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<br /> ,�. , _ ..:.
<br />-- ..�., • � . _ �- . _--_
<br /> : ..,� . _.._ �
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<br /> - �� . --_-- - _...
<br /> � � _ _
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<br /> r . --- - —
<br /> - -- _ _ --- ,-- --- _ _ _ ._ ------ - .-- ,g4.» �,U;��� --
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<br /> - -- soii�isiiiai.�s'y-a::.�...����"•s�t•m�.availshle-HormweletiYll pa�n-1�lldsE.i,�l�m�th.r rWn o�ual ta ----_- _--
<br /> � � �neawettih of�a yearly mortgn�o inaura�co premium bcing p�{d by Hamower vJiten tho insurnna coverage la�ned or ea�ro
<br /> bc in effect. I.ender wlll acccpt.�ua w�d ret�in t�hese payments as a loss reserve in Ucu ofl martgaga lnsurAnca. t..oss rescrve
<br /> - _�„�,,,,�.� paymente niay na longcr be requircd.at ttic Qptton af i.cncler.if n�ortga�3e iusurunce cuverap,o(in thc am�unt and far the perfnd
<br />- diat fko�xlcr rcquiYC9)providccl by un fnsu�cr approvcd by i.cudcti�a�ain hccAm��s uvnilnbla und i�ot�tnir.ed.Borrov�cr shail �,ay
<br /> . � the prcmiums rc�Julrcd to m�intain mortgugc insurance i�i effect,or to provtde a l�se reservo.until thc ros�utrement fbr mottgugc
<br /> - ---= ' insuranco endB in accardance with any wdtten agreement betwcen Bonower and Lcsndar or applicabte law.
<br /> v~ — 9.Iaspectlon. l.cndcr or 1tR agent may make reasonuble entrira upon und inspoctiana of the Property. Lender shalt givo
<br /> - - - ---- Aonowar nodce at tht tfine of or prFor to an inspetdon spesifying reasonable cause for tlio inspectlon.
<br /> --�
<br /> • 10.Condemnatbn�The praceeds of eny awenl ar claim for daznages,dinxt or conscquenti�l,in cannection with any � _
<br /> -;�---—__--� condemnntion or oth�r ttrking of any p.�rt of the Froperty.or for wnveyance in i�eu of oondamnation,nre hereby�sslgn and
<br /> — ahalt ba�xfd w Lender. �
<br /> _:�� Ia the event of a totel taking of the Property.the proceede shal[be applied ta the sums sxurcd by this Secudty Instcument,
<br /> whether or not then due,with any excess p�Id to Horrower. In the event of a partial taking of the P�operty in which the fair
<br /> market value of the Property immodlately befare tha taking is equal to or greater than the smount of the sums secwed by thls
<br /> �urity Ic�suument immediateIy before the wking,unless Borrower and I.ender atherwisa agree in wdting,the sums secured by _—
<br /> this Securlty Inatnunent shalt be rcduced by the amount of the pznceeds multiplied by tho followIag fcactton: (a) the toial
<br /> amount of the sums secured immediately before the taking,divided by (b) the fair market valae of the Froperty immediately
<br /> � � before the takiag. Any balaace shNl be paid to Barrower. In the event of a psiNul taking of the Property in which the fair
<br /> market value of the Property immediately before the taking ls less thea the a�ttount of tha sums securcd immedird,�iy before the
<br /> . takfig.unless Borrower and Ixnder otherwise agree in wrlting or unless applicable law otherwlse pmvid2a. the proaxds shall
<br /> ,y.;i .;, be applied co the suma secured by this Securiry Instrument whether or not the sums are than dna.
<br /> �s���� � If the Property is abandonal by Botrower, or if. after nodce by Lender to Borrower thet tha condannnor offers to ma1Ee au
<br /> award or settle a claim for damuges, Borrower fatls to respond to Lender within 34 days aRer the dat�th�notice.is.glvon,
<br /> ��1.A l..ender 1s.authorized to colleet and apply the pror.e�ds.at its uption.either to testarad4n�r repair of the Propecty tlr ta ttie sum� •
<br /> '.._!��."�..:1.r r -
<br /> ,•,��-��.,.�:.,,.�„�, . secured.by tbla Securiry lnstruanent.whether or antthen tiue. �._-
<br /> ,r•�°j; Unless I.ender and Rarrnwer oth�rwise a�rer in wrlting. any applicadon af pmceeds to prindpal.shall aot fxtettd or �,_ry
<br /> W
<br /> � ,�. �,�i� �}�°sl poatponc tho due date of the monthly pa�,nents reierr�•�i to in �aragraphs I end 2 or change.the amount of such paymeats.
