. , , _�,.�Ls�r�ii v.".�,^ y�:-. ,. � . _ j .., . .i7;
<br /> i � au�Y7N fh n• I .1L\�`,T.:
<br /> . ' � � �� �� .. . . _. - .-�
<br /> �y .
<br /> . � ,}e.... _ . _ '�'_.v.__ � .. .._ _. . . . _...._._. _..
<br /> -\ ._._._..r_..�T° - �- _
<br /> _- � � 9A�� �,aS80�
<br /> laeaeiiclasy with evi8ence► o! ineurance proa►ium PasYn►ente each yeer. Such
<br /> innusance palioy ohali aontain�e�eitid�i ,ROOrgmoaitiabie �oithout ten�t��I cd�d
<br />-`�� nnd shnil not L�e cautcel�ble, i , Truetor ohs1l� gramptiy sept�ir, ma�intain en�
<br /> ia a
<br /> r�u,�2. t priar aritten notice to 8ene! x'Y
<br /> roplaco tho 7�xu�t Betate or any pe�st C�erea! eo that, exaept Por ozdinery Wear
<br /> r�� en� tear, Che Truot 8state ehail not detes'iosaen. In no evant ahall tho '��Ator � :
<br /> ti commit Naste on os to the Truat Setete.
<br /> in additioa to caeuelty insusence. Trustor eheil pmy the a�enual psemium cn
<br /> .,� - cumpreheneive liebility i�naurance covering each premiBea end protecting Ehe
<br /> � W'�• � Beaefieiesry aztd Truetor Psan all alt�ime, demausds� leMauite, and judgcneate arieing
<br /> " ,. ��.�t,.: out of injury to persone or damage to propertY oacurring on each prop0rty. Tho �
<br /> �'-�''�"r coves�ge Ahaii be in aa emount of aot iese than $140,00o eiagle limit for bodily �
<br /> . ,,�, ,�
<br /> ��:,._, injury and property damage. TrusCOr ehE�ll psovide Setieffciary crith a dupi �ate _
<br /> � ,���*{�?5�, policy ehoxing Seaeficiasy ae a aamad fneured on the liability irtsusance at ali
<br /> 'Yi'-.ac+:1:-.,;'w+`� tfine6.
<br /> ��t~:+�L:,. .,. . ,� Txuetor shall app - -
<br /> �:;r•;v�._;._:;•:��_ g. =o g ear in and ccnteeti
<br /> .^;y��9a'��s:�;;�?�!;� ostin to eggeCt the eeaurity hereof or the righte
<br /> �, : ,, ,�...,.Sn.�� euiy action or prxeedia9 P�P 9 --
<br /> or poxere of Seneficiary or. Tzustee, end ahali� pay all coste euc�kt ac ionsor
<br /> •`� '�° ' ••Y` iaclu�ing aost of evidence of title and attarnoy e Eees. in any �___
<br /> ���•r:•' � ,�. ' proceee8ing ia �hich 8eneficiary or Trustee may appear. Should Trustor fail to �__
<br /> � �' i :;
<br /> • .:'•� • � make any paymeat or to do aay nat ae end in the mariner provided in any oE the
<br /> Loaa Inatruments. Senef�cir�ry aad/or 9`ruetee, each in its oan discretiem, afthout !�';-;
<br /> ,:: .,
<br /> ' � ;.'��+; obligation. maY make or do the eama in such manner euid to such extent� ae either �;,:_
<br /> may deem neceaeary to protect the security hereof. Trustor shall, immediately :��.�.
<br /> � •- upon demend therefor � Beneficiary, Pay all coets and expenses inaursed by
<br /> ' Heneficiary in connect on� with the exerciee by BenePiaia�r oE tha foregoing ..:�,.,_
<br /> �� � � righCa. inc�.udiag, aithou¢ limitiation, coete of evidence of title, court coses,
<br /> � • w thinH�en� t10�8aye of writ en demand�ehallYdraa interestnate1theendefault rate
<br /> �.;�, provided in the Note.
