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_�� :. � � �...nS ar—.-� _ __ _ . -... ., _ . . .. ... . _ '_ <br /> ' � ..: � ..�. <br /> n� . ' .�w ' '��..�.�.,y,��a. . ' �� K�f. <br /> ' � �• • �P�.s�[(�. f . _ _ <br />—.•.�I. n�Ar.� _ � <br /> ����� <br />� - 9��' �:._..:_- <br /> D�sD 0� TlltlDT <br /> _ •�� <br /> - THIB DBBD OB TRUBT io rtusde as �! the „�day o! July, 1994, by and among _ <br /> — ._— NARpLD O. ZIt�l�RMtat�1, JR., a Oingle p�s�on, t"'i�RtJB'1'01t")� Mhone mai iing aa1c9reee ie: . - -- <br /> +` 3506 B. 8eadling Mile Eioad, arand l�land, Nabse�ke 68801j <br /> � end DtJANB A. gURNB, Attorney at Lar, ("TRUOTBB"1. Mhose mailing eddreae is: <br /> P. O. Sox a30a, (irand Zsland, Nek�raslu� 68808 j <br /> �. and TRAN8F02YTATiON BQUiP1�NT CO., iHC.� e Hebrsaks caxposation, �"B$NSPIC2AItY"). � <br /> wh�ne, r�ailing ad�coes ie: �417 N. Atu�By 9and Ronc�. 3rand Islac�d, Nobraakn 68801. _�__- <br /> 1. POR VALWIBLB COA9IDBRATION, Trustor irrevoanbiy trenefere, conveys� aad <br /> aseignd bo Truetee, 2H TAt18T, WZTti P01�Fi C� SALS. tor the bene�it and eecurity <br /> ot Benetiaiary, undes and eubieaE to the tarms aad cossditions o! thia Deed ot _ <br /> Truet, the zeel property loceted in the City of 3rand 2eiand, County o! �taii, � <br /> • State of Nebraska, end legdlly desaribes! ae fuliows: tEhe "Property"1 = <br /> •�t.�,;�;�� A tzact of lead ccmprieing a pare of LoC One (1), Voaa Subd3vision of �= <br /> ��y the Sauth Half t83�) of 8eation Blevea (li), Toanehip 8leven (li) �t�,� <br /> ', ,=,;,;�',��` Noreh. Renge P7ine (9) West of the 6th P.M., ia the City of arand "°-��;�, <br /> � ielan�, Hall County, Nebraska, more pnrticularly doacribed as folloxe: <br /> ' � y��"��• Heginning at the south�eat corner of eaid Lot One (i), voas �- <br /> ��l F,.. t i .. , .. <br /> :���r'����: SubdiviBion, eaid poi�at aleo being the eouth�est corner of the <br /> Southeast Quarter of the 3outhMest Quarter (883L4Wii) s thence running •i''"�' <br /> ;c;•i�e;��:.,...,,:yA:: � <br /> .¢�,�..r,:.:= �,•;:�.r�+ eaeterly along the south liae oP the 3outheast Quarter of the <br /> • BouChaest Quarter tSH�{SW',�), n d�istarice of Hour HunBred Seventeen and <br /> -�;�5��''''t:'� :'•''�. Sixty-four Huadredthe t437.64) feet, to the AC'1R1AL point of beginningt <br /> '','�.",' °' ; ` thBnCe dePleCting le£t �10°29'49" and suisning aozthesly a dietance of 1 _ <br /> �� � " One Hundred Sighty-three artd Seveaty-four Huadredths t183.7�4) feet; i• �� <br /> -° ,�, ;�;,. = Ltisaac•def2ect3ag zfght 44°34'S9" end running easterly a dietance oP � �__ <br /> • One Htisidred Thisty-two and 8even Tenths (132.7) feetj thence .'� <br /> 'Y•: • �� '� ., deEleat3ng zight 89°35'02" asd ruaniag southerly a diatence ot One <br /> o„ . �, Hurid�CQd 8�qhty-three 8Rd 8:�qhty-$�x Hul1d=@dth9 (183.96� P@@t� to 9 r <br /> , point on the gouCh line of eaid Southeast Quarter of the 3outhaeet . � <br /> ' " Quarter (88',44WiA ; thenee defleating zight 90�29•49" and ruru�ing <br /> ' � � reeterly along the aouth line of said SoutheasC Quarter of the� <br /> ' �� � Southvreet Quarter (SH'�{SWiil, a distence of One hundred Thirty-two and � � <br /> � :'.