.i . .. . � Ill�li �"�r �:�.1'��((.,' . . . . _-
<br /> .�� ,..�.,.�'��Q' t Mh'�'- . _ _ • .-_ -
<br /> ' "' , . . .. ..
<br /> , .r, �.�. ' I I, v i� � -. .. ..... .. __ _... _.
<br /> _'__.' . � '�s,�� . Y��.:-,-:_ . —
<br /> .. . ., i ., . . �.,-�.�,1_ ?r..,,�.e:s..r_���--------- — ----------
<br /> _�_. —
<br /> ._-��w�v��� .Y ' _ ----_—__ ^ _—___.____.
<br /> . 17. T�nslor of t� Prq�rty or a �rtMa1M I�Ko�ot !n sarra�r�r. it�a eny��rt ot u�• �op«�r a
<br /> - - - .ny intau!in u It satd or aanet.trYe(«M .tr.n�Acw ht�rae in eormww b .aa or thn�tKna.nd eo�awK w na�n�uxN
<br /> °��-���,�,�.ay�;.+. • p�xton)witt�out L�nd�o'�prlar wrN.ten aoasenL lend�►rt�ay,at It9 optlon,t�quk� Imm�Wto piymeni In fuN at s!sums e�cur�d by .
<br /> ".� �_"4,�s,, '. thls 8ecurtly Inatrum��L Mlaw�tar,4hts apIlon ehnii rtat ba ex�vc.3ed by lender If exorcEse ls prahibftcd by tedarnt Inw nn r�!tha �;:�----
<br /> . - . �s , dite ot thle 3ewc:4y Mabumer►t ---
<br /> 8 l.a�d�r�crdsa thl�opUoe,Lendw ah��fre BaRaw�r eotta�of aec�{eration. Th�oatico eh�M provid��p�lod ot nert
<br /> ,,. •, . .,,. , qss than 90 daya irom th� d�t�th� notk:s b deWxed a rn�Gwl wNhin whiah Baroww muat p�y vl sums ��cured Q�y thh(�
<br /> " �^� • S�aidty Instrum�nt. If B�ow�r trib to pay thas wms prla to th��xpMatlon of thb pwbd. Lat�r m�y inrok�+ny rwnadi�i�,
<br /> _ �. ,-� . . . P�n�lt�d by this 8�wrky�nsbumwrt wkhaut Nth�noUc�a d�nwr►d on 8anowK. # —
<br /> ' ':r._,�,:.,, ..,...' �, 18. Ebil�tt7C�'n 6�1�lIt S!� Faeltl�lCt�. If Hermrrer me� crrtn!n cen�(tlone, BoROwer shaN hars tt�e �M to A�ke� �__ - ..
<br /> � -";�;r,;;� ` mfaamNnt of thb S�cuUty Imtnttnnt dkeatlinu�d at arry ttms p�1cP to th� �Nu ot (U 5 d�ya (or sunh other p�rfod as0
<br /> �,,r._. . ...,;,i: �ppYa�We law msy sp�dy tor rdrtataternent) bloro eab oi the PropaAy Purawnt to arry power oi aaN conLt►�d h tht�S�curtty�T. _----
<br /> , ,:��," InavLmenk or N)e�►trf►at a judprnent enioreNp ifiu 3ecu�ity InaOu�nant Thoae con�tlor►e are that earower:(af Wri lendw all�r� =- --
<br /> � ,'� �' :. ';• sume whlot�then wouW be dus unda this Seeurtry InsUument and the Note as H no accdaa�on had occum�d: N)curos�ny�! �.—_
<br /> dKauh o!any other ooven�nt a�preementa�(o) WYa d e�enaes ineutred tn entardnp thb 3ncurlty InsOUrtisnf.hcNtdinp�� �'�^-°-
<br /> .��r." �. .� •� . ��, not dirdted to�niaaonabte attomeya'tees;and(� takes such action Qe Lender may raaombly rc�iro to aawre that the it�n o�� ���,-=
<br /> , ^�: . • thia 8ecurRy tnabument, Landde Aph4a (n the Propaty and Bortawer's obY�to pay the swro sewred Dy thb Seanily ��°---
<br /> �. .. , In3Uument ahat conUnue unahenged. Upon retnst�tement by 8ort�wer, this 3awdly Inatrument and ths oblig�Ua� aecu�ed -�-r-�--'°°'u`
<br /> � ", � ° ' haroby ah�t rem�tn tuy alf�adve aa H no ascderatbn had occurted. Howerer.thi��ipht to reinarite eh�1 noi eppy b the ass �----
<br /> a ,. of aceeteranon unda peragr�pb 17. E�'��V
<br /> � rr-,
<br /> 18. Sala of NO�t�; Chang� of Lofn S��'vlCrr. The No2e ot e a pulid Mterest In the Note (topether wttb thb ��°.''`
<br /> � . , � ',� InaUu be aold one or mon tlmes wlth�ut pdor noUce to Borrnwar.A sele mty result tn a change in the entiry �,~'�--`"J`
<br /> Secu�tY maM)maY ;�=�s;.z.�_:
<br /> � .. . ' (Imown aa the`Laan Servicet')that co�ects monthy paymarta due under the Note and this 8acurity InsriumeM. There atao m�y ' -';?'-{.
