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<br /> - 6y lawi(b)W�1!w�w a�eut+�d by thia&cudty IerW�aet�ti u�d(c)�ny exoeM b tl�e pereou or pprro�1ep11y eatltbd
<br /> to N. .
<br /> Z�. �veyaac�. Upun paym�no of all sums srcurcd by this Sdcurlty�nsttument,l„endcr shaU reqnest'[tu�tex ta
<br /> roconvey the Pnoperty and alWl sumender thia Security Iastrument wd aU notes evtdencing debi aqcuTCd by thi� Secudty
<br /> - inauument ta'ti�ustee. '1i�ustec shuEl ceconvey the Property without watr�nry und wIthout charga to the peracrt�o�per•scx�s
<br /> � --- - —? lagtlly entlUed to it. Such person ar petsons shalt pay any recordation coste. ` "
<br /> ?�.l5ub�te 7�wtc� i.e.nder.nt!ts option.may fro�n Qmc to timo rcmove'ttustee end oppoint a successor wstce tu
<br /> eny 7luetee app�intal henunder by an inshument recnrded in the caunty in which this Srcudty lntuumrnt is r+ecmdaf.
<br /> —� Wftbo�tt convey�nce of the Pcopeny.������w�c�o Sn�i R��«a co�u me aa�, powcr und dudes conicmed upon
<br /> _ 'I�u.c3ee hcnin amd by nppIicablc law.
<br /> ?A. Reque3t[or N�tloes. 8orrower mquesta that copies of the nodces of default and salc be sent to Borrower?�addncss
<br /> -- whIch is Ihe Property Adrlress. ----
<br /> -- — 7,3. Rlders to tAle 51ecuYtiy Instrumenf. If one or more r�ders are executed by Borrower ttnd recorded coget�r witte '
<br /> — thia Secudty Insuumen�the coven�nu and pg�+oemeata uf each such efder Shal1 be incorporaud tnw and shall cunend and
<br /> supplement the coveaants and agreements of this Security Instcument ag if the ddens)were a part of this Secucity In.sUUraen�
<br /> (Cttcck applicablo box(es)]
<br /> � �Adjuscable Rate Rtder �Condominium Rider �1-4 F�nily Rider
<br />�- � �Grnduuted Puyment Rider �Planned UNt Developmcmt Rider �Biweekly Poyment Rlder �
<br /> �Balloon Rtder �Itate Impmvement Rider �Scxond I3ome Rider
<br /> �X Otheds)(spe�ci.fy] ASSIGNmENT OF RENTS RIDER '
<br />'� BY SICiNiNG B�LOW.Borrnwer accepts and ngrees to the tertns nnd covenants contained in this Security Inswment
<br /> �aad In�any ddeKs)exesuted by Bomower and recorded wlth�i�
<br /> _ Witness: Witness: -
<br /> ' r .
<br /> ' ($CIf�) �5��
<br /> -��� Y GE HENSIEK •Hon°"'er
<br /> _' i . .
<br /> �. _-- ��i11� �� �',-..-_
<br /> � -B�� PATRICIA ANN HENSIEK et !�
<br /> ��, STATE OF NEHRASKA, HALL County ss: ----
<br />�_.� m.._
<br /> On this 29TH day of JUNE, 1994 ,before me.the undersjgned,a Notauy Public --_-
<br />;�,. duly commisstoned und qualitied for suid counry,pe�sonapy cwne JI�7mY GENE HENSIEK AND PATRICIA �-
<br />"_ � ANN HENSIEK, Hl7S8AND AND WIFE .to me knoam to be the �``
<br /> " ideaticai persons(s)whose name(s)sue subscribed to the foregoIng insmimeat and ucknowledged the execution thereof to C:.,;.-.
<br /> � n�E r R voluntary ect and deed ,
<br /> Witrress my haad and notacial seal at GRAND ISLAND. NE8RASKA in sald county,the ':�;�,.
<br /> datc aforesaid .. �'
<br /> My Com�aission expires: C�.� � � `�� .
<br /> � ���� Notory PubUc .
<br />-x �5��
<br /> The underaign s e u r of the nute or notes secumd by this Deed of'Ikust. Said note or notes.together witb nll �:�:`..
<br /> other indebtedness secwned b thts Deed of'Dus�have been paid in fuU. You are hereby directed to cancel said note or notes `�:�
<br /> , and this Dext1 of'[lrust,whfch ure deGvered hereby.and to c+econvey.without warcaaty,all the essate n�w held by you under
<br /> {;!!a. thia Deed oY 7tust to the person or persons legaUy entided thereto.
<br /> Date:
<br /> Foem 3028 9l90 (page 6 oj6 pogea)
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