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<br /> _ '�°'°�'^xi • {�cr[uAs that I,cjtdcr n:t�uir��i. Tit::io4uraaco cnrricr�sr�►virtii�g t0�c:{nsior.ns r.tif�nll{x;ct�u::cu ,y !��!;s��u�i�a-ri;ti..�: i :cndc�rS► —
<br /> - ---- a��rovx!whFcD tihaU izut t►c anirnsuunhly withhstQ, iP lla�m�wcr fidls tn�rtnintnin ci�vcrngc cic�crllr:tii at,�mvc.l.cndcr inuy.�u
<br /> — LenderH�ption,obtein covcn�c ta�ir�►tcct I.en�kr�►rightw iu�he F'ro1x:ny in ac��jrdnnce wi�tt paruF�a�t►,7,:
<br /> . All in�urrrtct pullclas at►J anewuls Khall be uccc Nubla to l.c�xkr an�!�haU Inrludc n t,lnndard rrua�l�y�y,o ctausc. t.cndsr
<br /> Ft�alt havc tho right to hu,(I Ih0(AtI�C�09 tIQQ ICl1CWAI9. Sf l.cnder�cquircY,Hmmwcr ehnll ppnnptly givm�at i.cut4rr c►II rccelptA
<br /> of paid pnmtumb pnd oenewul no�icen. In tha avem af lo�x.Butrower Rhull givo pn�mpt nutice ta tla*tr�zuriuxe cwrrier und
<br /> — l.ender. l.cnder may mako hroaf of tnss iC nut muda pramptly hy Ilormwer.
<br /> • - �-- ----- -' Unlns Lcndcr and t3airowcr otherwiso agrcc in wridrtg,insnrunco pTOCecd�xhuil ho upplir�l U.+at�timttiu��ur��pair aP
<br /> the P�o�erry da�naged. if the restoration ar repnir i�econnmtcally fcasibie and L.endmk necudty ix�t lcssened. If the
<br /> �,• restoration or repair!s not ecurtomically feavtble ar LendcrH necurity wauld be Ies�Cned, the invuaan.Yr pmcctds Rlmll bo
<br /> applied eo tho aums recured by thin Secudty Instrumcnt,whether or not then due.wlth nny exceas y�pi:d to 8orrower. If
<br /> -��;_, Borrower n6�ndons tha Praparty,or docs not nns�ver within:i0 days a nodco from i.ender that the ietsumrtce currier hag
<br />-,`.k� offered ta settle a claim,then Lendet may collect the inswu�ce procecds. Lender muy use the praceeda�ta ropuir ar rcstore
<br /> _,� the Pnoperty or to Qay sums secured by tt�is Securiry Instrument.whethe►ar not then duQ. The 30�day pp�tiod will begin when
<br /> �� the nodce is glven.
<br /> Unless Lertder und Borrower otherwiso agree in wr�ting,uny upplicntion of praceeds ta pdncip�h,shatl not extend or
<br /> �' postpone the due date of the monthly payments�+eferred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the umau�l�of the puyments. if
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is acquiced by Lender. Borrower!s right to suty insurunce policieR ai.ut proceeds resulting
<br /> from damage to the Propecty prior co the ucquisition ahall pass to Lender to the extant of the sums scr..usd by tttia Secudty
<br /> : Instrument immedlately p�or to the acquisltIon.
<br /> 6. Occupancy. Preservndon, Malntenance urtd Protection oP the Proporty; BorrovreNa� Loan Application;
<br /> - I.eRSe6olde. Borrower shnll oceupy.establish,and use the Pmperty�g Hcirmwer?�pdncipal restdenc��within sixry days nfter .
<br /> • the execudon of this Security Instrument and shull continue to occupy the Property as Borrowev�pmntlpal rosidence for at
<br />- leasc one year after the dnte of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise ugr�ecw in writing, whickt�cansent shall not be
<br /> � '���'�� u�cuonably withheld.or unless extenuaUng circumstances exist which am beyonai Borrower's con3ro3. Borrower shalt not ---
<br /> a. �� :a�
<br /> desu+oy.damage or irapair We Property,al(ow the Property to deteriorato. or commit waste on the Ptaperty. Bomower shap
<br /> be in default if any foifeiture acrion or praceeding,whether civi!or criminal, is begun that ln Lenc�tvk Eocxi faith judgment
<br /> ,'•�'''��,��`• ` � • rnuid result In forfeiture of d�e Property or otherwise msteriaUy impair the lien created by this�Security Instrument or =—
<br /> ���'��f�•`�r Lender's security intetest Bornnner may cure such n default and reinstate.as pmvided in pamgraph�I8,by causing the action =_—_
<br /> }���i`` �:{ or praceeding to De dismissed with u ruling that,in Lender's goad fuith detemtinution.precludes fa:rfeiture of the Borrower's ��:
<br /> •�..,•.,; . ..;.. —_
<br /> ;;•���.,, interest in the Pra�erty or other material impairment of the lien c�+eated Dy this Secudty In�uumrnt or Lender's security �
<br /> ��' ";t��:' -:,,,.•:; ' interest. Borrower shall also be ia defuult if Borrower, during the lonn applicution pracess, gave materialiy fulse or -
<br /> ' � � ���"�,���; ,: 'f inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or fuiled to pmvide Lender with any mnteriul information)in connectian wtth �v,
<br /> �;�1,, � .�n the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, repmsentntions conceming Bnrrower's accupancy of the �;:.