� • • Sixty-eight Hundredthe (13Z.68) feet, to the ]�CiRJAL point of ! <br /> �. '' , be9ltutiazg. I <br /> ;,;�,.>•,-er...�,,,�.,... I <br /> ••�'�r� '�� ' . . TO(�STHBR WITH all rents, easements, appurtoaarsces, heseditaments, intereste <br /> TO <br /> �'��-�> • in adjoining ronds, etseete and alleys, improvemeate and buildings of any kind + <br /> u.��>',',�;'i '., situaLed tbereon and ail pereonal property that may be os hereafeer become an I <br /> �_:•_:.•,- • ' .� � �ntegrel part of sach buildis�gs aad improveinents. <br /> . ,,, ...t;,,= _ <br /> ����» •� -• ��.�..� The �roperty and the esitire estate and interest conveyed to the Truatee are ' <br /> ' '���?��.:.' . referre8 to collectively ag the "Truet Bstete". � <br /> � • ' .:S':`i;;'.:''-' FOR THB PURP03B OF 3BCQRIN3: <br /> .. .. ..�;l:::ia•�,.. ,� <br /> � �`�����"` � a. Payment og indebtec4ness in the total principal amount of S44,500.00, I <br /> - + aith interest thereon, ae evidence8 by that certain Promiseory Note of even date � <br /> � �- " (the "Note"1 �ith a matnrity date of June 1, 2004, executed by Truetor, ahich has I�� <br /> , :�� . „•. " been delivered end is payable to the order of Seneficiary, and ahich by thfa <br /> �.r .;.,;;;,�,ti•1�:��s'c refezeace is hereby made a part hereof, and aay eutd ail modif3.cations, extensions i <br /> "`���:,�';.:��';rst? , aad zene�ralg thareof, and, � <br /> �,.;,.,. <br /> '���� b. Payment of all sums advanced by Seneficiary to protect the Truet <br /> '•° � Setate, �vittn intereet thereon at the rate of twelve (12tc) percent per annum. ; <br /> i <br /> . �� , This Deed of Trust, the Note, and any other instrumerit given to evidence � , <br /> � or further socure the paymerit and performance of any obiigetion secured hereby <br /> � are referred to coilectively as the "�oan Inatrumenta". �• <br /> �..� ' � '... TO PROTSCT THS 38C[JRITY OF TNI$ DBBD OF TRUST: ,� <br /> `` ` . 1. JtAYMBNT OF =t1DBBTBDNRSS Trustor shall pay orhen due the prfncipal of, ,. <br /> � ;� ., . � and the interest on, the indebtedneas evideaced by the Note, charges, fees and <br /> ��,. �� , all other atnne aA provided in the Loan Inetrumenta. ( <br /> ——---__ •• ��L � �M �V 41�w Mlw� ✓j� e� r <br /> .. ' <br /> � 2. RKA4 K�'AA1TS_1'A7CG�� irUBLVS qita�t Nap caw�u�v......• ..... .....+ ..�..... �+��'..^,2p.,.� <br /> - �, and intereet payments are made, one-ts�elfth ti/12) of the eatimated annual real ; <br /> � eetate taxe�.•. Beneficiary ehali then pay the reai eetate taxee before the same � . <br /> ' " becane delinquent and ehail provide Truetor aith evidence of payment of the same. � <br /> in the event that the real eatute taxes should iacreaeo, the Trustor agrees to I <br /> � J make an additionel pa y ment eu�ficient to cover paymeat of euch taxes. At the <br /> ° � ' � . preeent time real estate taxes aro S984.00 or $82.00 per month. <br /> �� 3. xtJ8UR�1�S ANA RBRA�R9. Truator ehall obtain and keep in force a policy � <br /> df fire and extended coverag�euranco, ineuring the buildinge conetituting thQ i <br /> � •� trust estate, for an amount no leas than the replacement velue of the buildingg. � <br /> Trustos ehall pay the premivme Los maintaining euch policy and ehall provide ! <br /> '�, ,, , ; <br /> � <br /> l, <br /> � <br />