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<br /> - _ 7Fit8 DEED�F TRUBT.I�msds w�ol th�� day of �un• ,yo.`�4.bY�nd�manp -
<br /> •"' t■ro 1 ���uq s C�rel�? at�_,- Au�b�tttd �rtd rit�
<br /> ths 7iruttor. �
<br /> � whou enallinp sddns�I�t 3�44 daohMn St ��aad i�1�nd�Mrelo"Trw��ior� w°-�-fN��oni oo mas), f
<br /> "— — _ �T��� Riv� Peirtt� Bania ■ N�brar�lu� Coraoral�on ,
<br /> �,' who�m�itinp addross Is P.O. Box 1587 tirand I�1�ad, YB 6888Z (�n"Trut�'�,and
<br /> ttte eenetlolary, Five Point� Banlc
<br /> ' �+hcse maittng eddreas ts �ls �• �'p�dY�ll Cirand Y�land, MS. 68802-13�7 �hsreln"t,enda'� �_
<br /> . �:�. ' � � �.
<br /> ,, Ia� � gtruaa
<br /> -;.- FOR VALUABLE CONSIO£RATtON,trtoluding 6er�a exteneton af credit idenUfled herein to
<br /> �����.
<br /> ��- '���,�,`'�'.��,;�• 6 Csrol J Stau�� (herein"Borrowee"�whether one or more)and the trust herstn created,
<br /> ` �;�r�u,•.,;'a5e,rt
<br /> I y;��yyrr��,��•<•�3.•^ the receipt pt whiah Is hereDy acknow{eclr�Bd 1'rustcr he��reby Irrevocabty prante,tranatero,comreys and as�lgns to Trustes,iN
<br /> ,;,;"�it��r.� TRU3T.WITH POWER OF SALE.to�the benafttand securi ot Lender,under and aubJect to the terma end conditions A�rolnattrr set
<br /> , �;;�s�?���;s: .:t ipt o�t�Mia�epl9),�Mt�road�i�slcw�aaond Subdivioion. Iiraad T�land• Hall County,
<br /> , �,�s°��: li�braska.
<br /> '"z;�?b1�. �X;..�;
<br /> �.'i ,. .y��¢�:� i,,,ii
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<br /> _y.�''r;::.-.n-��:_'t�:.l:
<br /> - t',;,;;-•� '•:^����. Topether with eli buiisllnps,improvemente,flxtures,�he�ets.alieye,pasaageways,easements.rfphte,PdvUopea and appuRs-
<br /> 4�,��a;��;_ _�
<br /> •i r��l�fi�,:''.."::,��,••�`��` a oh pe�rsona p operty that is a�ahed to the Improvem�nts eo ae to canatiwte e fipxtur�e,inciudinp.but otematted to.hnaUnp and �+E{
<br /> '�'`"��J ``"`'��� coolinp equipment end to�ether with the homestead amadtal intereate,it any,whioh Intereata are hereby reieased and waivsd;all ----
<br /> ����`��9`"� ��� • ������":� of whiclr,irtalud�n9 raplacementa artd additione the�eto,ia hereby deatared to be a part of tha real estate seaured by tNe Iisn otthis
<br /> � ""`' � �-'r�� Deed of Trust and sll of the tore8oing being reterred�tterein ae the"Properly".
<br /> �..
<br /> �(',�'+�;:.�};(.. ';;� �`
<br /> �.,;c,:.:, ,r .. •, ..'!.�
<br /> . `��' ,;;;;�^ Thie Deed of Truat ehall seaure(a)the payment ot 3he principat sum and imerest evidenced by a promiespry note or credit �
<br /> { , �„_. ; � �,
<br /> `-�-„ � ��; , ;i agreement da2ed 3uaR 3i8i,fi 2� ,hevirtg a mstu�iiy deta of �tobsr 28tb 1894 � �',�°
<br /> .,�,,.. .
<br /> . .��: . 66,e@0.Q8 �
<br /> • in tha origlna�prtnatpat amouM ot S ,and any and alt modiHoattona,exteneione and renewals �:
<br /> � �� thereof or thereto and any and alt future advanaes e�readvancea to 8orrawer(or any of them it more then one)hereunder =--�-
<br /> � pureuant to one or more promfsaary notea or credft ay�e�ments{hereln catted"Notey;(b)the paymeM of other suma advanced by "°"`
<br /> . , Lende�to pratoat the eecuHty ot the Note;(o)Me pertormanae of ait aovenanb artd apreementa ot Tivator setfoM herein;and(d)ell �<`
<br /> '" ,,, , preaent and tuturo indebtedneas artd obilpatfooa of BoROwer(or any of them Ii more than one)to Lender whether diraat,indirocf,
<br /> abaolute or conrinpent end whettrer ariainp by note,ywranty,overdreft or otherwise.The Note,thta Deed ot Truat and any and all ��
<br /> ' other doouerne thMesoure the Note or otherwise execuled in conneation therewith,lnatudirtp without IlmitaUon guarantee�,seeurity '
<br /> , agreemente artd aastpnmente of leasea and�ents,ehatl be rofened to herefn ne the"Loan Oocumente". �
<br /> ' Trustor covenants and epreea with Lertder as folbwa •
<br /> " n , 1. Pa�tnNtt d Ufdbt�dnM�.Atl indabtedneas secured hereby ehatt be pald when due.
