� �"S.•. ' ..�t��'i �� � p►arti,�s,r�'�,,fij _ -- •. --
<br /> � t��i•� �r' _ ���,h.. �•'.i',..
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<br /> 'TOCi�THE�R�'VITH i�il tl�c impravenientx nntv�n c�rcnftc:r cmctcd on qic propccty.nnd np ensement,.nppurtcnanccs,
<br /> c►nd f7xtures now on c�reaiter n purt af Ihe property. AII rcplucemente at�d ndditions shnJl also bc covcrcd by thie Secudty
<br /> IRSWIfiCflf. All of the faregoing is raferred to in this Seeuriry Iasuument ax the"Pcope�ry."
<br /> - -- i30RROWBR COVGNANTS thut 8nrrowcr ie luwfully sclsal of tho estatc liereby convsyed and hns thc r�ght to grant
<br /> — — and convey the Property und that the Property is unencumbei+ed except for encumbmncess oP rerord. Botrower warmnts and
<br /> i wiU&fend gtnereliy tho dtle to the Prapecty ugainst all claimg und demurtdA.subject to eny encumbrunces of rccord.
<br /> �—__ -- - -_ =' THIS SRCURITY INSTRiJM�NT c;cwntiUincs uniform covcnunts for natianai usc and non-unifbrm coven!►nts �vith
<br /> limlted vartuQons by jurl�dicdoa to consdtute a u�lfornt security lnswmcnt covering real pmperty.
<br /> -. UNIFORM COVENANTS. Botrower and I.ender coveaant sutd ugree as followe:
<br /> - 1. II�riyment oi PrinctpAl and Inkrss�Prepayment w�d LAte Chnrges. Borrowet shall pmmptly pAy when due tho
<br /> pr�ncipal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Nate nnd any prepayment and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> ' L Faads[or 14xes and Iaswywce. Subject to applicstble law or to a wdtten weivet by I.cnder.Bormwer shWl pay w
<br /> l'` Lender on the day monthly payments are due uader she Note.until We Note is paid in fuU,a sum("F1u�ds")for.(a)yearly _—
<br /> rr� taxes and assessmen�s which mny auaia priortty over this 5ecurity insuument as a lien on ti�c P�operty;(b)yearly}easehotd °-
<br /> +''� payments ar ground rents on the Property, if aay; (c) yearly hazerd or pmperty insutance premiums; (d)yearly fluod
<br /> Jinsu!ar►ce pmmiums. if a»y;(e)yesvly mortgage lnsurance premiums, if any: end(� eny sums puyuble by Bomower to
<br /> Lender,in accotdnnce with the grovis�ons of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mongago tnsurance premiums. These
<br /> items are catled"Escrow items." L.ender may.at any ame,coAect end hold Funda la an aarount not to exceed the maximwn
<br /> amou»t a tender for a federally relnted mortgage loan may require for Bnrrower's escx�ow account uader the federal Re�►1
<br /> Estate Settlement Procedures Act af 1974 as umeaded from time to time.12 U.S.C.§2601 e►seq.("RESPA"),unl�vs anotUer
<br />- law thnt applies w the Punds seu a lesser amoun� !f so,L.ender may,at any time,callect and holcD Fuuds In an amount not w �__
<br /> exceed the lesser amount. Lender muy estimate the amount of Punds due un the basis of cumeat dnta uad reasonable
<br /> �,_��Lt. ; estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items ar othetwlse in accordance wIth appllcable luw. �
<br /> .; , ,.. ,,.� ;. ` The Funds shall be held in an insGtudon whose deposits are insured by � federnl agency, iasuumenwlity,or endry ___.
