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_`' :!: ji�.' �"i ri 1+► �-�... ` �p� .. _ __ <br /> � r. ,; ..�, . . - --- , � -- <br /> .'k j�.. j.. ...._ .. ._ ... _ ._._.._ . . <br /> '�i.' : -_ -:S�°.: <br /> . t --� <br /> .�.d...__ .r.a� ~�,�,�_.-���--�'_ .'_'__�" _ <br /> __.. . . __ .. . ... . ..... . _.._..;... <br /> ... ........ .. ... . .. ._ . _ . .. __ . _ . _ .. . . -. - , :) <br /> � � <br /> - ��' zo;���� - <br /> :} <br />— --- ,` �. i ntucana�. • <br /> � • �.1 Tsua�o: eheil keep the eeou=ity inau:eA egalnett li1 loce by periia , <br /> Y • ___ � aovexed by e�an�9ar6 ffte polfoY vl�h a�a�daY�7 esc�ei�ded �nve�cay}o o�Gozo�ooeat, la � - <br /> _ an•a�onnt equ�l to lOOt oi the luli sepI.aeaw�nk vaiue o! tbs vflhout <br /> . deAuotton !ox depceaietionj 12I liabiltly lneuranad !oc !he beneilt oL the <br /> • lenelial�ty ena '�ruetee to paoteat the BeeeEfciesy artA Tcuatee lsow a�y ane ail <br /> - alafra oE pessonal tnlacy or peopetty dawage erleing [so� or out o£ the <br /> ,�: �:' preslaeej end f31 olhec fneaseoce �osesl end caeto�asy Eot ovnesa anA a! af�lias <br /> `i�:`_.?�� p:apaaty. /us�hee, Beneflciacy Rey tequite eny olher saaeo�able ieauraaae to <br /> • ,�,•�y��.�;.." prolect the decurity. Sll lnse�rance elsell ba pald'far by tAw �rueto:t ehell be — <br /> , �� � in Eosw� ttnA by aowpaoy aprsovaA by the BeneEialery, eha11 fnnure the eene- <br /> ��wy �t• !lcia: , 4ruatee anA ?tuatios aa thels inte=eele appear, and shall proviEe ths� <br /> / +�J��l�r;i��ix:p��: the lasuranee cowpeny ehall not!!y bhe Benegiaiacy in vtiting et lanst 30 daya __ <br /> � ��';evs••,;•+`';���r��rp•' before e�y cahcellallon o: tesa�lnetion beaowee e!£ective ae to the eeneticie�y. <br /> •;"•;•""` '':1°�'; �.2 Truetos eheil psovfde the Beneflcfary ptoot of the lnsur.anca requiced by <br /> � ��'�y���•���•,-•���' lhie Aqree�ent at leaet 15 daye before adva�ee�ant of fnnda unQer tlx� notes. , <br /> '?f.;,•';�„';�'`' truetoc sheli provida o� r.aneval poliaiea a! leaat 15 Uaye Aef�cao axplratiion of <br /> ��.-''^`:•;;�'.�. .. any policy. 2E the Tcvt�taa talla to provtde ineuranca, th� RQne¢f�eisry se�y - <br /> " .• � . • „�;�:;. de�laxe 0fle loan aad t?+3e�1 oi• Ttnst fn dsfault. P.�r.c�fEol�ty ar�� pucehase eueh • � <br /> . . inautanee aa neceaeary to proteat the seaucity. ��� �ast oE the insurance ao (�� <br /> �''�' `,; _ ' ", puschaeed r!!h lnteceat ehall be deewed an md�r�nu:ce�+�n¢ to pcolect the eeau:ltiy. <br /> ° 3. Texes, Aeseeeaenla, and chasges. <br /> 5�.L Tcustor ehall pay all texes, 1lasess�am:�R�, 1lQns, aad othes chaepee �`�° <br /> � ��"�� ir�sl�:dinq u�llity che:ges vhlcf� eay effec� �hz �►ormsiky ee they a=e eu�, sna <br /> �. � �� .. be2ore they ace delinQuent. Vpon reque$4, `R'tustos �st�►Dl ahov 8eneticiaty psoo! —. <br /> ;.. ; •. . --- <br /> of pe�ylleot. Tiunto= ohell �ey elIl �1xe6 at�:i A�eeBgn�ot��8 vhlah say be levied <br /> ' � ' upon BaneEieiasy'e lateLest heaeflun os upon this Dee� cxg Tcust vlthoat rega=A to ____ <br /> ;���,;.