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<br /> ' ��� �n��ri i� �
<br /> � � • perlads thnt l,endcr r�cyulres. 'flxv insurnncc cnrrlcr providing die insurunce rha116e chosen iry IIarro�ver snbjcct ro[.endert�
<br /> --- _ • approva!whtch ehull not bo urret�snnubly withhald. if Bonower failn ta mnlntain coverAgo c�escrit�d nbovu.L,ender muy,s� _
<br /> Lender�i opilon.obtAln covetage to protect l.ender�ri�htu in tha Property in accordnnco with paragraph 7.
<br /> Rfl insurunce policie9 and rcaewala ehnll bo acceptable to l.ender and shali tncludo A standard mortgu�e clause. Lender
<br /> shnil i;ava the right to hold tho poNcics und rencwnls. If Lender requires,Hoaower shall FrompUy�ive to I.ender nll receipts
<br /> — of paid pnmtum9 and renawnl natices. In tho even3 uf luss�tiorrower ehaU give prompt notice to tha insurence catrier end
<br /> -- — Lcnder. I.ender may muke proof of loss if not mude promptly by Borcower.
<br /> �-- —�� Unless t�ender und 13mrower crtherwise agca in writing.utyuru�tc�Ntruce�ie xliall i�upplied to restoratton ar rcpair o� r-
<br /> � — — the Property damaged.if the restoration or repnlr is economicntly feuslble and Lender�secudty is not lessened. If the
<br /> tratomtlon or rcpair ia rtot eaonomicaUy fcas[ble qr Lender!�sscur�ry wnuld 6e lessened,tl�e insurwtce pnmceeds shall b�
<br /> �s applied to the sums secured by thln Securiry Insttument.whether or not then due�with any excess pald to Borrower. If _
<br /> ,,., Borrower abandans tha Propeny.or does not answer within 30 days a notice fiom I.ender that the insurence curr�er hos
<br /> • offemd ro segle u cluim,then Lender mny coltect the inawnnce proceeds. Lender may use the pruceeds to aepair or restom
<br /> ,�+ the Property ar to pay sums secured by this Securiry Ingtrument,whether or not then due. 'Ihe 30-day p�riod wUl begin when
<br /> .: -- (I�- - -- uld il0l�l0{y g�VZll. •--
<br /> �:• Unless Lender and Borrower othe�vise agree in wrlttng,nny applicadon uf proceeds to principu!shaU not excend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments tefcried to in puragmphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If
<br /> . under puragmph 21 the Property is acquired by l.ender. Borroweri�rigl�t to any insurance policie3 and proceeds c+esuldng -
<br /> from dnmago to the Pcoperty pdor to the acquisition shnll pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Insmrment immediately prior W the ncquiaiUon.
<br /> 6. Occup�ncy, Preserv�tion, Maintenance and Protection ot the Pr�perty; Borrower's I.oan Application;
<br /> I.ea.sehald9. Burrawer shuil occupy,c.etablish,und uae the Property ns Borrower�s principnl residence within sixty days after �__
<br /> the execution of this Securiry In�strument und shnil conttnne to occupy the Property as Borruwer�s principal residence for nt
<br /> least one yeAr uher the dute of accupancy, unless i.ender otherwlse agrees In wrlting. which consent shult not be
<br /> ,,;,,,,:_ , unreasonnbly withheld,or unless extenuntins circ��mstunces exist which are beyond Bornawer�s control. Horrower shall not
<br /> destmy.damage or impair the Property,ullow the Piroperty ta detedarnte,or commit waste on the PropeRy. Dorrower shaU
<br /> be in default if any forfetture uction or pr+oceeding.whether civfl or criminal,is begun that in Lendor's good faith judgment
<br /> S '� � could result in forfelture of the Property or otherwise muter�uUy impair the Iten created by this Securicy Inswment or --
<br /> LenderF�security interest. Bonower may cure such u default and reinstate,us provided(n paragraph 18.by caustng the uction
<br /> � • ' or proceeding to be dismissed with Q�uling that,in I.ender!c�ood faith detem�inatton,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower'�
<br /> ' �ti'� .�,, , •;; interest in the Praperty or other material impairtnent of the Iten created by this 5ecuriry Instrument or L.enderh secudty
<br /> ^�i� , ', � intemst. Borrower shnll ulso be in default if Borrower, during the laun appllcatIon process. gave materiWly false or
<br /> ^,'�?����"'�'�`•'�r' inuccumte informut�on or stntements to Lender(or failed to rovlde Lender with nm m�terial tnforrnatton)in cannection with
<br /> ''F�t`';':�', �t t`"' the loan evtdenced by the Note. inctuding. but not limit� to, representutions conceming Borrower�occupancy of the
<br /> �.��. - i'ra�Cty a.c a principa�residama. If tliis�udty lastrurncnt i�an a lcacchoid.3orrawcr sha!!consply r:ith a!t the proe{�asss �-
<br /> ����'`�'�'��� of lhe lease, lf BorroWer uc
<br /> • .,. ,,:.,, ,., :,,,.,.; qultes fee tide to tha Property.the leusehold und the fee title shap not merge untess Lender agree.4
<br /> �.:.:r=��'=-,�;=••:�'� ' to the mer�er in wrtttng.
