. i�� , • o,����r.v�r, S{r�;s'r �;�,�r s�,.. . � . . '. . . . . !. { �1 - ..
<br /> 5� � . . U . � - . _ � �.�?---
<br /> . ..Y , , . -.-_' _
<br /> ..'�(/ - ` - � ..... .. .. . .__.
<br /> _- ',�j....',� ' - �.'���,_'_-_'�_ -' _' _
<br /> g�°'1oS�5
<br /> �.,,,.,���-�-�
<br /> - — p, t��ardow AAaN�1�lti 7ru�tor�h�tl koop ths Propsrty In comptt�ncb with att applicabte law�,ordtnances and�eputation�
<br /> rNRbnq to Induitrlal bypierta or�nvironm�ntal prot�ation (c�il�ctiwaly r�t�rnd to ha�tn as"EnvlronmenW Lawa'9�T��r�II �
<br /> k�the Property 1rM fro�n alt wbsttnan dssm�d to b haitrdous ar taKla und�r any�nvirortm�ntet I.�w�(aoliaoUw�Y rN�rnd ta
<br /> Mnln at"Huardou�MaMrU�l�'q.Trwtor h�asby warr�nt��nd apr�nU tc Lendu that th���sre no H�urdou�MntHitl�en or
<br /> urtdK th�P�op�tty.lYunor h�raby�pr�to Indemnly�nd hotd harmlNS L+�e�de.ib dlnaton.amcsr�,�nD�ol►�s�d�p�^M and
<br /> _—� any eu�cc=�cra to Lertder'e Intere'�!rom and e4elnet eny and all clalms,dtm���►osse�and IIeblllUss artel�p In aonneotlon wlth L
<br /> th� pr�nc�,ua,dl�pb�al or trantpoR of cny Huardou�MaUrial�on.und�r.trom o�abaut tfie P�op�Cjr.TH�i FOO��Of�:O
<br /> ; 10. Aaqnm�nt M R�nb.T�uator hereby assipne to L�endsr ths r�na.I�eus�t and p�ofit�of the P�operty:provlded that Trostor
<br /> ahall,un81 tho oeou�rence o4 an Event of Oefault hereunder.have ths�Ipht to aollect and►elaln auah ronb„lasuea and protl4 af thsy
<br /> � � becomo due�nd payabta Upon ths ocaurronae of an Event of Detault,Lender may.elther In persan or by apent,with or wlthout
<br />��'-: bdnging any eaUon or proceedinq,or by n recelver appot nted by a court and without reqaM w the adequaay of ka eecudty.enter -
<br /> - ____ ____ upon ee�d take poaaeaaton of the Proparly,or any paR thereof,ln Ita own name or in the�ame of the Trumtea sred da any aa�whlah It g_---
<br /> p' deems�eaessary or desfrndta to presarva�e vaiva,iuww�3lt'f a'r��b!!!!r ai tt��P►^��h!=oreny part ihereof or IntereattheroJn. —
<br /> inarease the ineome therefrom or proteot the seourity hereot and.with or withaut takin8 Po��Qn�}�B PrO���eue tor or
<br /> ���•• otherwlae eoliect ths rente,Issues and profita thereoL i��tud8np thosa past duq snd unpald,and appty the aame.lesa coata artd ___
<br /> expensesof operation and cotlecUon inoiuding attornoys'tees.uDon any iadebtednass aeaured hereby.aii In sueh erder ee Lender _
<br /> may determine.The enterinp upofl and takinp poasaselon ot the Property,the aolisodon ai euah rento,isaues end profite and the ---.
<br /> '�>��'«� eppll�Uon thereaf aa atoreaeld,ahatl not aure or waive any detauit or no4lae of detault hereunder or invatidate any act done In
<br /> ;�.���s= reaponseeo eueh default or pu�susntto suah no�ee of detaulta�d,notwithstandinp the coMinuanae fn poasesalon of tAe Properly or
<br /> ,,.i't;f�;,�F � thq coltection,reaeipt and apDlicn�on ot rants,isaues or protita,and Y�ustee anci tender shall tsa entided to exercise every n8ht �
<br /> �,; prdvld�dfoNnanyoftheLoanOxumentsorbylawuponoccurrersceofanyEventof0efault,i�ciudingwiihoutlimitatlonthe�iahtto ��
<br /> :: ..... ... .. .: ex�rciae the power of eate.Further,Lender's rights end remediea under thls parag►aph shall be aumulative with,and U ea way a =f_
<br /> s,{` �f• r y��- ' IfrteNa�lonon,Lenda�srlghtsandremediesundaranyessignmentofletisesandrenterecordedagainsttheProperty.tsnder,Truatee "'-�:
<br /> . . �.Y ,:�.� end lhe recalver ahalt be Itable to�ccouM ony those nnts actualty reeeived. `�'�,'
<br /> _ • .,:,,, ,,, , 11.Ev�nb ot Bsfau�.ThQ lotlowing ehaii constiUAe an Event of Detault under thia Oeed ot Trust M Y�.;:
<br /> ���Y�:. (a)FaQure to pay any Insmllment of pdnoipsl or tntereat ot any other sum secured hereby when due; :;;,
<br /> .ati.. .,:. . ., , d tir.'•
<br /> : � ��.��.�,���, (b)AbreachofordotauttunderanyprovtaioncontelnedintheNote,thfsOeedofTrust,anYcftheLoanOocurra�nts.orany S �, �,
<br /> ; ,�F otfier lien or enaumbrance upon the PropertY;
<br /> ,�,�,�� ,�. �,•.. (a)A writ of exeoutlon or attachment or any slmtler process ahalt be entered against Trustor whlch shall become a Ilen on zr�.��•
<br /> "y'? � th► Y PD , �
<br /> �'�'s� 4�'�;.�� . ' the P� a or an rUon thereof or interest therei�; • �.'.,.;
<br /> .a;,��::. , .. . ;.: ,j�:;;::.