<br /> , _ _ y. ��t� Bp�H ghQ,3i A the Truat Bstate, or any part thereof or ,
<br /> � intereat therein, be taken or damaged by reason of anY P�1sa improva,neat or
<br /> . condemnatian pzoceeding, or in any other manner including deed fn lieu of ,
<br /> Condemnation t"�ondemnaeion^) , or ehouid Trustor receive any notice or other ,-=
<br /> � informatioa reo�arding such proceediag. Trustor eheil give prompt written notice ,•,rMyr
<br /> theseo£ to 8eneficiary. Seaeficiasy shall be eatitied to a12 componeation and '„{s,
<br /> ' � � condemnatioa awardle and other �aymenes er relief therefor, and ehail be entitied
<br /> ;,�_;
<br /> to mnke eny compsaniee or settlement ia conneetion v�ith such taking or damage.
<br /> pil a�ich compeneation +tnd condemnntion, aaarde. dame9es• righte of action and , .
<br /> • proceeds aaarded to Trustor tthe "ProceedB") are hereby assigned to Beneficiaryt
<br /> -�• and 1'rustos agsees to execute suah further aesignments of the Proceeds as
<br /> � • Seneiiciary cu' �sCee may requise.
<br /> 6. Aoont►�^nu�NT OF 3UCCBSSOR TRU��R�i. SeneEicfary may, from time to time,
<br /> Beneficia , mafled to
<br /> �� by a aritten instzument executed and acknowledged by rY
<br /> Trustor and recorded ia the County in v�hich the Trust 8atate fs located and by
<br /> ' otheraise complying with the provieiona of the applicable law of the State of
<br /> „ Nebraeka aubstitute a eucceseor or aucceseors to ehe Trustee named herein or ,
<br /> .t acting hereunder.
<br /> � �, auCC8S30RS A*1D AS$IC3K�3. This Deed of Trust appl ies to, inures to the
<br /> r.-:_ � P le�ai rep e e tat vesllaucceasor8handtas�si9neir The term "S aeficiary"ishall
<br /> �:'�
<br /> ,._,.� :�
<br /> ' raean the orr►er aad holder of the Hote, s�hether or not aamed as Senefzc ary
<br /> ,,: � hereia.
<br /> .. . -r
<br /> g, ?NSps_CPI_p�iS_ Beneficiary, or its agents, representatives or workmeri,
<br /> ���(.��� �„�- • are authorised to enter at any reasonabie time upon or in any part of the Tru�t I �
<br /> Bstate for the purposa of inapecting the saine aad for the purpose of performing
<br /> E • any of the ecee it is author�aed to perform under the terms oP any oE the Loan
<br /> ' � . ,: instrumente.
<br /> i:'�,��:; g, BVRNf3 OF DBFAtJLT. Any of the �olloming eventa shall be deemed an
<br />- " , ' event of default hereunder: �
<br /> i � ,
<br /> # . , (al rinci al,9orlpri cipal�and iaterest ora e�iny otheraeuYm secu ed hereby �
<br /> interest, p P ,
<br /> when duet or,
<br /> �: ' �`'.' : �
<br /> � fb? There hRg �rn�=rA8 a breach or default under any term, covenant,
<br /> _ aareement, condition, proviaion, representation, or aoarranty contained in any of
<br /> »
<br />- ; _ __ --- -
<br /> �. -- the Loan inetruments.
<br /> - 10. �CCHLBRATION UF�:: ^RFAt7I+T A�DZ��QI�' RSMSDI65_� 8hould an event of
<br /> ', default occur, Beneficiary may declare all indebtedness secured hereby to be 3ue
<br /> ' preaentycnent, detnartd,eproteath or oti euof any kind auTriereafter the Renef iciary �
<br /> . .. may:
<br /> � ' (a1 8ither in person ar by agent, �oith or �ithout bringing any activn or ;
<br /> ' proc�eeding, or by a receivet appafnted by a Court and �ithout regard to the
<br /> " " '. adequacy of its security, enter upon and take posseesion of the Trust 6nta�te, or
<br /> • , � any part thereof, in ita o�m �name or in the neune of Trustee. end do any acts
<br /> � . " � r
<br /> „ . 4 - -- -__ - - �
<br />