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<br /> 5-,—�-� � uaidemnation nr othcr t�lcing of m�y part of thc Property.ar for convcycutcc is licu of condcmnatio��,ncu I�ereby ttti•s7g11Cd�tqd. en�
<br /> . shalt 6c puid tn Lcndcr.
<br /> In thc event of a totul takin9�f the Pmperty, the procecds ahall b� aAp]!ed to the suma sccured by this Ser,ut�►V --
<br /> . Ihstrumtnt.whsther ar not then due,with any cxcess paid to Borrowcr. In tAe event of A partfal aking of thc Property�n.
<br /> ° which the fuir market vuiuc of thc Property immcdiutely bcfonc the tuking i�equal to or greuter ihan thc anount of thq,swqti
<br /> sccurcd by this Securlty lnstcumcnt immedlatety before tha wking,unless Boaower nnd I.ender othcrwtse aErcc in wdting,
<br /> thc sums secumd by thls Sccudty Instrumen.shult be rcduced by the amount of thc proceedy multiplied by thc folfA+a+ina
<br /> fraction: (a)the total umount of tho sums�ecured imm�diately before tiic tuking,divlded by(b)th�fair murket value of thR `-
<br /> .s Pr<►perty lmmedietely before the tnking. Any bulunc�shail ba patd to Iioaower. In the event of a partl�l taking of thp, •
<br /> Pruperty in which tha fuIr mtukct value of the Property immedtately befare the taking is less thnn the nmaunt of the sumr�
<br /> secured immediately before tne toking,unleas Harrower nnd Lender atherwl.se agree io writing or unless applicaPlla law _
<br /> o�herwise provides.tho ptoceeda shall be upplIed to the suma secured by thfs Security Instrument whcther or not the aurns ur� �
<br /> .._,,, then due.
<br /> ��•____ ___ _ __ If the Property is nbandoned by Borrower.or if,afier notice by Lender to Borrower thnt tbe condemnor offer�w m�k�� �_
<br /> �� nn awnrd ar settle a claim for damuges.Borrower fsiils to respond to l,ender within 30 days after the date the notice is given.
<br /> �` Lender is autliorlud ro collect and apply the proceeds,at its opdon,either to restoration or nepair of the Pt+operty or to th�s —
<br /> / • sums secured by this Securlty Insqumen�whether ur not then due. __
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wridng.any upplicatiom of proceeds to prtncipal shall not extend.oc �.--
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in puragmphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paymenta, �°:�:
<br /> �; 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearartce By Leader Not a Wa[ver. Extenston of thc qme for puymsnt or ��
<br /> mod�catfon of amortization of the eums secured by this 9ecurity Instcument granted by Lender to any successor�n int�rest ��;�,
<br /> of Borrower shatf not opccuta to rcicASC the li�biliry of the origina!Borro+ver or Sorro+ver� successnrs!n intereyt. Lendar ,;:,
<br /> sball not be required ro commence proceedings a�alnst uny successor in interest or refuse to extend dme for payrrten�or ';.
<br /> otherwIse modify amortizadon of the sums secured by this Securtty Instrument by reason of any demand mnde by the ori�inal ��_
<br /> , � h�•',:. • r. Borrower or Borrower's successors in tnteresG Any forbearance by Lender in exencising any right or remedy shatl not k�a a
<br /> • waiver af or precludc the exercise of eny right or remedy.
<br /> 12. Succe.csors end Asslgas Boand;Joiat and Severa!Liabitity:Caslgners. 11ie covenants And ugreement�of thx�
<br /> Security Instrument shnll bind and benefit the successors and assi�ns of Lender and Borrower,subJect to the ps�nvisiona of �
<br /> g paragraph 17. Bomower�s covenanu and agreements shall be joint and severul. My Horrawer who casigns this S��curiry � :`
<br /> . Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Insuument only to mortgage.gmnt and convey that
<br /> " N"�'�� '• '' Borrower�interest In tfte Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b)is not personally obli�ated to pay tho sums t
<br /> `�::Y%�' secured b this Securi Insuvmeni:and(c)a � thai Lender and an other Borrowcr mu a rec to extend.mcxlif.faQbuar
<br /> ,,,��;,,�r.. Y �Y �� Y Y � Y _..
<br /> - ,;.m . or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of ehis Security Inadument or the Note without that Borrowor'�
<br /> '`�'� s" ti'�" consent. "'
<br /> o?►",:c .,4.
