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<br /> �t�?='��.�:�-�'°�� upplicablc law may specify for m,inst�tement)befare sale of the Pcopc�ty parfiunnt to�any patvcr u an�o�u ed in U�is
<br /> ___ __— Secudty inswmenr.or(b)entry of a judgment enforcinp this Security lnetrument. Thosa condItions arc thnt Borrower: (�)
<br /> — puys l.ender all sums whIch then would be due under tbfa Securliy InAuument und'the Note as if no acceleratlon hud
<br /> occumed;(b)cures uny defautt of any other covenantg or ngceements;(c)pays ull expense9 Incurrcd in enfoi+cing this Security
<br /> � Inswmen� includiag, but not limitac�to.rcasonable uttomcys'fcrs;and(d)tukes F►�ch acdon as I,ender muy rensunably
<br /> nequ�re to essure that the�iea of this Security Inswment,Lendsr's rights in the Pmpetty anci Borrowvr's obligatIon to puy the
<br />_ �------- smns secnmd by this Securiry Instrument shull contlnua unchanged. Upon relnRtatemcnt by Hore�nwer, thia Security
<br /> �- -� Instrument ctnd the obligction9 secured henby shutl remuin fully effecdve ns if rto accetemtian hnd occnrird. Hawever.thiy `
<br /> right to reinstate shull not apply in the case of acceleratioa ur�der paragraph 17.
<br /> .,� 19. Sale pt Nuee;Change of Loan Serv[cer. The Nou or a puNal interest in tPte Note(wgethes wlth thia SecurIry
<br /> ` Inswment)may 6e sol�.ot►�or more tluees withaut prior notice to Borrower. A sale muy resuls In u change ln tha entity
<br /> (known as�he"�.oan 5erv;�er",�Wnt coJ► monthly payments due uader the Note and this Secudty Urstrument. There Wso
<br />��'' may be on�or iuo�e�ett�s'��t�o�' :�eTVtcer unreluted to n anla of the Note. If there ts a chnnge of the Loan Servicer.
<br />:'` Borrawer w`iA'be�iveiraritten�r�uttce tHe'chsu�ge In accoMance with pamgcaph 14 abave uud appl�cnble lnw. The nottce
<br /> = will state the aame aad address of We new I.oan Servicer and thc addt�ess to which payments shouid be mude. The aodce wW �=_
<br /> -- also�ontnin any other infom�adon requlred by appUcable law.
<br />-j� Z0. Bnzardaus Suhstanots. Borrower shall not cause or pern►it tho presence,use,disposnl,swrage,or mlease of any �---
<br /> Hazandoua Snbstances on or in the P�+operty. Borrower shall not do.nor allow anyone else to do.anythin�affectiag the
<br /> � Pmperty that is in�doladon of any Bmvtronmenutl Law. The pnceding two sentettces shall not apply to the presence.use,or
<br /> storege on the P'roperty of emall quanflHes of Hazardous Substaaces that are generally reco�nized to be appropriate to normnl
<br /> residentlal uses and to maintenance of tha Property.
<br /> . Bocrower shsiU pmatptly give Lender written notice of sny 3nvesdgadon,clalm,demaa�,lawsuit or otl�er action by eny .
<br /> governmeatal or regulutory agency or prIvate party involvia� the Property and any fiazt�ndous Substance or Environmentel �
<br /> Law of which Borrower hns actual kaowledge. If Borrowet learns. or is notified by any govemmenuil or regulatory --
<br /> authotity,thut any removel or other c�emediation of any Ha�ardous Substance affecdn�the Properly is necessary,Bomower �:r
<br /> � � shall promptly take aU necessary remedlal actlons in accoidance witlt Envuonmental Law. _-.
<br /> �*,�.. As used in this parag�aph 20,"Hazardous Substances"nne those substances defined as toxlc or hazardous substances by �
<br /> � Environmental Luw and the following substances: gasoline, keroserte,other flaAimable or toxic petroleum products,toxic �n
<br /> pesdcides aad herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containin�asbestos or fonnuldehyde,end radtoacdve meterIals. As �;:,-;:_
<br /> used in this paragraph 20."EnvIc�nameatal L.aw"means federal laws und luws of the Jurisdiction where the P[operty is located Y=°
<br /> f,..•�� :..� ,. that relate w hesith,safery or environmeatal proter.tion. �"'�_
<br /> �;��,� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Horrower aad I.ender futiher coveaant and agree as follows: �.
