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<br /> ._, Upon acdpt ot p��mcet bt the peice bld� Teustoe shall deliver ro the punhwcer Tn�stce's dced co�+vcying the _
<br /> Pro�tty. 'ihe rer[tsle In thc'6'a�stee'R deed sholl be primA feele eyldencc of the truth of the statements n�ude thcrein.
<br /> Trastte r�ItAll wpply the procteds ot IEte ratie In the fa�luwl��ar�lers(a)to AU ca5tis an�1 expct�aP exerctsiit�tt�o�uwcr o�
<br /> �le,And the r�le,lucludhtg tAa{wyment��t the Trastee'A fies actually lixurred,noY to excced `%p
<br /> ��t tlre{wincipal wnuwnt oP the note at the Um�ot Ihe dect�rutton ut detpult,And r+exsc►nahle Attorneys•fees a9 pern�itted
<br /> by law�(b)to�II�sums�:cured by this Securtty Ir�trurneat;ansl(c)any cxccs.c to the pensan or pe�son.9legpily entlttrd to
<br /> It.
<br /> 2t. RenanveyAnec. Upon payma�t of ali sumy secured by this Srcuriry Insecument, l.ender shai! request Trtistee;t::to
<br /> rtucmvcy tho Pruperty a[xi s8ait surrcndcr this Security tnscrument artd ult nutcs eviderning deL-t s�urcJ by d�is Sc;curity �
<br /> Instrumcnt to T�usta�.Trustee shall reconvcy the Praperty withoux warranty and without chargc ca thc persun ar persons legally
<br /> entitled ta it.Sucti person or persons�;hall pay any recordutiun costa.
<br /> 23. 5iub�tllate Truatte. Lcndcr. at its option, muy from time to time remuve T�ustec:uid nppoint a successor trustce ta
<br /> nny Trustee nppointcd hercunder by un instruinent recorded in the cuunty in whIch this Secueity instrument is recarded.Without
<br /> convcyancc of dte Property. the�uccessor trustee shall succced ta al!the title,power utxl duties mnfernA upon Trustee herein
<br /> und by applicable l�w. ___
<br /> Z4. Reqvsest fur Nottces.Borrower requests that copies of the noticcs of dcfauit and s;sl�He ,ent tu Durrawcr's addncss
<br /> which is tho Pro3xrty Address.
<br /> 7.�. Rtden9 to thl�Securily.�nstsument. If one or more dders arc execated by Honower nnd rocarded toSetber witb this
<br /> Security lnstn�rnent.the covenants,pnd agreements of each such rider shall be incorparated jnto and shall amend and supplement
<br /> the c�ovenants nnd agreements of diis Sccurity Instrument as lf the rider(s)were u part of this Seeuriry(nsccument.
<br /> [Check npplira'ble bax(es)j
<br /> �AJjus�uLie Rute REdee �Condominiurti Rider (�!-4 Fam�lly Rlder �--
<br /> ��raduated Pay�nent Rider 0 Plaaned Unjt Development Rider �Biweekly Payenent Rtder
<br /> Balloon Rider 0 Rate Iraprovement Rider �Second Home Rider
<br /> (�V.A.Rider 0 Othe*(s)(specifyJ --
<br /> BY SICiNING BELOW.Borrower seccepts and agrees to the te�ms su►d covenants containeci in this Securlry Instrument und
<br /> in any dder(s)executed by Bor�ower artd recorded with it. -
<br /> Witnesses: �-—-
<br /> lScal) ---
<br /> . — •Borrowcr � --
<br /> . (Seal)
<br /> -Borrower p�.
<br /> (SCaI) (SEeI) �-�=
<br /> •Borrowcr -Bormwcr a�:..-..
<br /> �,.
<br /> �'7
<br /> S9'ATE OF NEBRASKA, HALL County ss: �=".-
<br /> 27TH JUNE 1994 �`-�-'
<br /> oi c g day of . . �_•:_:.
<br /> by �0���. �I���IFQ�Ii����R� �8��8��40 BACB Ot88R, ,
<br /> Witness m hand und notarial seal at ��� I SLAND, NEBRASKA in said Counry,the date aforesaid. `�
<br /> y �;�..
<br /> My Commission Expires: '-5i"
<br /> Notnry PubBc ,�
<br /> ,���°;:
<br /> �QNE�LMOTARYS�tlNMlDf�tli _
<br /> RAtiDr L SAIITHOFf
<br /> d�n.hPMr.�1�9�1
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<br /> Paco e o�s Form 3028 8180
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