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<br /> ' --� TOa�T[iJE•R VJ[TT3 ull the impxoven�entx now or d�r,reafc'te�c:recte�i nn tha propexty,cuid u1D uaseraent�.appUrtenanets;
<br /> � and fixturc�aaw or hereafter a part oF tho prnperty. A!1 c�placeaxnis az►d edQit�ons sRal!nlso be c.overed by this Security
<br /> tusttumen� AU of tha fongoing is refemd to in thio Sexurlry In�nt ea the"Property." �
<br /> � BORItQWER COVENANTS that Bairower ta lawfully�eiacd of the estate hemby conveyed�nd h�s tba dght to gant
<br /> uid convey the Property end that t6a Pmperty it wxt�cumbsir+d oxctpt for encumbmncer�f record. Ban+ower wAmnts mcd
<br /> wip defencl garcr�lly the Htk to We Pfupeny ag�inet�il cl�ims�nd demsnda,subject w any encumban�xa of raca+d. .
<br /> _�-_- 7'itIS �BCtJI2TlY INSTI:ITMG�M' cor��tsin�n unifbmn �ovtnnats for aatioaal use na�non-uniforat covcnattt� �dth , . .-�
<br /> limitad vuiadons by Jur�sdkdan to wnsdtute a unifam security lnstnttaetit coveciag real pmgenty. ,
<br /> UN1FnRM COV�NANTS. Horrowcr and Lsndcr cavcnant And wgae as follow�:
<br /> l. ��naeat at thiadp�l and LKerat;Pe+ep�yaient�uod I.�te Ch�t�a. Bomower etull PmmptlY W�r when due Iht
<br /> prEncip�1 of and intereat on tho de6t evideacxd by tl�e Notd nnd�ny pnpsyment end late charge�duo undet tho Note.
<br /> 2. F�ndt tor 11�xa�nd Iaeur�nce. SubJoct to appticabte law or to a wdtten waiver by Lender,BArtower sh�ll�►y ta
<br /> ��
<br /> � i.cnder an the dAy monthty p�yments aro due under tho Notc.until tho Note ie paid in fail.e xum("Fi�nds")for. (�)yeuly
<br /> - -�" ; tu.Yes es�J as.���ats�rh!_h a�y eti�n�ority aesr tMa'cecsrrity lustswmn!es s liess Qn the l�ro�st,:tb?9ssrty !�
<br /> p�ymenta ar Qraind rcnte on the Prnpmty. if any: tc) Yeuly hauM or property inauranco prom�ums;(d) yearly Rood
<br /> ,� innurmac prrmfums,if any;(o) yeairly mprtgage inaur�trce nrcmiums, if any; and(�eny sums payable by Aorrower to
<br /> Gcndor,in accord�nco w6th the pmovislonv of parogreph 8,in lieu at thopayment nf r+iortgage lnsumncm premluma. These
<br />--; — itemr aro cutled"E.�enaw items." Lcnder m4y.ut any tima,coltect cu�d�old Funds iu en amnunt not ta excced the ma�imum
<br /> anxwnt a Iendcr for a federally rolatod rnortgagc loan muy require for Bornower�escrow nocouat under the federa! Real
<br />�- Estata Senlament Proredwos Aet af 1974 cu+cunended from dme to time. 12 U.S.C��26t11 et seq.("RE�SPA").ualess auather
<br /> _- �- � lasv thst app!!e9 to 1hr R+nds scts a legser mnount. Il so,i.ender mny,et Any tim�,cntl�ct and hald F�nds ia an amonnt not to
<br /> axceed ttto lcsser umount. Lender may estimuto the umoue�t of FLnds dua on the basis of cw�ent data and reasonabie�
<br />- cstimates of cxpenditures of fttturo Escrow Itema or atherwise in accordence with appllcable luw.
