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<br /> TU(3�I`}�ER WITH ell the im�mvemanta naw or horeaitar eroated on the piqperty,a�Hf4'�nYs,ri�hhte�
<br /> �p�urteaeacae, renta,toysl�t�s, minerbl�ail and gau rlght�and pratite�w4ier rights�and etoalc�nd elt fiidures now ur --
<br /> heraxiter a put o!the proporcy.All replYCemcnts end sddttioas ehnll atso ba covarad by thie Securlty Instrum�nt.Al!ai
<br /> the fare�oin�is referrad to in thls Soaurlty Instrumamt ea tho"Proporty:' �
<br /> HORROW'SR COVBNANTS thst Horto�ver is IaNiully eeised of the estaW heteby conveyed�ad!us the ri�ht to
<br /> �------____� grent and convey the Pmporty aad that tho Proparty ie uaencumborcd. excopt for e�ncumbtancea oi recotd.BorroKCr -
<br /> - �rsrnn¢s end Niil defead�etieralJy tho tide to 3he Praperty t�ttnet all nlairns and decnaada.eubject t�any encumbtattcae �"
<br /> of record
<br />-- — !.P�ymeat oi Prtncipal.Intarest sad L�te Chsrte. Borrower ahall paY whoa due tba prIaaipel of�aad intenst
<br /> - on.the debtevldeaced by the Notoand late cherges due under theNote.
<br /> — -----_-�
<br /> �- - 2.�Montniy P.ymen�a ot Tuoe, Inauranca amd Ottter Chuges. �otmw�r sbali.Iaclt�clo in.cach manthly °
<br /> ��± paytsu'ttt,together with the prFtt�Ipal aad in4ereat as set forth in the Noto and any late efior�es,qa iastaliraen�ai an�y(s)
<br /> taxvs end spectal escessmeaas lavic:d ar to ba Ievied againat tha Praparty.(b)tensehold payments or ground sea�E�on the
<br />:�X P�aperty,end(c)premiums for inaursnr,s requlsad bY P�B�Ph a.
<br /> _ � Eaah moatlily installaseat for itome ta�,(6).qnd(cI ehell eQua1 oae-twelith of the aanual amouats�as reasoaebly
<br /> estim�ted by Lender� �I119 8Il 8tri0UAt eUf�CIQht t0 t!lOIII�A 8A 8C1�t�0AAI�b8�Gt1C0 d�AOt ritaTe tZ1SU OAE BIYt�l O�t110
<br /> estimated amaunm.The tull emnual amouat for each item ebell be accum�aated by Laader withia a periad eadiag one �
<br /> = month batoro an item would ba;ome del�nquaat L.ender ehali�old the amouats colle.ated ia teuat to pay iteme(a),(b),
<br /> and(c�baforethay become delinqueat.
<br /> If at any time the totel of the payments held by Lender for items(a).(b),aad(c).to�other with the fnture moathly
<br /> paymeata for such itema payable to L,eader prior to the due dates of auch iteme�eaceed�by niore thea oae�Ixth the
<br /> estimated amouat ai peyaienta requircd to paY euch itoms when due.and if paymeasts on the Note ara cumat�then
<br /> Leadesr ehaU either reiund the exoess over oae sixth of the esttmated paymente or credit tAe axcass over oae-slatt►of the
<br /> �', esttmated pnymeats to subsequeat paymesite by Bortoaer,at tha option of Borrower.1f tha total of the payments zuede
<br /> ,; by Borrower for Item (e), (b).or(e)ie insuificteat to pay the item when due�thea Borrower shall pay to Lender aay
<br /> ea►ouat n�ry to make up the detIcleacy on or before tha date tha item becomos due.
<br /> As ased ta thie Securf ty Iastrumeat,"Sxretary"meaas tke Sxretary of HousiAg and Urban I?avelopment or hie or
<br /> her desigaee.In eny year ia whicb the Lender must pay a mortgage inaurance premium to the Searetery(or any year ia —
<br /> which suah premiurn would heve bee�roquirecl if the I,ender still held the Security Instrumeat),each monthly paymeat
<br /> �' ehall also include eithsr: (I)ea iastallment oi the anausl mortgage insurenoa preaaivai to ba patd by Leadar to the --__
<br />- r Secretacy.or(ii)a mont6ly charga instead of a mortgage iasuranca premium if thie SocurIty Instrumeat is held by the �'
<br />_ Secretary.Ench monthly inetellment of the mortgage inssuuranca pre:s�Ium ehell be ia an amouat eufiIcient to accumulata ��i-
<br /> � � the fu11 annual snortgage insurance pr�mium with Leader oae month prior to tha date the fu11 anaual mortgaga insursace �T_,�.
<br /> n
<br /> _ " premium is due to ths Sa�ntary,or if this Security lastrument is heid by the Secretary,each monthly charge ehall be in k`"__'.
<br /> ' :, ea es�aouat equal to one-twaltth ot ona-balf perceut of the outetandiag princlpal balanca due oa the Nota. -
<br /> ;i:.
<br /> � If Borroaer teadere to Lender the full payment of ell surna secured by this Se�urity Instrument,Borrower's accouat �
<br /> ehsll ba credIted with tha baleaca romaiaing for all installmenta for iteme(a),(b),and(c)aad eay mortgage insurance
<br /> :, J ''�,{�.:: premium inetallmeat that Leader hea aot become obligated to paq to the Secc�etery,aad Lendor ehall promptly refund
<br /> ,;;; --� any esoess fuads to Borrower. ImmedIately prior to a ioreclosw�e sele oi the Property or its acquisIdon by L.eader,
<br /> � � � Borrower's accouat ahaU ba credited with anq balaace remaIniag for all it�stallmeata for items(a)�(b),aad(c).
<br /> =. t: :: 'Y
<br /> '`°`'°"' 3.A licatioa of Paymeuts.All yments under hs 1 aad 2 shall be a lied b Leader es tollows:
<br /> c:r�z,�:: PP Pa P��P PP Y
<br /> ��"� - ,j,�,.:��':�, First�to tha mortgage iasuraace premium to be paid by Lender to tha Secretary or to the montbly charge by tha
<br />' '�;� Secratary instead of the montiily mortgage insursaca premium;
<br /> � �'"'"`� ��' Second�to any texes, al essesaments,leasehold paymente or ground rents.aad fire,flood and other ha2ard
<br /> :�,t`{�'..- �
<br /> A�'^t�.=, insuranx premiums�es requiredi
<br /> -�`��'� •' � Tbird,to iaterestdua under tha Note; �
<br />_ ,;;,a;
<br /> , ;.,,.�!,-,; � F�utLh,to amortizationo4 the principal of the Note;
<br /> '�"'�';�; Fi t�i,W late cha�ts due under the N'ote.
<br /> ., a�Z�%i,1y�:�•rt
<br /> ���(OZ12) Pfy�=Of 6 1111t1t1t
<br /> - :'=,�`S i';�y�.y�;�. .
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