; •
<br /> a`rrhi�si s'r �,'�� � '1 ' � � .,� :.:� . . ,�yi
<br /> rt 1 r 4�, f ,,r,� � , ,., � .
<br /> , ..
<br /> ..,. .
<br /> • ,, • � ,.. ,
<br /> 1 . _.: .
<br /> 4� . ;., �. ' . _ . .
<br /> �. �h � ii�a rt . _ _
<br /> : , ._..._..-_. —
<br /> _. . ."
<br /> :..._ , t.qeani^nav:.rr-��.---_.
<br /> �.. — —°-��___....—...___----
<br /> �-__4__ �L---
<br /> • eo�ow�m.y our��,d► . d�,x «�a r.n.ac.,w provldrd in p�rrpt�ph 10, �► aw,� a�. .�ao�or aoc..ar�q.w a• ,
<br /> - - --- ' d�n[ss�d wMh e ruM��thd,h trndwY O�d t�llh ddiwmbtlion�PaoMidM IoM�iWn a!th�8onaww'�Int�rat h th�P�npwly ar .
<br /> FR oihw nrt�tb�!knp�kmmt at tho!Nn crnt�d by thi� 8�cudry tnehumw►t or lmdK'a��cw4ty htu�et Bortoww wriW�ho 4�(n �
<br /> ''�-�+��� detwn H Bo�rower,dutkip thd loan appYcatk�n pror,eae,pevo materiaAy t�3s�or{n�caerate Nifamatla,�or�sMtemaite to Lenc)cr(or _--
<br /> .'�"� t�iNd to provtds Undn wN!►iny m�t�al Ma�trudtan) fn co�nicUan wHh lh�toan avktnncod Gy the Not�. Includinp,but not
<br /> -- - — Nn9bd to. pprnattations oa►amlr+0 8arow�fs oocupanry et th� t�opMty u � pnc�i�J �NW�na�. N thta got:�xity(�
<br /> In�Lum�nt ia on �Mni�hotd,Borroww shW com�ly vdM d th�provkions af ths Nas�. 1(9arawu aequlns tM dtl�ta th��.
<br /> r-----d—� prop�r:y,th�lwe�hoW�nd th�t�e Utl��hd not m�rp�uniws L�ndw�pr�N to th�n�pw M artlihp• —
<br /> Utl
<br /> .� 7.ProtNStlon o!LMdN'a Rlpht� 1�tIN Prop��ty�.B Barowr tY� to�rloem th�oo�rrnante�nd ayrwrmnts �
<br /> oonuined In thts 3�air(ty instiuma�� a th�n ta a t�i procMdhg ihal rtwY sk�►MbantlY aVoal4�nd�r's dghtf irt!h�Pir
<br /> ---- (�uch as a proe«dinp in b�niQUPtaY. pro6�t�,tor eond�uttion a talNdrn w to mtorq Isws or n�latlona)�th�n L�►dee
<br /> � do�nd pay tor whttwer ts rteceasary k pmted:th�vdue of the Proyaty and L.�ndar's�hb in the R+�erty. Lander'e sctlan
<br /> may Ir�dude payinQ any aume socured by s it�n whloN hu p�iafry ov�r thle S�cu�ify Imtrumw►��ppwrir►0 In eouA, WIAn .
<br /> . rouo��bN attomy�'tt�n�utd ar►trYtp on the Propaty to m�ics np�ks.Althauph Undw nay t�lce aellon und�r thb P�Onp
<br /> 7.leedar doa not heve to do so.
<br /> - •; � '� Any umounta dlsburaed by I.ertda under pare�raph 7 abaA becoma addiGontl debt ot Borrower sacured by thla 3eo�� --
<br /> =�•�'� � Inatrument. Unleaa Bortowa and l.ender agree to oiher terma of paym�d, thaas emou�a a�W be�r htaest ham tho dW ot __ _.
