:� i� . _-,.
<br /> :.� �-� - - -- -
<br /> ..
<br /> - - ,._ . _ - -
<br /> - , ...._, .__.. � _ _ _ ___
<br /> ��--��- ::_ _ -- --------- - -
<br /> .
<br /> � 1t�.�'ifi`�'2 .
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<br /> �,rir►wer�u�p�r►�ripiry Ri:q t.enacr wrinen n�isa �r any mveKti«�tirci�.4Mlm.damrnd,ixwauit or Uliar�ciianqq �ny..
<br /> puvemmn►►�YI ur re�tutMtcvey�{chxy ar privwc iwr�y Inwdvin��iw Nn�per�y M�al W�y H�vncrkwr,Sub�rKY nr Fi�v imnmrnt�ll.xw =-
<br /> uY whlch 1�»row�r f�u9�toal k��wlc�l�{e. !f t��r��►we��(e�tuw.�ir lw�Nf111�a1 hy uny K��vrnut�nta9��r regulet��ry uulf►,+ri�y, It�r1
<br /> '`-���""`��++� Ally f�fi111Vi1I QY 119IFCP��ci�xQfa�iou uf u�jy 1�►�rardunh Fiif7;t;�nc�,uffi.�tly���ii,L'su�s�►ty li+iucissn►�• {ZilftliW6�r Fh:+U(�r,►utPtly t:��c ---
<br /> -- .tll�1t,�:es�pry tepk*dlal actiunv it�ndcc9rdatx;v tvith k�rwlc��n�txut:d d�:►w,
<br /> AK uKCtl in thia�t�agraph 2Q, "NKrAr�uua tiubstnr�.�x" aro thp�suhstrnres defit►�!ae taxlc ur lia't_atdo:�s tiubstnnccs Ny
<br /> Hnvironmentwl [:aw and the fplluwtng �:ubstr�weati: g�ecifi�b, kamse��o� mher Ii�umnablo or toxlo pettaleum pnxlucts, toxlc
<br /> pesdcides ard herhlri�ics.volatilc solvents.nu�tcri�le cantulning asbescas or f�rmatdcl�yda.c+i�d ra�lpncilvc n�ateri9is.Ae usod in
<br /> this pangr�ph 20, "Envimnmentel iaw" mcans fader�l Ipws+ud lawn af thc Judsdtctlan whera the Property is locxtal�thot
<br /> — _�____— rclate to health.safcty or environmental pmtcction.
<br /> - �---- - - -- —�.
<br /> �t.Aocekr�tloni Remalks.I.ender sh�ll g�re noNa to Borrnvret prtor to aaoel�t'atton tollowl�Burrowet's 6e+eacu —
<br /> _- �� of any covmAnt or agrnMent tn thl� Seaudty Instrument (but apt pdor to�ooeieratiop.upder paua�niph 17 untnse
<br /> "��, applicable IAw pravldea otherwise).The notioe shal!ap�i!yrs (e)thc defautu (b)the acUan�u[red ta cure the defQOtt;
<br /> (c)a dYte.not less than 30 dAys tnam the ditte the not�ce is g[ven to Bareawer.by which tbe default muaZ 1►e cured;and
<br />-•�+ (d) ti�t[�ituro w c�ue tlie detAUlt on or befon the date specifled In the aottco mey result in aae�crnttan of ttie sums
<br /> socured by this �ecudty Insirument and sale of We F�aperty. zhe notice sbaU thrther[nform Bar��'ec ot tbe rlght to
<br /> - rc�sqte��►nxleratiou and the rigpt to bring a court ttdioa to as;ert t4e non�cxist�nae o[a detwult or any otttor —
<br /> •c: detea9e�f'Fxn.n��rer to acceleration and sale.It the defnult ts not cured o�or befotB tde date spedtled in the na4tr.e,
<br /> l.end�r,at yts�!gt3�,emaY reqd�Immefltata�►ayment in tWl of s►11 sums socured by thls Securtty Inshvment wIthont
<br /> further demmn�d�aA m3Tt�lnvoke the power of ssdle and any ofher remedtes parmttted by Applicable IAw.LEnder shatl be
<br />" � ! �ntIt�ed ta calltc�Q�k�.�rnses incureed in p�usvinq tda e+e�aedt�pmvlded ia thls paragraph 21,incl►iding. but aot Itmited
<br /> d,t<<�.- , —
<br /> _ j to,�sA'h!e stttt+nazys Yee9 and oasts of title evtdence.