�• ;,::"�'!'.; any lav !n etfect or �Ee�t �ay be en�cted Saposing pay�ant ot the vhole or any <br /> ,, , . .•..�fs, pae! of lherefo=e up�c� �Aa eeneficiacy. I�- <br /> ;�:�"' '''� :�.�;,it" � 6. Conde�nclion. �m�eYde�nation under Ehie Deed oII B'uust shall include any <br /> "�•�;%:�n,:;ti�,^� da�age os taking by �ua� governnental authoc ity an�1 a�ey tsanafer by private sele _= <br /> ° '`' � !o lieu thereoE. on c��ndesnation, the eene�icia:y an�� �ealere the entite <br /> :' �� � <br /> � f�'�.__• .. <br /> ; .,-�:.. lnCabtadssaeM s�sszt? °:Y tlsz Dez� of Tr�.��t +l��e an�t nav�lht�. The Truatac aaaigns � <br /> ,;� ��j,;.. all rlQhle �a•eva�encsation os relief !os eondeanat�oa o! tha Beneflciasy, rho -- <br /> aay eroeeed ffma 1�st a�-�ngeneatlon in the na�ae of the Trustor or eeneEiclasy. <br /> �� ' .. —�— YCse p=ocee8a teCOV�z Dne�c�nn�er firet apply ko the expensea of aueh reeovery � ° <br />_; �. 4r.ocluding attosney S�ee,�o @hen at the option og the Be�efLclary, to restoratlon ----- <br /> of the sec�zlty os pa��r.2 ot the indebtednees aecused by this Deed of Tr uet, <br /> ,r'.i,,, • then to th� 4's�uator. ��ha Trustoa agcees to aake furR4►�r aeslgrt�nenta as � <br /> ''�;:''��� ' . . neeeeaery t� gnve thi� ,pzovision effect. <br /> ���'' • � ' 7. l�dditio�al bi�a�$ and Protectlon of secuYfty an� subcoqatilon. { <br />. ,. • ,�.�,� <br /> � �''��'' 7.1 Heneficia=y icn oo:.e 8lscretion may �eake any paymen�, expend or advance <br /> . :.����.�s:!; <br /> 1{•.;`!:;: any funds it deees neestimacy to protect the securlty of thle Deed of Ttuat. . <br /> °� �`I, '' Buch peysent, expenditu=ea or advaneeeents vith shall beco�e aecured hece by. , � <br /> ~ `'°'` 7.Z BeneEicia�y !s subrogated to the claina and Ilena oE ali parties vhose <br /> =�� � claias and liens are diacharqed os paid vith the pLOCeeds of the indebted�ess <br />=; . , seeused hereby. The Beneficiasy !e fusther subcogatod to the Trustor for all <br /> ,� • lneuzance proceeGe, clefas, or damagea to the secucity. <br /> . 8. Detault, Reeedies, Aec�lerahion, sale. <br /> 8.1 if the Tcuatos doea nots �1I pezfmtrtaamy of the covenante of the Deed of <br /> Ttuatj ot t21 ii tihe eeneficiaty hae to Qrs�,�a� suea to protect the secucity, • <br /> " � theR Tsuatos haa bxeacheA hfe agreenent, �$ in default and the Beneficioty Ray <br /> declare default and aey declare a.EA suaa eecured her��y immedlately dve and <br /> � payable ana auch enas isae8iatel� 4��coree due and payable wilhovt pceaentmenE, <br /> " .;.