<br /> `"� �.,�, ' � '' Fio�xay n�u pri���ip��e�Iat�n�-c. If tiiis Sctiwity I��a4�lciitiii'ta uti a kiueti'i�13.Sui�'ower ah31i Cu�up1}%i'vi"�s 1 dII IJI2 j3T3ii15l6iiS
<br /> . � � T j._t�,�..'�,. ��'���' of the lease. If Borrower acquims fee title to che Propeny,the leasehold and the fee tide shnit nos;merge anless�I.ender agmes �
<br /> ���.
<br /> •„'}1�`�*..:'�F;,;'.::t;Y� to ttte merger in writing. ---
<br /> � �� ' �;,:;�•�,.,�-, 7. Protectlon oP[.ender's Rlghts tn the Property. lf Borrower fails to perfasm th�r wvenants su►d Agreements �°
<br /> �k+;� °��,.,. -,.. _
<br /> � t. ,�:,3...;;,.,;,:,• conWiaed In this Security Instrument,or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly :tl.'Fect Gender's• rights in the ,-
<br /> -�;�=��.. ^"' •��' Hroperty(such as a pc+oceed{ng in bank�upuy.probate,for condemnntion or forfeitum or to enfaroe laws ar negulations),then °•� '
<br /> ''"�'' �`��' "' ° � � Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lerofi�r's righu in the Property.
<br /> -��.'�� ��...: '���� Lender's acuons ma incfude u m an �ums secut+ed b a lien which has norit over thi�Seciui lnstrumen�a n
<br /> ...o, rur . Y P Y� S Y • Y P � Y �3' PP�+� B ..,
<br />- $;� in cou►t,paying reasonub3c attomeys fees and enterin�on the Prope�ty eo mukc rcpuin.Althcr;rgh Lender may takc uction
<br /> �����'�-�= • urtder this h 7.Lender dces not have to do so.
<br /> '"�'"""'' My a�cnounts di�bursed by Lender under this paragruph 7 shull becomo uddttionul debt af Borrower secured by this
<br /> _� u*�.f v�,:4*
<br /> -'�� �;#�;'. .�;.;;�,±y, Securiry[nstrument. Unless Borrower nnd Lender agree to other terms of paymen4 thexe umowu:�shall bear interest from the ,
<br /> �.: �;w�-�-�� dut�of disbucsement at the Notc rate and shttll bc payuble, with intcn�t.upon notice from Letider to Bomower requesting
<br /> � .;�� PaYrt►��-
<br /> $. Mcrtgage Insurstrtce. If Lender reyuired mortguge insurunce us a condltion af malwng the loan securcd by this
<br />_ ,:�iyr;�,.,�.._:� . Security [nstrument,Borrnwer shall pay the premium� myuired to maintain the mon�ng� iawur.u�ce in effect. [f. for any
<br /> -.,,,-, �eason, the mortgage insuranee coveruge required by Lender lupses or ccases to hc in effect, Borrower shull pay the
<br /> �� �'��� .-:�I.:
<br /> �. . pcemiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalcnt to the rt�od�age insurance p�-�viousty in effect, at a cost
<br /> ;��•� substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the moRgage insuranc�previously in effec:t.from an ultemate mortguge
<br /> `"' i..:___._...'' insurer npproved by Lender. If substantially equivulent mortgagc insurariec coveragc is not aauilablc.Borrowcr shall puy to
<br /> - � Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage in�umnce pmmium Ix:iro�paid by Borrower when the
<br /> �"` �. '•• _: _ insur�utce cuverage lapsed or ceased to be in et't'ect. Lender wilt a�rcept,asc and mtain thexe payments as a totis reserve in lieu
<br /> + � �- of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer bc rcyuircd.ut the optiou of�ender,if mort�uge insurartce
<br /> � •, , coversge(in the amount and for the period that Lendcr r+eyuires)provideci by un insumr uppri�ved by Lendar again becomes
<br /> � available and is obtairted.Borrower shall pay the premiums requimd to maintain mongnge insurance in effect,or to provide u •�
<br /> � ,v . , loss ieserve.unNl the teyuircment for mortguge insurance ends in accordance with nny wqttet�agreement between Borrower
<br /> ' �,y• ":,-� and Lendcr or appllceble luw.
<br /> �;:.-. . 9. Inspection. Lender or its u�ent muy mnitc reasonuble cntries upon nnd inspe:ctionx of th¢Property. Lencier shull
<br />"j ' �• � °� �• - give Bormwer nodce nt the dme of or prior to:�n inspection specifying rcasonable oause Sar tlr�inspection. •
<br /> ::�„, , c LO. Coademnudon. The proceeds of any uwwd or cl:um for dnma�es,direct or con�eyueMial,in connection with nny
<br /> .�yt�{:� Jcgic im���i�--rmutic mnofflDOIC MitC UhIMUKM11VSlMUME(4l�•u1IqUIqll.UVCtt:713Ly YJ71U rpa,�e 3 o�e paRes►
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