<br /> 'Che f�nda shtill be held in an insdtuHon whose depasits are insured by a fcderal egency,instrumeateliry. ar en�ty
<br />•� (including Lender.if Lcndear is such an ipsdwdon�)or ia aay Fedsaal Home I.oan Bank. i.ender shall apply tde Punds to pay
<br /> - the F.sct+ow Iteras. Leader may not charge Bor�ower for holdIng uad applyiug the Funds.annuaily analyzing the escrow
<br /> accoun� or verifying the Escmw [tems. unless Lemder pays Bomnwer interest oa the�nds and appllcable law permits
<br /> = I.ender to make such a cbarge. However.i.ender may mquin Bosower to{say a one•Wae charge for un independettt real
<br /> estnte tax teporting servIce used by l.ender in connccflon wtth this loau.unless appllcable law provides oWene+ise. Unless aa
<br /> agrcement is made or appUcable law requires interest to be puid Lender shaU not be reyuired to pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> eamings on the Fuads. Hoirower and I.cnder may agrce ia wddng.however.Wat interest shall be paid on the Ftiads. Lender
<br /> shaU give to Borrowep.wiihout charge,aa annual accoun8ng of the Punds,showing credlu and debits to the Ptmds end the
<br /> — pu�pose for which eac6 debit to the Funds was mado. The Funds ere pledged us additional security for aU sums secuned by -
<br /> - this Scc:urity Inaiiu�ncui.: _-_
<br /> If the Plmds hel� by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applIcuble law, Lender shall account to
<br /> Botrower for the excess Funds ln accordance wlth the requirements of applicable law. If the amouat�f the Fwids held by __
<br /> I.ender at eny dme is nai s�iclent w pay the F.sixow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in wriHng,end in
<br /> y, such case Borrower shall�gay w Lender the e�nount necessary to mr�ttce up the deficiency. 8omower shaU malce up the _
<br />- deficiency in no more than twelve moati�ly payments,at L.eader's sole discre6on. '�-
<br /> i�,, Upon payment la full nf all swns secured by this Securlry Instrument,Leader shall pmmptly refund to Bomower any �"_
<br /> Funds held by L.ertder. If,wtder paragraph 21,Lender shall s�cqui�e or sell the Property,Lender,prlor to the avquis[tion or --
<br /> , ; sale of the Pmperty,shall apply eny Funds held by L.ender at the dme of acqufaitton or sale as a credit against the sums =_.
<br />= secu�d b�this Security Insuument i�'°:-
<br /> - 3. AppUcatton aY�Puymenfa. Unless npplict�le law ptovides otherwlse,all paymeats cieccived by I.ender under �f,±:��-
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be s lied:fust,to an g p y "�`"-
<br /> pp y pnpayment char es due under the Note;second to amounts a able under �Y_b,-
<br /> .� paragraph 2;third,w intemst dae;fourth,to pr�ncipal due:and last,w any lats charges due under the Note. =`
<br /> , 4. Charges;Uens. 9orrower shall pay al(taxes, essessmeats. charges, Cnes�nd imposidons attrlbutabte to the �'
<br /> Property which may ansnin rioriry over this Security Instnunent,and leasahold payments or ground rents.if any. Bomnwer �`:-
<br /> n ' p
<br /> '' '' shall pay these obligadons in the manaer pruvided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manaer.Bonnwer shall pay them on _
<br /> time directly to the person owcd payment Borrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender all notices of umounts to be paid under ��.',;
<br /> ` this parngraph. If Borrower makes these payments direcUy,Horrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender recelpts evldenciag
<br />- ��.�,_ , the payments.
<br /> �:':�`.x{' Bomower shall prompdy discharge any liea which has prlority over this Security Insm�ment anless Borrower.(a)ugrees
<br /> ��:e�'a'�. 8 P YR► � Y P < )cantests In good faith the
<br /> .a?;,:;? in wrldn to the a ent of the obli adon secured b the lien ia a mnnner acce utble to Leader. b �
<br /> "�.;�- lien by.or defends againat enforcement of the tien in,legal proceedings which ia the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the �
<br /> � � �b�'-�•-�� e n f o r c e m e n t o f t h e G e n;o r(c)s e c u r e s f ro m t h e h o l d e r o f t h e l i e a a n ag�+ee m e n t s a t i a f a c t ory t o L e a d e r s u b o r d i n a t i ng t h e ll e n t�
<br /> ' ?i,: ?�?'"y`•'._ �.,:
<br /> �.. •• to this Security InsuumenG If L.ender detennines that nny part oF the Property is subject to a lien which may attain prlodty :+•:••
<br /> '•�'"d���� over this Securlty Inst[umea�Lender may give Botrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or telce .�'"`"..
<br />` ���j� one or more of the actions set forth above vv�thin 10 days of the giving of notice. °
<br /> - ' ���� S. Ha�rd or PXOperty Iasurance. Borrower shall kecp thc improvements now existtng or hereafter crected on the
<br /> �� • '� Property insured against loas by fire.hazerds included within the term"eztended roverage"and any other hazards.inclading
<br /> � •� ~j���"'4 flaods ot flooding,for which Lender requires insurence. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the ;�+;•
<br /> `�:x..c• �;,.
<br /> a � �.�'..r
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