<br />- ,,;�;> � .�:''��,�_� 21. Acceleratlon;Remedies. Lender sLall give noUce w Bormwer pdor to ac�eleraUon toflowE�g Borrowes's .1::'
<br /> Tr���'�'- breach of an covenaut or ent in this Security Instrumeat(but not rlor to accelerattan udder b]7 �4r��
<br /> �'s``_ �;, ..�. �. Y a�m P P�P�P � .
<br /> - �.,a�.f ' anies�appliatbie iaw pmvides otherwise). The notice sBsij specii'ya ta)fbe dePauit.ib)ihe acfuoa required fo c�re ibe -
<br /> p��--•<-�-•� deWvlt;(c)a date,not less than 30 days Qrom tbe dute the notice is gtven to Borrower,by whlch the detault mnst be ���
<br /> `-•�'�`',`�`='`�� cured;antb(d)that fallw�e to cure the default on or betore the date speclQed ta the notice may resolt ta acceleration ai ;��::�_
<br /> h. " ' t; :N....
<br /> _r " }s;;;;<',; t6e sums secured by t61s Security Inctcument aad sale of the Pmperty. The aot[ce shalt tluiher tnform Bormwer of r f?��•
<br /> +• � ���, • the rtght to reinstate after aaoeleration and We right to 6r�ng a court action to assert the noa�exfstence of a default or
<br /> �`•�° "�''`� any other defense of Borrorver to acceleration and sale. If the deiault ts not cured on or before t6e date spedtted tn '•
<br /> •� • �� `r;i;,..
<br /> �;��r�'•'�.> the aottce,Lender at its opHom m�y requtre twaedlate paytnent ta full nf all aums secw�ed by this 3ecurtty L�strument
<br />- ' �;v„ w[thout fiirther demand end mng invoke the power of sale aad any other remedies permitted by applicable law
<br />�- '�`:,,1;�;�„�� Lender sbali 6e enHtled to coflect all expenses iucnrred ia puisuing tde remedles pmvided in this parasraph 21,
<br /> �'� "`�� „� inctuding,but not limited to,res�.wna6le attorneys'fees and costs oP t[tle evtdence.
<br /> . _•' �••��_ If the power ot sale is tnvoked,ltinstee shall record a notice ot default in eac6 county in whtch any part ot the ���
<br /> - "`��Y��'�:.,� Pruperty is Iocated aud ehall raall copies of auch not�cc In the manner prescdbed by appUcable taw to Borrower and to
<br /> r`°°� the other pen?ons prescdbed by appllcable law ABer tl►e dme required by applicable law,llrustee shaq g[ve publtc
<br /> � �r�;: notloe af sele to the persons and in the manner prescrl6ed by appUcable Iaw. 7tustee,without demand on Borrower,
<br /> '�� .�� shall sell t�e Pro at ubllc auctlon to the hi hest bidder at the tlme and laoe and nnder the terms desi ated in
<br /> �'�"�': ,:'• Pert7' P g P S� •
<br /> ��w;,-� • the noldce of sWe in one or more parcels end in any oMer'Ilr�stee determirn�. 11�ustee may postpone sale of all or any
<br /> ..�.;: .•: .,;� _ pa�cel ot the Property by pubUc enuouacemeat at We ttme attd p1s�ce of aay�revious�y scheduled sale. Leader or its
<br /> . �'�!�, ��`'+' ":'�F deslgnee may purc6ase the Property at any sate.
<br /> �` ,� �r��.: .,
<br /> � �'�'' Upon reccipt oi paymeut of t6e pr[ce bfd,'IY�ustee shelf deUver to the pnrchaser 1Ywstee's deed rnnveytng the
<br /> `x•2=�� • - . Property. The recitals In the'Ilrustee's deed ehall be prima facie evidence of the truth of t�e statements made therein.
<br /> �:���°. 1Yustce shall apply the prooeed.g of the sele in the following ordcr: (e)to all costs and enpe�ses of exercfsins the power
<br /> `�,' q.. ... • . f ; .
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