<br /> ,;:,;�. ,, (d)There shall be flled by o�against T►ustor or Bor�ower an aotlon under any preaent or future tederei,atate or other r,.
<br /> ,� ,r.�.:_,��.. � Y r,•'•?:�.:;
<br /> r.,,., , ,� st8tute,law or�egulaUon retadng to bankruptcy.inaotvency or other reilef tor debto e ients.�lasues or proipftps thereof,or Tr s o
<br /> ° ,y�r�;.h `, � recewer or liquidetor ofi Trostvr vr Aorr�wei or af alt ararsy pssi a!tAs�ro}��'hl,- ��
<br /> o�Borrower shal{Aiake any general assignment for the beneflt ot areditors; • �'
<br /> �,;;:.- ^ v'���;,yr�:; (e)Tha,sate,tranafer.lease,aseignmenR conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any part ot or any Interest in the '
<br /> -' _ P►operry, sither votunfarily or invotuntarity.without the express written conaent ot Lender,provided that 7rustor shall be
<br /> , '. ' . . permitted to exeaute s lease of the Property that does not contatn an op�on w purahe�se and the term of which does not exceed
<br /> ., o�e year. .
<br /> . � (�Abartdonment of the Property;or
<br /> ` . ��' � ' � (q)Ii Trustor Is not an Individual,the Issuance,sale,trans(er,asaignmen;conveyanceor encumbrance of more than a total
<br />- ',.�, 'Y,:,� ,.. ..." . 1
<br /> •-��� N'. , of,�.._—percent of(if a corporaqon)its iasued and outatanding stock or(if a paRnership)a 4otai o} percent ot
<br /> ��'" � p9Anatahip intereats dtfring the peflod thta Deed of Trust remalns a�len on the Property.
<br /> `: ' '�: . ,. ; 12 R�dMs;AccN�raUon Upat DMaut�in the e+rent of any Event ot Defautt Lender may,without noUce exceptas requlred by
<br />` ' ,;;::�;;��, . law,declare ali indebtedness seaured hereby to be due and payable and the same shalt ther�upon becume due and payable
<br /> ,�:�.•�;,�:•••.•=• • ' wi�outany presentrnent demand,protost or noUce d a�y ki�d.Thereatter Lender mey:
<br /> � <�'���•�'j y�' .` � (s)Demand thet Truatee exerciae the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Truatee ehali thereafter cause Truator's
<br /> �`^:'"""`•""''" intere a t in t he Prope ri y to b e s o t d a n d M e proceeda to be diatributed,alt In the manner providad in the Nebraska Trust Deeds
<br /> .a��.�Ir,",�,� . ACL
<br /> ..t�,�1?�5:' �H`
<br /> ' ::1�, ,, (by ExerciseanyandalinghtsprovidedforinenyottheLoanOacumenLaorbylawuponoccumenceotenyEveMofDetaulx
<br /> ',;��,s,�`{i:i:; ' � ,,
<br /> -r,,
<br /> (c)Commence an actlon to torea�ose this Deed of Truet as a mortgage,eppolnt a recelver,or specl8caliy entor�a any of the
<br /> "�.. , .;:.��� covenanta hereot � .
<br /> ��,.Y�c No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to T►ustee or Lender fs Inte�ded to be exciuslve ot gny oMer remedy herein,in the
<br /> ,,, ,�{.�f ; ' , ' � Lou� Documente or by law provided or permitted,but each shatl be cumuiative.ahatl be in additlon to every other remedy given ;
<br /> _"� � f •1 .� hmeunder,In the Loan Documenta or now or her�eafterexisti�g at taw or in equfty or by statute,and may be exerclse0 concurrently. _,;,,f
<br /> '°`•:•"` iRdependentiy or sucoessivety.
