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<br /> MQRTQAQF,
<br /> ` �Nt8 MORTQAGE� m�d� an Juty 1� 1���. b� and b�1wNn RAx 8.
<br /> - C�rpent�r� (th� Mortye�or)� wh�tE»r on� or m�n, ot Grand Island, Ma16 County�
<br /> - - - N�br�ak�� and ��rp�ntsr Cars, Ino„ tmrm�rly Pratrl� Oatsun� ino.. (the
<br />- -------- L•�rt����D, of �r�inA lrtend, Nell Co�anty. N�braske. , __
<br /> WITN8S9ETH:
<br /> � THAT WHERBAB� th� Yort��gor I� justty lod�bt�d to th� IUort�tpN __
<br /> � upon tht In�tdim�M not� ot ev�n dat� henwith, lo th� prinoipal sum��b!rtto
<br /> �ix Thau�snd Orto Hundnd Thirty and No/100 Dofiars (5�.1$0•0�) P T
<br />_>, the ordir of and d�Nv�nd to Motl,�ag�, In and by which nate the Mort�sgor =
<br /> :i'I proml��� to pay th� s�id prinaip�l sam and InUr��t at th� rat� and in �
<br /> I Installr+►�nt� �s provid�d tn sald not�, with a ftnei paymeM of ths bat�nce du� on ;-�
<br /> July 1� 1989. and dl oi wld prinoipd �nd Int�r�st ar� mads piyabls at such
<br /> •�r ptac� as tfis holders ot th� nots msy. t�om time to time� In w�ittng appoint� and �
<br /> in th� wbs�nc� ot �uch �ppointmmt, then et ths atfics of ths IlAort��gee at 2�2 ".:�Ef'
<br /> Di�r� Av�nu�. Grand Island� NB 88603. �"�°
<br /> . �:,:c'
<br /> •. "�r°r:t�;;��:�; .
<br /> �'4!Y
<br /> �, �;�:•� NOW� THEREFORE, tha Mortgsgor ta seouro ths payment of said �����-
<br /> , „'�,�,'���""��� ��: princtpai sum ot mort�y and �id in�Rr�st In accordance with the terms, ��, .
<br /> � � provialons� and iimltatlons of thia m�rtqraga, ond ths performance of ths ��`,��
<br /> ; �=�#�i;��-� cov�nants �nd agr�+rm�nt� her�in cortLmin�d� by the Mortgaflor to bs �., _
<br /> � .�-� � p�rtAnnecl. and at�o In consideratlon ot tfls sum of Forty-stx Thowend Ons
<br /> � ��;r '� �" E� Hundrad Thtrty and No1100 Oollt�ro (546.180.00)� In hand paid� raceipt of which �
<br />.. ;�rta[�tfY ��'.•fi:�ch!'�;..a• '��
<br /> � is hereby ackrtowledgad, doss grent, barAetn� aell� and convey unto Mortgages. {�_
<br /> �'�'`''� ' �� ' its su�eesso�s and asdgns. torever, the foll4wing dsseNbed �eal estete (the
<br /> , . . "pr�misrs") sltuated tn Hail Cou�t�h State ot Nebreiska, tawit:
<br /> . ." Lots Ons (1)� Two (2)� an�0 Titree (3)� Commonwealth
<br /> �'- - ° g������ p�;� �e��h Suh�iviston, Qrand letand, Halt �°
<br /> ,...� ., . : , _
<br /> . � County� Nearaske, '
<br /> � .
<br /> ��.�': .�•, � � TOOETHER with ail eppuKenan�es thereunto betonging or herestter „
<br /> � appsrtsinlnq, atl homeatead nnd exemptio� righta, and other elaim at taw or
<br /> ��~�"" � equity� as weli as any atter aaquirs� titl�; and .
<br /> .�.:ri,��`�`. .. ` '.
<br /> F�,�..�' ,,..:�.. . ..� TOQETHER with alt improvement�, tenementa� easements, fixEures� and
<br />- :;,.1 " • appurtsaa�ces theroto belonging, end ail rents� Issues and proftte thereof tor • .
<br />" .4:�„��,�. . ..; , so long and durlRg all sueh ttmes as Mortgagor mey be entRled theroto (whieh
<br /> � ��^�����-� �•• aro pisdged prinearlly and on a parify with sueh real estats and not sacondarity)
<br /> �? _,;���:�.,`_� ' - and d� epparatus� equlpmsnt vr arti�las Row or hereafter theroin or thereon „
<br /> ` ��`1=a.,;.�.� ' . us�d �o supply hsat, gas� air condi4E�ning� water� Iight, power, rof�igeration
<br /> ,; -`�=�Y•:�t�`�. • (wl�ether sUgfo units or sentratty con�roiled)� and vsntilation� inoluding (vnithout
<br /> f'•""�^'�'°' '"��'�;� rostrioting the toregolrtg)� aerevns� etorm doors aed windowa, iloor coveringa,
<br /> � "�""�' ` "`y'�`�'"' awninA�, �tovea, water heats�s� piumbing tizturos, eabinets� end all other
<br /> � ��'{.-'�� � fixtuns. Atl of the toregolnQ ers d�clarod to be a pa�t of aaid �eat estete
<br /> � . .;,r.r. �. �
<br /> -��;�� >� �.,: wheth�r pAyatcatly attaahsd t�abreto or not� end it is ageed that att aimiler
<br /> � �,.�<_;, . appara3us, equipment� or artieles hereefter placed in the Promisos by Mortgagor
<br /> , or Ib auccesaors or assigns aheit b�3 considsrod as constituttng pad of the �eat
<br /> '`':� � :.. `. est�te.
<br /> � � y''�` TO HAYB AND TO HOE.D tho P�e�niaes unde� the Mo�tgagee� and the G
<br /> ; ���;�� � . � Mortgages's suaceaaors end assign�. torever, for the uses and purposea herein I
<br /> : .,�. „ , provided. � '
<br /> :�, �' .. (.
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