<br /> ; I�4Qz��-er:m!'�sale ta invoked� Trustee�hall record a aotice ot default in euch county in which sny �rt of the
<br /> '.�tir±� i . � property is iu�sa3 sna sdall mafl copie9 0!sach aattae in the manner pcesceibed by applic�le Iaw W Borrower artd W
<br /> �:!v= • • �he other persons pi�rsras3bed by applicable law.Atter the tlme required by appltrable law,'1'rustee shatl gl�e pubtic aot�ce
<br /> ''�� � � . of sale to the peisons and in the manaer p�+escrtbed by Appllcable law.Trustee, wttbout demand on Borrower,shalt sell
<br /> �,��. ' " � �the Propqrty at public nudion to the highest bidder at the time nnd place and under the tern�s deslgaeted tn the uodce of __
<br /> '�','��ts'r�.:..ti:':' snle�:an�e or�ore paroels and i�a erqy order Trustee detemdnes.Trustee may postpone�ale of all or any parcet of the
<br /> �;• �;cr�j,+,
<br /> ��,j�;}�t d�rnp`�Sb�pubUc announcemea4�a�¢tke time artd place of any prevlously scheduled s�le. I.ender or(tg designee muy
<br /> ,,{:'.::!' purct�a�4fhe Pe�operty at eny sale. =
<br /> ,_� ' Updn recelpt Qt.,�aymeat o6 the pr�ce b1d, Tnastee shall deliver to t4e pw+chaser Tnistee's dee�i aonvey9ag the _
<br /> �:_'�,�.�- Property. The redUSiBa �o the T�vsteP's deed shal! be prima facie eWdenoe of the�ruih af th�statements made therein. ---�
<br /> . ,;_�.ti,. . U B
<br /> �.��,.,,. .__.
<br /> �•��. � �.:' t � Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the followtng ordew(a)to aU costs and expenses of exercising the power of �,.___
<br /> �.+ ti t 1f ., i sale,an�the sale,including the payme�tt of the Trustee a fces.�ctuaUy iaanrred,not to exaeed thej of $50.00 or � ___
<br />�r:', �a �'�"`s� � i ' ot the ri¢�i amount of the note ut the time oP the declaratlon of defautt,and reasonable a�torneys'tees us permitted g�-
<br /> { �,o-�� , P 1� �-
<br /> _ j t�; , h t,���t�•' , b y l g w;(b)t o a l l s u m s-s�c a a e d b y 4 t i l s S e c u r i t v I n s t r u m e n t i a a d i c)a n y e x ce s s to the p eisou or P e r so�l e g n ll y entitled to =
<br /> � j`,��� ,;, �l'�i ��t, r�. + . ,
<br /> � <,"��'�"�';�+�q� �." � 22. Rteconveyanoe. Upon puyment of all sums socured by this Securiry Instcument. Lender ehall request Trustee to �: ._
<br /> � '° 5����` m.conv the Pro and shall surrender this Securit Inauument and all notes evldencin debt secured b this Securi
<br /> •�:t•y;�r:s:csµ.. eY PertY Y B Y �Y �,.�:.:
<br /> { •+•'�•"� Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shall a�acanvey the Property without warcanty and wIthout chargo to the person or persons legally =;_..
