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<br /> 17.Trsi�ier of the Praperty or a Bcneltelal Intcrest in Borrower. If nli ar un pnrt�o�f the Property ar any interes►in it
<br /> - is sold or tra�tsferrcd(or if a bcncficlnl intcr�t in Barrowcr is sold or trnn�femed nad�orrowcr ix nc�t o oaturol perEOn)without
<br /> . ��"'�`•.-�•��•�� l.cndcr':. prior writtcn consent. l.�ndcr�nay. iit itx o��tion. rcquirc imnzedintc paymens ln full of nll sums sccur�d by this
<br />--. Security Tnstrument. Huwever,this optlon shall not be cxcrcescd by I.Ender if cxcrcisc is prohibitcxl by fcderul law i4K uf thc dntc
<br /> af thts Sec�dry Iqstnsment.
<br /> If Lcndcr excrcises this aption,Lcndcr shall givc BorcQwcr noticc of:eccelemtlan.Thc natia:s}tall pmvide a perial of not
<br /> - - _-_= less thun 30 days fram the dntc the notice is deliverwd or rnat1�1 wtd�in v�hich 8unower must pay uil etams sccur¢d by this
<br /> Securlty Insuument. lf B�orcower faiis to pay these sumu priar ta the expiradon of this periad,i.ender may invakc any remeAieo
<br /> _ _ _ ___ ______� permtttud by this Sec�usity Instniment widiaut f�cther notice cir demaiad on Borrower. _
<br /> lg. �io�mwer e ltiRht to.ReltrsGtte. IP Bu��ruwer mocta �:crwiu rundltions. Ronotivrr shall have �he ri�ht ro havc
<br /> enforcement of this Sscudty Instruntent discontinued at nny time prior to the eurlier of: (a) S days (or tiuch other perlal tts
<br /> ��z applicable luw may spacify far reinsuttement} before sstle of the Property pursuant to any power of salc wntairtcd in this _ _
<br /> Securlty instrument;ar(b)entry of a judgment enforctng this S�cudty lnst�ument.l'hose conJitions ure thut Born�wer:(a) pays _
<br /> Lender ull sum.� whtch then would b�:due under thia Security Instirument und the Note as if no nccelerntion hud occu�red:(b)
<br /> cures any defuult of:uiy other cavenants or ugreements: (c)pays afl expenses incurrecl in enfoming this Secu�ity InstNment.
<br /> -_; including, but rtat limited ta,reusonable attorncys' fe�;suid(d)tnkes such action as Lertder may re:uonably requite to assure
<br />- that the lien of this Security Instcument.LenJer's elghts in the Property and Barrotver's obligution to pay the sums eccured hy �--
<br /> ,, this Security Instrument shall rnntinue w►change�i. Upon reinstatemcnt by Borrower, this Secudty Insuvment und the
<br /> �. ' obligatlons secured hemby shull remain fully effective as if no accc;leratloa had occurral. However. this right to reinstate shnll
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleratian urcder parn$mph 17. °-
<br /> .. 19. Sale of Nate; Chunse of I.oan Servtcer. The Not�or a paninl interest in the Note (together with this Socurity __.
<br /> Instrument)may be sold ane or more times wtthout prior notIce to Borrower.A sale may resalt in a change in the enticy(known __
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that collecGs monthly payrteents due under the Note and this Security Instcument.There also may be one
<br /> � ur more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the L,oan Servicer.Borrawer will be
<br /> given written notice of the change in accordance with paragcaph f4 above and applicable law.Ti�e nutice wjtl state the nnnze and -_
<br /> address af the new i..oan Servicer and the address to which payments should be mude. The notice will also co�win any other __
<br /> h.:�, , information required by applicable law. �.`=
<br /> �� �a*'�''�:���.�i:�'�� 20. Wazardous Substances. Borro�ver shall not cause or permit the presence. use. disposal, storase, or rel�use of any �,,�;-�
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nur :illow smyane else to do. unything affecting the
<br /> ..K•,a.'.���": ' ' Pmpecty chat is in violation of any Environmental Law. The prececiing two sentences shall not apply ta the presenee,use,ar ___
<br /> S�?�'� 1 starage on the Property of small qu�ntities of Hazardous Substances that :u�e genernUy reca�nized tu be appropriate to normal -�--
<br /> �;k-t*���+;,. F residential uses su►d co maintensnce of the Property. —
<br /> ��`�jW�;`., Borcower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investi�ation.ciaim,demand.lawsuit o�ather action by any
<br /> '�i��+��f-,; ;•,'�� 8 rY S Y P P Y E P rtY Y