<br /> ° t,+�r��^ ' 13. Loan Chargc.w. If the Ioan secured by this Security Instr�ment is subJect co a law which sets maximum toan
<br /> . �' r�•ti''�:� ch es.and that law is finall inte reted�so thut the interest or other loan ch es collected or to be collected jn conn�ctaon
<br /> , ;�w :lt f, � y• tP +� .
<br /> �`'�r;,
<br /> � 3.�,�:;;;;,�jt�,..., with the lo�n exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by fhe urtwunt ne�:essury to reduce
<br /> _�.?`.` ����+�::`�"•'��:�t•� the chsrge to the permttted limit;and(b)any sums already collei:ted from Borrower which exceeded perntitted limtts wilA be •
<br /> y ':-.°ie,�t•-•.P,.'.Fd.
<br /> k 4�rrt°•-��;;��� refunded to Bottower. Lender may choose to meke this r+efund by reducing the princip�l owed under the Note ur by making u ,
<br /> �:.1�i,r,.,�+.,a•t;�c,:..v....�
<br /> ,s• ,��,��:�.•::• direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal,the reducaon will be treated as o partiul prepaymeni witha�t:any
<br /> aw°�; �„��' pmpayment charge under the Note.
<br /> �t 14. NoHces. Any notice to Bc�rrower pmvtded for in this Securiry Instrument shnll be given by de:ivering it o�by
<br /> '' �� j-"�° ` " mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall be dimcted to the Propatty
<br /> ` '° ''` '� Address or an y other addmss Borrower designares by notice to Lender. My noticc to Lender shall be giv�n by first cl.ass
<br /> - �tr,�� , - mail W l.ender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Bocrower. Any noxice provtded for •
<br />_�{. �,��.,,._, in this Security[nstrument shatl be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when �iven ns �rovided in this
<br /> _ ' parngra�h. .
<br />. �a� , IS. Goverrt[n�Law; Sevesability. This Securiry Instrument shal! be governed by federul luw unai thv lnw of the
<br /> . , ���� , jurisdlction in which the Property is located. In the event that any pmvision or clnuse of this Security Instmmen!or th4 Note
<br /> •. ,.:f�",'�,� contlicts with applicable law.seich conflict shaU not uffect other provisians of this Security Instrument or tha Note which can
<br /> � • ��..v.,:c,�} be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Socuriry Insaument und the Ncne are
<br /> _ _,"'�;.:1 . � declared to be severable.
<br /> _:,,�;;�. 16. Borrower's Copy. Bornower shall be;iven one wnformed copy of the Note and of this Securiry Inr�trument.
<br /> •- i7. 1lransfer of We Property or a Beneflcial interest in$orrower. If ull or any part of the Propeny o�r nny interest in
<br /> ' �y�r�` it is sold or u�nnsferred (or if a beneticial interest in Borrower is sold ar transferred and Borrower is not u natuml persan)
<br /> ��`°'���'` without Lender�s prior written consen�Lender may,at i�s option,require immediate payment in f�ll of all t+ums secured by
<br /> :��i. Yk�Y�`���� this Securi Instrument. However.this o uon shall not be exereised b I.ender if exercise is rohibited b fddernl�aw as of -'
<br />_ q.'�:r'y the date of ttyhis SecurIry InstrumenG P� Y P Y
<br /> �, °�;, "'. If Lender exercises this option,Lender shap give Bnrrower notice of acceleration. The notice�hall providc a period of '
<br /> '�-�'=`:! not(ess than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay al l sums securcd by this
<br /> :i�'«�!�er�« Securiry Instrument If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period. Lender may invoke uny ..
<br /> :-r�'wr+� - ."��
<br /> ,,>,M: . remedies permitted by this Security Insdument without further notice or demund on Borrower.
<br /> _ _ " IS. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain wnditions. Borrowcr shall have the right to have `
<br />- �"r"�l�'�-_:' ;,'•^• enforcement of this Securiry Instrument discontinued at any ttme prior to the earlier of: (a)S days(or such other period as
<br />_ ".�_;Yt',.;'�:�;:±':_� Single Famity--F7annte Mad(�l�eddte 11t�c llNIFORM INSTRUMENT--Uniform Covenants 9l90 lpaRe AojAprtptr)
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