<br /> - ' t•f•�:3'x+�., • ,� � °-_
<br /> �;..;��}�.,�':;,{.; � entided to it.Sucb person or persons shall pay any recordadon costs. _ -
<br /> � ,�.,,..,.,ti.�,. 23.Substitute Tntstee.I.ender,ut its option, mny from time to tima c+emavo Trustce tu►d appoint a successor trustee to �,.__
<br /> �. � � "°�'� ��' siny Trustee appointed hereunder by an insuument racorded in the county in which this Se�uri [nstcument is recocded. Without ;�..-
<br /> n
<br /> . �' � rnnveyance of the Property. the suocessor uvstee shall suoceed to all the tltle.power und du �confetred upon Trustee herein �-_
<br /> � .; .�:� sind by ap licable luw. �'
<br /> n p
<br />- ' ' ' 24. Rtquest tor Nodces. Borrower requ�us that copies of the �aticcs of default and s:ite bc ticnt to Borrower's uddress �'�_
<br /> � �'?'�' which is the Property Address. �-
<br /> ��ci 4 23.Itiders to this Security Instrument.If one or more ridcrs are executcd by Bc�rrower und recordod together wlth tMs
<br /> �' Security lnstrument.the covennr►ts aad agreements of each xuch rider shall be incorpor�ted into und shall amemi and Eupplement
<br /> �,, the rnvenants and��reements of this Securtty Instcument as if the rider(s)werc u part af this Secur�ty instrument. I..
<br /> : :� ,• [Check applicnbte box(es)I
<br /> - , �:,•.�'::'�;" Adjustable Rete Rider 0 Condominium Rider �I-4 Fumily Rider :
<br /> �-"`«�'��`��'• �Oraduated Pa ment Rider 0 Plonrtcd Unit Development Rider Biweekly Paymene Rider
<br /> . ,i��•;�•_�•-.:�_ . Y ..
<br /> .t:::_�`:.:..� []Balloon RIder [�Rate[mprovement Rider []Second Horree Rider . 1;
<br /> • `.:r-, �=.� (�V.A.Rider [�Other(s)[specify] g�e Equitq Access LYne Rid�r .
<br /> ;z`-_ �_;=i��.:.��r t
<br /> ,, r �,__ .,.;:: Notice of Default and Sa].e
<br /> �, _
<br /> � ":.rp+•,i.`
<br /> a.fi�;.rtt
<br /> `�..+N�.,�•' .
<br /> z7�:°�__'.�� BY SIONlIVG BBLOW.Borrower accepts and ugrees to tha terms and cavenanis rnntulned in this Security Instn�ment and
<br /> "`•,:•� . • `•'` in any tiderts)executed by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> :,�E;,..•° s.:p;,��
<br /> t�'�.-_.�.���'�:�.' vrmesses: "
<br /> c�.`:�.:.x::.:n� ��.
<br /> �:'�t�?;.�<`,';�s'.�'*,:"z (Seal)
<br /> • . Brian C. $xstrum -�*���T
<br />� �cr,'YSJ�i;.�'1 �
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<br /> --"c, _ ''.'--. :nt.. (SG11) �
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<br /> �Y •it`1�+ . .�/�TT'.�pT'�''.iB�.S�► gS�. COl1Ilty S4:
<br /> ti';'::r....
<br /> . ./iSC.+`llit4i'`.. �.;:i� �{V � • .
<br /> , �4; regotng insttumern�v�s 3cl�nowted before me this 14th d�Y�f June • 1994
<br /> �����j�'�``` •� � by �rian C. 8xstrum and Amq W. Esstrum. husband and �ife as �oint tenants •
<br /> ; =��'.'� �`�" ••'. . Wimess my hand and aotnria!seul iut f3rand Island
<br /> .�, in sai o ,t date aforesaid.
<br /> r• �k��. � � �i�„�_�
<br /> , - : My Commiawiuu ExpIres: US+20-95
<br /> . .+. :;�. �t�. . • , 1Vo�vY
<br /> •'��, � ��iMMiil� ,
<br /> .�,., •�,,,;- �� •
<br /> ��� Ppg,�+4 610 �7�3�� 8��
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