3�1e •to sa�t���Prap�rty a�d wi�J::, forever ��,;;._:
<br /> d�,:end the saiae agai.n�t the:;:��i�us��� demands of� a11.person�:vahomsb�ver, and E,'==_
<br /> that Trustor's sepaxate.-es�a�e;-ar��r vest�d.�,conting�nt -ax:-in ��ctanc�. =
<br /> ie heieb�r conveyed:.'�nd Trustor d�s�.•,hereby ex�a,a'+essly. wa��+v�,, re�7;�ase all �;_ -
<br />° rights.and beaefit�af any ho�mestea�:.�awer. cur���y.,appsa3�.ement, �mp�ion "__-
<br />= a=td a�ay laws of t?ni.s etate. It .is `.�greed-tha� t]ia�iatere�t provided €or i.n• f��,
<br />� � subsection {g) above shall be at `.the same rat±� _as speai�3.�+d� in the No�e ..a
<br /> se,cured hereby on the prf ncipal thexeof after default� and�m�turity. [I.�'
<br />- : sLCOI+�D. ��n �tlu event •Tntst�� without t;h� priar wACitt�n conaent of ---
<br /> `� �'ieficiary, shall sell, tr�ns€er:'�r aonvey ar cout�a� t�a..�tsll, transfer or -�
<br />