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<br /> HIIO 81�ld50�O�l�114I10ES.Mflll '
<br /> TOQS3'H6R WITM alt the improvemcnte now on c�rettfter eratea!on the pmperty. �n �
<br /> flxtures now nr ttere�fter a part of tbc pruperty. All replacentcnts and additions �hnil also bc covered by thl� S:cur'�ry
<br /> _- _ - Instrumcnt.All of the farcgi:ing i:s refcrred ta in thiR Sccurity Inscrumcru us tho"Pr��scrty."
<br /> � � HORROWIIR COVBNAN'�S thut li�rrowce is luwfully seisal of Qhc cstutc hcreby canvcycd artd has th��ight to�;rant und
<br /> convtsy the Propoety and thut thc Pr�periy ix un�ncumbered. excep►far encumbranc:e.9 oF rccord. Bomawer warram� and wifl .
<br /> - -- defend gcnernlly thc title to tho Prnperty uguinst up cluhny and dem�ndti.eubJost to nny encumbrances aF rccord.
<br /> THIS SBCURITY INSTRUMBN'f cnmbines unlform covcnc�nte for�ationat usc nnd non•uniform covennnu wilh limitod
<br /> : ` —_ . vi!rintinna hy jurfsdiction to constituto a uniform secudty instrument mvedng rcal prop�rty.
<br /> i1NIFQRM COVBNANTS. 8ar�owcr und Lcndcr covenant and agrcc us fallaws: c '
<br /> - — 1. Ppyment ot Princlp�l and Intet�st; [h'epayment end latc Chsrgss. Borrawer ahull promptly pay when due the
<br /> � pt�ncipal af and intetest on tho debt evldenced by the Note and uny prepayment and late charges due under the Nate.
<br /> �'r Z. �ndv far Tax�nnd Insurance.Subject to upplic�abte law c�r to n written wuiver by Ixnder. Borrower shnll Pay w
<br /> l.ertder on the dny monthly paymenta urc due urtder the Note.untfl the Note is puid in tbil.u sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly ta�ces
<br /> ��� nnd ngr�.csmenu►whicb mny attnin prlarity aver thts Secusiry instmment ar a lien on the Pmperty:(b)yearly leasehold paymenta v�
<br />-=r;,; ar ground renta an thc P�u�C�ty, lf w►y:t�3 Yce►=Y��ar F��riY��'=��P��u�:td?��ly�OO��n��pT��.
<br /> -=`� if uny;(e)ycudy mottguge insumncc premiums, if any: and(�nny sums pnyuble by �orrower ta I.ender. in accardtince w(th
<br /> =/ I' the provislons of puragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of martguge insurance premtums. These items ure culled "Escrow Items.'
<br /> L.endet m�y.ut uny time,callect and hold Funds in sn amount not to exceed the mtneimum umount a lender for u federally
<br /> reluted martgage loan may mqutre far�orrower's escrow accouni under tho federal Real Estata Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> 1974 ns amend�xi from time to tima. 12 U.S.C. ScxtIon 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"), unless another law thut applies to the Funds
<br /> ' seis u 1�er muaunt. If so. Lchdcr tnay. ut anY time. collect and hnid Funds in an amount not to eaceed the lesser amount. ___ _
<br /> Lender may �stimate the umaunt af Funds due on the basis of current datu and m�sonable esctmntes of expenditures of future
<br /> ' • : .,..�.`� EsGrow�tems nr othenvise in accordance with npplicable law.
<br /> �"��;"•:a-+�'� The Funds shull be hetd in nn institution whase deposhs are insured by a Fecieral agency. insuumentality. or eniity __
<br /> �';. �. (incladtng Lendcr.if Lender is such an institutlon)ar!n uny Federal Hume Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funcis to pay the _
<br /> ` "�' F� r' ' Escrow Itema.L.ender may nat churge Bonower for holdin�und apply ing the Funds.annually ansilyzing the escrotv axount,or
<br /> �t,,�1 1-.� ;.*. vedfying the Bscrow Items, unless[.ender pays Borrower intemst on the Eu�and applicable luw pemuts Lender to imake such _
<br /> r��"-'�r'�u., .� a chnrge. Hawever,L.eceder may requim Borrower to pay a one-time clvv�¢FcTS un indepertden[real estate tsuc reponimg serviaz
<br /> :�'��.,;.;,.��f;;,E,;;;_ used by Lendcr in cannection wlth this los+n, unless upplicahle law Q-wvides vtk:ncasr. Unless un agreemea� is mrsd2 or
<br /> ��';:,;�ti��;�",...t :,,;: , applicabte law requires interest to be paid.l.t:nder shal! not be required to p:ay�vrn»>Qr ac�y interest or earnings v��Q�,ic tr'acnds.