<br /> ��x � disburaemetn at tAe Note tete�nd ahal bs pzyable,wkh krterest.upon rtatbs hom Lendet to Banower►equeadny payment
<br /> . , ,�'1��7
<br /> � , 9. Mottgag� In�urnna�. tt lenda tequked mortpsye insurnqce ae a eondKtan ot r�kiny the Ioan secured by thts
<br /> �'�' . ., , "�'�';f: , Seourily tnaCut�ord.Bortorrer ehap pay the prcmlums�equirM to rt�hUh the motty�ye Inaurnce b elfeat It, for any reaaon�the --
<br /> � ,,��''�"�',a'7��„w moRSaye Insur�nae eavewge roqutred by Lendat Upses or eeases to be In elfecl.Barrowa►ahal pay the preniuma requked to
<br /> , ";!y'�; � obWn aovenpe aubaUntWy equMakat ta the matgape bauranoa pnvlauay in effect. at a coat subatendeRy eqotralent to the „f,
<br /> �N��4, c�t to Bartower o! the mortpa�s hauAnoe preriaualy h et(eat, irom an tltemate mortg�ge inairor approved by lander. If
<br /> , +.sl.,��;� • subshntLly equM�bnt mortg�pe Msurmce ooveraye b not ava3l�ble,Bonowor atutN pay to lender aab motrth a sum equal to -
<br /> .:�c�;:�-.!'.. _ _--
<br /> ��;7��:,; li .t�n^ O1I$�W�I1 O}tlle Y�Y�9i0e tnaurertca pretr�ium befnq pai�6y 8orrower witen tf►e Y►sur�+tae ca�erage tepaed or oeased to °
<br /> ....;�:•}iytii: be h etfeet Lendx wil accep� use uM �etsb�tl►ese payrtienta as a toae reaenre in�eu ot mortgnge inaurance. Loss resave -_
<br /> � ,.��>''���'+; � payments mwy rto longer be requked, at tha optlan of Lender.If mortgiga Mauranae oovarsge(in the emourtt and tor the perbd
<br /> �' .•',�,. thet L.e�der requiros) provEdzd by an Imurer approved by Lender egdn becomes eraRablB end is obtairted Borrower sheli pay �'
<br /> 'it��...:�.;:;,�.';�,�',:;� the prenrums requted to mdnt�in nwAgage inawman in dfed ot to provide a loaa►eaerve,unU the requkement tor mortgtge �;�"I'
<br /> � , :.,.�...:'��:„'' htaurance ends bf eecordenee wtth nnywrttten e�eement betwea�Bormwtx end Lender or appRoebte 4w. �`_
<br /> . {ri:;:•1; � -- -
<br /> ' •e- �,�f � �' - , 9.Ibl�pa�llon.Lender or Ite agait tn�y tneke roasonable ent�ies upon and fnspectfona ot the Property. Lender shad gtva ----
<br /> ..,; ' ' 8ortower natMe at tfie ttne of or prtor M an inspacdon spedfying rensonabte eause tor the kmpedion. �_
<br /> � •�• 70. Cond�mnaHon.fie proaeds of ar►y award or daYn tor demages,dkeet ot conaequeMW, in connex�ion w[tt�any =-
<br /> ' � condennatlon of other fek4�g of erry pert of the Propedy. or tor conreyance tn Ueu ot condemnWon�ere hereby assigned and ��-
<br /> . ^ � .,. she9 be paid w Lender. a -
<br /> � In the event of e tofal teldng of the Property. the proceads sheN be appUed to the sums seared by this 8sarUy g�-��
<br /> • instrumen� whether ov not then due, with eny eacess paisi to 8otrower. in the everrt af a peAtal taWng ot the Pr��pe►ty in whicA �,�=:
<br /> ;�- " 'z the tair merkd value M tba PropeAy imnedlitety betore the taWng is equat to or greater then the amouM ot the euma secured --_ .
<br /> �� " � by this Security Indtrument tmmedlatey betoro the teWng, uniess 8omower and Lend�r otherwlse agree In wrtting, the sums --
<br /> � � aeeured by this Securtry Instn�nent shei be reduced by the amouM ot tho proceeda muriipAed by the fofiowtng fiactton: (a)the '�!-�
<br /> �'����. .. , f;t,;;-:.
<br /> � '=::-}`r.;�; totel anauM ot the suma seoureci imrt�.diatey befom the taking,divided by(b)the tair ma�ket vaiue oi the PropeAy immedintey �._`�-
<br /> ' , "��� ' be(oro the teldng.My batanae ahs9 be patd to 8orrower. In the everit o!a partlat teWng o4 the Propedy in whioh the tair market ,.5;�`;
<br /> • � valus ot the Ptopetty immedfately betore the teWng Is tess than the amount o}the suma seoured immediatety betore the feldng,
<br /> :;� . � ur►kss Bor►owa artd Lender othe�wiae agree in wriW�g or unless apPqoable Iaw othe�aa provides. the ptoceeds shaU be
<br /> • ' , appSa+d to the surta aeoured by thls Seouriiy Inatrument whethet or�ot fhe sums ere then due.
<br /> �� . � ' it the PropeAy is abasdoned by BoROwa. or ii, eRer noUae by Lender to Bortower that the condetmor oHers to muke en
<br /> ' � . . � rmtd a aettle a olaim tor d�rnages,Barrower taYs to reapond to Lender wRhtn SD days eRer the date the notlae ia ghren,
<br /> Lpnder is authorized to wHed and apply the proceeds, at its option, efther to restoratlan or�epeir ot the Propedy or to the '
<br /> „ , � sums secured by thls 3ecurtty Instrument, whether or not then due.
<br /> ' 1 � • Unbsa Lenda and BoROwer otAeiwise agree in wdtlng, any appDcatfon ot proceeds to pr(ndpal shaq not extead or
<br /> � - ponpone the due date ot the monthly payme�►ta reterted to in paragraphs 1 end 2 or chenge the amount ot suah payments. .
