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<br /> _Af�MNMflIT qF!lENTi Ni�l�il , ' '
<br /> 1'H!3 AS6I�NM�NT QF N�NTB RIO�R le mAde and executad thle �9T� day of_. J�NE ,S9��±,�nd i•
<br /> ;����.�:�.�;� • �IncurporatQd Into and s!»It be deemed to attiand and auppte�tititaai the M�rtpaaoor Dee�of Tru�t,O�oral�►ef'.er rafuirQ�to ae thR =-
<br /> - "3�aurity Inetrumsnt"� of the eAme datm atvan by tM� urtderelpned,harelnstte�referred to�s tho "Borrawer", to emour�
<br /> 8orrow�r'�Ind�bt�dnase,herNnatter ret�rrod to ae ths"Note",to HQ61RE FEDERAi.BAVINaB AND LOAN A8$ACiAT10N OR
<br /> QRAND 18LAND,hsnirtaft�t rsferred to ae ths"L�ndsP',o!ttN aame GEQ�and coverinp ths propsrty de�arltHd in th�S�aurity
<br /> ---- In�t►um�nt ana IoaatW d:
<br /> - _-_- ___= 4181 ARIZQNA AVE. GRANO ISLAND. NEBRASKA 69803
<br /> _-._-- �
<br />- ---
<br /> ` �Property Addr�tt) -- -- _._____. __
<br /> wiTa�ss�rH:
<br /> - WH�REAB. 8orrowsr and lendsr have+�Qresd th�t any renta�nd protita ettributable to the praperty ehould conetituts
<br /> ; additiond seourity to the Lender for thn pcyment of the Note; —
<br /> T:t�.. ---- !:C`.'��T:lER��Q.°.M=Z IS a�i-ienf�tti&t�IiB uvOliTl�IRoZ�tiiVn&�}iII 58�illoiiiis�trrotsy and r�od�rb!a snatudo tlsa!ollat�linp —
<br /> -
<br /> = provlatons:
<br /> �' 1. Aaetpnment o�nta a^d Lertder Renta Coltentlan R(phte.Bo►tower hereby abaotute�y end unaonditionally eaeiqna ali
<br /> rente. isauea and profita ot the property to Baneftctary. Lender shatt have the right� power end authorlty during the
<br /> aor�inuance ot th+s 3eaurity Instrument to co!lect the rents�leauea and profite of the property and of any pereonal properry
<br /> . loaited thsreon with or wlthout taking posseaaton of the prope►ty aHeotad hereby. Lender,however, hareDy coneents to
<br /> I�orrowewa collectlon and retentlon ot euoh rente,lasues and profits as they acor�e and become payat�le.s�lon�aa�o►rower
<br /> la not�at suah time�in defeult with respect to payment ot eoy IMebtedness secured hereby,or in the performartce ot any �..
<br /> ' apresment hereunder. --
<br /> 2. Acoointment ot H e�iver.if any event of default U respect to tl�e Seourity instrument shatt have occurred and be �±�.:';
<br /> acntinutnp,Lender.aa a matter oi right and without nottce to 8onower or anyone claiminp under 8orrower�and without
<br /> repard to tha vatue o!th0 truat eatete or ths intereat of the Borrowe�thorein.aAall have the right to appty to any court having =-
<br />, Judedictlon to appolnt a►eaetver of the property. '�°'
<br /> - 3. Binht to l�oaseaaton.ln case of defautt In the payment ot the a�ld princlpai Note or Intereat,or any part theroof,as tt
<br /> . shall mature,or{n ths aase of tailure to keep or peAorm any of the coYenants or agreements containsd in the Security Instru- _-.
