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<br /> THIB OEEd OF 7AU8T.Is made aa of the 2�.�tl day of �u n e ,19.2�.,,by and amon�
<br /> the Truator, B 8�02-1181 —�-�
<br />- whoas mauinp addra�s is 3 7 40 S. H i v hway 281 a ra Qd I s 1 a n d N E�hsrNn"Truator;'whNhu ort�a mon�
<br /> :.a:..�::,. :.:�: -
<br /> - thsnuste�, Five Points Bank a Nebraska Cor��M�,�;�N� � -
<br /> .
<br /> R
<br /> �-zt?�; �,�:." >�as .- � whoas maUlnp addraas Is P � g e x i�7 .r a n d c 1 a n d N F 6 A s�e� (hereln"Truste�'7�snd
<br /> , ,� '�`r • - tne esnetimary Fi ve Poi nts Bank ,
<br /> g�� � �n.r • r� .
<br /> dj,,'.,��;,,,: ;c_. •••�.. _—
<br /> �:.Y�� 2015 M Broad 11 Grand Island NF 65�1[�9_��Anhsrdn"Lender'�.
<br /> ..,-...:'��§''�'�� 'i•'� whose maiting addreaa la �
<br /> _ . ..
<br /> - ��-w+• =°R:�•�•�° FOR VALUABl.E CONSIDEi1ATi0N,inpludtrtp Lenders extenalon o!cre0tt ttlaminea here�n to
<br /> - � . N
<br /> �'��`�'�'��'`�� ' � TEq ROBB . .
<br /> �,'_;•.r • (hereln 'BorroweP,whether uno or more)ertd the buat herein created,
<br /> - " the receipt oi whtoh is hereby acknowledged,Trustor her�by ir�evocably 8rante,henafera,ccnvsys and aeslDns to Truates.IN —
<br /> '�?�_:;;..;:,• ,..�, ,; TRU8T.WITH PQWER OF SALE,b�the beneflt and securlty ot Lender,under and eubject to the terms and condfUons herelnafter eet
<br /> .`�a;;,:;:. .,
<br /> torth,the�esl property,desaribed as fottows:
<br /> .. ::;i,
<br /> �: � • �� � Together with atl buildings,improvementa,flxtures,streete,alleys,paasaQeways,easemente,riphta,privilepea and appurte-
<br /> ��`' -��� nances Iooated thereon or in anywEse penaining thoreto,and the rents,lssues and profite,reveratona and remaindero therent,end �_
<br /> o �. '. suoh pe►sonat properry that la attaahed W the improvoments so ae to conatituta a fixture,(notudinp,but eot Iimlted to,heaUnp and
<br /> . ' • aooiing equipmen�end together with the homestead or maritat intereats,it aay,whiah Interestsare hereby reieased and weived:eil
<br /> , � �� ;:.;�:,, nf whicb.Inoiuding reptacementa and addldons thereto.is heroby deciared to be a paR oi the reat estate seoured by the Ilen of thit
<br /> � �� � Deed of T�ust and all oi the toregoing being�eferred to herein as the"PropeRy".
<br /> . �}';�j;;'•
<br /> - ". � Thls Qeed of Truat ahall seeure(a>the payment ot the prinatpal sum and Intereat evidenced by a promlaaory note or credlt
<br /> . ��' - _� Jtltte 22�1� 1994 ,tiaxingemei�srityslete4t DPCPtI1hE1" .Z1Ct tq44 ,
<br /> �,.; ttyf68iii8ift d828d ,
<br /> "� in the origlnal principal amour�t of$ ��..0��-�� ,and any and ail modlflcationa,extonstona artd ronowais
<br /> ��+�`•,���. •� thereof o�thereto and any and ali tuture advances and readvancea to Horrower(or any of them if mare than ona) hereunder
<br /> ,,;.�,,; ����'��� pursuant to one or more promissory notes or credtt agreementa(hereln called"Note'q;(b)the payment of other suma advanced by =
<br /> r,,�;1;,:: Lender M proteat the security of the Note;(o)the pertormance of ali covenanta and agreemenffi M Trustor aet forth herein;and(d)atl
<br /> present and tuture Indebtedness and obiigstlons of Borrower(or any of them if more than one)to Lendar whether direct,Indirect,
<br /> �� �' abso�ute or oondngent and whethe�arieing by note,gueranry,overdrett or otherwlae.The Note,thfa Deed of Trust and any and atl
<br /> �� � other docuenta that eeaure the Note or otherwise exeouted in connecdon therewith,including wlthout Iimitatlon guaranteea,eeeurity
<br /> ,,, � agreements and assignments of�eases and rents,shali be referred to t�erefn as the"Loen Oocuments". ��
<br /> TrueWr covenants and agrees with Lender as toliowa: ��
<br /> • " � 1. Papmnt M ind�bt�dn�.A��irtdebtedness eecured hereby ahall be pald when due. P�'='__
<br /> " � 2. Titl�.T�ustor Ia the owner ot the Properly,has the dght end authority to convey the Property,and warrenta that the tien .,;_
<br /> -- �� created hereby is a flrat artd prtor Ilen on the Properly,except for Ilens and encumbrances set torth by Trustor in wrlUng and ���.
<br /> `, delivered to Lender betore execuUon of thia Deed of Truat,and the execuUon and det�very of this Oeed ot Trust does not vtolate any '°*
<br /> . ,�,:,
<br /> ;��';•;;.,. cornreot or other obllgaUon to which Truator is subjeat
<br /> • ..�;;`;f;;��,� 3, Ta�c�s�AttNSm�nb.To pay before delinquency all texes,apecial asaesementa and ali other charges agalnst the PropeAy
<br /> ; ��"t:•.. � ' now or hereafter levied.
