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. �r,��Pl.7)•ubT!y���h' -c.;,a:�yY: . ' - � . - ------ ..� . <br /> ,� .. <br /> . . . . <br /> .�i� ,.��.. , . _.._ . ___ . . - <br /> ... <br /> .__. ...:.�-._:.1�.�. _ .....- — ... - <br /> __--�._, • _ ____ - . <br /> . _ j — _—... .._-. ____- _`— —__ :.. <br /> ••� - _��. _1 --- -� <br /> --.. .-----� - -- .__. -� --- . _ .._ • <br /> - ------� - � <br /> .- . ._. .. - . , . <br /> .. � � �4• �o:���.3 <br /> - ...- _-------------- — ---............._.:.... .. . ..--- ----- --...._..._ -- �--�------ •-...._.,..e__ ..,.,....�..._.,..�,,.._ ..� <br /> _ _-- - - - - <br /> Aomawer shelR Prerr�tly�.�ive Lenckr wRtten ncttix uf Any tnveeug�uon, civin, ua�u�,�. �p.•a�:•••••p••�• �Law <br /> govcmmenwl nr ngulttary�iency or private partX invvlving the Property and unp Haza�dous Subatanct or�nviranme <br /> uf whfci�Snrrower hus actuaf lcnawleclge. If Aanowcr learrps.ur ig notlf�ed by any gavemmenta!or rcguteWry�t <br /> '"�'�•_�'^#�� mry cemnval�r othcr rei�tcilic►tiw�atuny Iiw,ardons Subst,t�tr,c offcctinB dte Pro�►crty Is neccss�ry,Sarrower shall pram�Mly take <br /> cdl ns;ccssary remeAitil uctians in accorclancc with Epvira�tntcntal <br /> Ae ased in thi�s parag�ny h 20,"Wazaxdous SuhstanceA"arc Qiasc substanccs defin�d x�.9 toxic or Uu�Yrdous substauscy by <br /> ' Environmentai [.aw end the following eubstanaes: gusollne. kero.aens, other flam�able or t�axlc petrolcum roducts, toxfc <br /> pesticides and hcrblcidcs,volatilo solvents,materials containing asbestos or formutdchyde,and rndiolctive mAta�at�.As usod in <br /> - thla puegr�ph 20. "Bnvirannxntal Law" n�cana fcderal laws and luws qP the,jurisdiction where Rhe Property iR located tqpt <br /> -- - <br /> — relata to health,snfety or envlronmental rosectton. <br /> �-- -- - - _ _-' NON•tlAllPakll�l COVEiVAPITS. rrowe�aml Lc:tKicr 11�xdicr wvenanY uatd agrce ns foHosas: <br /> 21. Acceleratbni R�•1.ender shall give notic�to Borrowcr prlar Ro�ccelerntlon[olbwin�Bomowa's bracl� � <br /> __ --= qt any covenant or agmraent in thts Securtty Instrvment (but not prtor ta AeaderaUua under pAra�aph 17 unless <br />��- appllp+ble law pruvtdes otherwlsel• 'i'he n�tice shall specify: (�)the deta�iti(b)the action reyufred to cuce the defanit; <br /> (c)a rdnte,Rnt lesc ti��n 30 days trom tt�e date the c�ottoe Is gtven to Borrower,by w6tch the defaWt mnst be c�u+ed;ond <br /> _ (d) ttwt t�ilure!o cure tLe detault on ar befors the date specttted la tha natice m�y result ie�acceleradon oi the suma <br />___ — seeut�ed by thl�5ecw[ty.Instrninent and anle of the Property. The aotice shall tiuther inform Borrower oi the clght to <br /> -=-` reinstxte pfter acceteration iand the rlgl�t to bring a court actian to c�cert the noa�extsteuce ot a defAnit or any other _� <br /> -� defense ot Bosower to ea�elerattoa and sale.If the default is not ctored on or before the date spesified in the aotice, <br /> " Lender, at its optEon, ma uire immedi�te ent in full of�all sums secw+ed by th�1s Security Iastrument withaat. <br /> �:. pi��;:t;� <br /> Y <br /> ��.