<br /> � De ona or more chsn�es of the Loon 8ervtca unr�iated to a ssle of the Mote. tt thare ta a changa ot the Loan Savicer, `f,f:,;.:-:
<br /> , Borrawar wW bo ghm wrlfien noUee of tha ctw�ge In aeeordence wfth pangraph 14 abore and appYcable iaw. The rtotice vr� �.�;:;>,�,
<br /> state the nsma and eddrosa ot the�aw Loan Snvicet artd the address to which paymeMs aboutd bo mede. The natke w�also � .
<br /> : `. contain arry other IntormnUon required bY epp➢mble taw. �
<br /> ` , , 20. N1�s#rdotts So�bstanqs. Borrorret ahal not ce�use or perrt�tt the presence, use,dtspoaa�, etorapp, or rolease ot �� .r'��^'
<br /> ,, af►y Harardous�ubstances on ar in!ha Pnoperryp. Bortower shaf not do,nor ailow anyone etse to do, anythhg altecUng ihe ::
<br /> ;.:�. ' Prop��ty that b tn v1o4Uon of azry Emiror►r�semal Lmw. The precemng two sentenoea ahe/�ot appy to the preaenee, uae, or �,;; . .
<br /> „ ° etorape on tha Properry of smaY quertitles of HazeMoua tiubstr�nees that are goneraty reeognized to be appr�opriate to nortnal c�;' .
<br /> residenUai uses and to makdenence ot the Property. •� �
<br /> Bormwe► shaN Pmmpty 91ve tender wrdten noUce ot any InvesttgaUon. cfaim� demand. tawsuit or othe►actlon by eny 3�°�, �,
<br /> r-=— govemma�tat or regulatory agoncy or prNate perty InroMng tha Propedy nr+d any Herendous 5ubstenee or EnvMonmentat Lsw at Y .
<br /> ° whtch Borrower hns actual krtowledge. M Bortower leama,or is notHied by r�ny govemmentel or reg�s�atory authortry,that any
<br /> - -- � remorat or other ren�atlon of any Hazardous substanca sffecw�g �raperty is necesseiy. Sorrower shaB prompity isice a8 ;- ,,_
<br /> neeessary remedial actlons in aecordenee wlth Emdronmer�i tav�. �.�',.
<br /> " As used tn this petagrepfi 20.'Nazardous Substance.s'are those substanees deftned as toxla or hatardous subsffinces by •.
<br /> � Emkonme�el taw end the foDowing subs�r►ces: gasoltne. kerosene, other Aammable or taxla petroleum produds, toxla
<br /> ' • pesUddes and herbtcides,volatlle soNerAS, mnterEafs coMaining asbestos or tortneidehyde,and radloacdve mate�riats. As used in
<br /> '. ' pan�aph 20, 'F.r►v(ronmerrtel Law• m�ns federal laws and laws ot the judsdlctlon where the Property la tocated that relate to
<br /> . . health.satary or enrironmerrtal protecUon.