<br />- ' � 2. TNb.Trustor Is the owner of the P�operty,hae tFee ripht and authorNy to eonvey the Propeny.and warrants lhat the iten
<br /> , • ^ croatsd heroby Is a firot and prior Ilen on ths PropeAy. except tor Ilene and encumbrancea set torth by Trustor In w�idnp and '
<br /> ' ' delWared to Lender befo�a executlon of thla Deed of Troat,and the bxeouUOn and dellvery of thia Deed ot T►uat does not rtolats any -
<br /> � •� cortfract or other obllpaUon to whlch Trustor Ia aabject
<br /> . 3. TauN,ANw�n►!e.To pay betoro delinquenay 811 taxes.apectst aaseasmeMa and all other cha�gea apainat the P�operiy �
<br /> � now or hereafter levied.
<br /> " 4. Inwnne�.To keep the Properiy inaured again�d�mape by tire,hesaMs inctuded within the terrt�"extended coverape",and
<br /> ' ' such other hezarda ae Lender may�equire,in amountea�d with compantes acceptable to Lender,naming Lender aa an addNtonal
<br /> named inauted,with lose p�yabte to 1he Lender.ln caee of losa under suah po�icies.the Lender ia authorized to adjusL cotteet and
<br /> compromiae,a�l clalms I�ereunder and ehall have the option ot eppiying ali or part of the insurance prxeeds(q to any indebtedneas
<br /> secured hereby and in suah order as Lender may determi ne,(If)to the Trustor to be used for the repalr or teatoretlon ot the Property
<br /> ��.. . � o►(Iln tor any other purpoae or ob}ect setlafactory to Le�er without atteoting the�ten of thia Qeed oi T�uat tor the tuil amouM secured �
<br /> '� hereby betore such payrt�eM ever took place.Any appllcaBon ot procseds to Indebtedrtesa ahall not extend or posuwne the due
<br /> date of any paymertls under the Note,or cure any de�u It thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> � ! • � 6. R.tarow.Upon written demartd bg Lender,Truaror eha�i pay to Londer,ln sueh manner as Lender may deslgnate,sutHcient
<br /> s � � sums to enable Lender to pay as thoy become due oneor more ot the foitowing:(f�ali taxes,asseasments and other charges againet
<br /> the Property,(tl)the premiums on the properly Insurence requlred hereunder,and(Iti)the premiuma on any mortgage insutanCe
<br /> •f �, - required by Leader.
<br /> 8. M�intmanq.R�in and ComP�U�nc�with I.�rw.Trustor shalt keep the Propery in good condition and repair,shafl
<br /> , � ' prompUy repair. or replace a�y improvement which msy be damaged or desVOyed;ahall not cammft or permR any waBte or
<br /> d detertoretlon ot the Property;shall�ot remove,demoMsh or substanUally aiter any ot the Improvements on�e P�operiy:shall rtot
<br /> � � comml;sufter or permitanyaat to be done In or upon the Properly In vloladon of any law,ordinance,or regulaUon;and ehalt pay and
<br /> y promptly dtacharge at Trustor's cost and expense a011�ns,encumbrances and charges�eviod,imposed or assessed against tha
<br /> _ . Properiy or any pait tAereot �,�.
<br /> � T. F1niMM pqnain.Lender te he�eby asalgned aN compeneatlon,awards,damages and other paymente or re8et(hereinatter
<br /> " "Proceads'7 irt conn�eUon with condemnatlon or othermhing of the Property or part thereof,or for conveyanee in Ileu ot condemna- '
<br /> 4 , Uon.Lender shalt be endUed at its opUon to commewce, eppear In and prosecute in tto own name any acdon or proc:eedings,and
<br /> shalt also be entttlod W mt�ke eny compromfse or settlertseM in conneotton w!M such takirtg or damege.U the event any pallon of i
<br /> � ��__ �-_,_��_'-__ __ the ProAerif►ia so taken or damaged,Lender shall have the option.In Ite sote and absolute dlscretlon,to appiy all suah Procoeda, �
<br /> - aftef deduoUng th0retrom alI cost8 and expenses�rtcuned'oy it in conneaaon wrin suait r�ceeda upon anr�noeooeanea�adcureo :--
<br /> �<, ' • � hereby and in such order as Lendar may determine.a to app�y a�l Suoh Procee�s,aiter such deductlona,to the reatoraUon of the ,
<br /> � Property upon such Condltlons as Lender may detsrmhe.Any t�ppllCeUon ot Proaeeda W indebtedness sha�t not extend or postpone ,
<br /> � ;,.�i,` the dtte date of sny paymente under tha Note,or aunany defau�t thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplied funds shali be pald to
<br /> Truator.
<br /> . � g, R�rlorm�nq by L�t�d�r.Upon the occurrertcemi an Event of Qetauft hereunder,orlf any act fa takon or togat proceeding
<br /> commenced which materiaity eiteota Lender's irnerestin the Property,Lender may in ite own discreUon,but without obligatlon to do
<br /> . so,and wtthout notice w or demand upon Truator and w i�out releasirtg Trustor trom any obligaUon,do any act which 7rustor hae
<br /> ' � apreed but 4ails to do and may aleo do any other act ft deemo neceaaary to proteat the security hereof.Troator shali,Immedlately
<br /> � � ° upon demand therefor by Lender.Ray to Lertder all cona and expenses incurred and euma expended by lender in conneotlon with
<br /> � ! � the exeratse by Lender of tho foreyoing rfghffi,together with interest the►eon at the default rate provtded in the Note.whlah shait be
<br /> .. edded to tl►e irtdebtedneas secured hereby.Lender shell not Incur any Itabllity becauso of anything It may do or omit to da
<br /> . . .�� hereunder. � � ; t �
<br /> . U
<br />