<br /> ,;,�'���;:•.
<br /> '�.�`i� ,•.a�•:?:;+,� Il.Boreower Not Aeleased;Forbearaaoe 8y I.ender�Vot a Waiver.Extension of�the time for payment or modiftcadoa
<br /> ,.�;��,i.- ,
<br /> . -���i';�<;�S�i,� ` not operate�to release theliabillty of tyh orlginal Btyo owe or Bor�row�er'sysuecoessore in interest.Lender shell�not be reqntred t�o
<br /> '��� � � •> •. "� cummence proceedtngs against eny successor in interest or refusc to extend ttme for payment or othenvise modify amortizatian _
<br /> _�;`�"���'";:�%'�'�r'= of the sums secured by this Security Instrum�nt by reason of any demand mada by the original Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> ,��;�;y;_,=';;•,;<,,; ; successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lertder in exercising sny r��ht or rcmody shall not be a waiver of or pteclude the
<br /> exercise of nny r�ght or remedy.
<br /> �',��' .. " � 1 ��'. r 12. Succ�sara and Asstgas H�undt Joint and Several UobiBtyi Caslgnens.The cuvenants and ngreements of this
<br /> -• -. •� Secudty Instrument shall bind und benefit the wuccessorx and ussigns af[.ender and Bonower, subJect to tho provisions of
<br /> , ., •
<br /> , pnrasraph 17. florrower s covenunts and agreements ehnil be Joint und �;everal. Any Borrawer who co-aigna thta Security
<br /> ;:;, , Ia-�tntsrn�t!ws �aes nQtexecssse!hs M�: fa? �g!'^-��g���g thiu Security Instrument only to mortgalte. gritnt ond conveY �at
<br /> .Y..��. . _ __
<br /> �' Borrower's interest in che Property under the tern�s c�f this Security instn�mcnt; (b)is not persannlly obliguted to pny tho sums
<br /> �' secured by this Secur�ty Instrumenr and(c)ugres.w that I.endcr iu►d any other 8onower mny agrec to extend. madify,forbear or
<br /> � meke ony uca�mmodations with regard to the terms of this Secudry Instrument or the Note wIthout thut Botrower's consent.
<br /> � 13.Loan Charges.If the loan secnred by this Security Iostrument is sublect to n law which sets maximum loan charge.�,
<br /> ' and that iaw is finally intetpreted so that the jnterest or other loan charges coilected ar to be collected in coanection wtth the
<br /> �, " ' loan exoeed the permUted limits,then: (a)Any such loAn charge shall be reduced by che amount necessary to reduce the cherge -�
<br /> �� • to tho permttted limit; and (b)uny sums already collected from Borcower whlch exceeded permltted Ilmits will be refunded to �__�-
<br /> �� ' ' Borrower. Lender may choose to mnke this refund by reducing the prtncipel owed under the Note or by makIng a diract _
<br /> � ��" payment to Barrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction wU! be tceated us a partial prepayment without any __ _
<br /> •• , prepAyment charge under the Note. `="=�'
<br /> 14.Nottces.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instntment shall be iven b deliverin it or b mailin ��
<br /> � Y S Y � �;�,
<br /> ' � it by first class mail unless applicable law i�equires use of another method. The notice shall be d3rected to the Property Address - _
<br /> � � or eny othcr address Borrower de9ignates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class maIl to �-
<br /> ;;��`;� Lender's addt+ess stated hereln or any other address L.ender desfgnates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this �;;`;,
<br /> ;':.<<, Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or L.ender when given as pmvided in this paragraph. '�"�'�rtr�;:
<br /> ' '��.�'!� 1S.Governfag Law; Severablitty. This Security Instrument shall be �ovemed by federal law and the law of the
<br /> 1��;:�_
<br /> ' judsd{etton in which the Property is locate�. In the event that any provision or clause af thls 5ecurity Instrument or the Nate �:;
<br /> conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shn(1 not af'fect other provisions of this Secudty instrument or the Nate which can be
<br /> � given effect without the conflictin$provision. To this end the provisions of this Security [nstrument and the Note are declat+ed �-`�
<br /> f ' to be severable. �'
<br /> t;?��, �"�, 16.Borrower's Copy.Bonower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Secudty instrument. ��''