<br /> � �., NON-UNIFORM COVENANT3.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as toliows:
<br /> ..�� .. 21. Acc�laraHon; Romedtaa l�+nder ehall gtve nottas to Borwwer prfor to acceloratlon
<br /> . tollowing Borrower's broach o! amI covenant or agrosmeM In this 8ecurlty testrumsnt (but not
<br /> " �� � prior to accelerat3on under parsgnph 17 unlesa app�icabie law provides etherwise). The notice ';;`;-�•::
<br /> � ,, shatt mpscliy: (�� ths detaul� (b) the acdon requlred to aurs the detaui� (c) a data. no! isas than -��%�i��
<br /> SO dsya ircne the dade the eotiaa le given to eorrower, by whtoh the detault must be cured; and
<br /> �.� ,� �� (d) th�t failur� to cure the dotault on or before the date speaffled in the notice may resuit In
<br /> " acceler�tton of the sums secioreoi br this Security InstrumeM and sale af the Property.The notiae ,
<br /> �• shali fiurHtsr Infor�re Borrowe� of ths NgM to reinsle�te sRer aceeleratton and the rlgM to bNng a
<br /> " " aouK aatlon to �sa�rt ths �on-e�datenae of a defauR mr �ny ather def�nae a! 19anower to �
<br /> aeeeten�4on and salo. tf the default is not eured on or batore tho date specifled ia�4he notica.
<br /> �� �'' L�nder a!its option may roqn9re immediade payment tn iuil of att sums ssaured by thie Securit�
<br /> � ���.:�..
<br /> �� "''t'"' � instrumsnt rvithout turther ciemand and may invoks th� power of sate and any other ramedtea
<br /> ;• , '`���`%�'�'��; permitbd by applieable law. Lsnder shall bs entWed to aoileest ali ex�tenses ineurred tn pursuing
<br /> .��..�
<br /> • f's�f�'`�'��'�' tho remadlos provtd�d in this paragraph 21. including� but aoi Itr�ttod to, reaaonabie altorners' �
<br /> ,.:;�,,�,�,:..:.. . �
<br /> �� ,,;,:, fees end coste of titie evidence.
<br /> �';;�t If th� porrer of sale ts imroked, Trustee shail record a notice of detauit tro each coanty 6n
<br /> ' �,-.... � � � which any part of ttw Properiy is tocated and shall matl coplea of Quch noilae in the mannar �
<br /> � ' �f'� proscMbed by applicabia taw to Borrower and to th� other persmna presc�ilaed by apPficebte Iaw. '
<br /> �`�'''�;`''�� ARer ths time e�qutred by applteable Eenn. Trustee sha!! gtvo public nottce �sale to the persons
<br /> ,.��,.,.... ., . �
<br /> �������"��" and in tha manner prescrtbed by applic�ble law.Trustee.without demand oa Borrower, shall sall �
<br /> ,���'`�� ;<;;�� �
<br /> � , the Properly at pu611a auctian to the highest bidder at tho time and place and urtde� ffie terms � .
<br /> � desfgnat�d tn ths no�ico of sal� tn one or more paraets and in amr order Trustee detorminea �
<br /> �� '. Truates may po�tpono sWa ot afl or any parael of the Property by pubtic announcement at the �
<br /> ''t'."` , tima and place of anp prevlously scheduted sala. Lender ar its deaigrtee may purchase tho �
<br /> Proporly at a�ry eale. ;
<br /> � � U�on receipt of p�nmorK of the price b1d, Tn�stee shail detiver to the purchaser Trustee's �
<br /> - ,. � aaeti conveying ma Propeny. rne rocitais in me Tn�scee�a cised snaii eie prima iacie evitience ot --'-'`
<br /> �`'� � the M�th of the statemorns made thea�eln. Twste� shall appfy the proceeda of the sale tn the '
<br /> i , follorving ordar. (a) to all aosls and expenses of exerctsing the powar of sale. and the sal�.
<br /> including the paryment of the Tn�sbs's fees actuatly incurred. no!to exeeed three
<br /> �, . 9b ot tho pdndpat amaunt ot the
<br /> � nots at the dmv of the d�clusRtan o! dvfault,and reasonable altomey's tess as parmitted by law;
<br /> „ �� (b)to all sums s�curod by this Seaue�ity tnstrumer� and (e) eny excess to ths peritoa or persoas
<br /> tegalty oMiNod to iL
<br /> _ � 6� ��
<br /> Ft316.lN:�(1?/93) Rige 4 at S
<br /> t
<br /> $EQ,i4 i.
<br /> I
<br /> .,. .. .. .. .... ° - - - - - -- -
<br /> .. _ �. _ ' _... ..i.—�'-.___._.._ . . -----.,� . . . ... ,..... . . r. .•. .. . _ � � - —'--- _---------------�
<br />