��:, , def�ed, protest, or c:�2lce, of ar�y kia� except as may be provide� in the Doed of I <br />__ • `+�,';:..,'':� Trnst Hote and �ay 9n�sva�r� the pover of sale and/or any otAer renodies permltted <br />_ . •�>;;." by applicabie lav ScneII+uTiUng Che righL to fo:eclose this Deed of Ttaat ln the <br /> ' aannet provided by 34ar for the foreclosure of mortgages on teal estate. <br /> �� Beneficiary shall he entitled to collect all reasonabie coats and expens�s �.� <br /> lncv:red in pureulrog �uch reeedies lncIlc+Bing• but not linited to, reasonable f <br /> � attosney's teea. <br /> � A. If the pover og rsaLe is lnvoke8, tQe� �'sustee ahall proaeed to sell tho <br /> � p�obvesty co�plyinq v�¢h the Nebraaka ?zra�¢ t�e8a Act in regacd to noCiae, time, <br /> ;I ane aanner o! eele. The Truatee �ay se11 L�e property in one o= aore paraeis <br /> � �r,,+> •� „ and i� auch osder aa the Trustee �ay 8eatgnate, at public auction to the hlghest � . <br /> � blddec� purchaee price payeble !n caeh ot aa otherviso sultable to the Sn�s�C¢� <br /> i � st the tiae oE eele. Rhe Tsuetee may poatpone the aale fro� 44m�e Eo ti�ce. Tise <br /> �; � Trustee ahall exeante an� deliver to the �:ateheser a Tsustee'a 8eed conveying <br />-, • the psopesty aolA, ba� �flthout any covCrcn�msi or varrenly, ex�seoa or impl ied. <br /> � ' ''��"� 4he seeitala 1� the dte� of any tnattera na 4acts ehall be caooclveive pcooE ot ! <br /> " �.� ,. i) tt�e trntAluinaaa EheeeeE. Any peison, lmcsadinq vfEhout lla�tkr�tion, Beneffclary I <br /> � + � . or '!=uatee, aey pnrchaae at tReo oalo. <br /> .� . 8. tlhen 4rueLee aells pu�ac�a�ro8 to tRe povete hereln, Tsustee ehall apply the '. <br /> ' � proceeds og the sale to the payp+ent o� te�� coets and expens�m of exe���ato@ the ; <br /> : ' +� ` pover o� eele an8 of the aale, t�eivaaR�, vtEhout lin+ltatfon, the payment o� the � <br /> � + ':/';:•i• � 7tcustee'e feee incursed. ?:uetee's fee� P�cs:eunder shall be deoned reaaonabie !f <br /> " �- �..� 4L� w•��4�• ..G ��►1.�� ►� aw���st wwa�� lwwn�.r�.1 �u 4As Tr���M��Itl n� - <br /> -.,"__ ��-.__—___-'_�.______.__. lL��� <br /> "_'.'_ --__.- ___ _ .- •��V� r�v w��� 7�vv�r�r� v• �.������ �«� �.���`� ����� �"�����.. �t �..� ������� � �� <br /> 5. 'y . . ,l1 of the balance of the original asou�t seeured Aeseby. AttPr the payiae�t of � <br /> ' * �• the 7'rnetee'e tees, !t tha aale �e by a Truatee, ot the p=oper eon:t and othes <br /> '� � cos�e o! Eorealoause snd aale putaua�t to judiciel foteclnaure, the psoceeds of ,. <br /> . ' the eale ehall be applied !n the osdes atated belov to the paye►ent of:tl) <br /> _ ,�' Alto:ney'a leee and coete ot collection= t21 Coat of any evidence o� t1t le <br /> r paocu:ed 1n connectlon vith such eale �nd �ny tevertue or tnx tequited to be ' <br /> QafA, t31 �11 obliqatlons aeeuced by thio Dued oE Truat, 1�1 The re�ind et, !f <br /> any� bo the peraoe Icgally eatlYled lheceto. <br /> SI �� , � . <br /> �I ° , � .,. � <br /> .. � .. � <br /> . . <br />