<br /> ���;;� ` ��•l.���, �.:..�•. •, 4. ttaurana.To keep the Property Insured agalnst damege by ilre,hezards inciuded within the term"extended coverage",and
<br /> �� � h�':" suah Other hasaMs as Lender mey requlre,in amounta end with companies accepteb�e to Lender,naming Lender as an addidonat
<br /> � � � . :'�,�''�=�,,;'� � named tnsured,with toss payabie to the Lender.ln case of loss under suah policlea,ths Lender Is authorized to adjus�collect and
<br /> :;;.;�s.' comprom�se,all a�afms thereunder and shal�have the opUon of apptying ali or part of the insurance proceeds(q to any�ndebtednesa
<br /> `„� ,, . • ; seaured hereby and in such order ae�ender may determine,(if)to the Trustor to be used for the repafror restoraUon otthe Property
<br /> ', �-r pr(iiq for any other purpoae or object eadsfactory to Lender wlthout aiteating the Iten ot this Deed of Trusttor the tuli amount secured
<br /> � hereby before suah peyment ever took place.Any appllcaUon ot proceeds to i�debtedneas ahall not extend or poatpone the due � .
<br /> � .�;,,. date of any paymenta under the Note,or cure any defauit thereunder or hereu�der.
<br /> � ' %',�''•' -� S. �orow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor shatt pay to Lender,in auch manner as Lender may deaignate,sufifatent .
<br /> :.••� -,;.;;��� suma to enabie Lender to pay as they become due one or more oi the foilowing:(i)all taxes,assessmenta and other charges against
<br /> ' the Property,pi)the premiums on the properly insurance�equired hereunder,and(Ilq the premluma on any mortgsge inaurance
<br /> '• •. • • required by Lender.
<br /> �'?� 8. M�IM�nanc�,R�paits and Comailaric�with L.�w�.Truator sha�t keep the Property in good cond(don and repalr.st�e�l
<br /> � prompUy repair,or replace any improvement which may be demaged or deaGroyed: ahall not commit or permit any waste or
<br /> t � doterloratlon ot the Property:shall not remove,demoliah or substartNalty atter any ot the improvemenffi on the P�opetty;shall not
<br /> ' ' commit,suHer or pertnft any act to be done In or upon the Property!n vlo�atlon of eny law.ordinance,or regutatlon;and shall pay and
<br /> �� � . , prompby disaharge at Trustor's cost and expense all Ilens,encumbrances and charges levied.Im(sosed or essessed against tho
<br /> Propetly or ar�y paR thoreot.
<br /> `{ � � 7. Emie�nt Qanain.Lender is hereby assigned all componsatlon,awards.damegea and othor payments or rellet(herelnatter �
<br /> .. � ��proceeds'71n connecdon with condemnatlon or othor taking of tho Properly or part thereof,or tor conveyanco In Ileu of condemrta- �
<br /> ;� �}. . Bon.Lender shali be erttWed at Its optton to commence,appear in and prosecute in Its own namo any actlon or proceedln�,and �
<br /> shatl�Iso be enUtled tn make any compromfae or setdement in connactlon with such ffiking or d�mago.In tho event any poRtan of �
<br /> _..� ��� � � tho Propert�r Is ea taken or dameged,Lertder shati hare the opUon.in ita soto end a6svlutc�discretlan,ta app{y al!�ucfi°ros�da. .
<br /> �—_�-_-_--__-_--__-- ..._�..���u..���...��.. t........�.IM.t�IwwMwunNnnu/Hhn�u�h0►nrmtlCUOlfflAflVlfldBb�fl9888@CllfBd !
<br /> _ `__ �.- �-
<br /> -. . 8RWQOfiY�iYttaatoto�wn�auwowo..vvwpw•v.r�...........���.... ��....����"'"'_'___... .___'_'•_�' ' • . __
<br /> � hereby t►nd in such order aa Lttnder may determine,or to epply all such Proceeds,etter such deductlona,to the resto►atlon ot the �
<br /> - . Properly upon euch conditlons as Lender may determine.Any eppllcaUon of Prcceeds to indebtedrtesa ehall not extond or postpone �
<br /> � the due date of any psymonta under the Note,or cure any detault thereunder or hereunder.Any unappiled funda aha�t be paid b �
<br /> , �BtP�loen�nss br Llnd�r.Upon the ocaurrence ot an Event ot Detauit hereunder,or if any act Is taken or lepal procc3eding f
<br /> commenced wh�ch materlalry atfects LendePa intereat in the Property,Lertder may In its own dfacretion,but without ob�igetlon to do
<br /> ao,and without notice to or demartd upo�T►uetor and without releaalrtp Trustor hom any ob�ipatlan,do any aat which Teuator hea
<br /> apreed but tai�a to do end may alao do any other aot it deema necesaary to protect ffie seaurity horeof.Trustor shail,immodiately
<br /> upon demand therotor by Lender,pay to Lender atl costeand expenaes irteurred and eume expendod by Lertder in conneation wlth .
<br /> ' the exerclae by lender of the torepoing riphta,toeether with Intereat thereon et tho deteu�t rate provlded fn the Note,whiah ehalt be !
<br /> added to the indebtedrteaa seeured hemby. Lender ohaii not Incur any �Iability beceuae o!�nything it may do or omit to do ,
<br /> ° ° herounder.
<br /> �.
<br /> , . _
<br /> .,
<br /> � _ —
<br />