<br /> ' " 17.Transfer of the Propetty or a Beneficiel Interest in Borrower. If all or uny part af the Properry or any lnterest in It ;
<br /> , ';:,��•°.. is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Horrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person)without
<br /> L,ender's prior wdtten consent, Lender may. at its aption, requlre Immediate payment in fu�l of all sums secuceci by this
<br /> , ;i �� , Security Instcument. However,this option shull not be exercised by Lender if cxenisc is prohibited by fedcr.il law as of the date �" �
<br /> • of this Security Instn�ment. "
<br /> If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give 8onower notice of acceteration,The notice shall provide a period of not
<br /> less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Bonower must pay nll sums secured by this
<br /> � Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay thesc sums prtor to the expiratton of this period, l.ender may invoke any remedies
<br /> petmitted by this SecurIry Instrument without further notice or demand on Bonower.
<br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Hnrrower meets certain conditions. Borrower shull have the right to have
<br /> , � enforcement of this Security Instrument discoatinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (u) S dnya(or such other period us
<br /> '; applieable 1aw may specify for reinctatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of wie contained �n this
<br /> �. Security lnstrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforesn�this Security Instrument.Those cnnditions are th�t 8ormwer:(a)pays
<br /> I.ender all sums which�hen would be due under this Secudty Instrument and the Note as if no uccelerution had occumd;(b)
<br /> �°�. „ cures any default of uny other covenants or a�recments; (c) pAys all expenses incurr�xl in enforcing this Security Instrument.
<br /> � ' Including.but not limited to,rcasonable attorneys' fees; and tdi takes such actian us Lender may reasonably require to ussure
<br /> �•. that tha lien of this Security Instrument. Lender's rights in the Property and Born�wer'y obli�ution to pay the tiums secured by
<br /> �� this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upnn rcinstutement by Borrower, tl�is Security Instcument und the �
<br /> .�. .t._ �._� �� lf_ �L: ..1.� ..1...1�
<br /> -�-- ODIIg9tiOJIS SCCUfEtI tlei¢Dy stt8tt ICmnin iutty ctiKiivc u�ii iiu u�ccici6��vii uuu �iiCu��w. uvv:C.�T.u..5 i.g��.... ......�...... o...... --
<br /> not apply in the cFUe of acceleration under para�rnph l7.
<br /> ,� ' 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Setwicer. Thc Note or a partiul intercst in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> ° • Instrumont)may be sold one or more times without prtor nottce to Borrower.A sule may result in a changc in the entity(known '
<br /> _ ��4 �, AS 1}1C"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security instrument.The�r nlso m�y be onc
<br /> or more changcs of the Loan Servtcer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be �
<br /> � �` given written notice of the change in accordunce with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The noticc wiU state thh name and ..
<br /> ��� � �:����:� address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be mude. The natice will also cnntain any ather �
<br /> , • '..a,,��._ information required by applicable law.
<br /> ��..:; ' . .. 20. Hezerdous Substences. Borrower shall not cnuse or permit the presence,use,disposal.stora�e, or release of any �
<br /> Hazatdous Substances on or in the Pruperty. Borrowcr shall not dn, nor allow anyone elsc to do, anything affecting the
<br /> . i Proparty thut is in vlol�tion of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences tihall not appty to the presence,use, or t "
<br /> �. storage on the Property of smull quantities of Hazardous Substances that arc generally reco�nized ro be appropriare to normal � � '
<br /> � res i dend a l uses en d to m a intenance o f t he Pmperry.
<br /> . �•
<br /> � Popo 3 ot 4 Form 3048 9�9�
<br /> :t���. . ` .
<br />