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<br /> t�lor�ov�r. �Ncartq�qor h�r�b� cod�n�n4� and �gr��a witl� Mortg�pss� It�
<br /> �ua�¢���or� �rd se�lsn�:
<br /> � 1, Nort�a�ar �htll (�) promptty npair� r��tor�, or robut6d �ny bulidinps or
<br /> - Improv�nnrt� now a► h�r��lt�r an th� P��ml��� whloh msy b�oom� d�m�p�d o�
<br /> d�a=roy�di (b) kstp s�id Pnmlt�f In Qood oar�dl4lon �nd np�ir� witho�t wnt�� �ed _
<br /> :;;'�------ — irN irare m�oMnio's or otMr II�M ot alatMS o� IUn noY �xp»esfr �uix�P�11�a4�7 Qo 4i� �
<br /> ' , U�R th�noti (01 {��y whm du��ny Ind�bt�dn�se wt�loh m�y b� aavr�d by � at�n or
<br /> " � oh�trp� on th� Pt�mit�� ��p�rtor to !h� Il�n h�n�f, and upon ��qu�st �xhlb(t
<br /> srtistaatory �vid�na� ot th� di�oh�ra� of auah p�lor ll�n to IAortqspN; (d) oompl�t�
<br /> wNh(n � r�noMbt� ttm� any bultdlnp ar bultdin�� now or at any tlm� In proc�t� oi
<br /> . �nation upon ��Id Pnmta��; (�) aomply with atl nqutr�mont� o� t�w ot mu�lolp�l
<br /> �a� ordlnanca wllh r�tp�et to �tnd tM us� tMnot; (n mek� no m�btlAt dtsratlarl� In uld -__
<br /> �,�- Pnmis�s�xa�ept ss nqnfr�d by ivw or munloip�! ordUsnar. _
<br /> 1. �. IAoMg�Qor sh�tl pay b�fo�� any p�n�it�r �ttaoh�s ati p�rtenl ta�a, and
<br /> shsli pay �p�oi�l Nx�a� �ptciti ��ussm�nt�� wat�r chfrp�a. ssw�r Nr11IC� oh�np�s, ;,�„_,,
<br /> •� and all oth�r ohsr��s �a�inst th� Pmmta�s when du�, and �h�ll. upon wr(tt�n nqu�st. �
<br /> r. tumt�h to mon�A��� dupliwt� raa�lpts th�r�to►. To prw�nt d�hult h�r�und��. �;'�
<br /> Mortg��or shali psy In tutl und�r prot�st� tn th� manmr provtd�d by �t�tut�, any tax or �._.
<br /> a�s�ssmmt whloh Mo�tg�gor may d�sin to oont�st. '
<br /> �:--
<br /> ,�'c ;�=_
<br /> II ' ;' 3. In tha �v�nt ot th� enaetm�nt att�r this d�t� of any law of th� st�t� of ;;;:
<br /> NtbrtNu deduottng irom the valu� ot IRnd tor th� pu►pasts of t�xatlon �ny Il�n ;�Y
<br /> %": :� ' " j a the�eof. or Impostng upon tho Mortgags� the paymsnt of tita �rhoie or eny part ot the
<br /> taxes or ast�um�nta or eh�rg�s o► Ii�ns h�nin requir�d by b� paid by Mortpagor. or �°l�
<br /> ,..,;r� ch�n gln p in en y w�y tM I�ws ntating to th� t�xatlon of mortgip�s or d�bta s�cund by
<br /> ` ,` �`'�� •• :a� mort�e��� of th. Monaao..'s Inl�nst In th� prop�r4y� or the maanor ot aoll�etton of . "
<br /> tan�s. so a� to afMat thi� modga�� or th� dsbt sacursd hsrsby or th� hold�r thsr�of. �;�'
<br /> �`j y "b t th�n and tn any sual� ev�nt. th� Mo�t�tpor. upon d�mand by th� Mortgapa. �hait p�y
<br /> �w '�'
<br /> � �: �ued tax+s or as:�sam�nts or �eim6urse tA� AAorC�� ae thsnfor. provid�d. how�ver. -
<br /> � r�:.r:"..,
<br /> �'1�' - �•�;. that If tn th� opinton of eouneU for ths Mortgagor, (e� It might b� untewful to nqulro y__
<br /> �`;''�`;';,'�. � �� ��'�• ; Mortg�gor to m�k�such psym�nt or (4) the making of suoh peymmt might rmsult Int he ,�
<br /> * �!"��° � ^ •� tmpostEton o4 Inter�st 1»yAnd ths maximun� amounts p�rmitted by taw� then end le �ucM �:;
<br /> �' 3�,� . .. asta�l; !!s� !lart�s��a stlag sle4i. �� ��tl� �n wtltlRg given to ths Nortgsgor. to
<br /> �. ,��<�,,;�...�s'�� d�ctare all ot ths ind�bt�dneu seoured heroto to bs end beao�e dus and psyabls ' .