<br /> .:,,.,�. . . , ' ;�.�
<br /> ,•.,..• :.�. Bomower und Lender may ugree in wdting,hawever,that intercct sh:�[!�+¢Faid on tk��:nds. f.ender shull give to .�t�ca�r�,
<br /> ..,., �';
<br /> ;,."��; wi•�oet chazgc. a�armsss! �emunsfnE of tt�c Fun�c,�howine credits am9 ate�iu to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> +��M�s� � � . , _
<br /> ;,yti ��t •� debit ro the Funds was rrrade.The Funds are pledged uc addition�l security Foc all sums secured by this SecurIty Instrument.
<br /> .;iib',:•-,� .'�
<br /> �� :;�; ..• � 'f�"!'' If the Funds held by I.ender excced the amounts permltte.i to be held by applicnble E�w,Lender shall account to Borrower
<br /> �'��'"' �3�' �•''�� . for the eacess Funds in nccordance with the requirements of uppiicable laoti•. If the amvunt af the Funds held by L.ender at uny __
<br /> •��'�' : '''��"��=��:�' time is not sufficient to pay the 6scrow Items when due.I.ender may So a�tiE}�orro�ter in wciting, and.in such cASe Borrower =_
<br /> •�4-�. •.`. „_ shnll pay to I.ender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. �mr�*���er shaii make up the deficiency in no more then __
<br /> � ������ twelve monthly payments,at[.ender's sole discretion. �_
<br /> .. .-. , �., .:;,:., -�
<br /> `. ��:� .,. �. .„� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry lnstruncmoc, l.eIr3ev stiall promptly refund to Borrower any ��,�`�
<br /> r.- ,
<br /> ,��r�,�, ,.;,,� , Funds held by Lender. If,under paragrnph 21, Lender shall acquireor sel�the Pta,ern:.Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale �.•� .
<br /> �}�}� ;•����y.i .•:��;:, of the Ptoperty. shali npply any Funds held by l.ender at the cime of acq�i�iur:►or s�1e as a credit against the sums secured by Y-
<br /> _ . ,�:rr�,., .; . �� �
<br /> i�."��..,r^.••. . • this Secudty Instrument.
<br /> i .. : �?rc,Y� .:...','` � ��,' ��=
<br /> ��;fi�,,���• a•.. 3. Appltcation oP Peyments.Unless upplicable law prc,vtdes aherc,.yr,all puyments received hy Lender under parn�rnphs ��,
<br /> �' 7'�'��"' ��� � t and 2 shull be applied:first, to any prepayment charges due undcr thc Note; uxond,to umounts payable under paragraph 2; ,
<br /> .�- .�,. � .�:-•� .
<br /> ,,.,,,,;.„�,-. ..:.,:.,.. .� third.to interest due;foucth,to principai due:and last,tu ar.}•late charges due under the Note.
<br /> �. ":• �'�'' 4. Charges;Liens.Borrower shalt pay all tuxes, ucsessments,charges, fines und impositions attributable to the Propetty -
<br /> ' ;� z�t�" �.' � which muy attain prIoriry over this Security Instrument,and lr,►sehold paymcnts or ground rents, if any. Borrower shali pay _
<br /> � � '� these obligutions in the manner providcd in puragruph 2,or if not paid in that manner, Borrower shall puy them on time directly ,
<br /> to the person owcd payment.Borrower shaU prumptly fumish to Lendcr ull notices of amounts to be paid under this para�raph. ,
<br /> �� If Borrower makes thcse payments direcNy.Barrower shall promptly fumish to Lender reccipts cvidencing the payments. • -�_
<br /> ' ,' ~� " Borrower shatl promptly dischurge uny lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(u)agrces in �'n
<br /> � � U� wdting to the payment of the obli�atiuri secured by the lien in a manner ncceptuble to Lender, (b}cnntests in good fuith the lien
<br /> ' ;''.'" ' by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal procer:din�s which in the Lender's apinion oper+�te to prevent the
<br /> ;�r` .��'''�� � enfarcement of the lien:or(c)secures fmm the holder of the lien an ugreement satisfactory to l.ender suburdinuting the lien to
<br /> :,'• ' , �� this Security Instrument.If Lendcr detennines thut uny part of thc Prnpeny is xubject to u{ien which may attain priority over
<br /> j � : this Socurity Instrument,Lender may givc Borrowcr a n��tice identifying che licn. Borrower shall sutisfy thc licn or tuke one or
<br /> � more of Q�e actfons set forth abcive within t0 days�>f the givin���t'nnt icc.
<br /> :. •'+ � r�� Form 30�8 9190 °
<br /> �� . � , Pago 2 016
<br /> _i ^� 1r�1i},,,�� `
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