<br /> � � � ment. then the Lender, Ita auaceaeors or assipns,ahall be and is hereby authorized and empowered to take immeciiate —
<br /> '��r�'�w�;�,� posseseton of the eald pramises therein described and to cotlect the rents theretrvm,and 4o appiy the proceeds thereot to tRe =___
<br /> t,�•�`�w,,��- payment of the Note. ='�-_
<br /> �::-,
<br /> ��� 4. Aoalieatt�n of Rente.taauea and?rof(ts•AU rents colieoted by Le�de�or the receive�shall ba applled first ta payment „¢�_.
<br /> • ��;��' �'�t of the�aste ot manapertient of the Rroperty and colteotlon of rente,Inoluding.but�ot Iimited to,�eaeiver's feee,pr�mfums on =-
<br /> .�•�••��k1��� recelver'e bortda and►easonable attorney's fe�s,and then to the sums seaured by the Seourity Instrument.Lender and the --
<br /> � � �r�`'!�'r�,i �ecelver ahail be Iiabte to account only for those rents aotuaily recelvad. �_
<br /> �� '�,�"��'�`„�ut'��f,�; S. �truction of Provlalons.Each of the provisiona aontained tn thia Assignment of ReMs Rider and the Seaurity�nstru- �r%�:'
<br /> � � �y°`^�.';,�'�� ment shall,unieas otherwiae� ecificalt r ulred�be construed In accordance with Nebraeka law and In the event an ;��'�
<br /> _ '� 'Nt'2�"� provision hereln or therein contained sha i be determined by a court oi competent Jurtsdlotton to be unentorceable,the same t;r�:
<br /> �, . :;� , ��� �'•r� " shall ba construed as though suoh unenforceabte provision were not a pa►t hereof or thereot. .
<br /> �,.�;�'�� 8. EHeat oi Rider.ExCept as speoitioaliy modtfled by or incons�etent with this Assignment of Rents Rider or by any other
<br /> • ,�� �* applicabte rider,all of the terma and provislone aontained in the Security�nstrument shalt continue In tu�l force and efieot.
<br /> _ ,f�.v��:
<br />`i�. `�"°"``�°� IN�I1lITNESS WHEREOF.Borrower has exeauted t is Aas1 ment ot Ren Rider on th date firet noted above.
<br /> � �
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<br /> r ,^.`.�`.�:'�- Y HEN�&16wer
<br /> "_i' FF P �f.t_.?`�r+. , /
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<br />- �, ;����t -
<br /> ';�;, �`'�'�..°..'� �.', PATRICIA ANN HE��� .
<br /> :'t` `",��.t�..-
<br /> ';;�\ '�`�`=''".: =.: STATE OF NEBRA�KA)
<br /> � ;...,w,
<br /> `\ti .
<br /> . ,., .`'< �,�,.. ..:� (as:
<br /> ,��A , COUNTY OF HALL )
<br /> .:�;.,:, �-?. . � On this 29TH dayof JUNE IIrIIr1Y GENE�I�EIV��E���1ND +�1T�fCI�AB GENE���u1VSitKmisaioned and
<br /> •'�:�i' .:::4•�=•��•,•.•- quailfled for said countype►so�at�y oame �
<br /> '���;..r"' ."`:c: ,;���' ��� HU59AND AI�D WI�E
<br /> '''� •�;.:ri : . , ,to be the Identtoai person(s)whose name(s�ie/are subsaribod
<br /> � �S� ' � to the foregoing instrument,and t►e/ehe/they aaknowtedge the exeaution thereof to be hIslherltNelr voluntary act and deed.
<br /> . �: ..
<br /> �� '°<<'' • Wft�ess my hend and NotaHal 3eai at GRAND I5LAND� NEBRASKA �',;�,�.
<br /> •_�; .
<br />_ ' ''°��''��- ' In seld unty. the date atoresald. .-
<br /> n. y_:�` :(i;.i•. �J^ - _ , �• ��
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<br /> ..��:" '�.. ... . MjalR61�a0.�11li Iflvw.v --���..
<br /> ; :�'. � .
<br /> Notary PuD�ic
<br /> . My Commiselon expirea: D�''t'�_ Z9� ! `�g�
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