{#ti:� ;;. thrther demand and may inva �,the� ��ower o8 sa e aead any otfier rcmetlies permitted bY aPpdiWble,�atv.[.ender.shq114�e <br /> n <br />- �"'�,��1,, sntltled to collcd aU expar�4e.9 incurr�t!in q�w�u1�R¢4ie remedtes provtded In th��pa�ph���idcludin�,•but not IW�ited <br /> �', •/•'i�.�E,..,.. . <br /> , `"7�!!k:f`;<' to,cr.�sonAble attorneys'fces and easts oF title evidence. � <br /> ''� `h';''� U the pawer of sale ts invoked,l'rttstee shall t�ecard a aoNce of defnult ip each county ip whlch any part of the <br />_�• �, <br /> -� � � Psaperty ts Iocated stnd sl�aq mail capica of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower an to <br />.-,. <br />-: the other peisoas pracx�[bed Dy epptiatbte law.After the time required by appl�cable lww,Trustex shall give publEs ao ce - <br /> of�sale to thQ peesons stnd in the manner prescrtbed by applicxble law.Tr�stee.�vithotit demand on Bnrrower,shatl sell <br />- 1 the 1'mperty at pubitc aucNon to the hfghest hldder at thc time and place and under th�ternes destgiutted In the notia ot <br /> sale in one or more parcels and in s�ny order Trnstee detern�ines.Trustee may postpan�r�ale af all or any parce!af thQ _ <br /> Property bypu blic unnouncement at the time c�c�d place ot�ny prevkwaly Rchedulcd s�te. I.ender or Its desiRnee mwy <br /> : �� _ purchase the Propecty At any xa�e. __ <br /> _ Upon recetpt ot payment at the Q�ice bld. Truxtee xh�ll dell�er to the p�rchueer R'ru�tee'H d�d cunveying thr ._ <br /> � Pn►perty.The recttnis in th�Trustce'x d�rd xball Ae prima fucle evtdence ot the t�uth ot the wt�iementx mpdo thereln. _ <br /> • �.y'�.` � Trustce slwU s�pply the proc��ede ut thc Kulc In thc toltuwinp��rdcrs tai ta ail custs ond expen�Kw of cxe�clrinR the power ot __ <br /> �'�. �te�pnd thc xnle�including the ppyaient ot the Tn�stce'e fcc!►acitutlly incurred.nat tn excced the�of $50.00 or � r.� <br />- ���r;���....�4 ut the princlpW amount of the note ut the Nme ut thc declarutlon of det�ult�pnd�nable attomeyg' fi�xs permltted __ <br /> �.�. <br /> . „� _• ��'�-� -�._ by lawi (b)to e l l su m s.s e c u r e d b y t h l a S e c u r l t y I n rt r u m e n t;u n d(c)u p y e x c e s.s t o t h e p c r s o n o r p e e s n n s I�a l l y e n t l t t e d t� <br /> .,�— <br /> �.:��J!�Fp.r'., - <br /> ' ''�'�'-';` �'°� ��� 22. Reconveyence. Upon payment of all sums securcd by this Security Instrument, Lender shull request Tntstee tn =- <br /> `� �y���pp� ieconvey the Property and shull surrender this Security Instrument nnd ali notes evidencin� debt secured by this Security - <br /> �i 14 l�'� q'- <br /> � � �it'� T� <br /> .�::;,�'b�'Cr . insuument to Trustee.Tcustee shall reconvey the Property without wamu�ty and without chfuge to the person or persons legully �- <br /> ��`: '*��- entided to it. Such person or persons shell pay sny rer.ordatlon costs. _� <br /> ' ��t ?3.Subst(tute Tntstee. Its optlon, may from tlme to time remove Trustee and appoint a suocessor tntstee to ,_ <br /> .