<br /> ' � 11.Borroa�rar No! Reteal�s�; Forbearanae By Lsnder No! a Watver.6aena�on ot the dme tor payment or �
<br /> „ " � ., modifladion ot emoRt�Uon oi tbe suma sewred Oy this Security InstrumeM grented by lendet to any successor in interest of °�`
<br /> , � Bortowa shed not operete to retease the tiability ot the ortginel Borrowet or Botrower's suexeasare in interest. Lender shell not .
<br /> be requked to oommence proceedings againat any successor in Intereat or rofuse to extend tlme tor payment or athetwfse
<br /> "�; .. `� modfly erreortimt�an ot the suma aecured by this 3ecurily Inahume�et by reaeon ot any demand made by the odgtna�BoROwer or "
<br /> . - ----..- �• Barower's sucaessota in interest Amr forbearance by Lender in exeralsing any right o�remedy shall not be a weiver of or
<br /> ;-:.,,; preduda the mcerdse of ciny►tight or nmady.
<br /> � . 1Z. Suacossors and Ass[gns Bound; JolM and Ssverai UabiiHy; Co-signars.Tha coveoants and
<br /> \�� ° ageem�nta of this Security Instrument shall bind end benefit the euacessors and assigos of lender and Bortawer,subJect to the
<br /> `�'+ • �0 ° provistona ot paragreph 17. Botrowera eovenants end agreements ehell be Joht and severa� My Borrower who co-signe this
<br /> � A�'�..'.� ��
<br /> 4�';- 3ecurity Insirument but does mi exearte the Note: (a)is castgning thb SecurUy Instrum�t onty to mortgege,g►ant and convey
<br /> �r ° that Bortower's tnterest in tho Propetty under the terma of this 3ocurlty Instrument; (b) ts not personat obli ed to a the
<br /> �-_., . . ry 9� P Y
<br /> . ' •� . sums secured tsy this Securiry instrument; and(o)agreses that Lender and any othmr;Bortower mey agree to e�den4 modity,
<br /> , , `�� • torbear or moke t+ny a000mmodattona with regard to the terms ot 4hfs 3ecurfry Insdurrarrtt a the Note without that Borrower's
<br /> t�nserrt.
<br /> � n
<br /> � 13. �oan Chargea it me ioen secured by thls securt�y rro�r.lm�t fs su�ject ro a law wt�3ch secs maxtmum ioan
<br /> _ �, charges,and that iaw la t�elry interpreted ao that the IntereRt or a�'�m:u,un eharges eoAected a to be coiteded In conneellon `
<br /> wfth the foan exceed the perrtitted Iimda, then: (a)any s��n Aaan �r�u shall ba redv�d by the emount neoesaery to reduce �
<br /> � :;•.„ „ the charge to the pe�milted Nmi� end (b)eny sums ar�co�edrd hom Bortowet whleh exceeded permitted Iimtto wiU ba I
<br /> ; �dunded to 8omower. Lender msy choose to meke thf� n�!t�ii�!by redudng the pdndpal owed unde�the Note or by maidng a
<br /> ' . �ed p�yment to Bomawer. If a reNnd reduces prkicipal, the red�st3sn wfli be treated ea a pardet prepeyment wRhout any
<br /> prepayment ch�rge under the Note. j
<br /> � ' . . "� 14. NO'HC6&My rtoUoa to Bortower provided tor in tbls Secufiy Insbument aheli be given by deliraing it or by mailing ft (. ,,
<br /> • .
<br /> '� ' - by fcs!dasa m�➢unlass epp9aabla law requkcs use o4 dnother�nethod. Tho notice�hatl bo d6oated to tt�o Properiy Addresa :.•�
<br /> _-`_ �-- -----------'-- m stnr o�ea a�rus Bnrrower drslmutes bv notis:e to Lendee Anv nnfice tn len�er shog !�n akon hv&st dass mau te '--,--
<br /> ' lendef's address stated hc�rch or any other address Lender destgnate3 by noUce to 8ortrnver. My nottce provtded tor in this
<br /> � Searr'.iy insWment ahal be dc�erned ta Aave heen ghren to Borrower or Lender when glven es pro�fded In this paregraph. I
<br /> •' 1S. Gavemtng L.aw; Ssv�r�blltty. Thls Seaufi�l Inafitment shnll ba govamed by iedera! Iaw end the law of the I
<br /> Jurlsdlctlon In whtch the P�opdy ts loceted. In tho erent that any provi�ton or dause of lhis Secwiry Instrument or tho Note ;
<br /> ` ` ' eanlgds with eppYcuAb t�r,Buch eon6et ahaY not eNect other pravisfons ot this Secut[ty �netrument or the Note whteh can be �
<br /> V• , ' gNen edect without the eontYctirtfl provlsion.To thb ertd the provistons o}thSs 8ecurily InsUurrtent and the Note are decinred to .
<br /> " , be awenbk. •
<br /> " b& �O�rerirsr's COpy. 8omower ehaY bo gMm one contorrt�ed copy ot tho Noto end of this Seeurtty Instrurt�ent. ;
<br /> J � �w' I ..
<br /> .n F131d.Wld(1ZJ91) vaQe a m s � r�
<br /> �
<br /> , � �� �
<br />