<br /> ..,..r�.>.s •,...,...
<br /> ��;�:,;�;�b,-,,�.f} _ 7. Protection of I.ender's Rigltts in the Pro{ierty. If Borrower fails to peTfortn the covenants und ugreements __
<br /> ,..,,.;,,�a;,'�..�,;�.:, contained in thts Secudty Insnument,or there is a lebul proceeding thut may siptificnntly ufFect Lender�s rights in the �
<br /> � '�s�.:';'�:..». . Property(such as a proceedtng In bankmptcy,pmbate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulattons),then
<br /> , •:. .-�:��r°���:'f��•• -� L.ender mn do und a for whutever is nece. • to rotect the vulue of the Pro e and Lender�ri t� In the Pro ��'_�;:
<br /> . r,� .,�;..r :•.. Y P Y ��Y P P rtY Bh PertY• �':
<br /> ;,;;�,;��;,, ;�*:''��r Lender�actions may include paying any sums secut+ed by a lien which has priodry over this Security Iasuument,appearing
<br /> '�� � ��,•,;:`
<br /> ,_�� ���:�.. .
<br /> �y in court,pr�ytng reusonable uttomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Althongh Lender may tnke uction ,:__
<br /> T"��n'�' under this paragmph 7.Lender does not huve to do so.
<br /> . F.�� .'.�" ... . ,
<br /> �°'����'d• My amounts dtsbursed by I.ender under this paragrnph 7 shull become uddidonal debt of Borrc�wer secured by this '' '`
<br /> •;:t�' �:�;.',�,,,�
<br /> .r+�2�;;,�.��•���',.. Security Insuument. Unless Borrower and L.ender ngree to other tesns of payment.these amounts shall bear Interest from the
<br /> `�� "''��Y"'� j:Y�a� dnte of disbursement ut the Notv mte and shull be u Abte.with interest,u n notice from Lender to Somower uestin
<br /> �� '�k�'t�. � [�Y P� �9 � �Y
<br /> 1 �e�y�,,,, • payment
<br /> �,�,�„ & Mortgege Insurance. If L.ender required mortgage insurnnce as u condItion uf malcins the loan secuted by this
<br />%� , ' �� Securiry Inswment, Bonower shall pay the pmmiums required to mnintnin the mortgage insurance in effect. If. for any
<br /> �;, ���'����`� mason, the mortsage insurnnce covemge required by Lender lupses or ceases to be in effeet. Borrower shall puy the - „
<br /> ��';�4;�s�'�'Y�. e -.
<br /> . �!!��;�� •.,�� ;,?-,., premiums required to obta in covera�e substantiully ea�uivulent to the mortgage insurnnce prev ious ly in e ffec�at a cost '��
<br /> ,�i�:;�.,:�? � •; substantlally equivtilent to the cost to Borrower of the mortsage insurance previously in effect,from tut ultemate mortguge
<br /> ,.,,,:.,,;,..,.;y..;'�.� insumr approved by l.ettder. If sulutanti�lly equivalent mortguge insurance coverage is not uvuilable.B�xmwer shall puy to
<br /> -'�: �. � "` Lender each month u sum equal to one•twelfth of the yearly mortgu�e insuranc$premium being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> ,�v`_•:•:', insurance cavernge inpsed or ceused to be in effect. Lender will accept,use and retain these payments as u loss reserve in lieu
<br /> . '�t;:''wj : � of mortgage insurnnce. Loss reserve payments mny no longer be reyuired,at the option of[.ender, if mortgu�e insurance '
<br /> roverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender reyuires)provtded by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes
<br /> ' '3` �• uvailable and is obtnined.Borrower shal!pay the premiums required to maintain mort�age insurance in�ffect,or to provide a
<br /> . ,y:��';..;':„., loss reserve,unttl the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordunce with uny written agoeement between Borrower •
<br /> �t�:;�:=.�.;;., • and Lender ar applicable law. �
<br /> �::�,. '. . 9. Inspection. Lender or its agent mny make reusonuble entries upon ond inspections of the Pc+operty. Lender shall
<br /> :�. ,� :;., :<' give Bocrower nottce at the time of or pdor to i►n inspection specifying masonable cuuse for the inspection.
<br /> '�;'�: „_ 's' �� 10. CondemnaUon. The proceeds of nny award or claim for dumnges,direct or consequential,in connection with any •�
<br /> �`.��-�:,•' ��. �' Singb Famtiar..Flonnte MadE�eddie Mec UNt�ORM INSTRUMENT--Unifocm Covencnts 9190 (/roge d ojb lxrges) .
<br /> - ' � a�en►Intes emnee�Patme.toc.■
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