. , -v rri7nii' . . ,.. . , . .:�.-.. „:., . . ,:r�n_k�_
<br /> _��„ . ; .. . .i�u�.r ' .. . . . . -°-
<br /> .
<br /> .� j.�. . . �. . . .. _ _. . .
<br /> ��_ I y�. '- _.._._ _. __' �- . _..__ __.
<br /> • d Other H�a�r Inour�nco.Aorrower shall insure�ll im avomc�nta�n tho���s�;�11Rdlhmr
<br /> 4.l�ire�plom¢�n Q Pr
<br /> `���-"��'�' tinw In oYleuiva or su�ooquantly eroctod� e�eiast eny h�zar��cauusltten,anA conttngancicA,Itiuludin�4iro,ius�vbfuh
<br /> Lar►dor req��Iroa lauiur�ncc.Thie ineurance shq11 be matntained in tha erinounte end fnr the perlcda Rh�t�.onder ret�ulree,
<br /> BmrnMer eh�11 eleo Ineun sll Impcavemer►te on tho Praperty W�tOLI1Qt RO1Y �A O�atEtiCE O1'BiUbLOQU011t�y►Et�A4SR����sineti
<br /> laee by tloode►to the eitcnt required by tAo Saoret�ry.A11 tneurance ehtll be cin�fed Mith comp�ntae�pproved by Lenaor.
<br /> 'I'he inourance pollcFae and any roaow�Is ehall bo holc4 by Lender aad ehdl ivalude loee p�yable claueea in f�vor oi,att�l Ia
<br /> s foren aCCeptable to,l.ender. � "
<br /> �=- ------� , _-
<br /> In the eeent of loes.Botrower ahall�ive Lender immodtate Aoticd by m�il.Iamdor m�y makeproot ot!ae if r�t
<br /> mnde promptly by Horroxor.Fiaoh iasurance campaay concerned.is lzereHy suthorized iad dlraated w mako pyment
<br /> -= far suoh laee diteatly w Lender.inetaa�d oi to Borrowor and to Leader joiatly.AQI or�Ay part uf tt►e insurance proceede
<br /> e
<br /> - mey be agpliod by�.eadar,at its optIon,ehher(a)w tha reduactoa oi the�ndobtodnoee uader the Note�ead thia Securlty
<br />__— _ It�etruraent,tirst to any delinqueat amountg�pplied in the order ia peragnph 3.ead thoa to prepsyment of priac�pel�or
<br /> — �-� (3) to the res�orntIan as e�epair a!tka dn�negrl Prng�rty.Any appltcsdon of the pmc�to tho pttncip�l Aha11 aot =_
<br /> � ert�ad or poertpone the due date of the monthly paymeats whieb.sre reierrod to�n para�capb 2 or obw�p the amount oi
<br /> !.�- such paymenm.Aay excess iAaureaco praceede over aa emount raqulrod to psy all outatandiag indnbte�duese uader the
<br /> %'. Not�aad this Socurity Inetrumant shntl be paid to the eattty legally endded thareto.
<br /> ;�,:
<br /> :�;: In the event oi foreclosure of thie SoeurIty Inatrumeat or other transier of tttle to the Ptoperty thtt extinguiehae the
<br />�;'; indebtedness.all r�aht,title end intarest oi Borrawer in ead so insurence pel�cies ia iorce ahall peas to tha purchaser.