<br /> � y'�"_�,�, r__t�, govemmental or re ulato a enc or rivate art involvin the Pro e and�n Hazardous SubsWnccr ar�nviranmental Gaw ,-��—�.�-
<br /> .��s�• •..�,: ��•-:�` of which Borrower hes actual knowlvdge. [f Borrower Ieams, or is �otified by any governmental or regutatory authoriry.that __
<br /> • '1�'•'' ' '., `` .,;ti' any remov�l or other remediation of any i�iazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower shall promptly tuke _
<br /> ��• _� :. a!t nec�ssacv remedial actions i�uccordance with Bnvironmental Law. _:
<br /> ;,�;;t�,° : :.;;:�.�5�nr As use�i in this pa�agraph 20, "Haxardous Sutr.•k�inces"are thase substances detine.i as coaic ar ha�:uctou� �ui.�tni►i:c.;by �_
<br /> .:,:,t.,_..;,, �, :;��,,�� Environmental Law nnd the following substsnces: gasolinc, kcrasene, other flammable or toxic petroleum Qroducts, toxic _
<br /> ��'f:'_.' ��,'.'.�:•:�`c:.� ; pesticides and herblcides,volutile solven[s,materials containin�asbesros or formaldehyde,and radioactive mater�als. As used in �
<br /> "�.`�a:�''�`•�'',^;::;;:_ • this pattt�taph 20, "Environmental Law; means federal laws and laws of thc jurisdiction whare the Praperty is locuteci that ::_;�
<br /> . °:r""• .'', `�..; �t � retate to hcalth. safety or environmental protection. ,�-
<br /> f%ti .'� -� ' 'S:�� ..i'._,.._..
<br /> •� ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and L.ender further cover►nnt and agrce as follows:
<br /> ��-� ���4�'� '�' �. ( 21.Acceleratton;Remedtes.Leader shall give nottce tu BurruNer prior to acceleration following Qoxrower's breach .
<br /> - :i���w�-;�ti,r+�-���•- of any corenant or egreement In this Securitv Instntment (but not prior to acceleratioa under paragraph l7 unl�s ,;�:
<br />-. '.i.��fi:,t:,a.}�, '_.�:�• applicable law pmvides othenvisel. The notice shall s�(fy: (n) the detault; (b)the action required ta cure the default; «s;;�
<br /> -_rs;�, •r�.q�:-�� :' (c)a date.not less than 30 days from tt�e date the not[ce is given ro Borrower, by which the default must be cured;anci
<br /> ,°�?:ti;���c�:• ."•4's. (d)that�uilure to cure the defauit on or before the date specitied in the not[ce may result in acceleratton uf the sums
<br /> 'I�.r.Y • ��� " �
<br /> ��:�•••" � secured by this Secarity Insttvment aad sale of the Property. The notice shall further infarm Borruwer ot the ri�ht to
<br /> ,�,..�..,,�A,..;.::_��:.= �';
<br /> . ,�,:, `. reiastate after ucceleration and the right to bring a rnurt uctton to as�rt the non-rxistence oY u default or uny other
<br /> ?•. r'�'���.•°`- defense ot Borrower to a c c e lerat ion and sale. IP the default is nut cured on or before the date specified In the not[re�
<br /> ^*��►;�°�`•��" I.ender, at fts aption. may require immed I ate payment in fu l l o f u l l sums secu r e d by this Securit y Insttvment without
<br /> ^�^��MM��^^^•• further demaad und may inv�ke the power of sale and a�ny other remedies permitted by applicublc law. Lender shall be
<br /> Y.. ,. ,
<br /> ,_.n=;.;..;: •. entitled to rnitect all expenses incurred 8n pursuing the remedi�.w pmvided in this pura�;raph 21.indudina,but not limit
<br /> �``" '''` � to,reaconable attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> , - '',,;, • [f thepower of sale is invoked�Trustee shall record A notice of default in each county in �vhtch any part of the
<br /> •%•��'•- Property is locuted and shali mail coptes of such nonce in the munner prescribed by applicnble law to Borrower and to
<br /> ��'��`• � the other persons pmscribed bY uPPltcable law. After the dme required by applicnble la�v.Trustee shall�ive pubNc nottce
<br /> ',. ` � of sale to the petsons and in the manner prescrihed by appltrnble lew.Trustee, without demund on Borro�rer.shall sell
<br /> ' `� "'•'�° ' ' the Pruperty at public auctton to the high�t bidder at the time end place and under the terms desiRnated in the notfce of
<br /> �ule ia one or mom parcels nnd in any order Trustee determines.Tru+tee may post�ne sale of pll or nny purcel of the
<br /> � Praperty by publtc unnouncement nt the time and plure of nny previously ccheduled sule. I.ender nr its dctiignee may
<br /> ,,; , '� ,., ' Purchase the Property at any saie. -
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