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Apnilar, a aingle pe=san ���' <br /> .,1 ���� <br /> � ADDRC86t 71S No=th Ilhite 8tteet , (� <br /> ���"'t � <br /> EsN8/ICi11[tY: city af atend ieland, s �suniaipa�l Cospo�ation O <br /> ,. O <br /> AODti�89t . 100 Eaat lat St:e�t, Oraas! IIaland, BB � <br /> ?RUSTSBr City Atto:ney of 4Qm �ity of Grend IalaaQ <br /> ,�. <br /> ,r:'�,r...�-< c IIDDRBBSt 100 Bast 2�t 6tseet� Oia�ad Ielertd� HE <br /> , ,��;�;.`� For vaiqable cannldesatlon, Tsuatos lrsevocabiy grante, convuya, ana aeaigna <br /> ;'.=v�:;�i,,,� °,-:. to ?[uatee, 2H TEiUB?, MITii PO1fBR OF 871LE� for the bcnefit and aecurellGy ot <br /> ' �:�,s•�.;u . , �X; beneEiclasy, unde: anA anDl�QCt to the righte ter�a and conAiLions o$ tfiAe Deed <br /> ,+��_;���.�4::`�� ot Tcuat, the Eolloving dea�t�bed =eal property lacateA !n Hl1LL COUtu'RYn <br /> •��`;:1;;�;:.a N68R118KA2 <br /> . +"!��''r:...�..�;�,. .,,;, <br /> t ,. <br /> � ��'�;��" "` �'''^ - Lot t!. and the eouth 5 feet of Lot 12, Block 3, Lr�best'a <br /> +itk<.�'; •�;,':='.�g.:�:...z <br /> ,;,;;..�'.<.;:�� • •• � �nd Subdlvleion to the City of cirand teland, Hall County •. <br /> � �_ (HeYeinefter cailed the Pre�lsee� taqethei �cith al1 bulldinga anE <br /> �, t�= ��1� „ �;v� ° i�prove�enta nov or hereafter esected upon the pr��►3aee j all =ente, pcoElte, .' _ <br /> , ;`, „ ' 7 royaltiea, ineo�o anC obher benefite deriveQ fro� the p:e�leeej all easerentaf , <br /> : . ,,�,. liceneea, riqhta o! vay nor or hereafter accruinq to the pren�foeej and any end � <br /> ��°�t;',• eli avarae �aQe fes the taking by e�eloent do�alo, lncluding proceeaa ot any <br /> " ` ����'�''�•{� � a ree�senE aade !n liaa thereof and <br /> ,)�� . 9 i . <br /> �� �'�'�ti�1���r"����`'.'.- All ate aoliectiv�ly called the Secusity. <br /> � :•r,?i`::,: <br /> ' ' • �•'�'��'j}<(.` <br /> ,, �,;,,;�4�,.. . POR TNE PURP09B OH SBCUR2Nds <br /> �. <br />- ": {�':<1•�� � (a) The paysent of the AeOt to the Den•�eficia=y evidenced by the Truator'a note <br />-- '"'`"'�''� '" ' .' oE thie eate date in th� p <br /> psinci le aum aS 8eventeen Thoueand Feur HunEred and <br /> '_ . � No/100 Doliace. tsi�.�no�. vlth no inteseat, and upon the terea p=ovided !n the <br /> Natee an8 qny and all senevals, modlficatione a�d extensione of the Noteej <br /> 1i';., :;.�:.,,, . . ', tbl Tha perfotsartce of: each ag=eeeent betraen tAe Truator and Beneffcia:yj <br /> . -�y��,r� • the covenenta of the Truetor in thia Deed of Trustj <br /> ;��'.�,fr;.:?4, (c) The payaent of any auo o= a�ae vith lotereat theteon vhiCh eay latec ariae <br /> �;;:;"�"������ , under the terna o¢ thia DeeG of Truat or aay be aavanced to be secured by thia <br /> , �:���;�{i��:�"� . ^ Oeed of T=uat. b'�tuze advancementa may not exceea a aum equal to th=ee tlmea <br /> . '{��;• ,,,� the oriqina2 psincipal amount of the above-recited notes. <br /> • .. ' ��:t:�.: <br /> � � ' �''"'`� TO PROTBCT TNS SBCURITY 08 THIS DEBD 08 TRUST� TAU9TOR HBRBHY COVENl1NT8 AND <br /> ::�� � .,�' � AQRB88 JIS POLLOMB: <br /> ;,.,. _ <br /> ``=.•��� 1. Obliqation. Tsuator shall proaptly pay vhen due the principal oE the ' <br /> '�•'�'��' " lndebtedneas evi8rnced by the Notea and! all othec char es and fees ` <br /> >,. �:�;;;.:'= ' � � 9 D=ovided in � <br /> - �. .,w•� the Notes or aecured by this Deed �f Tzuat, anfl the p:lecipal of and ioteseat oe , <br /> � . any future advancea secuced by thia Deed of Truat not to exceed three tines !he <br /> �� ;•. ." " original pzincipal amount o! the above-recited notes. <br /> .,;�%} 2. Warranty of T1t le. <br /> Z.1 Tcuatoc !a lavfully aeized and �oeeeaeed ot qood and fndefeeeible litle <br /> � and ealate to the propesly Aeceby conveyeA nnE hes the :lght to grant anA convey � <br /> ,r� the propesty. <br /> � .. . 2.2 The propesty !a free an6 clear of all liens and encumbcancea except � <br /> 4 !os NeHS , <br /> .� ��`�� 3. Maintenanee oi the Seeurity. <br /> ' ,Z,'� ' . ' 3.1 Truatot aQall keep tAe aecuzity in qood condltlon and repairj ahall not <br /> - , "�`� coenit ot euffez vaate= ehall eot do or allov anything to be done vhich w111 <br /> ._ ,,.;���_��, increaae the rlek o! lize or other casu�3ty to the psetnisea oi diatniah tAe <br /> � ,���,.f,��j � value of Lhe aecurity except reasonable vear and tearj anti, �Aa11 rtot alter the <br /> : .� ,''-;�'.'�'r��` Eeaign or eLrucLural cha=te= o! any building or ad9 eny byi2ding vithia the <br /> , security vi8hout 4he �►ritten consent of the Beea�fi..i�sy. <br /> • 3.Y I! the security or any part theseoE is �amaged by fize or other cauae <br /> , lncludfng conAemnation, Trustor ahali give immediate vritten rtotice of the event ' <br /> to the 8eneffciery. Trustor shall use any procee8s of compensetion for the ,: <br /> , c ��__ damaqed from the insurt�ace, conEemnation avarC oc o�hervise to restore or <br /> - -- `---- repiaae cne psoceeas to ene eeneflciary at tho option of the Beneficiary. if <br /> � ' �'" • pect of the eecurity !a damaged, the Truator shell restoce, repair, or altes the <br /> �' 1 cemalning proparty fn e manner satiaEactocy of tho Beneflciary. <br /> � . 3.3 The BeneEiciary or !t'a repreaentative !a hereby authorized to make or <br />_ 1� caueo to be aaAe seaaonable en4riea upon and inopectfons of the premiaes. <br /> l , 1.1 The Truetee ehail promptly comply vflh all present and future lovg, <br /> � ordlneecea, rules and regulaLione of any governnenCal authority afEecting the � <br /> premisee or any pa:t thereoi. Thfe nhall apply to any eonatruetfon upon the <br /> pte�isee ao voll ea the operatitln o! any bualneae upon tho premiaea. <br /> :�� . <br /> f ., <br /> � <br /> ,> Il <br /> .f <br /> �... . . <br /> .1 <br />