�� �r.y,�'�}I`'. — <br /> ,. ., �4F� eny Trustee appolnted h;.reunder by an fnsuument recorded in the county in which this Secudty Instcument Is recorded.Without �"�__ <br /> _ �:??�a<<�,' oonveyance af the Property, the sua:essor m�stee shall sa�to all the tide. power and duttes confened upon'trustee herein � <br /> .��.,��i and by applicable law. -- <br />- ,.,�,,::�,;�°" 24.Request[or Notioes�Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sales be sent to Borrower's address �-_• <br /> .:». ;�u�." which is the Ptoperty Addrass. �';; � <br /> '�" "' �`�' ?S.ltidetn to this Security Instrument. If one or more riders tuc executed by Borrower and recorded together with this ;• ., <br /> 7 ' e.rr�, �'"�x <br /> Security lastrument.the covenants and agc+eements of each such rider shail be incorporated into and ahall amend and suppfement �;';.;` <br />- ��= the covenants and ygreements of thls Securtry Insuvment a5 if the rlder(s)were a part of this Security Instrument. <br />_ ^ ''���,ti..,�KV; �Check applicable boa(es)I . <br /> {;:;�.�� `• <br />_ ".�,ix.::'�,/'��, <br /> T '""- <br /> '����" [�Adjustable Rnte Rider 0 Condominlum R{der 1-4 Fsmtly Rider <br /> ' �'�w��'f�'�''•`.' (iraduuted Payment Rider Planned Unit Development ItIder �Bjweekly Paymcnt Rider <br /> �:,,; ,. <br /> ' ' � ` '�,!��`' `r'' � Balloon Rider Rate Improvement Rider []Second Home Rider ' �" <br /> �� �'���` '" �Other(s)[specify� Home 8 uit Access Line Rider ` � <br />_ ~ ,,�;;'��`1t' V.A.Ridcr Q y <br /> �� ..Y���1r���.1•�+3T�. <br /> - 1 y� <br /> -, _ ..�.�.....'1 <br /> ' ..�..'r'Fi;��t N <br />-. �,,_ <br /> .N.��.,r.-f�.. <br /> `'_ �f°�,s,:: <br /> �j:•��•:r�=•= BY SIOIJIN(l BEL01V.Borrower accepts and a�rees to the terms and covenants contained in this Securiry Insttument and <br />�. ,��;::.�: <br /> :�;...'.,: <br /> ��yN"-'�;1:..�;::�_ in any rider(s)executed by Bormwer snd recorded with it. <br />�� , �y,"_ .. Wimesses: �,a,�ijZor.�r � <br /> W-".f�,',,;',��r;' _ (Scul) '. <br /> ';�;��.�.;i��..�• Lora Mae Findley •aorrower � . <br />_ -:.:. ., ;r.c,�;z;: <br /> `�r;y:�� (Seul) <br /> '�'^'"?� -Borrower . <br /> ,� 'rf�•::Gi1.YSY�.. • , <br /> ` ` ����� <br /> ��/ �,_ <br /> - • ' -Horrower -'esortowcr ;� - <br /> �: •. <br />_ .�;•�:: . . <br /> c; <br /> �'�� �''�'�" ` ' STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hall County ss: <br /> "`�'`' '� The foregoin6(nstrument was ar.knowledged before me this 15th duy of June � 1994 � <br /> � •;1�::;,.4,.;:�,::.L.. . ' <br /> "';:xY'`•",� ' ' by Lora Mae Findley, a eing].e peraon <br />_, ��"�:y"�°�`''''' ' Wimess my hand and notarial seal at Grand Is said Cuunty.the date aforesaid. <br />.. . <, ,.'•,h. .,'til}.., . � . <br /> a��,�;,;:;:h,,.��: . <br />'� . ,,`;t � My Commiasion Expires: 2�14�98 <br /> ,;:�f::. <br /> �'+•.;�y " Nomry Publk <br /> � s�i%���' ,,, � , <br /> _� a ������/1111NfOfIft/ <br /> � •. ��`.��;'� .o"„��; . � AUOREY L HOWARD � Pepo 4 0�a Form 302ti 8190 <br /> My Oonau.F�p.iea 1�.199d <br /> .> . <br /> �,�. ., �.> <br /> �i�_ . - - _ <br />