<br /> �K' �:'��:,,, .�.:4,..: ai�tty► (60� d�y�Mom tM 9ivin�of sueh eotte�. ;:,:�
<br /> .� .,. ., � .., :�;, , �
<br /> ��i'� #' "�'�'"' ��`"'`���' 4. it. by f�deral t�w o! ths taws af e�y stste having jurladlatton tn ths y
<br /> .. }�'^p .�'�'''io-',�I'. •. .
<br /> �� Promts��, any tex Is due or b�com�s clus In rospeet ot ths issuanae of the note hsnby
<br /> :`f1�,•:;�,5i 1i% :.... .._
<br /> '..,',..�9,:�,,,.- •:. •. . �eeund� th� MortQtpor aoveeent� and agreee to pey suah tex in ths manrter requirod
<br /> - "`"�"�"•N�r�•�"�•�•�"� by any suoh Unr. TM Mortg�gor turthet covenants to hotd harmtssa end egraes to i
<br />,;',. ^�Sa��,+�!e�►s+!�:rf+fi�,'' Indem�lty Alortgas�, and ths Morigages's wuao4ason or assigna agalnst anr tlabiiity
<br /> ,�;�+��w�.��,�.��Ly Inaurred by �euon ot the impoaition ot any tex on the isauancs of the nots seaured
<br /> • .� ' hsr.eby.
<br /> ' "�. .C't%'��r�•Fwu.
<br /> r.,. 'r;-�xr?;=:'';�"• 6. At �uch time es the Mortgagor la not in detault elther under the terms of
<br /> � �� �� `.�.;:�,;: ths nots secured hsreby or u�der !he terms of this mortgage. tfis Mortgagor ehali hev�
<br /> such prir!leg�o! maktng propgm�nts on th� prinalp�l of sald o�ots (in additton to the
<br /> ;��,:�-;iv�-�: roquired paYmmt�) as may bs provid�d In satd note.
<br /> ..�,�,,,:�!.i:�..�..-.�i�i}`N
<br /> � _._._
<br /> I,;- ,•�, ,;; 8. Mortg�gor sha0t kesp elt buildings end Improvemonts now or hereelte�
<br /> �l�'�'��� � � eltu�t�d on ths Premis�s I��ured egatnst loss or damege by tire� tigbtening, end
<br /> �_`�•;r `,:� windstorm und�r polici�s providteg tor paym�nt b y ths Insurenos companiss of monlea �,•�;••
<br /> � suHiolsnt ettha to pay the ca�t of replaaing or ropairing the sems or to pay In tull the . -
<br /> y�'����� �� indebtadneu seeund heraby, all U oompantea sett�taetory to the NloRgaga. under
<br /> `,��.. ..'•°�• Insuranw pofialss payabl�, In caa of loas or damag�, to Moetpapee� sueh righto to be
<br /> � eridane�d by ths stsnderd mortgage cieu�e to be ettached ta esoh poltoy, and shatt
<br /> � ~n' �a " d�liv�� tll po�icte�. inciuding additlon�l renewal poliel�s, to ths Mortgage�, end in •
<br /> � �; � � cas� of In�uranco ebout to explro. sbalt deliver ronewal poltales not less than ten (10) ! '•
<br /> ._�f; � dsy� prior to ths r�sp�otiv� d�t�s or expiratlon. ����`�''
<br /> � :. 7. In oss� of def�utt theroln� Mortgagee may, but need not, meke any �
<br /> .���,. .. � paym�nt or p�rtorm eny act heroinabovs roquirod of Mortgegor tn any form and manner I
<br /> �_ '.. . f
<br /> �. `,, . 2 �.
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