<br /> ?' S.Occupaacy.Preaorvstioa,Msiateamce and Protect{oa oi 4he Property;Honower's Loau�pplication; �
<br /> - I.eaaeholda.Borrower ahell ocaupy,establiah,aad use the Property ee Borrower's prtac�pal resldeaoe wIthin sIrty days
<br /> aiter tha exeaut�on of thie SeaurIty Instrument aad ehall coatinue to occupy the Property es Horrower'8 prla�cIpal
<br /> residence ior at least oae yeat after tha date of occupaacy.wilesa the Secretary determiaea t6ie requIrameat will cxuee
<br /> � uadue hardehip for Borrower,or unless extenuating clreumetaaces esiet�vhich ere beyond Horrower's contc�ol.Borrower
<br /> el�elt noEify Leader of aay extauuating cirausnstaaces. Borrower ehall not commit wsete or deatroy. damage ar
<br /> aubetanttelly chenge the Proporty or allow tha Proporty to dateriorate,reasoaablo wear and tear exr,epted. Iauder nsny
<br /> iAapect the Yroparty ti tho Property ie vecant or abaadaned or tha loan ie in default.Lendar raay teke reaeonable eation
<br /> to ptotect aad preservo suoh vacaat or abaadoned Praperty.Horrower shell elso ba ia deiault ii Borrower,durIng the
<br /> ° loan application process�gava materIally falsa or inaccurata information or statements to I.euder(ot feilyd to provIde
<br /> ,�; ������ Leader wtth eay matetiel iatormadoa)ta conaection wtth tha loaa avtdenced by tha Nota,includiag,but aot timitod to,
<br /> „
<br /> -- '� f �'� ° roPresentatione concornittg Be�r�aR�e's occtipaucy af ihs Pr�rty as a prlacips!t�i3eacs.It ihis SecurtLg I�sics�tn�t�is ,
<br /> '�s'u% on a leasdhold.Borrower ehall comply wIth tha provlslons of tha leasa.If Bonower acquires fea titla to tha�raportq,the. -
<br /> ',:�}�'�a �easehold end fee tiue ahall aot ba merged unlesa Lender ag�s to the mergcr in writtag. -
<br /> , �.,,,�,. :
<br /> - ��.;� , �.> , : -
<br /> .;���;. 6. Chargee to Borrower and Protection of Lender s Rlgbts in the Property. Bonower ahall pay ali
<br /> �. � 'ti�K.-• .�; governmeatel or muaicfpal chargea, fines aad imposItiotis that aro not inoluded in para�raph 2. Borrower ahallpay �,
<br /> � 's - �' '; these obli tions oa tinne direatl to the entt ahiah is owed the ymeat. If failure to a would advarsely eHeet �'-��
<br /> S$ Y tY Pa P Y �L�-..
<br /> ,. �{�, . I.�mder's interest ia tha Property�upoa Leader's requeat Borrower shell promptly fumish to I.euder recelp�a avideaclag
<br /> - these payments. ��r�.
<br /> .,,�,:
<br /> �'' °,�;�,�� �' If Iiorrower fnile to make thesa payments or tha paymante required bY paragraPh 2,or fails to pertorm any other �`� '
<br /> %� ' coveasats aad agreoments conteiaed is�this Securlty Iastrument,or there is a legal proceedln�that may s�gniCcently `;�,,.
<br /> '°�� �:� efioct Lender's rtghts in tha Praperty {auch es a proceediag ia bankruptcy,Por coademnalloa or w eAforca lawg or �'�
<br /> . • '�;��' reguladone).thaa Lender nnay do ead pay whatsver is aece�ary to protect the velue of tho Propetty and Leader's righte _'_"
<br /> - . .�,� _ .....
<br /> , ,�,�,, :.+ „ .,_�. ia the Property,tacluding paymeat ot teaes,hazard inaurence and othet itema mentioned iu paregraph 2. ;
<br /> ,.t�.y�.�i.,t x�..
<br /> �"�.��.,,�-� Any amounts d[sbursed by Leader uader this paragraph shall beco�ne ea additIonal debt oi Horroaet ead be �y� ,.
<br /> ,r'� ,: ,:�:. sec�ted by this Security 1nsUVmest,These amovnts ehall bear intereat fmrn the date of diebursemeat�at 4he Note rate,
<br /> '': "`�►`..':�'�"� and at the aption of I,endar,shell be immediately due ead papable.
<br /> '� _�'�..7L�"c..�`
<br /> 7. Coadeinnstion.The proceeds oi any awerd or cleim for damages.d�rect or consequential,ia w�ectton aith
<br /> " any condemnation or othar takIag of any part of the Ptoparty,or for conveyance in placa of condemnetioa,are hereby '
<br /> �;+��.. --; assigned and shall be paid to Lender to the extent of the full amount of the indebtedne�s that remaiAS uapaid under tha �
<br /> ; .. -�:f•r.� ;���,.1 Note aad ttds Securtty Instrument.Lender ahall apply such proceeds to the reduction of the indebtedaesa under the Note �
<br /> ' . �`'•�:+� : '-�. and this Security Iastrument,Yirst to eay deliaquent amounta applied in the order provided in paragraph 3.and then to
<br /> � '"`�'"Y � � � �= � gtepaymeat of priaclpal.Aay application oi tha proceeds to the princlpal shall aot exteud or postpona the due date of
<br /> :k� '+• ti
<br /> � •��-^F,�;�•' �4p(f� c9tu> v�s.a or e inHista .�
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