<br /> (including i..ender.if I.ender is such an institudon)or in any Federal Home Loun aank. L,ender�hall apply tha Funds to puy
<br /> »�:s. the Escrnw Items. L,ender may nat ch�e Bonower far h�lding and applying the Plinds. annually analyzin� the escrow __
<br /> � �.�:'�: •�,� =•�r
<br /> �j�'���'•�rs;�:
<br /> accouat,or verifyin$tha Escrow Items, unless I.ender pays Borrower intccest on th� Fhnds and appiicable law permits =«_
<br /> ��'�t;��.•�„.,yt [.ender to make such a churge. However.Lender may require Borrower to pay a oae-time charge for un indepeadeat real
<br /> �g►'�re,,�k��;�;r,.�., estate ta�c reporting service used by I.ender in connection with this loan,unlesa applIcable law provides otherwIse. Unless an �-
<br /> '''' �"• '` a ment is mnde or a licabie law uines iaterest to be aid,I.ender shall not be uired to a Borrower en interest or �
<br /> •�..u.,.� ..:.,,;,;`' � PP� �4 P reQ P Y Y c�.,
<br /> ���: a.;:f. ,...:� �-'=
<br /> ,'.-,.; . _,� eamings on the bl�nds. Bonower and Lender may agree in wrlting,however,that iaterest shall be paid on the Funds. I.ender __
<br /> + � ,;.= shall give to Borrower,without charge,an annual accounting of the Fhnds.showing cr�edits s►nd debits to the Funds and the
<br /> . ~.��'� • : purpate for whicb each debit to the Funds was made. The Ftinds are pledged as addidonnl secudty for all sums secwed by �R„s;_
<br /> ..—. ,_
<br /> �,��.,}�, �;. ;'' this Security Insnumeuc. �
<br /> �����}>�-• : : �. - If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law. Lender shaU account to q---
<br /> Y.`.w�k-; �-� -.•-.ti . `-1
<br /> � >,.s � Borrower for the excess Funds in uccordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the nmount of the FLnds held by _
<br /> �Y�" � . • I.ender at aay time is not sufticIent to pay the Escrow Items when due,L.ender may so notlfy Borrower in wridng.and,in �-,4�-
<br /> ~ '���� `.- ` � such case Borrower shaU pay to I.ender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall muke up the `,"�
<br /> `' ' '` deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at Lenderis sole discretIon.
<br />'• ; �� '�'°= .; Upon payment ln fuU of all sums secumd by this Sccurity Insuumcnt,L,ender shall promptly nefund to Bocrower apy
<br />�. ..Ji��:�. ' ..:�•.._. Futtds held by i.epder. �f.under puragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or seA the Propecty.Lender.prior to the ucquisIdon or
<br />- ,,;���,t�.,. , sule of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lendcr at the dme of acquisit�on or snle as a credit against the suros
<br /> .,,�:;r;,;.,, �.. . ..�; securcd by this Securiry Instr�ment. �
<br /> - •r�.:_:. . . •� ., 3. Applic�aUnn oY Poymenta Unle:ss applicable luw provides otherwise. all payments received by Lender under
<br /> ' '`s�'`.�;;.�. '"°` paragraphs 1 aud 2 shaU be applied:first,to any prepnyment charges due under the Note;second,to umounts payable under '°
<br /> ' `�y�-•" • �"''?• paragcaph 2;thit�d,to�nterest due:fourth,to principal due;and las�to eny late chaz�es due under the Note.
<br /> .. �8i��+>i�y„••.,t .+: ,
<br /> •�•o^�.•�rr;•+•.;r��. 4. Charges; Lieae. 8omower shall pay alt taxes,assessments, churges, fines and impositions omibutnble to the
<br /> - :�s-a>,�•r,�t--u: : •..- Property which may attain priority over this Secudty Instrumen�and leusehold puyments or ground renu,if ahy. Borrower
<br /> -�Nt+��n;�. �„x• shall pay these obligadons in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not pnid ln that manner,Bonower sheU pay them on
<br /> • ' `� � � , time directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shull pr�mptly fumish to Lcnder all nouces of amounts to be paid under
<br /> ;;;,,�`:;' •.' - ',, � this paragnph. If Bomower mukes these puyments dIrectly,Bormwer shaU promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing
<br /> .. ;.,:;` � the payments.
<br /> ":,�.y;;, � Borrowex shall prompdy dischar�e nny lien which has prior�ty over this Security lnstrument unless Bo*rower.(a)ngrees
<br />_ +:j .r ° in wridns to the payment of the obligut�on secured by the tien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests ln�oad faith the
<br />��; - lien by,or defends against enforcement of the tien In.legal proceedings which in the Lender s opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> •'��' � �� , �� enforcement of the 1ien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agc�eement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien
<br /> �,'•:: ���'� to this Security Iastrument. If Lender determines that any part of 1he Property is subject to a ilen whlch may attan priority
<br /> ,, "' :,�,,_ ., �, over this Security Instrument,Lender muy�ive Bonower n notice identlfying the lien. Botrower shall sadsfy the lien or take
<br /> . : one or more of the acdons set forth above within 10 days of the glving of notice.
<br /> ;;;.�:.^i�'r. ,:,� S. H�zard or Pmpecty Insuranoe. Borrower shsill keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erecteti on the
<br /> �� Property ipsured against loss by tire,hazards included wlthin the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards,including
<br /> floais or flooding, far which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the umounts and for the
<br /> '- • •. '+ Form 3028 9190 (paRe 1 oJ6 pugesl
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