<br /> � �.1.<<�:' fnt a
<br /> ', •.}w ' " 13.ThttM.The Trustee may realgn at any time wlthout cause,and Lender may at any time and without cause appo
<br /> °' •�u� '-�•; succeasor or substttute Trustee.Trustee shell not be Ilebleto any party,inctuding w(thout Iimitadon Lender,6orrower,Trustor or any
<br /> •� ' • puraheser of 8he Property.tor any toss or damage untess due to reckless or wllltui misconduct,and ahall not be required to take ar�y
<br /> ��r'•: r - ; acUon in COneBOtion with the entorcemont ot thia Deed of Truat uMess indemnifled,in wdtln9�tor a�i coats,compensatlon or
<br /> � `_�� � e�enses whicA may be assoctated therewith.ln additlon,T�uatee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Properi�r Qudiciai or (
<br /> � �ander the power ot esie granted herein);pogtpone the eate of ali or any portion of the Prope+ly,as Provided by taw;or setl the i
<br /> Property ae a whole,or in separete parce�s o►lota et Truatae's discretion.
<br /> . . ' ::`� � In the ovent Trustee selle the Property by exercise of power of eale,Truatee shati be enUded to aAPh► � .
<br /> •� :j-,,; 1 14.F�M aMf�ntM.
<br /> � �(;;. ar►y sale proceeds flrst to payment of ali�osts and expenses ot exercising power of sate,including alt Tn�stea's fees.and Lender's I
<br /> �" �' and Tntatee's attomey's teea,aatuaily tncurced to extent permNteed by appiicable law.In the avent Borrower or Trustor exercises any
<br /> � ,- • � � right provlded by�aw to aure en Event of Qefauit,Lender shall be entiUed to recover hom Truator all costs and expenses actuatly ;
<br />- r �.;;�•: 6neuned as a resuR of Trustor's detault,Ineiuding wltRout Iimitation all Trustee's and attamey's tees,to the extent Perm�ned by ,
<br /> �_ , .;,.,,:� i
<br /> . :,;,c•s�� ePPtieable law.
<br /> ,�. . ..,,�;�,�,. 16. Futu»Adran�s.Upon request ot Bor�ower. Lendor may.at fto optlon,make addl4tonal and futu►e advances and re- ,
<br /> .;� .,,�:.,�, advancea to 8orrower.Suah advances and readvnnces.with�Me►est the�eon,shall�e secured by this Qeed of Trust At no tlme shall ;
<br /> _<-'�__�__'________�____�_�; ttre princlp�l dnount of the ind¢bt�tlness sscured bylhla Deed of Truat notinctudtrtg sums advanced to protect the secunly ot thla �
<br /> • ..�s_ .,.e ��n nnA AA.wRtCheVBi t3�f@8t@f,
<br /> ---.. �• --
<br /> �---- .__-- ---- Oeed Of TtUSL eXCeeO Vls oliginBi principai ani6u:�ia�cw .�o�o...,... -
<br /> ` t - . ° � 18. Il�kv�l�tmow Provblons.
<br /> - ' • ! (a) BoROwu NaR RN�ewd.Extensfon of the time for payment or modiflcarion ot amortiraUOn ot the sums secured by thls
<br /> � � � � � Oesd ot Trust�ra�ted by lertder to any succ�so�����►�e�es�ot 8orrower ahall not operete to re�ease.in any manner,the Itabitity i
<br /> ' otthe origtnal8orrower and 8onor�er's aucceseors In intera�t Lender shall oot be required to comme�ca proceedings agafnst
<br /> � t�" „ su�h euccesaor or retuse to extend tlme for paymenta otherwicse modtAl ar�ea�a�on��e���ured by this Oeed of Trust
<br /> . � by roason of any demanEa made by the o�tginal Borrower and 8orrowePs successors�� intere ent ot an oblt Ucn herefn �
<br /> ,,;�, (b) Lu�t's PowNS.Wlthout atfecting the Ilabliity ot any other person Ilable tor the paY Rot then oaMeretofore
<br /> I menUOned.and without affecdng the tfeo or cMarge otthis Deed ot T►ust upon any portlon ot the ProReAy
<br /> releseed ea eecurtt�►tor tt►e fuU amount ot a�l unpatd obitgatlons.Lender may.trom time to tlme end without notice(i)rc3tease any
<br /> pe►aon tto Ilebte,lH)extend the maturity or aiter eny oftheterms of any such obitgatlons,(Ilf)grent other fndu►gences.l�v)release ;
<br /> .,p., . or neconvey.or cauae to 6e reteased or reconveyed at any Ume at Lertder's opUon any parcel.poRfon or all o!Lle Property.
<br /> „ .I' I (�4ake pr releaee any other or addiUon�l secudty 1a�any obifgaUon hereln mentlone0, or(vi)make compasiUon�or etDflr
<br /> . ��' � : ; artanpenteMe wiM debtore In rotntlon Mereto.
<br /> , , . , ,
<br /> .
<br /> . , - - - ._��.� . _—__-.... _ _
<br />